First Impression of Penang - Most Beautiful City in Malaysia? (explore george town)

First Impression of Penang - Most Beautiful City in Malaysia? (explore george town)

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hey what's up everyone welcome back to  my channel this is bianca this is vinnie so we left langkawi and we came to the city i  probably want to mo i want to visit the most in   the whole malaysia it's called pina it's one of  the most historic city in the country and um so   far we've just been walking around here for  like 20 minutes but wow it looks completely   different than any other city in malaysia well  i mean i only wanted to kale and langkawi but   yeah because of the british colonial history right  colon you always have very hard time to pronounce   word so yeah that's why this city is very very  different we have a lot of british influenced   uh big buildings they look really churches  government buildings exactly ports as well   yeah yeah a lot a lot of things are just very  interesting so we're gonna be staying here for   two three days i'm gonna take you guys around  to this area and right now we're walking through   georgetown and our hotel is also here our hotel  is really really pretty can i show you guys   so yeah let's find out what's up in pina  we will people are taking wedding photos so you guys see the buildings today's actually  sunday so it is a little bit quiet not sure why   it seems like a lot of stores kind of  like close but they're actually open   you just have to knock on the door we're just  walking to some side alleys in this george town   and actually reminds me a lot of phuket the  old temple kit but then he says here is more   more like more impressive because in the  old town forget we got tons of very nice   cute buildings but here in georgetown they they  got those buildings but they also have lots of   really massive pretty like huge museum kind of  buildings like this one look how pretty this is   it's probably a tea house or not not sure i think  this is uh some type of chinese temple i would say yeah a lot of stores are closed heritage cafe this is the  cafe it looks pretty cute nice but you don't really yeah you cannot really  see anything from outside maybe because it's   always very sunny very hot so the windows they use  here in penang it's more like you cannot really   see it it's not see-through from outside but when  you go inside you see everything perfectly clear got some wall at looks like even 3d  oh actually i thought it's painting   but it's not oh it's not painting yeah it's cool look at this building we just walked  through this one yeah yeah cute very cute behind me that is the oh this is the  british church in the whole southeast asia   we just come across from this like side door i  thought uh we probably need to pay for something   but it looks like right now they're doing  some renovation maybe repainting the wall   so right now they're just me and danny and there's  only one security guy sitting in the back and   not saying anything about us just walking  around here filming something for ourselves   yeah it is so pretty and so peaceful right now  just to walk around this neighborhood this area   how lucky we are to get this peaceful  sunday amazing amazing choice for you we just arrived by the porch i think it's  somewhere should it be somewhere there   and we're gonna go seriously guys look in this  street i mean implicate there's like one street   with a lot of cute little buildings  like this very colorful but   in georgetown they're like a really big  neighborhood full of those very very cute   buildings different colors we have orange pink we  have blue we have white everything at last at last he was just saying this hotel looks pretty cute   have a very stylish 7 11. let's get some water  subway guys that was everywhere in malaysia oh yes speaking the title all the time ah i know this brand is everywhere  in the street it's a big chain   and also of course durian absolutely i'm not sure  if i'm just like having some mister standing or   that's just the fact i mean 711 is everywhere in  thailand and same product i see here in malaysia   also in thailand the prices are slightly  different in malaysia it's a little bit   more expensive even family mart i see the  coffee is more expensive than in thailand   yeah maybe maybe or i'm just having some  eastern standing here some of this kiwi drink so good really taste the kiwi it's  so good it's like a real drink wow guys is this the white  house in pina this is so pretty   what building is this i don't see the name do you  know what building this is i think city hall city   hall we have the town hall right here oh this  look absolutely so beautiful so much details   nice we got the town hall to the left city hall to  the right exactly this is the town hall tahoe is   a little bit smaller and the asshole's with  you at all times what did you say nothing did you get it you said the  [ __ ] is with me the whole time   yeah that's me so we arrived by the  water got a food truck some bbq some tea yeah it looks like uh people like  to people like to hang around   by the water here in pinna i mean the city you  don't really see anyone but it's really peaceful   just to walk around and then you come to the  sea and everybody just waiting for the sunset we've got a great shot super great okay  we're back to our hotel check this out   this is probably the biggest building in  the whole area that we have been walked   through maybe there's someone bigger but  the name is called the can you pronounce it   prestige prestige okay i think our room is  somewhere over there let me take you guys inside back to our room let me give you guys a room tour  and we're actually staying in a standard room but   as you can see it's very like spacious and the  hotel is quite new so everything you see is very   very new and clean this is the bathroom and the  interesting thing is so here we go our toothbrush   our shipping kit and whatever but this  shape you can tell that's the hotel   actually and this is the entrance and  i think we are staying somewhere here   so pretty i actually already used  the stuff inside but i don't want to   destroy it because i think it looks really  really pretty so just keep the way it is seriously guys look at everything so  pretty and this is the shower area so if you want to take a shower you actually have  to close the curtain but the funny thing i find   is the one who is not sharing actually  have the control of the curtains so you   know what i'm saying and the bathroom is  completely separate so you open this door   and it's inside of this little room so when  you're doing your business you have full   you know privacy okay let's come into the bedroom  so very comfy bed i think it's a king size   and obviously we have two lamp on  the side very cozy so this is the uh   kind of like closet area even a lot of space  so you can storage all of your clothing   and this is the refrigerator and here we have  coffee pots they have their own brand the prestige   hotel this is kind of like our working area oh  we're just checking they also give us this pot   of wine but we have been drinking a little bit too  much for the past few days so we're gonna hold on   on this one yeah still too much yeah i had  two glasses can you believe that two glasses in the weekends the hotel actually provides  dinner buffet which is actually my first time   experience a dinner buffet except breakfast  in the hotel which we really like it because   uh buffet you can choose whatever you want  and also the amount of best of both worlds   and you can order you can order the main course  and it's only five choices so you don't have the   brain frying that you're always getting exactly  i i cannot operate with menus it's so much choice   so we have five choices for main course and  the rest you just knock yourself out perfect guys i have to be honest with you one thing i  don't like being kale is because our apartment   doesn't have a kitchen and after two years of  travel i completely changed my lifestyle before   before i started travel i basically never  cook at home i always order food to take   out and you know or just go to a restaurant  but after we start to travel i really just   like cook for myself because i know exactly what  i want and i always get the same satisfaction by   cooking my own meal uh but whenever  we come to stay in hotel and buffet   kind of like give me the you know like because  it's just like tons of choice and it just like   yeah make it so much easier for you so let's  check what do they have so let's start from   here i'm not sure what is this actually i  think it's probably him and we got some pizza   oh they also got ice cream as well and then hi  then we have some desserts fruits more cakes   and over here you can make  your own salad different sauce well i wonder what is this  that looks very delicious and some fries and then we got some more veggies   and this is broccoli looks very very good  for i think this should be oh soup okay so in the morning we're gonna come  back here to have our breakfast   and for now we also have a menu that we can choose   our main course so let's see what we're going  to have for the main course lobster spaghetti sounds pretty good actually slippery lobster with  spaghetti and chunky tomato sauce bakes i'm very   unsure i think we have to like always negotiate  a little bit you know you take this i think that   we share a little bit here and there yeah try  as much as we can well the braised tenderloin   sounds really good the smoked duck uglio polio  i'm sure you don't call it uglio so my main dish   is here i got this japanese style roasted chicken  and then with some fried rice it looks so tasty good morning guys this is the  second morning we just came down for   the breakfast we always like to come  the last minute but we still got tons   of very nice food i got some salads noodles  uh coffee of course i have to start the day   with coffee absolutely and also today just  to fit the you know the occasion i put the   hat on which is like very unusual for me  because now i probably just dress more   casual now but it feels right it's just like this  here i think after the breakfast we're probably   gonna go again to explore the city a little bit  more and maybe even to try out some local food okay we just walked into a very i think  it's like residential area in pina all the   buildings i'm seeing here it probably has been  here very long time but it is very very alive   i think a lot of locals are living  in this area lots of restaurants   cafes yeah wow this is actually pretty  cool reminds me a little bit of bangkok i think traveling to malaysia is a very  interesting thing because it really combines   the modern parts let's say kl the area we're  living extremely extremely futuristic but only   a few hours drive away from the most one of  the most futuristic city in the world and   you come to this town has lots of old  buildings which you really really feel   the culture and how it's like maybe 50 or even  100 years ago and this deal living the same way   buildings are still the same they  repented like over and over again wow check this out   that is so cool we have live sports live music  cocktail lunch breakfast coffee everything   look how pretty this is so we just passed by this  hotel called yin king hotel in chinese it's called wow look in this beautiful beautiful hotel   i'm quite glad behind our hotel  yeah what not for the video honestly i feel a little bit pissed off right now  that i would only have two days in pina because we   walked around and i just feel like we haven't seen  anything in penang yet first of all the weather   is not that great as you can see yesterday was a  little bit sunny and the second is we only walked   to this area the last day and there's just so  many nice cafes and buildings it's so photogenic   and i'm just like i want to explore every  single store but yeah guys if you come to pina   definitely check out this area it's so nice if  this is a hotel yeah see you again wow oh my god   guys look at this hotel so pretty we got  a dragon here right over this fancy hotel   we got wardolf right here well not exactly  the same ward off but it's called wardoff it's raining a little bit so we're also hungry  that's why we decided to have something for the   dinner and we accidentally bumped into the little  india sitting in the restaurant having some food   it's a very simple indian restaurant and i just  ordered some rice with some beans eggplant egg   eggplant is always my favorite then we have some  tomato um potato then you have a ratty right but also so much i think this is  the biggest sauce i have ever seen   i think it's kind of like you know like you  would be dieting and you're very low calorie   gives you the feeling of  having a huge meal exactly nice like beans good it's like a chip that was so spicy  as you can see the food is really good   hi everyone thank you so much for watching  this video if you're new here my name is bianca   and a little bit over two years ago i wanted to  bali indonesia for a wake trip from my home china   and then the whole pandemic thing went more  and more serious so it was very hard for me   to get a ticket to fly back home in the beginning  was very very frustrating i spent a lot of time   energy trying to figure out a way to go back  home to go back to my job to be with family   after months and months of trying i decided to see  it in another perspective to grab this opportunity   to start a new life so my boyfriend danny he  actually encouraged and also supported me a lot   to have this youtube channel which  is biancaji that's why i get to start   to share everything on this journey on this  channel a little bit like over a year ago and   now i'm trying to make it as my full-time job um  have been working on it every single day a lot   a lot of time resources energy on this  channel so i'm really grateful for whoever   has supported me on this channel with your  help we are finally reaching 250k very soon   so my goal is to reach to 100k by the end  of the year so if you like my channel like   my accountant or you just want to support this  little girl there's a subscribe button over there   just click on it and i just started my patreon  over there i'll share more behind-the-scenes   travel tips travel guides over there you can ask  me anything about travel so i will link my patreon   somewhere here just click over there hope you  have a good day and i'll see you very soon bye

2022-08-23 16:38

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