Exploring Taiwan's Biggest Temple Complex!

Exploring Taiwan's Biggest Temple Complex!

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Today we are going to visit before guangzhong. Monastery. One, of the coolest temple complex we've probably seen, in all our travels so far, tucked away in hilly, outskirts, of gaussian total spoiler alert this place is our new favorite stop and our main event Oh, make, sure to watch this video all the way through to the end so you don't miss out on what is without about the best part of our visit good afternoon welcome, back to Taiwan, to sweltering. Pulse Taiwan but, again it's a super super haul day over, 30 degrees fellas. Not stopped us from making some videos doing some sightseeing always. Very dedicated to this channel, to showing. The best I love and today, we are going to go to, a more cultural. A very cultural, destination, actually instead. Of going lounging around in parks and hiking and, cycling on, the beach and lying on the beach we're gonna visit a monastery. We. Are now at the full Huang, Shan, I hope I can pronounce it correctly for Kwan, Chung a monastery. We took the bus here which was very convenient right, directly from the zoo rowing station, which is next, to our apartment so, very very easy to get here for us and yeah. We just arrived here and now gonna search for the entrance and then going. To explore this place because from, even from the outside looks, really really cool the site looks huge, as also confirmed, by this little, map look. At it, big. So. That is the monastery, over there, looks. Quite impressive perched, up on a small hill this. Is supposed to be one of deep ultimate. Highlights of khao chong so. Really excited, to. Go inside, and explore putting. Our trusty, masks back on and then following, this sign pointing, to the left so please go laughter, right. Sir good luck. Quite. The impressive and, transia. It's a very long. Entrance. With these. Constructions, slowly, slopes uphill, the, monasteries, perched on a hill but yeah it's probably quite a new building and it looks the part as well, it was actually built in 2011, so it's less than 10 years old. All, right all right we made it inside we.

Have Arrived now it. Was free beginning it's yeah we didn't pay it's free so always. Good we didn't know that before we came here anyway a nice man at the entrance gave, up this map and he also explained, us which route we should follow because it, is really really big site we have the monastery. Here the repository, here and then the museum. So. Much so much the whole team Taiwan either so. Obviously. That is a nice man you're just talking about he came back looked around us he wanted to ask us something trying to figure out what that is right now using google translator trust your friend you. Come. By, one. When. We came. We. Have informed the nurse citizen. About our itinerary yeah. Not. Sure what he was asking why exactly I mean how. Long, stay. Something like that this is the gate here this little dot on the map and this is the whole site so you can imagine how. Big, this is and now we're going to make it to some up to the full Guangzhou monastery. Which is the first stop we're going to have go. To explore, there just multiple halls there multiple things, let's. Go and check it out. We. Think we've made it to the first stop that, are very helpful guide pointed. Out to us on the map it looks pretty colorful and, pretty nice, time, shoes together so just taking the rest here, you. Enter, when you get to the actual goal, point is this courtyard, here, it, has a garden, and it has but. Must be dozens, of statues, initially, I thought, they, were white statues, of the Great Buddha but now I also think, that makes sense also since it's a monastery there are also statues, in here from, some of the monks but it's really nice it's very lush and green you, get someone. Waters. The plants when. You look at the map the bit that the monastery, is famous, for we're now here is actually all the way in the back here that's the part you always see pictures, of and I didn't, expect the rest I didn't even know there was a rest, it sort of complex but this, part already looks promising I think it's gonna be pretty grand, because I mean this is just the entrance raises, this small courtyard, is literally the first thing you see when you enter so, promising.

Promising And we are literally, the only people. Here there is nobody else here except for the nice lady who is watering the plants it's really incredible it's, so nice and peaceful out here. A. Lot, of tourists which are here for obvious. Reasons this time of year but it's, so nice to have these places to yourself although I would prefer to be here on the normal circumstances, but the big crowds that this place probably sees but a normal, tourist even but with. Nobody here and just, you, can hear the birds I know if you can hear them on the camera really, tranquil, vibe to it it is quite relaxing, actually it. Does seem though as if Taiwan is the. Country over the stairs. Everywhere. We go always there. Are so many stairs we have to walk off to even. Here in the monastery as well the harder it gets the more stairs we seem to encounter it. Feels like we are always walking, uphill which is physically impossible for me but. Still we are always going uphill maybe I don't know what's wrong with dylon but, always. Going uphill. So. For my map reading skills, are correct which is I can, opine, on I'm like it's. Quite unlikely actually let me just came from here. This was the car we just were now, we're gonna enter this courtyard the, great path to Buddhahood, am, I gonna see, the. Main shrine. This. Is much much bigger than the previous courtyard, and instead, of these small trees there are pretty, big ones and is, all around it's even, more impressive and over, there I think we have the main shot now oddly aside, from the buildings the plants, and these cool, pathways, running, alongside the, courtyard. A lot of things are like most about this quarter it makes it very distinct. And special, is the, the tiling, on the floor I'm not like a sure if it's tiles, it's probably. Not but it makes this really cool geometrical. Pattern, that give such a grand, feel, to the place. Just. Grabbing, some essentials, from the back back here because heat. It's. Really getting to us here you go madam thank, you please take the map. Of. Course ma'am this is a little what. Do you thought. When. To make a wavy thing a weighty thing away key thing when. You see it it may not look like much because it's just this little plastic, thing but. And. Here you can put your hand through it and. Then, refreshment. It's coming, refreshment. Isn't here and then when you're done we just, know. It's like those sketch about two seconds, temps but, this one is actually two. Seconds, it's even just one, second. It actually works it's amazing. Up. And help somebody, so now I thought you said Santa help he can't save you know here, we come to the main shrine this is where the, beautiful Buddha statue but, unfortunately.

We. Are not allowed, to take any photos, or videos, inside, so we're, gonna have to leave you guys outside here so we're counting on you to stay here wait for us here we'll come back for you and watch the shoes so no one takes them okay to be. Watching. Already. I can tell you that a good job, the, inside is actually really, really surprising. Because in, previous samples, that we visited a well just one have you visited so far in Taiwan. Wait. Putting my shoe on wrong. In. The, previous sample if you visited you're in Taiwan the patterns, that you had inside. On the ceiling, very similar to the ones you see here on the outside in terms of the colors but here on the inside you have these three major, Buddha, statues, on the opposite, wall of the entrance, they're really very big. It. Has very, mystical, wow that's really, really cool and then it was like I asked, just to be sure I asked can we film eh is like no he's not a science oh really you're, really loud but sometimes they do allowed, antipathy, control from the door so we try. To show you a little bit with slides oh it was really really good come, definitely. Built this place really awesome and this isn't even the best part. What. A beautiful, green area, in. Between the, main. Hall and the hall of. Something-something, hall this. Is beautiful, garden, here are some statues, and as. Loads of roses, and it's really nice and Franklin, maybe, we said, is a cup of time it is absolutely. Nobody. Else here, I haven't seen a single, other visitor, a tourist except. For the occasional monk. And then the people who work here we, have nuts whoa. Look. At that I. Guess. That's where we're heading right now give. Miss sunscreening. Up always. Good to be well protected from self a. Lot. Of these freckles. But, they're like what. Are those no. Idea what they call in English. Anyway. Tip myself from the Sun does, that burn red like it's Turkey. Turkeys.

Burn Did it get red eye means, turn red like a lobster, see. All, these little spots most. Lobsters, don't have them but I do. Special. Kind of lobster. Very. Special, indeed special. Is the word I would use as well my, weapon of choice jab, me son scoop Oh. Jack. In the holster. Watches. Armed and dangerous, not. Giving skin cancer a chance here unfortunately. Our. Timing is as, always not. The greatest and. Given that the last bus is in about one hour 45. Minutes we're just gonna skip the repository, for now and, I had to, the main event, oh. Wow. What, a big reader okay let's, go we'll show you what we're closer. This, is the main event behind, us here you can see against. The Sun that it's all not yet setting but it's gonna be setting in a little while you can see the Buddha, Memorial, what. You. Can see the Buddha, Memorial Museum. Right there and this almost this pyramid. Like structure, it has a giant, golden, buddha statue, on top it's like Buddhist. Temple, means Egyptian, pyramids a little bit you can see the shape over there right in front of the Buddha resembles. A pyramid a little bit opposite, of the Buddha Memorial you, have eight. Pagodas, lining, this pretty, big, square, and it, looks amazing does you you get out of the city here is really, really nice not, sure if you can see it all the way but the city is way off in the background it's. Incredible, I just, can't believe how big this courtyard, is we, just walked all the way to the other side so. They're. Behind me all, right here, and, that that's Kim there's. A Buddhist again, you're. Just. Right behind me you can, see the Buddha statue and, you can see Kim as well look. How small is it just a little speck in, a distance there. Let's. Walk up there again and see just, exactly how, big statue is it's not just a statue that's really big these pagodas, as well there are eight of these pagodas, there one two three four five, seven. Eight stories, high I have, never ever seen, a monastery. Or a temple, like this one this, to me probably this fault, we've, seen a lot of cache, room already. But. This is. This. Is the one that should be highest, on your, bucket list in my humble opinion for, sure if you're coming to cache room this is a super. Super. Impressed not to mention like we said it's big so, plan ahead take your time not to worry once again there. Are more, stairs, I have, no idea where, the stairs keep going fell this, is the largest, world, stalls, bronze, sitting. Buddha, statue, and in, front of it it's not based, on a pyramid, or anything the design of a Buddha Memorial Center is, not inspired. By the pyramids, it, inspired, by an Indian stupa, and the, mahabodhi. Temple inside. The bolt hair religious, site in India so I just say buy an Indian stupa as a similar shape I guess but still, pyramids, looks, sort of like a pyramid as well so that. Is bronze statue badly. But. It is incredible. I mean if you just have this big bombs drones. Big. Drums Buddha statue, you, say that 20 times very quickly. Big. Bronze buddha such a big drums doing such big groans research once you get it it's not that difficult but anyway to it have only the, stasiu here it wouldn't be nearly as impressive, me what do you see now I mean it's cool it's pretty big but it, is the way, everything, works together the, square line, up with the pagodas, and, stupa.

Inspired, Design of the Buddha Memorial Center it's. Amazing. So. That is the Big Buddha and, that skin for scale. Walk. With furnace so people can see there. See. That little, yells back over there that's Kim and. A Buddha Kim, for scale I would. Say it's approximately, 30. Games hi. Made. A small detour into this small green space right here where you can see wonderful, almost every way out from the distance to get some drone shots and they are killer, drone, jobs you've probably seen them by now as the Sun is setting right behind the Big Buddha Oh awesome. Among the best ones I think we ever took, in terms of statues. And stuff in the landscape, and I feel. Really good about those rim job you're thinking that you know since we want a stated workshops, you aren't gonna be able to get back by, bus and we were prepared to take a twenty dollar over, but. Nuts Taiwanese, dollar no no US, dollar turns, out and make is trying to figure this out if maybe we can take it surprised, bus and unexpected, I'm not sure I'm not sure there is a bus at, least there's information on this bus stand it says some hours that are around this time I have. No clue where this bus is going trying to find out with the Google friends. Not, really translating, well is it okay. Cashing. Station. Dynamo. Relay station south realization. Not clear not clear though from, the bus schedule at least it seems there is no more bus to Khartoum at this point, in time so. We all ran over it is a deadlock, a Tesla, Model 3 I've, never seen it in real life or never been in it so I really, excited about that. We're. Not smart enough to drive this type of car. And, fasten my seatbelt but as long as we don't the alarm is gonna keep. Very. Good. It's. Good to disinfect, your hands. Beautiful. Girl our kitty it's. White white, lettering. Pretty. Cool, pretty. Quiet, no, engine sounds at all only sandakan years from Cartagena. Oh. Yes. If. You're ever in Turin we definitely, also highly recommend taking over preferably an electric it's, quite the experience. My, incredible, car that was a pretty cool experience I, love it if, only Texas would always be Daedalus maybe we can catch the last glimpse. Of the sunset, but just notoriously. Beautiful, here in cash on. You. Piece it looks awful after the sunset, no. No. Really. We. Are going to enjoy. The. Last beer that, we have we hope you enjoyed this video if you did please leave, a big thumbs up and, make sure to hit the subscribe button if you want to see the, next videos of us since I want and whatever it is that will happen after if I want you don't really know yet no point and don't blame that now it will depend on the state of the world at that point but, anyway thank you so much for watching we really, appreciate, all the, positive feedback and all the positive vibes you have sent our way over, the recent weeks and months and has made it great, for us to stay motivated and make these videos and show, you Taiwan, we hope you enjoy it we will show you much more in coming, weeks so make sure to hit subscribe button, so, you don't miss out, alright.

2020-05-24 16:07

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