Exploring the Stunning Caucasus Mountains Georgia : Top Camping Sites & Travel Tips!

Exploring the Stunning Caucasus Mountains Georgia : Top Camping Sites & Travel Tips!

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[Music] travel enthusiasts everywhere greetings to  you today I will tell you about one of the places   you must visit in Georgia the subject is certainly  clear there is something called the Caucasus   Mountains where there is something known as casbc  in Georgia this area has an Indescribable amount   of Nature and Beauty you talk about waterfalls  you talk about mountains you talk about Highlands   you talk about viewpoints you talk about Highlands  you talk about mountains you talk about Highlands   you talk about Highlands you talk about Highlands  you talk about Highlands you talk about Highlands   you talk about Highlands you talk about Highlands  you talk about Highlands you talk about Highlands   you talk about Highlands you talk about Highlands  you talk about Highlands whether it's mineral   water or swimming in mineral water for anyone  thinking of coming here there are four ways   to get here the first way is to rent a car from  tibilisi and drive here as this is honestly the   best option for transportation the second option  is to contact a travel agent and arrange for a   driver and car to take you to these places while  you are in the safe site the third option is to   take a group tour organized by the travel agent  which goes from tibilisi and Returns on the same   day the fourth important option is public  transportation which includes marshrutkas   or minibuses however since the area has a lot  to offer I recommend staying for about 2 to   3 days as there are also cable cars and many  activities to do so follow me and enjoy this   video Until the End because you will definitely  see something you will like and let's go to [Music] casbc the drive to kegi takes about 3 to 3  and 1/2 hours and there are Villages along the way   allowing you to see many beautiful views there are  also many Halal restaurants cafes and shisha spots   along the Route if you have a car or a private  driver you can stop whenever you want because   there are plenty of beautiful sites to see along  the way what makes the trip special is to go in   the morning to enjoy the atmosphere as the road  to kegi is very enjoyable look at this view along   the way this is the road to kegi do you see this  Photoshop picture this is a live painting right   here on the road and this is still the world I  mean the world is beautiful and here you have   water you can drink water directly from the spring  in front of you the best taste you can experience   directly oh my eyes oh my night the first thing  you should know here is that the kegy area is   not just one region it is a large area with many  villages since it is near the Russian border you   will find villages everywhere therefore the first  thing you need to know is exactly where to go in   which Village the second important thing is hey  everyone The Villages here are like a restaurant   in themselves I'm currently in a place that I  want to show you I'm in a village whose name I   didn't even know thanks to one of my friends  who came here the atmosphere is really calm   look look look at this view surrounding the  village it's a very small and simple Village   there was even a children's playground with a  soccer and basketball court but where do they   play where do they play where exactly do they live  this is all real play guys okay it name is koua of   course it's a very quiet Village there's nothing  much here but as you can see the natural scenery   is amazing the nice thing is that the village  has everything Electric electricity water gas   so honestly it's quite luxurious however this  Village is not considered a tourist Village at   all so we are all living here as Georgians and  they speak Russian Georgian and a little English   there are a few places you can stay here but  the big well-known Village is called kegi or   stean minda and we should go there but I wanted  to show you that you can even find more than one   option to come here and enjoy this atmosphere if  you like Tranquility here is another view of the   village and the enchanting Overlook of this  River and you also have the main village here   that takes you up to the heights the life in the  village is simple beautiful and very enjoyable [Music] and here we are heading to Shu Stefan minda which  is the main village here in the KAS pegy area and   now we have arrived at Stefan minda the main  village in kasei there are nice things here   you can find a supermarket a pharmacy hospitals  hotels and restaurants they are not like the   restaurants in the quiet Villages for example  here is a supermarket where you can also pay   with a card this is for exchange look there  is also a restaurant that serves Mandi and   the food is halal here is a village here and a  village here and a village here and a village   here and a village here and a village here and a  village here and a village here and a village here of course the important thing here when  you come to KAS pegi is to follow the   weather as you can see beautiful views  but sometimes your longing is like a   cloud and this Square as you have seen  has restaurants cafes and everything of   course one of the things I used to  do here which is very important is that I go to the church that is above and this is it here they will take you to a certain point  where people inside the car pay and of course   they get there through one-day sightseeing  trips I expect that the travel company will   provide the car to take you to the Viewpoint  because the scenery is amazing as you get a   360° view you also need to pay attention to  the weather to ensure the view is stunning   God willing we are going there let's see what  happens [Music] now I also want to take you   to some of the famous places here of course  regarding accommodation I will provide you   with a video description of more than four or  five suitable places that you can book directly   through booking but now I will enter the Village  from inside for a very simple and wonderful stroll here is the hotel and viewers  it's a great place to stay it has a   Terrace and this hotel is special because  of its Terrace look at the atmosphere and   the Cafe and Restaurant at the same time  you can come in here and see the amazing Terrace thank you for watching you can absolutely come here even if you don't  want to go to the porch and you can see this   breathtaking View and enjoy it on these mountains  [Music] these mountains and on these mountains   and on these mountains and on these mountains  and on these mountains and on these mountains   and on these mountains and on these mountains  and on these mountains and on these mountains   and on these mountains and on these mountains  and on these mountains and on these mountains   and there are also ATVs and someone else wants  to do ATV tours but he asks about them if you   pass through a village called ggti This is the  road this is the climb guys and girls there is   no joke but there is fun when you take the  harder road which is known by those who take   it and there is additional enjoyment these  views are just snacks to witness from above as an appetizer for you to prepare for  the magical views as you can see this   is real not a joke at all but enjoyable here  we are finally getting close to the promised   place the topic is worth it because the views  will take you on this road that comes from the cars and this is the view maybe the clouds  are a bit low but the view truly captivates   the family it really deserves every step  you take of course look look look at these   views oh my God oh my God and here is the  village we were right here and there's the church there is something  beautiful here we see the   heritage of the Silver Mines which  is truly the Final Destination wow [Music] wow wow one of the important activities you can do  here in the caucus of Mountains and the main   village of stepan minda is to visit a private  swimming pool that is created for the mineral   water free of charge with a luxurious view of the  mountains let me show you now the important point   that today we cleared the pool because there was  some algae that needed to be cleaned this is the   pool which has mineral water and here you can  see a little bit of foam and this is your view   of course all of this is free I I will write  its name below panachi swimming pool mineral   swimming pool however today it is not full but if  you come here and want to enjoy special mineral   water with this view it is worth it today we  are cleaning it so that's the situation here   another important thing is that when you come to  this place there is this water not just drinking   water this is mineral water that also help as  gas therefore you are drinking nature directly   and it is naturally sparkling mineral water now  we will try the famous food here in Georgia which   is sparkling mineral water they bought it from the  supermarket but they also used to get it for free   directly from nature its taste is very distinctive  because it is not ordinary water we are talking   about sparkling water with a slight mineral flavor  yes it is definitely worth it you must try it in [Music] Georgia we headed to an area called gudari  which is very famous here for its cable car   this cable car takes you up to more than 6,200  M and costs about 35 lari for a round trip   it operates from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  and after that there are no more rides so   35 Larry for a round trip means you're talking  about $12 here you can see the entire cable car   and now this is the view of the place so  you can be in the picture this is why I   didn't take the cable car yet look at this  beauty and charm today the weather is sunny   and now we are going to take the  cable car this is the beginning of our journey there is also a cable car from which you  can see a waterfall one of the waterfalls located here this second station is called  gri of course this is a well-known   skiing area in winter but in summer  it is not as busy as as you can see   the views are still beautiful in the  month of August there is a little snow   on the ground because this area is the  highest elevation of the second station here so you have a bit of what you call  a glacier ice ice ice young people let's   continue to the next stage and now we have  arrived at gudi one of the most famous high   altitude places where you can live with the  Sheep it's a small village that will surprise   you very much after the amazing cable car here  the cable car is here and the village is quite   young meaning there aren't many things to  do even the bars and restaurants are very   light of course this is a winter destination  so people come here for skiing in the winter   which is why there isn't much going on in  the summer also you have the lake look at   what activities you can do like surfing and of  course you can see it from above look this is impressive and the slopes are counted  and you have the whole bio here all   of this is your bio and it slid down  of course there is also paragliding here if you complete the barbecue it is  very beautiful because it is a stunning   green Green Meadow honestly the barbecue  here is worth it and the Tranquility is amazing this is the village of gdri which is the  end of the cable car as you can see this Village   has a European style because it is a Winter Ski  Resort as there is little activity in the summer   compared to the winter but as you can see the  views remain stunning enjoyable and truly amazing   look look look here we have arrived  at gdri as you can see it is a small   village with a European style by the way  you can also come here by car if you want   there is also a shaa restaurant here as  you can see how the atmosphere is cute now I will show you the place but I wanted to  show you the location and the atmosphere as a   village of course there are also places to stay  and they are beautiful in Winter I expect it will   be very beautiful now I will show you the place  first I will show you the village in its entirety here are your beautiful houses of course there is  a lovely path you used to walk down to go and see   indeed this is very clear these are your houses as  you remember now we will take a Scenic tour of the village of course there are bars  and even a supermarket here Spar   and mustari with tourist prices that are  quite high as you can see in the picture however the Charming style of this  Village makes it feel like a ghost   town because everything is prepared for  winter ski equipment rental is available   here and it is seasonal unlike  other places that are seasonal in   the summer as you can see tourism here  in gudi is more focused on the winter season it's all about skiing and not skiing  and these things but I like the architecture   it's quite nice and you can feel it  and experience it fully however there   isn't much to do honestly ski instructors are  available and we have plenty of hotels and the culture these hotels are also  here but there is also this super   market so you can buy your supplies easily from here wow so [ __ ] [Music] good in fact one of the most important  activities you can do here in Kasi is just to walk   for example if you take a walk along  the road to jot Village do you see   this enjoyment do you see this beauty oh my  God it's very beautiful it's amazing it's stunning honestly I am capturing you  in natural places because the view is   truly amazing the scenery is beautiful  guys it's something that I swear by God   God is unreal it feels like you  are in a dream world trying to   connect reality with nature beauty and  scenery it's something incredible and I   am genuinely Amazed by the existence of  such beauty everyone this is the Earthly Paradise hey so I made this video  by myself I mean I did hitchhiking   here it was really a kind of Adventure honestly we don't see the cows here just lounging  around all day like this again it's really something I mean honestly you know it's  absolutely truly something extraordinary   just look at this here look at the water stream  coming down from the mountain walking here is   truly like walking in Paradise just take a  moment to appreciate it all and this right   here is indeed what we call an amazing view of  jat Village after all this exhaustion I went   hiking and I couldn't see the views glory be to  you my lord what does it mean without friends   this Village has places to stay meaning it's a  village with accommodations just look at how it is finally after a long journey I finally  reached J Village after walking which was   quite a struggle for about 3 hours and  how can you not crave this beautiful   and absolutely natural view without  any Photoshop or filters here it is J Village on the road everyone is in J Village   this whole path is a challenge  wow look at that mountain it's huge even in the horse they came out wow here here it is as you can see this is a  hotel you have cabins here and there is food   in J Village and this is the beautiful and  enjoyable River look at the water which is clear these are all quality freedoms I finally   decided to sit at this Cafe and bar  that is located directly above the river it is both a sufficient and a bar event here Georgian pastries are around  $5 coffee is about $2 and therefore the   prices are very reasonable in addition  you have the view which is right here   with you and this is my coffee with  Georgian cookies and this perspective of course here you have this Village but you  can't just go anywhere you need to head up   to this place above to see the views and get  the complete view unfortunately I was a bit   late you need to be there by 6:00 to find a taxi  or to return so you have to be there early but   there is a nice Ascent it's not an easy climb  they told me it's about a kilometer and they   said it's actually a step up there where there  are restaurants cafes and views along the way up the way is not easy at all but it  is definitely worth every effort you   can absolutely take a horse if you are  determined I finally arrived this is the place the subject is truly worthy  glory be to you my lord there is   no God but Allah look look look  at this beauty it is incredible   there is no God but Allah oh Allah  there is Allah there are also horses here wow do you see honestly you truly deserve all  the effort and intensity and of course the thrill   here even at the camp people come to Camp you can  camp with them but you see with this magnificent   Mountain you definitely deserve all the hard  work that has been put in this is the camp from   the inside you can rent a tent from them for 60  lari or about $22 or you can bring your own tent   for around $11 of course we have this amazing view  here but there is a restaurant where you can take   your money with you and not ask them for anything  as you can see this is it oh my God the place is stunning here is one of the beautiful and Serene  waterfalls known as The Majestic ARA waterfall the   hike will take approximately about 20 minutes  the beginning is challenging and steep but you   need perseverance and determination along  the way you will find delicious and juicy   wild berries that you can pick and eat oh what  a truly wonderful Delight we play and this is   the waterfall the house is beautiful yes but  the hike is not easy I mean I can't say it's   very difficult but it's also not easy so it  seemed like we were determined we could have   taken an easier path from there but we chose the  harder one with our extraordinary intelligence the   food was enjoyable and so on so we had a great  time and finally we carried it and reached the   waterfall called ARA waterfall the hike was I  would say moderate to difficult honestly but enjoyable here is ARA waterfall this is the beautiful view High here is the waterfall directly

2024-10-27 14:30

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