Exploring The Most Incredible 2b2t Base

Exploring The Most Incredible 2b2t Base

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all right I suppose we'll do a little intro here  is hello welcome to 2b2 uh the oldest Anarchy   server in Minecraft and we are showing zman and  Sappo this is uh chromat town and we wanted to   show you it because it is a one-of-a-kind base  and we want to show you all the inner workings   of it because because it's an active base and you  know active bases don't get tours on 2B anymore   so they first okay so far I mean this doesn't look  like 2b2 T you know I don't see any obsidian or or   anything so or not yet what biome is this even  Mesa biome Badlands biome bi Badlands biome I   didn't even know they had this one to be I thought  it was like old we're quite far out so it's um   it's uh all the new biomes load further out  some of the houses are empty but some of them   have Interiors can you screen share oh we're  not screen sharing yeah screen cuz we got to   take turns so I'm on the server but sa's got to  wait okay I'm screen sharing right now all right   let's let's see what's up yo the map looks crazy  yeah yeah see because here's we're doing a slow   burn wait wait wait wait I'm looking just flew  what's this bamboo thing up here it's a little   Tower uh us made so everyone gets their own  thing but we'll head back down to the ground   okay um why is why is the account called itching  my balls wait is that is that the account I'm on   is that what it's called yes it's called itching  my balls oh itching my balls okay guess what I'm   doing right now you're itching your balls this  is a ruined Jesus statue and the Jesus statues   are really famous on 2b2 they're built everywhere  oh right I I remember seeing something like that   so wait this is like this is like one that like  fell over type yes oh I I see it I understand I   was looking at it I'm like that kind of looks  like a person but we'll head back on the roads   here over by the Sandstone area okay so when was  this bu when did they build all this this was base   was started 5 months ago so this is like this is  like brand new like someone just made this yes   we're actually working our way back the orange  area is one of the newest areas built here so   we're heading uh into older chunk territory so  this is not older chunk but older builds what   was the first thing built in this area the first  thing built in this area would be uh this little   yellow house here and the towers you were looking  at oh up there the original road we just had this   road that stretched through here and you'll see  as we come to this road we'll enter the green   section because we how the base works is we've  basically color coordinated each area is its own   color oh I I kind of see it yeah like this is this  is like blue kind of over here yeah blue extends   towards the ocean which we could do you want to  look at the ocean now or later we could look at   it right now all right the blue section is a bit  newer because it goes a bit out of the way so they   built all this in five months yep and I haven't  even seen half of it this is like the water here   UEA is this a v or a u is this a v v v e a a  it's a group name this the group name so this is   the group that made the base y uh Vape could you  drag this guy's name is vape pens yep he's uh the   leader of the group vape pens is a diabolical  name that's diabolical that's like an OG username ass intern offices what wait come what  ass Soldier your offices ass Elite offices bro   how many ass Yo Booty Boss offices yo hold up let  me get in the here real quick how the do you guys   do this with the item frame where it's like  floating like that how do you do that so what   it is so what it is is the item frame is actually  connected to this pressure plate so you do it from   the outside and you have connect to the pressure  plate that's how you do that oh uh we have bannner   for the computer screens right now this is the  big there's no sign coming up here this is like   the what is this the boss's room oh that's the  this stalo and VAP Pen's private office there's   a fish tank in here there's two of them they  got a fish tank on 2b2 and a piano there's a   what do you mean a a oh oh and it has it even  has like little Keys what how did you do the   keys right here so those are looms those are  looms oh looms and dragon heads oh these are   I see it this is okay what the how do you get  how many Dragon heades one 2 three four you   got four of them to make little keys for a  piano and then yeah these are looms and that   looks like the uh the strings all right we'll  head back over to the Blue Area then make our   way back well actually we'll go uh diagonally  so we can head over to um the docks over here   there's a big ass elephant what's this elephant  that was built by egg King and we eventually want   to put Farms inside of the elephant there's also a  little uh town on top of it there's a town on top   of the elephant yes there is so you know Lord  of the Rings where there's the giant elephant   monsters that have the basically have like a small  village on top of them no but is that what this   is inspired by I'd imagine so that be my guess I  never saw Lord of the Rings but I believe it oh   you never saw Lord of the Rings no I never  watched Lord of the Rings how did they oh the   bamboo just looks weird for me because I've got  the uh randomized texture on yeah noral bamboo   it's just randomized texture right so um High  nobody's GNA know where we are what version is   2b2 on now 19 it's on 1.20 damn they got it yeah  next weekend it's going to be on 1.21 that's crazy   okay what the what the is that I'm looking at like  the space station right now oh that's that is in   that is in the green station that is the last  thing in the green section yeah are we are we   going to that last well we'll walk through some  of the houses here and then we'll fly up to that   so no one's seen this like besides you guys no one  has seen this before NOP it's uh been private we   went with you because you did that tour with folk  and everyone loved it and we're like we want want   to show off this base because no one gets to show  off bases until they get griefed and we're like   hey since it's like new chunks turn on Block  Rotation we can share without any worries of   it getting found right plus when it comes to  when it comes to 2B YouTubers and people who   do like stuff like this not every 2B YouTuber can  actually be trusted so it's nice to have somebody   who you know will be cool about it you know  wait what who can't be trusted there are certain   be YouTubers that I will not name for name them  name them on on the record name them on the record   name them on the record do it won't do it I'm not  doing it I don't even know how long this takes   like none of my Minecraft worlds ever looked like  this I had like a dirt house probably so how many   people like are involved with this base like how  many people build here we've had I think Vapes   said 35 people show up the base I think we've had  like and over 20 that have actually you know built   something a few houses yeah we off the library  this was just built uh yesterday they just built   this yesterday well I was the one to build most  of it uh Jackson helped designed it which is a   guy that's a really good Builder how do you even  go about building big things like this you usually   build like half of it or a quarter and then you  just copy paste to the other wall in creative   and then you take a schematic of it and then you  import it to uh the server we'll uh head into the   big Stadium this was this is a stadium this is a  stadium yeah I thought this was like the Borg or   some [ __ ] big Square oh what's this what's the  floor is this snow what is this the white concrete   with a bit of sea lanterns oh we got a nice big  audience here yeah we got that guy up there wooo   since you're in the air you can fly up to the  giant green thing as well all we going to the the   space station bro okay what the is this bro  I've never seen it's made out of obsidian bro   they built this out of dude this is like like  if this got griefed this would probably like   they'd have to mine this to get rid of it they  couldn't just blow it up that's crazy take those   precautions so monkey built this right V oh yeah  this was built by herb monkey and elixir this is   this is something I've only seen builds like this  in like videos like I've never actually been in   one we got like hallways is there like rooms in  this or is this just is this just all yeah that's   just uh well that's a giant cylinder you're in  so it goes all the way around the base oh or the build almost died that would have been bad how  long did this take how long did it take to mine   the the obsidian um I won't lie to you the monkey  shows up the base he's like an OG uh member of the   group with who was the other guy that helped him  Vape Elixir that was Elixir Elixir they show up I   like left for vacation for 4 days right as they  showed up I come back and this is all built so   they built it like within a week so they did  all this in a week yeah it's pretty crazy no   this is fuing huge like I don't even like they  probably took two days just to mine up all the   obsidian you know it is Tob so there are um duped  materials on here so they might have duped it but   uh they had duped Ender Chest so I was watching  them for a few hours mine the ender chests into   obsidian oh yeah cuz that's how they get it on  here I forgot about that that was like that fitmc   bit where he's like slave labor that's what they  were slave laboring they were mining Ender Chest   to get obsidian that's what they were doing slave  lab they use slave labor in any of the builds here   um don't think so I think it was all voluntary  I don't think so you never know maybe one maybe   one person had was forced to build you guys got  Atlantis or some sh over to Atlantis follow me   you actually have Atlantis I was just I was just  calling it that that's actually what it is yep and   there's a what do you call it a conduit there so  we can breathe underwater Oh so this is Atlantis   I wonder if people have done that made just bases  and put a conduit and then they're just underwater   where it's like cool or something maybe oh this is  this is dry in here I think it would get annoying   after a while swimming maybe I don't know with  the conduit you walk at the same speed do you run   at the same speed oh you just swim I don't know I  should do that I should I should do that if I play   Survival again I should do a base like this keep  it fresh yeah I should do a base like this I have   to be a water person this is dope though so wait  where's the oh is this the conduit it's made out   of lanterns you can do that apparently and there's  two of them I didn't know until I saw this it was   also these guys who built a ltis are the same guys  that built the giant um obsidian floating station   so they really went at it wait so they built this  too so wait you're telling me the people that made   that made this too yes so they were just having  a whale of a time huh a whale of a time you did   you do that intentionally yeah did I thought  I I'm glad you noticed it I'm glad you noticed   my pun I was being punny this looks huge this  is like an entire city type like I didn't even   know people were doing that on 2B still I thought  it was just like you blow stuff up and you kill   people that's what I thought it was well someone  has to build the stuff that gets blown up right   true what's this we got like a there's like a  guy right there there's a like there's like a   little guy you see that yeah that is uh something  uh stalo builds at every single uh base of va   he makes oh they build like a that's like their  guy that's the yeah the mascot that's the mascot   this is like Garden of Eden right here look at  this yeah this is like my dude my friend reys   has his wallpaper is Chief grief in the Garden  of Eden and this is what it looks like where I   where do I throw mine do I where do I throw mine  it's like full um you can oh there's new ones oh oh hold on yeah there you go there we go hey  there we go yeah good yeah there we go yep the   date I didn't build anything I was just here  actually wait red is cooler hold on change of   heart yeah that's there we go it's weird how  much 2B looks like fak right now we got like   slimes up here what is that that's like the  enchantment table language and wait you guys   got the Space Needle what the dude everywhere  I look there's some other [ __ ] that I can't   even explain there's a i a globe on top of like a  church or something there's the Space Needle to it   there's a space needle I want to see the Space  Needle I have a lay over in Seattle tomorrow   I won't be able to go to the needle but I got  it there's a needle right here oh and it's got   it dude it's got it inside is this someone's  base this was Liv's build and I helped finish   it after he got busy with uh life I see the  stadium there's a clock tower dude you guys   got everything right here do you guys know if  there's any other I don't think there there's   any other base that's big on 2b2 T like right  now isn't there this is the only one I'm sure   there is there might be out there I don't know  wait does this clock work right here yeah it's   just decoration a I I thought maybe like the you  made it with the red stone right here like moves   or something here's a funny house this is a bridge  house cuz if you look over here this is a a bridge   house a bridge house yeah see oh this is like that  uh wasn't there a thing like that in like London   or something it's like a bridge with houses on  it oh I I heard one about that and it was like   to avoid taxes very red it was like a ancient  loophole yeah we're we're in the red section   Playboy cardi is this a reference to uh play boy  cardi this this a whole lot of red dude it's it's   a carnival man literally Kanye West moment Y is  this a vultures reference you got a whole lot of   red and now you have uh Carnival and Cardi's on  Carnival actually so it's even funnier got a do   is this a drake reference not anymore oh dead dog  we don't we don't like Drake in the carnival tent   like I don't even understand like at a certain  point like when does it become too much like I'm   looking at this mountain and I can't even see  the mountain it's just a it's like a city this   looks like one of those cities in like China that  are built on like a cliff for some reason this is   awesome yeah this this is why we wanted to share  we really really thought it'd be worth to you know   show off in a video this isn't a private server  this is two this ising two Builders two tools we   have duped items for the older blocks but there  hasn't been a dup since the server updated so   all of the new blocks you see like the Deep site  here and like the Crimson planks all of that has   been grinded legit and brought to the base two  build was I'm walking on this path right here   there's like a this is like a castle Yeah we  can actually head in the castle there's a big   bamboo Farm inside of it and a honey farm how  do you make a honey farm what the wait hold on   let me see this oh what the this is like dude I  someone just started a raid there's a raid you're   under attack during the fil y all got dude I'm  looking at this beautiful castle on the inside   industrialized farming this is crazy bro how do  you farming honey what how does this even how do   you even do this I'm trying to figure it out it's  like a hopper and it sucks it out or some [ __ ]   automatically dispense spear uh shears into the  PVE we'll keep on going this way the main storage   is uh there's a entrance oh yeah the storage down  here dude this looks like Egypt right here looks   so awesome yeah like in is this EGP so aesthetic  it's awesome dud this like there's some egyp now   we're in like I don't even know what this is  what the [ __ ] is hold up what the [ __ ] what is this oh wait in ass We Trust United States  of ass Vape Pence Elite Alliance in ass We Trust   United States of ass what the I thought it was  like the presidential seal like the did you have   Trump here or something you guys interviewed  him you got Rainbow Road hacking will get you   on house Master's naughty list kid who made  Rainbow Road on 2b2 what the is going on I was   working on trying he's one of our members they  made Rainbow Road they got some memes and then   we have in ass We Trust vape pens Elite Alliance  United States of ass and oh wait I didn't evening   notice the eagle is holding a diamond pickaxe and  a vape pen that's crazy that's fing crazy yo Doom   Doom it's Doom that's Doom right there this is  MF Doom right here same guy who did the Rainbow   Road he made MF Doom what a man of taste what a  man of taste Rainbow Road ass and MF Doom we got   Doom right here there's a cave right here yeah  it's um when we were building it we opened up   into this cave and I'm like this cave looks so  nice we should just um leave a little balcony   for it oh so this is natural terrain that we  integrated yeah that's this is like a tourist   like Cave thing but it's just inside the the  house and uh a few people wanted to show you   some signs over back this way oh we got signs is  it yeah so you don't need to read them all but oh   [ __ ] so we were in the skycraper earlier  and that is the news uh skyscraper for um   this base and so these are all like Signs  relating back to that about like different   news and events that happen around Tu being  at the base so this was just as some people   were really like this so they wanted to show it  off does Vape want to Possum's mom we don't know   either okay maybe you should out the storage  area umy toilet map part oh I think he got distracted okay guys I think we need to delete  2B this is too far I don't I think it's just   right this has gone too far we got Bedrock  horrible we just have Bedrock we just got   Bedrock yeah that's a Bedrock block oh wait  you know what I just realized you could what   the vape pens eat ass oh and that's the guy  that's the guy that's the guy from yo this is   awesome I'm going to keep this I'm going  to put it in my off hand and that's what   people are going to see for the rest of the  video maybe not storage here isn't too crazy   but this is actually where we where'd he go  block.com who's show dude people are throwing   me poop what the why is there poop in Minecraft  when did they add that yo we got Yo they eating poop mom can I have Bedrock we have bedrock at  home rock at home and then it's a balcony and   it looks at everything can we go to the blimp  whatever that is I don't even know what that   is it's a we kind of forgot about the storage  but it's a steampunk Airship oh yeah we just   completely forgot about the storage I wanted to  look at the Hindenburg so I built this build uh   this was intended as a transport ship I think  the lore was people are talking about is like   um everyone got transported to uh the base here  using this ship built and designed by GEM June   2024 this is legitness I forgot though the storage  thing let's look at the storage we meant to look   at that but we got sidetracked by skibby toilet  wait what the is dude we got Mario's Mario's Day   Off he's just smoking a blunt right now what the  just in here there's just Mass amounts of riches   what is this here oh who is this is that him it's  this guy is it actually him he said ter Shaker's   head that's him is that actually him though like  dressed up as Santa with a banana yep that's and   then we got a penis right here yeah may maybe  don't show that don't just o OD like a pro visit   Gary Indiana home of stalo and crack raw there's  a BBC we got a gun we got a someone died and they   outlined his body we got that Heisenberg right  there we got perks on the right we got heroin   I'm going to leave that in hopefully they don't  ban the video oh is this more storage what the   [ __ ] why is this so big down here item sorder  so if you open up the chest um this is where we   throw shulkers of stuff in bro and uh this sorts  it all out so this is a dude what the this this   keeps going and then what is this don't use  composters don't put anything in Hoppers and   then that's just at like the the very like end  oh and what is this unstackable stuff huh okay   wood fence wood stairs wood slabs iron gold copper  Diamond this is crazy yo they're fing eating dude   this guy was eating ass up here I suppose I'm not  sure we've explained it but you know V EA so uh   if you put two and two together uh vape pens is  it vape pens ass eaters or something oh yeah e oh   vape pens ass eaters bro what vapens eats ass VAP  pens ass eaters is a funnier name but yeah that's   true he he he was just eating ass I saw him VA  oh this is like I don't even know what that is   but I've seen that what's the eye thing what is  this ey that's an Egyptian eye so this is like   Egypt this is like Egypt type and then we got VAP  pen eats ass that's the name of your guys's group   yeah yes vape pen eats or VAP Pen's Elite Alliance  the professional name I think only one or two have   a burnt down dude I just saw lightning strike that  lightning rod right there oh oh wait I thought I   thought there was an entrance into the elephant's  ass but there isn't I'm honestly surprised I   thought you guys would do that missed opportunity  missed opportunity yeah someone wait did you oh   there is an entrance are youing serious there's no  way I just made one well that that needs to stay   bro oh oh I'm going down the trunk yo oh there's  creepers in the trunk go down the don't go down   the trunk there's creepers in there so this is the  whole is this basically the whole the whole thing   right here it's like this is yeah I'm not I'm  not sure if we've taken a good look at the castle   on top of the the brown Castle on top I don't  think we have we can just wait there's a this go   somewhere what the there's like a huge ass cave  right here yeah that is future building project   Brown Castle is it's made out of the logo of the  group so it's in the shape of the group's logo   except a castle oh wait this this thing right here  yeah oh wait I I see it I actually see it oh yeah   I see it so yeah it's like the shape of the of the  group this is this is dope bro and this is this is   2b2 T like this is like people don't be building  like this on 2b2 T or at least like I didn't think   they did like anymore like I knew like that was a  thing when it started but then it just fell into   complete chaos but then there's like big bases  like I've like I've seen big bases before but this   one is like this is like a big one this is like a  big city just on the server that's dope I didn't   what the I didn't realize there was this many  people here there like it's like how many people   are right here we got like three 6 9 10 10 adding  me there's 10 this is dope though what month was   this started this year like July June April 11th  it's it's overwhelming the amount of stuff it's   it's cool though it's dope I'm ready I'm ready  ready I'm ready I'm ready ass ass ass ass ass that's awesome ass look at all the fans

2024-09-19 22:31

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