Finally we went home!!!

Finally we went home!!!

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hi guys this is my first video in english [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we are on the way to hungary just i forgot my imp card so i had to come back the children are already in the car and balance also and now it's around half past seven and it's it's already so hot so i don't know what how i will survive the hot weather in hungary and i just don't find my card but um i have the one which is in my the app which is in my phone just in case if we need it but it actually asked if i packed the masks and i told him no because in hungary we don't need musk even in the shops so it will be a little bit free up to be in hungary without musk and um with family and so on i don't know if it's enough if i have the app so um i promised my friends here that i make a vlog in english so this is my first english video and most probably the last one as well so we are on the way and it will be seven hours of course we have to stop at least once in a gas station here in germany or in austria i don't know and we have to stop in hungary in a gas station to buy a vignette for the autobahn so not out of an highway okay um in germany we don't need that but in austria and in hungary we need so it for austria valiant already bought it yesterday because we can buy it here and it's for 10 days in hungary i'm not sure what kind of opportunity we have but we will see the children are fine they woke up really easily i think and now it's 8 o'clock so i think we will be at home around four four ish because my father and my brother doesn't live exactly in budapest it's in the agglomeration area so we have to we have to walk a little bit more dory just told me that i shouldn't talk so i stopped [Music] yeah the other side [Music] is okay it was nothing but the other side is oh oh oh it's huge line there we are so happy yeah dory is happy because of the [ __ ] and we lived in this area in budapest before and our flat is in the street so like somewhere there [Music] thank you [Music] so we almost there my father and brother lives close to the homegrowing actually it's there i don't know i think it's there there is a aqua park there so it was eight hours the children when with the children everything went very well i think they were really patient they didn't cry much they didn't shout much we stopped twice and once we went to the toilet with them so i think it went well and yeah there is the aqua park and now we will meet with my brother and mother and take rest for the rest of the day so bye [Music] i'm in a shop without a mud [Music] this is the famous turo rudy [Music] so this is ocean which is a french brand we don't have it in germany we have here in hungary and i think we like it it's quite good it's very big it's like testco in the uk so is this huge it's very very huge [Music] [Music] good morning it's seven o'clock sunday and marin goes with the kids to his parents today until tuesday and i will be with my father and my brother actually tomorrow i will go to budapest so i will not be here and tuesday i will be here so it's not that much days actually and today i will spend the day with my brother so it's the first time um i'm more than like three and four hours away from my kids and especially for some days so i'm really excited and actually i was waiting for this so now i give them some food and breakfast and they believe so it's eight o'clock and the kids and balin just left and i took out uh to the garden my breakfast and i took some books and my headphone and um i'm just sitting here and thinking what to do it's so silent so silence so i don't know if i should just eat or read or eat and listening some podcasts or listening some course i downloaded it's so weird that i have a lot of time and i have to choose what to do or maybe i just lay down there i i felt a little bit sad for a minute and now i i try to figure it out what to do today i'm i will go up to the attic because i'm looking for some toys yeah my father has a dog and then i don't know what i'm going to do we are waiting for my father so we will have a car and most probably we go out with my brother so that's the plan so silence here oh it's so good okay not just because my kids are not here but obviously because of that but then that is just so silent silence it's a sunday morning yeah you can hear the suburban train maybe it's close here but otherwise it's very nice here oh someone want to steal my breakfast after it's salmon it's that it's all of this took from germany because we had some food left and i just made my breakfast and now i realize that it's all from home i didn't pick any hungarian stuff and there's a and the kids had fun there yesterday and we will make some food here maybe saturday okay but we will not burn them hey okay so let's have breakfast hat it's warm here if you want to have a sauna just come here okay so i didn't find what i was looking for but i don't know if you can see but i have to take a shower after this yeah actually now it's around 30 34 degrees in these days so you can imagine it up here here it's literally a sauna so i'm sitting here from 10 minutes at least some air comes the 30 degrees comes and it feels good so i should go there but i don't know how to do that seriously i'm i'm gonna fall down or this way maybe or but oh it's so difficult so what have you got i don't know i don't know how should how should i do this or maybe i should take this away and then go okay let's see so i decided not risk my life i'm after my morning spa and i i going to show you what i found this one's these are actually posters from magazines like popcorn bravo and spice girls who was my favorite band that time and i have no idea why we kept those but i'm going to throw them away we should throw more away especially when i was now upstairs there are a lot of stuff never no one ever will use those so okay now i'm making a video of these so i can look at them back and look i made like cut the articles and put it glue it to a paper and it's all and it's yeah it's full with spice girls yeah spice girls was my favorite brand yeah and also i like britney spears so i have some pages from business peers as well yeah and now i'm going to watch some videos drinking my coffee and read waiting for my brother actually now it's half past 10 already so i hope soon my father will come home and we can go to the lake okay so my brother drinks some wine meat with mineral water yes and ice cubes and it's big it's one liter oh okay um it's a bit dirty no it's cold hi can i taste your wine actually it's already 34 degree so this will be my lunch it's a hungarian food named lecho it's like the french ratatouille only that here we can find onion tomato and hungarian sweet paprika and some sausage it's made by my gary who made this nacho it's made made by my brother it was in the freezer so now it's just for me i took out i will eat this oh yeah so it made outside i'm so hungry so this will be my lunch and after in the afternoon we go to the beach [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm going to visit a friend now and help with her kids because she has to go somewhere so i'll be the kids i hopefully i hope they will not wake up she told me that they will not wake up until nine so i should buy a coffee and something to eat yeah it's really loud and after that i will see what i'm going to do maybe i will go into the city a little bit walking and i have to find a shop but i really don't know because i'm very tired so i might go home with my father he he finished work by one or half past one so i will see [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's half past 11 and i'm going to take that drum and go like a circle or something it's a circleman here where i'm being a lot when i was in the college and this tram is ghost in kerout so it's very nice i look around a little bit [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i came down this is the academy and i wanted to go down to the tunnel a little bit that is the chain bridge there and the castle there yeah it's the best part of budapest i think actually the city a little bit closed or started to be closed down because 20th of august it's a national holiday and there will be fireworks um in in the dune door now they start to fire it from the dono um some parts i'm not sure we are coming and i we didn't plan to come but we will see it's visible in most of the big buildings oh look at this look at this it's wonderful it's wonderful so i think i'm going to walk down here until kosciutla there's the metro and i go home with my father i'm just going to call him [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi guys it's already wednesday morning and um what was yesterday i don't remember we were at home and now uh we are going to be at home and we will have visitors friends family will come over and we will be here mostly and um we will go to my mother's place on friday and saturday we will have a little party like barbecue party here so i'm not going to be uh making videos so far on these days maybe from saturday a little bit and to say goodbye because from now i i would enjoy the time with um with relatives with friends with the family maybe on friday when the children will be in with my mother we might go somewhere i don't know in the city or maybe i'm going to to swim somewhere i don't know the weather yesterday was a bit cold i mean it was around 20 so it was very good and today also it's 23 so we are not going to the beach maybe on friday we will see and and that's all i just wanted to to come a little bit and catch up with you um so yes that will be the week and in case i'm not coming back to say goodbye or maybe i will make a little shortcut with videos and some music from the next days yeah i think i'm going to do that so thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed my first english video it was a bit weird but yeah but it was a nice experience it's my first and last english video i guess or in case if you ask me to do more english content i can but but still the the channel is in hungarian so thank you for watching um please subscribe and enjoy your day thank you bye [Music] you

2021-08-26 20:50

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