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smoked salmon Hi guys, I'm at the airport with my family and we're just waiting for boarding, can you see the sunrise? It is so nice. We left home at like 4AM, 3:45AM ish and it's now about almost 6AM so yeah, so excited. I hope you enjoy this vlog.

Hi guys, so I'm just checking in again. So, we've arrived in Faro and we're gonna have lunch. It's super hot, but like not too hot, it's like comfortably hot but the thing I'm wearing is a bit warm because I'm always cold on the airplane but yeah, i'm happy to be here.

Tired, very tired but we'll rest this evening and now we're just waiting for lunch, to eat something. Wagwan? We outcheaaa - Are you alright? Our food is here! So I ordered shakshuka. My mom just a salad and my brother like a toast, smoked salmon toast. Yummy! Bon appétit! So, we finished eating and we're just walking around and discovering a bit of the center. Look, palm trees! That's what i'm talking about. Hi guys so we've just woken up.

I haven't showed you but we met up with Aimée yesterday, she came. And yeah, just woke up and we're getting ready. We're gonna shower, start our day and then plan all the activities. And I'll also do like an apartment tour, because it's really nice.

I didn't do it yesterday. I didn't film as much because I was also tired. And my energy was quite low so I didn't want to bother you with it. So, yeah excited for this day. Stay tuned!

We're here at Lidl. We're gonna get something to eat and stuff because actually, I realised that the prices here are quite the same as in Belgium. It is not really like as cheap as I thought it would be. It's quite different than Lisbon. We're gonna go to the beach, so I thought I'd cut some fruits to bring with us. You're like in between the plants so you'll probably just see me.

I need a tan! Can you see how pale I look? This is what quarantine does to you. Watermelon. *In Dutch* Are you vlogging? - Yes. I'm too black for the camera. *Anecdote* When she started doing my hair, I had a heart attack and was like 'No, no, I'll stick to this style' Do you get me? *Inaudible* - Yes. Because you really sent me the same hair design. *Inaudible* I think for pictures it's the best place.

*amazed* Wow. Look at this. It's unreal. Look at those people in that small boat. *laughs* Wow, that's really stunning. *in Swahili* Ee! My God e! Khadidja!! Guys, can you see the sea? It's just this line here.

Hi guys. So, it's day three and I'm having breakfast this morning. I just made some muesli, yoghurt and I've already put the fruits in. Watermelon, strawberries and mango. And a bit of honey. That's it. I've already like stirred it, so it doesn't look appealing anymore.

But that's what I eat in the morning. And I have this symposium like, a kind of conference that my research group is having, so I'll have to join in for that. Guys, we're in Tavira now and we're just going to visit the little town. It looks so cute, really cute. There's more people here than in Albufeira.

It's a bit more lively. *In Dutch* I'm sorry, what is this? - She doesn't like it. This is just a miserable bridge! *laughs* If you have a crisis in a country...*inaudible* You really cannot pretend this bridge is beautiful! Come on..the white bridge looks alright, no? Stop! Lies! All lies! Tell it to your viewers, tell them the truth! Mum, come grab the fishies! - Are there fish? Ew! Where are they? - Hey! Fishies! I will grab these and cook them, then? There's fish here. Maybe, on the other side of the bridge it's nicer.

So, we're a bit disappointed because it's not really what we expected. But i think it's fine. It's still fine but Aimée says it's like really not 'it'. But, it's cute. -How? I like the houses. So, our apartment is in Albufeira.

Today we're in Tavira. Look how close it is to Spain. My mum wants to go to Spain, but we're just like...let's just stay here in Portugal..whatever..but, we're a bit disappointed... So maybe we'll visit Spain.

But where is this? In Spain? I have no idea. *In French* We're coming from here. Albufeira. - Yes, and we're here now. Where is Spain? - Spain is here, but I don't even know where in Spain. Ah Sevilla is here. Still a while...It's far, isn't it?

- 20 km? I think, it has something. *Inaudible* *laughs* It has something, some character. But it's not like, you know, I'm not amazed... ...but it's cute. Look there's like some benches with some graffiti. -And an apple there.

*Laugh* Look, you can hang a lock with your lover. *in French* It's a large boat, look. - Does he have life vests? *Laugh* - I think we need to get on it from there. I was already thinking, how do we get on there? Eh, my Lord! - But why are you scared? Amar! It's this. - Yes? You can wait for us here, you know? Mom, are you okay? *All laugh* - Aie, aie, aie. *concerned* It's beautiful.

Would you live there? - Where? There. Yeah, hello?! We just had a crazy boat trip. - Yes, my mum was so scared, but we made it. Right.

We made it, Joe! We made it! - Joe? Who's Joe? - Joe Biden. *Laugh* Oh, my God! Girl bye! Sanitiser. Very important, in these times. Even if we travel. You know what? With covid, there's actually no one, nowhere. I would say it's positive but then, I'm just like... I ​need more people to make it more vibrant and fun.

But it's fine. We have each other. Let's make the best out of it. See, there's literally no one. Look at those kids! This is the outfit i'm wearing. It's Ivy Park today. Here on this hike with the family. It's the first time like my mom does this and she's a bit like...

Skeptical...But we're gonna make it mom. Are we gonna finish? - Yeah, yes, yes, yes! *Laugh* Okay, great! How's it going, mom? - Okay *Laugh* *In French* Everything is fine! Everything is fine! - Everything fine? You can speak in French if you want. - I'll speak in Swahili. I speak Swahili. We're here on top of the hill and everything is okay. Good, good. - God is with us. I'm more...this is more my type of activities like...Beach is fine for like one day or two days.

But I like activities, I like hiking. I like going on boat trips, just like certain excursions. So, this really excites me. Hiking, looking at the nature.

So yeah, this is me. It's fun, my mom is doing great actually. We're just walking slowly, slowly but we're gonna make it to the top. I think we're almost there actually, but yeah...This is us. This is my mom.

My brother is all the way up there already. *In French* Apparently, it's Moroccans or Berbers that were here. Oh, and they made this? Built this? - Yes. This was an old church. This is where we came from. Now we're going down. What is this? *French* What was this in the past? - I think it was probably a small castle...

It's a prison. Yo! *Mum humming Christian song* We can eat here, can’t we? - No, no, no, no. *in French* You can move along.

*In Swahili* Isn't it beautiful? *in French* It reminds you of (your childhood), doesn't it? My mom is terrified, guys... *In French* Paths like this? - We did this (as children), why do you think we didn't? It's leisure. - We did this. She's terrified guys.

Ah, there's water here. Wow, this reminds me a bit of... the Philippines, actually. Would they have Sephora here? So today we're going to make a boat trip to this cave. Benagil cave. *The guide explaining where we can find the boat and meet her colleague* - Thank you. Ok, bye. So yeah, let's go! It was about €27 per person, for three hours.

Thanks. With my colleague. - There? Okay. *Instructions* - Ok great. Thank you, bye. So, we're getting on a catamaran.

*Screams* It's cold! *Screams* - Khadidja! *In French* Hold on to the buoy! Don't worry, Mama. Now, I caught a fish! A big tuna! Still alive, still alive. Wow! Fishies! Look, baby Bacalhau (cod fish)! Look! Yes, I can see them... And these are mussels. Hey guys, I'm going to end the vlog here. I hope everything makes sense. I'll try to edit it and make something nice out of it.

Yesterday, we went to Lagos as well. I didn't film anything just because I forgot my camera in the car... and did my nails, it was like €12 just to have ‘gellac’, they call it...

It's just gel on my own nails. And I also did a pedicure. And then today, we woke up very early. They changed our flight. Our original flight was leaving at 4:00 PM, but then they changed it to like 6:00 AM. So, we had to wake up so early.

But yeah, made it to the last flight so we're in Lisbon now. Guys? Do you see the private jet? That's some goals. I will make a video in one of those, one day. Okay guys, byeee!

2021-08-11 20:47

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