my name is Richard Crawford and I've built my career on representing luxury Brands around the world and in doing so I've had the privilege of having some truly out of the ordinary experiences but at what cost it's getting harder and harder to blindly ignore the impact our extravagant lifestyle is having on the planet and its people so I've decided to invest the game whether there really is a sustainable way to visit the wonders of the world but still have extraordinary luxury can I have globetrotting Adventures without leaving a significant footprint well let's find out and by using the basic principles that Define equal tourism which are minimal impact sustainability social responsibility and of course let's not forget overall guest experience I will rate my travels around the planet to see if we really can make a difference takes me to Thailand where I'll be visiting this and evil organization on the island of kolkur and suniva have built an enviable reputation as leaders in the field of intelligent luxury or as we might call it sustainable luxury tourism now forget the fact that they have built the resort out of all natural materials that they recycle almost everything so they have a zero carbon footprint and they have a foundation that supports underprivileged communities globally River has it they have a 24-hour chocolate room and a homemade ice cream parlor now that is really what I want to see I hate my job from what I hear this really is one organization that leaves no Trace [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] Thailand is one of the world's most renowned holiday destinations with an incredible range of things to see and do it's beaches and Isles are famous for the beauty and uniqueness however over tourism is a serious problem in 2018 one of its most famous beaches Maya Bay was close to tourists for three years due to the severe damage caused by visitors tourism is Thailand's Lifeline but it's also its greatest challenge especially when it comes to protecting the environment foreign hours of international flights and we're finally here Bangkok and to be honest that's about as much as I know right now except for the fact that we're heading to a small island in the Thai Gulf now I was told when I got here that I should be looking for what I thought was an airline called iron Finn and after about 20 minutes of searching around a pretty big airport and making a few phone calls I've discovered that Aaron Finn is not an airline armed Finn is a person I know is not an airline but you should open one up yeah I was very impressed that the suniva experience began with boarding their very own private plane although I was a little worried how an aircraft fitted in a ceneva's Eco model so I asked Aaron Finn and I was pleasantly surprised by his answer so we've just turned up over the water towards the island and I got to thinking you know plates are on a daily basis and sometimes multiple times a day what effect would that have on the environment but fortunately suniva had a carbon off-site program but not only offsets the carbon of the flights from Bangkok to the resort but also it's a government from where each guest originated so in my case all the way from New York so that in itself is incredible now also for safety reasons we can't have glass on the plane but these bottles although although they look like plastic are actually made from plants that are very biodegradable and eco-friendly and for me that's a really good sign of what's to come thank you so here we are arrived at the Resort's very own private airport which is literally a little strip of a runway in the middle of a tiny neighboring Island now I know Robinson Crusoe but I have my very own Miss Friday how are you who will look after me give me a personal Butler for the whole duration of my stay here and we're not quite there yet we still have one more little leg of the journey to go and that's our own little private speed boat over to the resort so onward [Music] thank you Miss Friday thank you my mom always told me if you're going to do something do it in style [Music] wow I'm a little intimidated I'm just a little bit intimidated guys how are you very nice to meet you very nice to meet you guys how are you thank you very much thank you wonderful what a welcome fantastic [Music] well welcome to son of a kitten well thank you very much it's a beautiful place yeah thank you now here we are one hour ahead of Bangkok and we're on suneva time so never time what like literally one hour ahead one hour what is that uh is that via Greenwich Mean Time or is that it is to get more out of the day sort of enjoy the stay here so this is so suniva time is just something you guys put together or something so that the guests could have extra daylight next to hours on the island absolutely hey you know what the place is beautiful as this I'm okay with that so here we are on the island of koku and the Thai Gulf visiting the suniva Kiri Resort and yes we just had to open up with the quintessential Paradise shot Crystal Clear Blue Waters pristine white sand green palm trees are you happy now okay good let's move on the whole reason that I'm here apart from the fact that I want to live down here forever is that I wanted to find out how you open up somewhere like this to tourism but still keep it pristine and that's an actual fact a priority for the people at suniva but before we get into suniva's Eco philosophies I thought I'd have a look around the property and let's start off by looking at one of their Villas oh and by the way I am moving down here welcome to Villa number 63 now iron Finn tells me that I've never seen anything like this before which is a pretty bold statement because it's actually seen some pretty impressive penthouses on our travels so let's go check it out and see if it lives up to its reputation [Music] oh wow wow wow so let me tell you a little bit about Villa 63. now as well as the six rooms that I mentioned before it starts with this expansive communal space but it doesn't stop there it also has a billiard rune a gym and I don't mean a resort gym but a personal gym in the Villa with a ping pong table an enormous office with meeting space its own massage parlor and in a place like this a mini bar just wouldn't be enough so what do you have a walk-in refrigerated mini bar oh at a home theater with projector and bathroom facilities and of course all leading out to this enormous deck [Music] thank you [Music] foreign I do have to say there's an abundance of entertaining space so much so you could probably get lost and it all centers around this massive infinity pool but what I want to show you now is some of the accommodation and this is a master suite very eloquently furnished with Buffalo hide and using a lot of furniture that had the style of the old travel trunks but a really unique feature that I like is that this case lid lifts up and has the TV now they have a saying here on the resort no shoes and no news there's no actual TV channels fed into this TV it's just through a DVD player but why would you want that when you have an incredible view now if you take the master suite is good wait till you see the bathroom facilities now these facilities are pretty impressive so let's take a little walk through we'll start off with the toilet itself now most hotels have a room with the toilet but here the toilet has a whole building so the commode is right in here with a little changing area out here now for the naturalist and is we have an outdoor shower um and through the suniva philosophy all of the bottles of glass and filled with local made products now a place like this wouldn't be a place like this if it didn't have a hot tub jacuzzi and what better place to put one than Outdoors on the deck and of course if you don't want to take an outdoor shower they also have a glass enclosed indoor shower which also by the way doubles as a steam room and just to Cap all this off we have a his and hers changing room and to be honest I think if I got up during the night to go to the bathroom I would be completely lost and just upstairs from the master suite is the kids room and what kids don't love bunk beds but if the bunk beds are not enough there's this a water slide that delivers you right into this lunch pool at the master suite I guess it's time to go see Mom and Dad [Music] [Applause] okay I'm moving in and you can't stop me good morning and the sun is rising over the Thai Gulf and I'm excited to discover more about suneva Kiri today and my first stop is what I'm told is a very unique dining experience here at suniva Kiri it's about creating a lifetime of rare experiences and I'm heading to breakfast this morning and I'm told that this is going to be one of those now I'm walking through this dense jungle and to be honest I really don't know what to expect but I am building up a good appetite oh wow this is really cool certainly unique and rare I guess I'm going to have breakfast in the trees fantastic okay oh wow okay okay it just got interesting where am I going so I guess when you said I was gonna have breakfast in the canopy it really meant in the canopy [Music] to come for breakfast breakfast is served oh wow everything everything we got eggs salmon fruit cheese meat it's a full breakfast they weren't kidding [Music] three-part dining experience available for breakfast lunch and dinner and seats for people and it's quite literally a pod that has been hoisted up via cables to the top of a tree now you pre-order your food and it is brought to you by a waiter on a zip line [Music] [Music] well I have to see if they set out to create a unique and rare dining experience mission accomplished and very often the featured as one of the top 10 dining experiences in the world and I never thought I'd be hanging in a pod at the top of a tree with such a beautiful view [Music] thank you if a six bedroom Villa and Treetop dining is not enough to make you want to come here then I have a couple of other things that will surely seal the deal never ever ever have I stayed anywhere whether it's a 24 hour refrigerated all you can eat self-service chocolate room I mean it's literally like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory in here and they have everything they have chocolates chocolate eggs chocolate milk different flavors dipping chocolate macaroons and to be honest it's really unfair because chocolate happens to be my biggest weakness but I'll be a professional now of course all the chocolates made on properly and it's all fair trade chocolate and if all you can eat chocolate is not enough for you then there's something else I want to show you oh oh yeah yeah yeah sure sorry guys I got a little distracted so anyway yes they also have an all-you-can-eat ice cream parlor and of course as you would expect everything's made on properly hmm I would like to order the coconut ice cream please thank you [Music] well with over 40 flavors and all these toppings what more could you want hate my job considering we're smack bang in the middle of a Tropical Paradise Island suniva offers many Wildlife excursions I'm here with my guide Tom and Tom what are we going to get into today today we're going to take you to seeing the nature and waterfall and seeing kind of big tree big Bunyan tree the Banyan trees are really impressive and it's interesting to note that these trees are in fact epiphytes which is a plant that grows on another plant and they actually grow their roots from the top to the bottom now the orange material you see wrapped around this particular tree is a local tribute to Buddha and so began our Trek to the beautiful Yaki waterfall one of the three waterfalls on the island this one was recommended by my guy because not only could I enjoy a refreshing swim in the natural pool but I could have my skin exfoliated by the therapeutic Gara arifa fish oh wow wow that's incredible that's beautiful now that was well worth the hike Tom can I get in yeah yeah I can I can get in and swim can I can I jump off of course so that's okay so be careful what you wish for me bro let's go [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] and surprisingly pristine and more importantly not too overcrowded with tourists to be honest all that's missing at this point is a nice glass of wine speaking of which thank you as with any luxury resort the food and beverage program is very important and here at suniva Kiri there's no exception in fact they've almost taken their beverage program one step further and built this amazing wine Pavilion which is basically a wine tasting room with one of the best views in the world also they have their very own wine cellar which you can actually see right below this glass table let's go check it out wow this is really cool and what's really neat is for a resort in such a remote island or recognized in 2013 By wine spectator as having one of the best restaurant wine lists in the world and a nice little feature too is that this pool in here provides a natural humidity [Music] It's Not Unusual for Resorts of this caliber to have vegetable gardens what is unusual is to have it on this kind of scale I mean this is like a Garden of Eden and of course being sineva it is all organic which guarantees not just freshness but great taste I sat down with Chef dawa to find out the benefits of using the fresh Island products and we have we have a lot of big Gardens vegetables Gardens so we can grow our own vegetables from here and instead of buying from another places yeah another shop that we we can grow here and it's more nicer and more healthy like now we are doing the own mushrooms here we are growing on mushrooms this is actually the only door that I've seen with any kind of lock here on the property and it just so happens to be the mushroom Hut which makes me question kind of mushrooms they got in there let's go have a look so it's actually a place where they bring in the spores of the mushrooms and and Grill them here until full maturity and just really another example of full sustainability part of the philosophy here is that they provide organic fresh and really healthy food and one of the dining options here is this pop-up Raw Bar and let me tell you the Aromas that are coming off are here in the vibrant colors makes this really really appetizing and they're preparing for as a six course menu which I'm really looking forward to is this mine thank you and to top the day off I visit Cinema Paradiso the property's very own Outdoor Cinema now Cinema Paradiso marries three passions close to cineva's Heart Elegance immersion in nature and relaxed Indulgence and the cinema offers a full bar and wear of service with Gourmet Foods accompanied by a nice selection of cocktails what better way to finish the day to watch your own private viewing of a movie on an inflatable screen under the moonlight to top it all off they even Supply the popcorn thank you Welcome Back to the Island of Concord in Thailand where I'm visiting suniva Kiri whereas I expected the food to be good here I didn't expect such a big focus on locally produced sustainable foods for instance no Lobster is served at the resort due to concerns of overfishing now you'd imagine this would create a real challenge for the chefs to come up with world-class Cuisine using only local produce but this seems to have actually become a point of Pride here the signature restaurant is helped by Chef Benz who has become iconic worldwide for the quality of her dining experience the signature restaurant at suniva Kiri is Ben's restaurant named after my good friend here Chef Benz and tonight we're going to have dinner there but I'm really fortunate today because Chef Benz has invited me down to the local market where she'll get some of the produce for tonight's menu [Music] thanks this is a perfect example of how suniva gives back to the local community and let's be honest it doesn't get any fresher than this [Music] Chef bands actually has a really interesting story basically several years ago the owners of suniva had dined at a restaurant where Chef bands had prepared some of the meals they enjoyed it so much they basically hired her on the spot several years later they've actually built the Ben's Restaurant here at Cinema Kiri and obviously Chef bands being the chef there and up Chef Benz uses recipes that have been handed down through her family for generations and now we're actually going to go and prepare some of the produce that we bought today so I guess guys tonight we have a dinner date I'll see you there foreign [Music] bands is a little unusual in a couple of ways firstly there is no menu as such Chef Benz just Cooks what's fresh that day also it's located completely separately from the main suniva property and the only real way to get there is via bolt and you know what that's perfectly fine with me so here we are finally at the Ben's Restaurant and I have to say just getting here was a beautiful experience coming through the mangroves now there are some people who have been quoted as saying that this is the best Thai food in the world so let's go see if it lives up to the hype there's no set menu at the restaurant and what you eat at night is based on what Chef Benz decides that day when she's at the market and fix picks up all the fresh produce so what are we having tonight prawn soup okay this ball then for a clap I make a walk by with curry the curry crab the crabs that we met today yeah looking forward to that foreign [Music] dinner off tonight with the signature drink from the restaurant which is made out of this butterfly pea flower and apparently if I squeeze a little lime in there it'll change color so let's see what happens yep it's changing you can see it changing from a blue color the purple oh that's quite sweet actually I didn't expect it to be sweet coming from a flower our culinary Journey began with me and calm which means one bite wrap a beetle Leaf filled with nuts vegetables and spices finished with the sugar cane syrup and maybe a hot pepper or two you always want to smell it first [Music] oh wow there's a lot of them oh I just put it in the spice not spicy but as the sun set we indulged in an amazing night course meal and I can see why Gwyneth Paltrow calls this her favorite restaurant in the world wow what a spread told you we'd meet again well I have to say definitely lived up to its reputation and you know it was really fun being a part of the whole process from this morning going and picking out the produce to Preparing it and then finally sitting down and having dinner and Chef Benz thank you so much crap I appreciate it thank you thank you yeah well I hope to be back soon welcome to another beautiful day here on the island of kolkat and suniva Kiri now I mentioned before the reason that we're here is because these guys have such a strong ethos when it comes to sustainability in the environment and I personally want to find out a little more about it and we're starting here at what they call ecocentral and also they call it the heart of the house because it's important to the operations of the resort hey Aunt friend how are you hi Rachel and I'm good how are you good to see you man I'm fine I'm fine um so tell me tell me about Eco Central ecocentre is part of the heart of house it's there we take care of our waste and then we have a program called waste to wealth where we don't look at waste of something you throw away but actually as an asset as a resource so for instance a food waste we turn into a fertile compost that we put in the vegetable garden from there we grow nutritious vegetables that are used in the restaurants and for that creating value out of and what other will do as waste oh fantastic and here we got a recycling corner and our composting area yeah I guess it's inevitable with with that many gas on a resort like this you're going to have um a lot of recyclable materials yeah you do end up with uh materials that we need to take care of and recycle yeah so plastic glass metal and paper and and this is a collection point but where do they all go from here to be recycled we take it to the mainland where we have facilities to recycle and these materials that makes sense come over here and look at something interesting to show you a composting area this composting area yeah so what where's all this coming from and this is the organic way so the food waste the garden waste with typical count for 50 of our our waste stream and so this we compost and turn into four terminal soil that we use in the vegetable garden and from there can grow vegetable that we use in the restaurants and what you have to feel here is the heat from this one oh yeah it's really really warm that's a good sign that means the bacterias I work and breaking down the food waste and the garden waste and turn that into a fertile soil and it smells delicious yes it's great great natural to the smell yeah so this is where we treat our Wastewater right so this is a sewage treatment plant right here yes this is our Wetland I have to say it's aesthetically the prettiest sewage treatment plant I've ever seen yeah no this is using nature the way of taking care of um waste Wastewater and so we we bring the first part of the Wastewater down to that big pond there yeah then we move it up pump it up here to this Pond and here we have a plan so water hyacinths that actually help soak up and take the nutrients out of the water and through gravity it goes to four different ponds where there are other plants and that helps treating and oxidizing the water and you end up with clear water that can then reuse this is a water treatment facility where all the drinking water is produced for the property and I have to say after being here for a couple of days I have noticed that there is an abundance of drinking water everywhere kept just as well because it is really hot and humid now arm Finn walk me through the process a little bit on how you get that drinking water quality when we collect rainwater in the rest of our and then we bring the water in here we use an arrow plants to treat their water initially and reverse osmosis that take care of all the bacterias we then further goes through a carbon resin filter then run it through UV light to really sanitize it and then we add minerals we re-mineralize the water with these mineral bowls um why are you re-mineralize it I thought the whole point was to pull minerals out of the water no no when when you have an arrow you take all for one you can clean it by killing all the bacteria but also you remove all the minerals okay that means you have a flat water it's perfectly safe to drink like but when you drink it um your body is actually uh the water extracts minerals from your body so drinking too much of a flat water is not healthy right okay so and then eventually the water comes out here so at this point it's ready to drink it's drinking it can drink yeah and you drink it and then we also do have the option we have a carbonator here to add sparkling so here you can have smoking out so I can have sparkling water too absolutely fantastic how does it taste it tastes really good but I have to ask not to State the obvious but you guys are obviously you always using your glass bottles so reduction in plastic that you're using right yeah there's a massive reduction in plastic by using the glass bottles that we can wash and use over and over again great great to hear despite the fact that there are 36 Villas on the property and they're pretty big trust me there's very little visual impact on the island and that's a big part due to most of the building materials being used or natural products now from the very beginning one of the founders Eva in fact Eva of son Eva was adamant that there was no unnecessary clearing as it's pretty evident with the tree growing right out of my pool so this is a pretty typical Villa in fact it's home sweet home for me right now and you can see the building materials the wood the glass the bamboo the stone and if you look closely each one of the support structures here is actually a telegraph pole that was reclaimed from the United Kingdom when the cables were put on the ground and no longer needed [Music] it's not just about the natural materials that they're using in the buildings here it's about the architecture and the design and walking around the property it all seems so seamless when in actual fact it's very well thought out and very well designed and it's all part of their intelligent luxury Philosophy for example a nice Sea Breeze instead of air conditioning it's all about fresh air here they've also made good use of water features which helps regulate the air and on top of all that it's just much more energy efficient it was nice I'm at the weekly General manager's cocktail party but what's really exciting about this party is this is a chance for them to Showcase their zero waste policy and basically what they're doing is creating all of these hors d'oeuvres using food that typically would go away so everything on here would have typically been thrown away so let's get an example of of something that that we would throw away but now we're going to eat what do we have here okay this is a we make for the crispy fish stick crispy fish stick okay inside the wild fish that we have example like you will fillet the sea bass or someone for make a steak Yeah for make a steak to make a main dish beautiful dish when you have a little bit left over you can mix together so this is after you fillet the fish you have little bits of fish left yes you put it all together and put inside the spindle sprinkle oh very nice and then we make this far like this and we deep fry it yes this is look like a spindle but a little bit different technique yeah about the low so who would have honestly thought that you would get something this delicious and presentable out of food that you would have typically thrown away well it's been a rather busy day checking out some of the properties equal initiatives but it's light and I need to get up early in the morning because I'm actually leaving the island on Finn is taking me to check out one of the Eco projects that suniva Foundation has that helps eliminate the company's carbon footprint so nighty night [Music] time for one last walk on the beach at suniva Curie before I meet up with Aaron Finn who as it turns out is employed at suniva's Social and environmental conscience well that's quite the title two percent of every guest stay is donated to the ceneva foundation who invest this in projects that have a positive environmental social and economic impact and I think today I get to see that in action as you can see it's another beautiful morning here in Paradise but unfortunately all good things have to come to an end and I actually have to leave the island today but it is for a good cause suniva has several Community programs and orphan tell me about some of those we have a variety of community programs one of them are learn to swim in which we teach local children how to swim and so that I become ocean ambassadors to really protect the environment we also teach in the adults on the islands to be instructors so that they can continue that program on their own and then we have the forest restoration program in which we have planted over 500 000 trees covering 300 acres in Northern Thailand and then we have the Myanmar stoves campaign in which I would like to take you and show so also we're heading to Myanmar now we're going to Myanmar oh cool I've always wanted to go let's get on that plane head to Myanmar fine yes go it's been quite the Trek to get here starting with a golf cart to the Jerry where we boarded a speed boat that took us to an airstrip where we got on a private plane to Bangkok where we boarded an international flight to Yangon Myanmar and then a domestic flight to here welcome to Mandalay now the reason that we're here is because arm Finn is going to take us to a project that the sniva foundation has here in Myanmar traditionally known as Burma now until fairly recently it was completely closed off and today the major cities are open to tourism but there's still areas where you just can't go and fortunately for us the cinema Foundation working with Mercy Corps an NGO and a charity have done some paperwork for us to get there now just to give you a sense of how difficult that still is one of our producers didn't get the paperwork in time so she has to stay at the hotel with the pool maybe I should have screwed up my paperwork but I'm really looking forward to being here seeing what it has to offer I've always wanted to come to Myanmar [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] so here we are in the village of myeongta which is about a two and a half hour very interesting drive from Mandalay now this Village itself has about 170 households in it which equates to about 800 people which is pretty average for a Township now the reason that we're here is because this particular Village has bought about 20 stoves and I wanted to come in here and get an idea of the difference that that's made in a village like this you never know I might get unfin here to cook a little Forest let's go check it out foreign [Music] as I mentioned before this is not a tourist area not only is it not a tourist area but it's actually a restricted area and we had to have specific paperwork to come here and film and I thought that was just going to be a formality but as it happens while we're filming these police officers behind me came up into the village and checked their paperwork and not only checked our paperwork but they took our picture too they even went as far as to go check out the stoves to make sure that it was relevant for the whole reason that we were here and to be honest I think we might have sold three more storms [Music] this is the traditional method of cooking very rudimentary is basically just a pit in the floor there with a fire burning sticks burning a fire and this is done every day several times a day in every household and every village in every Township um so you can imagine the inefficiency of it I mean all of the all the wood that's burning is causing massive deforestation uh and on top of that it's just unhealthy I mean I I'm sitting here now my eyes are watering a little bit I'm breathing in all of this smoke so inefficient and unhealthy right unfair absolutely this is a break health problem around the world there's about four million people a year that die from a household cooking which is twice um the amount I die from HIV AIDS and malaria combined wow so it's a huge problem so here it is the whole the whole reason that we're here in this Village for the rather grandly named envirofit m5000 or otherwise locally known as the five-minute stove so onfin give me a little bit of a little bit of a rundown on what this stove is well this is built around the concept of a rocket um so it often referred to it as a rocket stove in that it has a chamber that channels the Heat and that allows you to cook on a higher temperature and that higher temperature allows you to use half the wood so 50 reduction now we're cutting down on deforestation absolutely and also very important as you can see there's hardly any smoke here it actually reduces the the smoke and the soft by 80 the particle matter that they normally would Breathe In This is a fantastic health benefits it's incredible incredible to me that it's such a simple everyday object can make such a huge difference yeah absolutely a small thing that can make a huge difference for People's Health also that improve their financial matter and reduce the deforestation so we've seen both the health benefits and the environmental benefits of having this stove program but how did it even get started especially from someone like a like a hotel organization we started in 2008 with an environmental Fund in with the objective of setting our carbon emissions and we are done a variety of projects we did a stoves project in Darfur but we wanted something that was closer to a home base and we are an asian-based company and we needed to find at least developing country and and Myanmar was the perfect fit in that and so we then decided to set up our stoves program in Myanmar hence the Myanmar stoves campaign right and has it has it been successful it has indeed we've today this building over 14 000 stoves helping over 65 000 people and we have a lot a lot of positive feedback from the users so what an incredible experience it's been been able to come into Myanmar a country that's just recently opened its borders I feel very very fortunate to be able to experience this and I want to say a big thank you to iron Finn and the ceneva foundation and also mercico for giving us the opportunity to come into a village like this and see the difference that a project like the Myanmar stov campaign can make to a community like this say bye guys bye Thailand faces the same challenge that many developing countries face they desperately need the tourism dollars but they often forget about protecting the very environment that those tourist dollars bring in it really is up to Progressive organizations like sineva to make a difference in countries like these they really have set the bar they have thought about every little element even down to employing social conscience to constantly focus on these issues yet they don't force it down your throat but if you want to get involved then there's that option too in fact they run promotions such as additional free days if you participate in their eco-education programs in summary what an unforgettable and eye-opening experience this has been so where does Geneva Kerry sit on our equal score card well taking into account all of our criteria I give this trip a whopping a plus and I truly believe that the suniva organization sets the highest standard and sustainable luxury travel now to get a more in-depth analysis of how I scored this trip visit our website at leave wow what an incredible experience over the last few days at both Geneva Kiri and Myanmar and talk about contrast you know Aunt Finn pulled me aside privately and he asked me what's the one thing that really stood out for me on this trip and I couldn't answer it simply because I honestly felt that the sum of the whole experience was much greater than all the parts separately but I guess if I had to pick one thing it was suniva's commitment and execution it's an environmental and sustainability policies these guys don't just talk the top they walk the walk more than I've ever seen anywhere else the good news is thanks to the zero carbon's emissions policies I can get on an airplane for the next 24 hours back to the United States and I personally will leave no Trace but I'm Richard Crawford until next time [Music] thank you [Music] no I don't want to go oh I'll do anything to stay I'll cook I'll clean I'll clean up I'll sweep the beach don't make me go
2023-11-13 09:44