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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] when you play a pantera riff in the start of the video you set the tone of the video and you know it's just gonna be a great time welcome to faq 156 everyone welcome are you having a good day awesome it's early morning for me but that's okay we're here to answer some questions and uh the faq is where i answer your questions that you shove at me for the comment sections and uh you know some of them are frequent some of them are not frequent but let's just go first question jonathan ross i love how someone unsubscribed to ola because he's making too many dimebag videos and he responds by making two of the last three videos about dimebag do you remember earlier in this faq like 30 seconds ago i said that when you start a video with dimebag and pantera rifts you know it's going to be a great video how about me just making the videos that i want and play the rift that i like and uh you know if you don't like it see ya you know let's just play some more pantera just because of you know that guy [Applause] [Music] yeah stefan nordstrom for the next faq with all the stuff that you're constantly doing online and with your music are you ever able to completely turn it off and relax it's a big problem for me since my freelance work and music promotion is online as soon as i turn on facebook or instagram to talk to pals i'm thrown right back into the promotion wheel so to speak great question actually and yes i do understand exactly what he's talking about when you're you're you know the promotion wheel i mean i've been part of the promotion wheel for so many years right now i mean that's that's how you grow your channel right i mean you have a video you promote it on instagram facebook or whatever to grow a bigger audience and this is something i've been doing for the past 10 years man and uh yes i definitely have a problem to completely shut it off because i mean i'm on my phone every day and i see social media every day it's not easy to turn it off it's out there every day but with that said i don't know if you follow me on facebook and whatnot but uh as of the past like one two years i haven't paid that much attention to social medias like facebook uh at all to be honest i'm not putting any of my private [ __ ] on there or you know before i would probably you know post my thoughts and feelings about things now i don't because facebook is a [ __ ] [ __ ] fest basically i mean facebook is good to keep up with your friends but as soon as you see your friends opinions and stupid comments you only get disappointed so i just stay off that side of facebook and the only thing i do at facebook now is just you know being on my artist page and even at that point i'm just not doing as much anymore when i post a video sure i'll post a link on the facebook and instagram uh that's it basically so i've already sort of you know shut off the social media side of things a little bit i mean youtube is my platform that's where i post my [ __ ] and my stuff and uh facebook and instagram is just a small mirror of what i do on youtube basically so yeah i completely understand what you're saying though i mean if you're an up and coming band or up and coming youtuber or social media guy or whatever you want to do i mean that's the way to go forward just to be everywhere man that's how you get a new audience today i mean obviously the music and the content has to be great too but it absolutely helps if you know how to use social media just saying but even so that i'm not using facebook and instagram that much anymore i mean it's it's part of what i do every day it's part of my job so yeah i can't completely shut it off but i do have plans now for this summer to maybe take a little bit of vacation as in you know not create any type of content for a month or so and uh i'm planning ahead for this i think i deserve a month of not posting anything you know yes great alejandro cesneros for the next faq hi ola could you show us your tattoos thanks by the way i'll receive tomorrow my new and and first solar guitar uh why did you cross over first there does it doesn't mean that it's not the first uh a 1.6 line one i'm really excited about it grains from germany that's awesome i can show my tattoos i've done this so many times now i don't know but i have a i have so many new tattoos but yeah as you might have seen uh the past year i've gone and tattooed myself on the arm that was basically blank i thought it was a good opportunity because you know i don't know why it was a good opportunity maybe it's because i'm 40. you know it's mid-life crisis and i have to try and stay cool so i go and tattoo myself maybe that's it anyways here uh it's uh i don't know which camera is good let's just do this one so this arm right here let me take off my beautiful apple watch i love so much siri awesome come here siri [ __ ] me talk to me siri come to pistela and quarterback what siri am i cool okay siri yeah completely useless holy [ __ ] okay anyways uh so this arm that i've been doing right now is made by mr dist who is an incredible uh tattoo and artist in urabu so that's where i've been for the past year he's basically making a sleeve and uh you know when we talked about okay what do you want to do like what do you have anything you know you know life memory that you need to go and you know tattoo on yourself something that that means something for you because that's what tattoos are right it's like usually something that happened in your life something you you're proud about and stuff like that and i'm like no i want skulls and [ __ ] so there it is it's basically skulls and [ __ ] and uh yeah there's a there's a guy here like a egyptian guy i like egyptian themed stuff you know and uh that's kind of like a faro right there this is the feared logo can you see that you like feared this is a pastor that's kind of he's dead i guess because he's uh basically just a skull you know skulls are cool that's what i heard and uh yeah and on the other side there's a bunch of teeth because i mean teeth are kind of cool too you know teeth are part of the skull that's why we figured and then on this side uh it's basically a bunch of [ __ ] that i already showed in in another video so there you go those are my tattoos i don't have tattoos anywhere else other than on my arms and uh we'll just see what happens if this mid-life crisis is going further and continues on maybe i'll get more tattoos okay great thank you max this guy has a million dollars already wow what is the background of this statement i wonder i'm thinking maybe this guy has gone to google you know in google you know let's just google my name i think this is where he might he might have seen my old language google network which is uh it's it's it's so accurate i think okay so when you search for old england it says swedish musician net worth how tall is old england washburn all england height wife star singer okay makes sense net worth let's go so how much is all language worth at the age of 39 years old olling's income sources mostly from being as successful from being a successful everyone okay he is from sweden net worth in 2020 1 million to 5 million dollars cars not available okay source of inc man there it is holy [ __ ] libra yeah that's that's right i'm a libra he is a member of famous with the age 39 years old group the english is so legit that i know for a fact that this is a website you can trust okay ola england height and weight measurement why why isn't this available who is owling his wife wife who is england okay net worth okay salary in 2019 under review [ __ ] so someone is reviewing what i'm making uh that is [ __ ] creepy as hell but net worth in 2020 1 million to five million dollars where do i see this money that's what i wonder ol england has also viewed shokuk oh sorry is this a celebrity it's a very unfortunate name if you're a swede just saying this this means uh dick right there the last name uh south korean liberal uh politician maybe i should uh head out of that i don't want to talk about politics okay okay people let's check what else is there about old england on google does ola england own solar guitars he has also been part of score point facing depth subside and sorcerer that's a great answer to if i'm the owner of solar guitars because i've also been part of scarpoint facing deaf and subside at one point that's great who founded solar guitars ol england learned guitar wizard of youtube and the hot that feared fame has announced his company solar guitars oh well that's correct our solar guitar is good the build where do these come from the build quality is flawless this is a very well put together guitar oh [ __ ] i'm selling this right i'm selling myself right now okay let's skip what happens if i click only my wife oh [ __ ] oh there's pictures i mean it's good to be able to google yourself because you know sometimes you forget about all these great things uh that i that i'm a band member about the gates for instance i mean all of this is it's just so accurate and true occupation musician songwriter rick rips a youtuber dj and guitarist yeah i mean there you go that's that's what i do for a living for a suite it's you know very taboo to talk about money and uh stuff like that it's it's not a very swedish thing to do it's because of a thing called yante logan that we have in sweden where basically it's a very culture thing where you're you're raised up to believe that you're not anyone special cyril hey ola question for your next faq your upstrokes are absolutely incredible [ __ ] okay thank you they sound just as heavy as your downstrokes what is your secret by the way your positive attitude is so refreshing and inspiring as your guitar playing i wish i had discovered your channel earlier well that's a very nice thing to say thank you so much there zero i don't think my upstrokes are anything in particular but i do think that in the way that i pick you know with this weird back [Music] i do get sort of similar sounding upstrokes they're very similar sounding to my downstrokes so you might not hear as much that i'm doing you know down picking versus alternate picking so so if i go down picking switch to open a pick there is a difference maybe not as much of a difference as with guitar players that hold the pick like this but what the f do i know i can only speak for myself and uh obviously the upstrokes are going to sound different because you're hitting the the the higher string before [Music] yeah i mean there's a lot of attention to doing downstrokes only you know and how cool that is but i mean upstrokes are as equally important in my opinion i mean cover some hell man let's talk kyle somehow [Music] those are upstrokes like that oh [ __ ] so i mean upstrokes do have some sort of flavor to it that is uh that often gets lost uh but downstrokes are obviously the most manliest thing ever on guitar playing and for guitar players okay okay fine i'm not even sure i answered a question but thank you verna very narca subnautica newness noon yes [ __ ] how do you avoid getting sick while on tour with so much frequent flying and meeting lots of different people okay it's very easy right now because there's not a lot of touring so this past year i i've never been as healthy as this past year i haven't really been sick i have like a small little you know shitty cold and that's okay but usually every year i get some kind of like really uh rough illness or sickness or something like that but yeah the thing about touring is that most of the time you just keep to yourself you know don't touch that many objects and even before corona i was really reluctant of shaking people's hands i've always been like you know let's just fist pump or you know elbow bump or whatever so uh i just try not taking people's hands because you never know what people's hands have been you know they grabbed their crotches and they're like here we go here's my little limp limp fish for you right here and uh so i just you know just don't don't engage with people i mean on stage you're sort of like socially distancing yourself to your band mates you don't have to touch them so that's okay a little trick that i have is that i always keep wet wipes with me and uh you know you can use wet wipes to kind of do a a quick shower after a gig if there's no showers available for instance or you're on the bus or whatever you want to kind of freshen up take a couple of wet wipes and wipe yourself off actually it's not a it's not a bad tip uh but also you're freaking out you know alcohol you know bacteria killing drinking alcohol or whatever just i don't know i don't have any good tips that those are my tips oil hello do you sometimes recognize names that follow you since your beginnings or is it really hard to keep up with your exponential and well-deserved growth that's a great question and yes i do recognize a lot of the names that have been following me for you know since the beginning basically but it's getting harder and harder for those guys to uh kind of have their comments up because there's a lot of new people now that are commenting obviously but when i do scroll through the comments i can see a name like yeah it's cool man i see that guy he's still on there like uh yeah that makes me incredibly happy it's it's it's just a really nice sight to see an old supporting name because obviously i mean i'm a content creator and as i've been doing this for 10 years a lot of things can happen in 10 years and you know people can stop liking me or you know just don't enjoy the the stuff that i do anymore and that's fine but so it's really cool to see when people have stuck with you for a long time and uh it warms my heart more than more than anything actually so so yes scott mannell question for your next faq as far as your dime rack here goes are you still collecting the gear i remember you had a blackface mxr 2pq force and the whammy pedal is your plan to complete a dime rig i think i speak for a lot of us when i say we'd love to know keep up the excellent work and i can't wait to get the new record thank you so much uh i do have a bunch let me see if i you know i'm not doing you know a specific dimebag uh rig to say but i do have the stuff that is required for a dimebag rig so let me show you i'm i'm switch the angle right here let's see right there is the xfx i'm using right now for the tone and below here i have two pq4s and the mxr chorus right there and uh i just keep them there uh i think that i've gotten better results with using other pieces of gear if you understand what i'm saying uh like these old units are great and you know it's a great way to get uh pantera dimebag chugging going but you know i've been experimenting a lot with other pedals and i've gotten closer in my opinion uh with with simpler means i would say that other than using you know an mxr eq and and a pq i can sort of get the same result with some of the newer overdrives that are out there so uh yeah but sometimes i'll whip it up you know with the rg 100 or the century head that i have and you know make it sound cool because it like the dimebag sound is really [ __ ] kick-ass uh one of my favorite tones obviously and it's just fun sometimes just sitting around and play with that type of sound i mean that's dimebag's tone right there if another band would use that tone it just wouldn't sound right it's pantera's tone it's time back tone and even does it even if it doesn't fit me and what i do it just man it's just so much fun it's such a great tone and i love it jules question for next feq any tips on improving rhythm playing i'm reaching an intermediate-ish skill level but i'm mostly self-taught but most online courses seem to focus heavily on lead a melodic concept which is fine but i really want to improve rhythmically working on the rift challenge confidence keep it up oh that's great just like when you're practicing leads you also have to practice rhythm and just as with practicing leads it's also very important to practice slow with rhythm so it doesn't hurt to practice with a metronome man let me put can i put on the metronome oh [ __ ] that's fast so [Music] just try and make it as even as you can when you do now i'm just talking alternate picking in general but even for rhythm like just written playing i was not ready for this temple it's 2 20 right now anyways like one thing you can do is just practice together with your favorite songs and try to get you know everything as even as you can if there's a possibility for you to slow down a metal track you know if you have like metallica master puppets album whatever and you just slow down that album and play together with it and try and make you know as even as possible you know play as even as you can i mean it's called rhythm for a reason you're supposed to get a good and nice rhythm going if you're sloppy about that it just won't sound good so i think it's very important to practice with a metronome or if you can slow down your favorite songs or whatever hope that helped is it just me or are so many people in the metal community very elitist i would like to hear an opinion on this well it might seem so and here i am drinking through my coffee cup making it seem like i'm so professional knowing exactly what to say and uh you know you know with my faqs and my son or with all us i don't prepare anything basically because it's it's part of what i think is important in a video it's just you know the casualness and uh i hope you appreciate that just saying i'm gonna drink now no but it might seem like there's a lot of uh stuck up people in the mail community but i think this is a problem for all communities or life in general there's just a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] out there or a lot of uh people that are probably in a bad state where they they need to rack down on [ __ ] to you know to to uh i don't know justify themselves or something i mean there's just a lot of opinions in the world out there man i mean we're seeing it because we are in the metal community but i bet you that if you go to another community like the rap community it's probably worse if you go to uh whatever like slam it's probably pretty shitty as well it's still a metal though but if you go to the flute community they're probably gonna be some [ __ ] [ __ ] in there i'm just saying just acknowledge the fact that yes there are [ __ ] in this world we just have to learn how to deal with them and uh thank you andrew page it is predictable that every video will cover dimebag we get it you like pantera i'm gonna be leaving this channel since it's just a dream theater pantera jerk session [Applause] [Music] by andrew page what what happened i engaged the click track just saying so there you go that was faq 156 for you right there i hope you enjoyed it also guys try and stay positive in these weird times i'm trying my best and uh if you like this video maybe consider liking and subscribing and maybe i'll see you next time how about that thank you [Music]

2021-05-07 23:41

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