Exploring Zanzibar Island with a Cute Tanzanian Girl

Exploring Zanzibar Island with a Cute Tanzanian Girl

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Mambo Gaga [Music] it's a good mix Mumbo everyone I am in Zanzibar  and I am exploring this island with my friend   Rachel and we're going to be exploring finding a  motorbike and then going around the island showing   you guys some of the beautiful beaches this is  one of the beautiful beaches page Beach but it   gets better than this okay you ready you're gonna  show me some places today yes okay okay Rachel is   a little bit shy but uh I can tell you she loves  ampiano music that's that's how you say it yeah   yeah I'm a piano oh I said it wrong so I'm going  to be showing you guys some armor piano music I'm   also going to be showing you some local Tanzanian  food I'd also need a really new haircut I've been   needing a hacker all week but maybe we'll leave  that we'll see first stop we walk to the end   of the beach and uh find a motorbike to rent  for the day so where are you taking me today   taking you to wedu wedgie yeah yeah oh with a B  yeah okay let's head on I'm excited hopefully the   weather gets a little bit better it's been perfect  weather every single day apart from today there's   a big old gray cloud but that's not going to let  me uh spoil my day I'm just uh interested into   what these ladies are doing over here they're like  uh fishing for seaweed it looks like good thing   we've got our translator yeah you can help me  Mumbo habariako Mambo you are looking for seaweed   seaweed whoa oh my God oh it's so wet and sticky  uh can you ask if she sells it she's selling this   wow since they're just like uh wading through  and collecting all the seaweed what did she   say she's staring by kiloids for like 200 200  000. oh that's not bad but yeah per kilo 200   000 that's like uh like how much is that  another one dollar yeah no not 200 000. no that's not so good but wow okay yeah  there's like uh dotted around as you   walk around there's like people collecting and  I've always wondered what they were doing Mambo o manueli yeah Maasai yeah oh yeah you are  you are selling things yes can I see okay okay your Simba manually yeah oh no no no  [Music] oh really are you from Zanzibar or no   no Arusha Arusha Arusha is nice oh here  we go we have the selection of items oh wow oh very nice I already have  the flag so maybe we get like a   I like this yeah how much for this oh yeah Tanzania okay these just just these two  not this no no it's okay just two dollar shilling he's thinking of the price price Simba price  Simba Mimi Tanzania no no just two just two   make it like this 35 you can give me discount yes I  was thinking more like 20. 20 2-0 so all you have before here 30  yes okay 25 We Make a Deal 25   we meet in the middle 25 you happy news no no no  25. let's see this really happy for me now okay okay thank you boss Rachel  Rachel hurry Simba hurry hurry you know me a company oh okay no this  is Simba oh yeah yeah you have changed   what's this coffee yes yes oh no I'm okay thank  you can you can you put this on for me this will   go on my on my ankle or here yes it will fit  you're from Arusha you moved to Zanzibar foreign so you like Zanzibar better  than Arusha or Kilimanjaro OS thank you you have a change you  you must have changed okay if you change it you don't have to you don't have  change it's okay don't worry you keep 30. okay

it's nice to meet you bro all right so we paid  like 30 000 for that that's like 12 that is like   expect kind of expensive but we're in Zanzibar  and also like uh you got you got to support   local businesses here so I didn't want to haggle  too much although I'm it's just in my nature to   haggle so you got to come down a little bit and  then meet in the middle that's always just my   principle and it depends where you are like this  is Zanzibar so they're going to be charging people   like the highest that they can because people here  are all all everyone that comes here as tourists   especially this beach this is all tourists from  Dubai from Russia England USA so they're willing   to pay but yeah twelve dollars for two bracelets  that's quite good you got yours on this one yeah   very nice very nice how do you say beautiful  in in Swahili oh in Zuri oh similar to unzongo   don't get too confused though all right we're  coming off the beach and looking to find the main   roads which is where we'll find the bike rental  so you are from Dar es Salaam Mainland Mainland   but you just come here just to visit because it's  on your doorstep like uh I think it's like half   an hour flight or you can get the ferry so far  it's one and a half hour one and a half hours   oh that's still not bad it's just 15 minutes  15 yeah oh my God I always come here every day   oh actually I'll just live here that's the  stupid thing to say but yeah pretty cool   lucky that uh you know the Tanzanian people  have beautiful island like Zanzibar which   hopefully brings in a lot of Tourism hello  [Music] Mumbo building a nice Villa here   this is my they're building this for me this is  my new Villa honestly you can see the landscape   has changed dramatically as soon as you walk off  the beach these are the where the locals live   um so it's it's still got a lot of develop it's  still like a developing area um and there's   a lot of inequality you've got the five-star  hotels and then like the more developing areas we found the main road oh yeah yeah oh younger yeah yeah bye oh my gosh there's the sweet corn have  you tried this week one the corn yeah it's good   I tried it in Dar es Salaam it  is like very charcoaly taste   but right now I just need a bit  of fresh air bit of cold actually   I'm dying oh the fresh watermelon perfume  real Market run what's what's this thing   mangoes oh I'd love some mangoes the mango  seller it's about to get a surprise watch out here we go this is the yellow  mangoes and the green mangoes mamboo mangoes I can get two one thousand one thousand  okay what's the oh these are these friends foreign [Music] and you probably in my bag no no for you thank you [Music]   it's good I'm saying get your mangoes   there you go okay thank you bye-bye  swearing now drifting off my face this is advertising [Music] yeah oh my God that's so loud I can't do it you can do it better than  me oh here we go all our scooter rents   this is exactly what we need Mambo we can rent for one day yeah yeah how much  for one day normally have driving lessons   no I have driving license yeah I have  international as well pretty sure   not many people have this  yeah I know many people yes so this one okay yeah yeah you can show the  police no the police won't find me say this one   international digital country yeah yeah this is  international oh okay they will not expect it yeah much that's the other one day it's  expensive but it's until 25   I make discounts you can do 25 yeah  it's it was uh 25 for a car who was we can we can meet in the middle 20.  people like to take like four days   three days oh yeah okay okay which one  this one where would you recommend yeah where is the best beaches small one but you can see nice yeah he's coming  through yeah he's coming another one but it's   three quarter okay when you're driving so  it needs it needs any experience if we put   like a ten thousand but if you put like seven  thousand before because it's on ten thousand   people seven thousand yeah you put out ten is up  to you okay all right there is petrol stations chill out relax okay pressure  driving pulley is better for you local metric I protect I  protect all right let's go alright guys   we're on our way we're going to  be very careful driving in Africa   it's a bit like playing a video game you've got  people crossing the road you've got obstructions   everywhere cows chickens you name it  but uh yeah I'll keep my wits about me   and uh yeah we're on our way a little  bit expensive 25 for this rental but hey   it's only for one day so I don't  mind how you doing back there zombie   how you doing you good yeah good  okay so should we head to jambiani what a beautiful day Mambo symptoms oh yeah you symbol yeah yeah good Mambo o full seven thousand or ten thousand Seven  Ten I don't mind so ten thousand to fill the   tank he said that's like four dollars  that can't be right can get in there camera so three liters ten thousand that's like five  dollars that's pretty reasonable actually very   reasonable thank you keep change thank you the  one thing I've been told to look out for here in   Zanzibar by many people is the police so there's  lots of police checkpoints here and uh they're   very thorough they check your passport you have  to wear a helmet and I've heard some bad stories   about people getting fined so I'm not taking  any precautions I've even got my International   driving license and actually uh to even rent  this motorbike you need an international driving   license which not many people have it's actually  very easy to get it so I'd recommend to get it but   um yeah like taking extra precautions here in  Zanzibar it's uh unlike the rest of the world   in Asia where you have to uh you don't have to  wear a helmet you don't have to do anything so   I guess it's a good thing safety is important  oh see we've got some uh Tanzanian traffic   wow Tanzanian traffic move move  out the way that was terrible I don't know the rest so I'm saying  it wrong let's keep going onwards   we're heading south if you didn't  bring us oh we got some traffic Kaka fish Asante Simba Simba okay thank you oh okay that's how you  uh escape the police guys you're gonna speak   the local language a little bit of the local  language and uh flex your football knowledge   with them and also have an international  driving license so that they didn't check   my normal driving license just my International  one so uh that just proves you need to get one   wow look at this oh my God this is insane oh my God the sea goes out so far we're off road  humble does Mumbo and jumbo mean the same thing They're laughing   They're laughing at the white teeth they're  laughing at the Whitey humble uh Coral rocks go there okay Arsenal yes oh nice nice okay nice to meet you  Mambo cold Rock this is Coral Rock okay we can come for drinks and food here how much Hotel hotel and also restaurant yes oh nice [Music] thank you oh wow the days this is like barley Vibes but you're  gonna get the speech in Bali the shade of blue   is unrivaled unrivaled around the world  okay I'm gonna sit down here get some food   get some drinks and chill oh good good  can we have please uh one mango juice um also water big bottle of water and then one uh Seafood noodle   and one spicy Mambo chicken one spiced mamboo  chicken One Seafood noodles mojito one juice alcohol no no alcohol in that one yeah mocktail yeah come on gold it's oh we have the mangoes as well   we can get them to cut it  up I will I will I will ask you can do it it's not that bad try and swim I know I know I'm  afraid yeah there you go aha that's good lesson number one is over there oh yeah thank you camera eats first here we go we  have the seafood noodles we've got a bit of   prawn a bit of um octopus in there calamari oh  baby and then stir-fry and you got the chicken wow   yours is looking even better than mine mmm  those are Chinese people go to the casino lots of Chinese people in Tanzania  really the big deal oh they're rich   Chinese people yeah they what oh yeah see if  I can use the chopsticks you can use these see I'm good it's working what's  your favorite food my favorite rice oh yeah yeah   I had that what's the good place called in  Dar es Salaam it's like a barbecue place ment you like it this is the uh like restaurant slash Beach Club  we're at and uh I just wanted to go for a little   walk to see if we can get to the coastal area  look all this seaweed this is very weird but uh   yeah it's pretty cool how far the tide goes out oh  look there's a pier over there all right let's see   what we can find out here there's a few fishermen  about and uh yeah looks beautiful by the ocean   look at this guys they got like mini starfish I  don't know the actual name but they're everywhere   they're all around and they're just like moving  around they're finding those you're fine they   don't buy they only buy Tanzanian girls that's  what I heard oh they're everywhere ah you've   got to be very careful where you step because  there's so much by diversity and nature here   it's crazy I feel like I'm in some kind of desert  because if you look this way it's just Barren land   with the odd person but if you look that  way you got crazy Beach line it's beautiful everything life is sorry oh I'm sorry I've already  forgotten the word that you taught me well that's   my Swahili for you so I'm gonna ask you a question  what's your favorite thing about Tanzania yeah yeah all right deal that's a good answer   I'll have that so we've come over we're wondering  what these things are sticking out in the water   and it's like a farm a seaweed Farm so the  ladies we saw earlier they're collecting this and   it's amazing little Contraption of I guess  either growing or farming the seaweed oh very ingenious very clever but like all  of this is gonna not be how much maybe 10   000. I love this yeah because by keloids yeah so  how many kilos can you get I mean two thousand no   it's not the most profitable business in the  world I wouldn't recommend it for people but uh   it looks cool we finally made it to the ocean  and you can see it's just absolutely pristine   the colors the shades of the blue we've got more  of these seaweed Farms out here and these guys   let's go and let's go and speak to these guys see  what they're up to it's so warm as well like not   just the temperature the water temperature  is so warm and it doesn't get any deeper   is the tide coming in now is the  tide coming in yeah it's going in are you fishing what for fish  seaweed fish oh wow can I see oh oh wow there you go uh what's the name we'll call him Brian his name is Brian how much uh Shillings [Music]  no for you how much you make   nothing can you can you ask him I say I I don't  want to buy I just want to know how much he makes   oh for for their sound for themselves ah okay  they're really small fish so I was gonna say   I don't think the restaurants  would take them okay thank you Simba or younger oh oh the fish are like  biting me ah okay thank you boss nice to   meet you interesting they just leave the net out  I guess for the high tide and then at low tide   they come and get it okay oh yeah we gotta go  in can you teach me some Swahili how do I say yeah yeah I love you I love you okay how  do I say how much how much how much yeah you can copy because I gotta use that  for the barber later and then how do   I say good morning and good evening morning is all right we had a lovely time at Coral rocks was  the name that was really good I would recommend   it 10 000 entry and then the food is kind  of expensive but you get what you pay for   and it's beautiful spot secluded and uh yeah  really nice all right let's go and a road trip   has somewhat come to an end we kind of drove  back and came back to the resort I'm staying   at and I'll just show you guys this complex  because it's pretty awesome on the beach I'm   gonna get the Drone up and I'll show you guys uh  my room and stuff because this is a pretty new   um awesome Hotel so let's just give you a  little tour we've got like Bungalows going   all the way up to the top these are like the  small Bungalows and then the large Bungalows and   then the beach is just over there and it's just  like palm trees and lots of greenery everywhere   so this is the common area and then we've  got my little Bungalow here with a little   outdoor area I'm paying like I think it's 70  to 80 US dollars for this place and uh they've   just set this up for for me we've got a nice  little swan and some petals is that the name   a nice little work area over here Rachel  what are you doing lurking over by the toilet real nice spacious toilet and yeah it's all you  need got Wi-Fi got food you know I'm gonna get   them to cut up my mangoes and maybe get a beer  but um let me just show you the beach and then   I'll get the Drone up as well yeah it's uh  called I think it's called The Cove hotel   it's pretty good in page Beach and just  like uh walk along the beach into town   and you know Zanzibar in general is Loki it's  like a lot of couples here but I like it like   I I extended my stay here because um it's just  chilled out like it's a good place for me to   get some work done it's not like uh popping like  there is there is a bit of a nightclub scene but   um it's more like I said couples families you come  here for the beautiful beaches and uh the just the   local life and activities here it's not somewhere  where you come with like a your friends and   maybe if you're wanting to party but hey each of  Their Own this is the pool area it's pretty sick   nice little I think it's in the shape of a love  heart actually might be and um yeah just like   incredibly white sand really well maintained this  place and it's uh I already mentioned it's new so   obviously there still making things better  improving things this is the chill out area   over here and finally the beach it's later in  the day now like 4pm the tide has come in and   it will come in even more a little bit more  actually not too much further but it was all   the way back there earlier so next thing I'll  do is I'm going to order the mangoes and maybe   some beers and then also get the Drone up let's  show you some of the Drone shots and finally guys   the mango that you saw earlier has been  prepared into these lovely slices and   you're gonna have to believe me when I  say this is incredible mango is insane and of course couldn't go without  showing you a Kilimanjaro beer   mango and mango and beer it's a  good mix cheers related you like it   you prefer you prefer cocktails oh you prefer  Savannah no Kilimanjaro is the best okay last last   thing we're gonna have a dance lesson I'm gonna  learn how to dance to I'm I'm a piano I'm a piano   music I'm terrible at dancing so this is gonna be  funny I'm probably gonna delete it if I'm really   that bad also this is this is copyright music so  we might have to change the music okay show me videos oh there we go oh [Music] I'll show you English sounds moves okay [Music]   I am literally the worst dancer in the world  so this is this is totally not gonna go this is like we're getting married   no they don't oh I know how to do  this is my uh I'm a piano dancing later oh this is not making it on my YouTube channel or  I'm done all right [Applause] cheers guys [Music]   this is what I was doing in the  club and they're laughing at me I've embarrassed myself too much good night  everyone thank you very much for watching

2023-02-26 19:06

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