Exploring Sokcho - First Impressions (Bike Touring Korea #34)

Exploring Sokcho - First Impressions  (Bike Touring Korea #34)

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bam just like that I got one holy cow look at that wow this is uh beautiful nice luckily the uh the the clouds burned off otherwise is that it yes okay so a little mussels okay that's what I'm looking for mussels all right okay there's many of them okay where do you put them do you have a net what what do you put like pocket? okay I awesome okay now I know what I'm looking for okay bam just like that I got one hey you just kind of have to feel around for them and uh that's a big one yeah that's pretty easy that is actually a lot of fun digging deep in the sand and pulling out the clams but yeah I think they're clams not mussels I don't know what I'm thinking I think I did pretty good and I got all these in maybe 10 15 minutes maybe like didn't take long and it's a lot of fun check that out the final total right here that's uh going to be dinner tonight that's amazing that's a lot wow that is awesome and tonight I want to watch how they prepare them and how they cook them and since I want to be on the coast from here all the way down to Busan really I can do this uh by myself you know if  I can learn how to cook them I have a stove I have a pot I just never use it and so you know I can learn how to cook them up and then maybe add them to some noodles or some Ramen or something just to spice it up a little bit hell yeah that dog is walking her not the other way around so we're actually not doing the clams tonight because apparently you have to let them sit for one full day so that they can spit out all the sand instead we're going to have a barbecue so not complaining there that looks freaking delicious [Music] all right surf 61 here in Goseong uh my hangout for the past 24 hours it's been fun nice people here uh thought they were going to do the clams tonight but we can't do it they're still sand all up in the clams and so uh that's unfortunate but I need to get a move on tomorrow supposed to rain typhoon and all that kind of stuff is coming so I want to go ahead and get into Sokcho and uh maybe go to a jjimjilbang so time to get a move on and so thought I was going to stay here one more night but the weather kind of is making me want to leave so see you later cat I don't think it's going to be a problem  finding a place to Camp or to stay or to eat all along the coast I've been cycling for not even 10 minutes and everywhere you look there's campsites and restaurants and open beaches and so I have a feeling it's going to be like that the whole way and every beach is kind of similar too it's real nice the beaches here so far it's just nice there's no Coral there's no rocks it's real soft sand and I went surfing for a little bit today I took some lessons a long time ago on Bali and the waves here are pretty gentle and kind and so figured it might be a good place to try to hop back on the surfboard but got up a couple times it wasn't pretty but we'll keep trying again though just nice beaches all along the coast another campsite honestly how do you choose if you have no idea which Beach you want to go to there's a campsite at every single one so I don't know maybe you just start at one and then you just keep you just keep going down the next one each  time but it's pretty out here got the mountains over in the distance on the right kind of looks like rain over there but it's beautiful out here man welcome to Sokcho they make you climb a hill just to go into the city so I've made it to Sokcho and I have to say so far looks like a beautiful place look at the bridge got the harbor right here looks really nice check this guy out that's a big one right there so I think this is a huge version of the uh the jjimjilbang the the sauna that I uh saw about a  week ago in Hwacheon and so they have a lot of the wood stacked up over there they got a bunch of the wood cut and uh some of the chips and whatnot over here all right let's let's do a quick tour of this place there ain't nobody in here besides me in this entire place and so this is the third floor there's a second floor that's a little bit nicer it has like nice tile and I could stay down there but they have a couple TVs on but there's nobody in the room but and that's where uh the entrance to the sauna is but I'll do that in the morning because I don't want to get all sweaty and so I've only seen one other person wearing this uh looking like I'm in jail orange clothing here it's like all orange yeah there's only like one other person  in here and so guess I got this whole place to myself and then man got a nice view I get 12 hours so 9:45 to 9:45 I'll be out of here good morning from Sokcho just did a couple rounds in the sauna so here they have two different ones uh they're inside this big cylinder right here way bigger than the one in Hwacheon but obviously they have to accommodate 10 times more people if not more this is what I'm looking at today though I have a typhoon hitting right now apparently so I've only got about an hour left here I got to clean up a shower and then figure out what I'm going to do today but this kind of sucks because Sokcho looks like a pretty damn beautiful city all right so this is what we're going to do first thing in Sokcho we're going to go over to the by Abai Village and uh check that area out so got online this morning looked at the map and looks like there's a North Korean community over here maybe a lot of North Korean refugees and and it looks like this ferry is just something that is tied to this big rope right here this huge cable and uh this guy just manually pulls the  boat back and forth so like we don't got to go far okay so yeah maybe there are a lot of North Korean refugees that fled this way I'm sure that's exactly what that is right there those pictures squid sunday? hello is this the squid sundae? what is this? yeah squid squid right wow okay that is very good wow egg, the squid kind of surprisingly delightful that is good nice texture nice and not too chewy but it's hot and that I think it's kimchi like it was kind of the kimchi is kind of cold but the squid and the egg is really hot uh I want more well is this a restaurant can I eat inside okay thank you okay so park the bike over here ah over here okay okay perfect I guess they just cook them up on the back side over there and over here they have the restaurant ooh Some crab too so I think what I just had is called a squid sundae and I kid you not when I read that online I was like ice cream like squid ice cream that don't sound too good okay what is the best best mhm this is okay the squid sundae okay this is hot soup? hot soup hot like it's a hot hot and spicy hot nice okay fish and the fish uh is there any like uh is this like North Korean food? Kore North Korea uh soup okay oh soup uh uh rice rice soup rice soup let's see here this is what this was really good but seven to there's how many? seven seven seven seven the picture uhhuh Okay picture M okay m M I see I see what about the soup  I'll do the crab soup yeah and noodle noodle soup sounds perfect okay okay one you go to sale you go to okay thank you all right thank you all right so I'm looking off in the direction of the kitchen and uh put my crab together I think in the bowl which it looks amazing looks huge actually I'm looking at the shelf over here and I see the bottle let's go have a closer look yep that's exactly what I thought it was and it has a face on it wow Oo we look at that that's crazy on the menu this is only 15,000 and then this whole set right here is 30,000 this is I need to double check make sure this is okay all right there is no way this is 15,000 I am probably spending a lot of money right now but that's cool you guys have uh been so amazing with your contributions and donations on all my YouTube videos and so this is for you guys holy cow look at that maybe it is I don't know at the end of the day you don't get a whole lot of meat with crab anyway so gloves are going on so do I put I'm guessing I put all the waste in here all right a little halftime progress report for you uh I've spent about the last 10 minutes just digging out all the all the crab all the all the edible parts and I still have a long way to go so man that's I think the idea of eating crab is better than actually eating crab so much work and so I haven't really even began to dig into it like every once in a while I get a good piece of the crab out I'll eat it but I just keep chunking all the small parts in here and then when I'm done I'll dig in but I still have more right you kind of dig out half of it for you and then kind of go in there and this part you're not supposed to eat so you take all that out pretty much everything else like all the  gunkyness you can really get in there and uh hot hot that's another thing, like burning my fingers but there's all that meat all up in there you just got to work for it that's what I don't like doing do not like working and I keep slinging it everywhere like every once in I crack it open it slaps me in the face I swear it's like never ending still more crab at the bottom of the bowl I haven't even started eating yet come on and I know I'm not doing this as good as probably could as good as some people could probably a whole lot of meat in here but it's just so hard to get out oh no so small get out of there nothing it's like crack it open oh a little bity bite again the idea of eating crab is better than actually eating crab I think oh there's a good one there's a good one all for that it's good that was pretty good but the bites are so small and that happens too often too  you have now I have to dig it okay now I think I can finally dig in that's a huge bowl of ramen and there should be some crab meat in there all for this it's nothing special to be honest it's good I'm freaking hungry so I'm definitely going to eat it but I don't know that squid sundae i want to go look for that again that was unique and that was different and that was good this just kind of tastes like any old bowl of ramen to be honest oh really thank you so much thank you thank you thank you oh yeah the uh the fish over there the grilled fish that's what I should have got that was freaking delicious always ordering the wrong thing so that's the sausage the pork blood sausage I think a little kimchi on it maybe I think that's kimchi is kimchi? it's good good yeah I like the hot and the cold and I like her she feeds me by hand all right thank you all right more and more people are coming out the clouds kind of burned off a little bit maybe the typhoon has passed I guess I should have gone to that  restaurant when I had the chance there wasn't a line earlier oh well let's go eat some more like snack food and uh small things if we can I guess that's the thing here so I think I'm pretty lucky to just even try one of the uh squid sundaes you know because one one order of like seven or eight plus the uh the sausage and the red stuff is 30,000 which is like 24 25 bucks and so you know her just giving me one just to try is uh actually I think I'm pretty lucky that's like $2 just for one I think can you tell me what is inside the squid? outside skin inside and rice and 12 mix 12 different things mixed together okay M rice and maybe some carrots or I don't know all right so it's not just squid a lot of different things in there once again a nice Beach nice sand not a bad place over here on the East Coast Good Luck thank you have a time thank you you fighting all right so I just translated each  and every one of these pictures right here uh they need to clean it up and fix it it's it's not going to last too much longer you see how it's all crackling and kind of kind of falling apart there so they need to fix it um but there's not English but I went ahead and translated each and every one mainly just talks about how this area is home for a lot of displaced North Koreans uh a lot of people fleeing from the north obviously they call this place home most of them are fishermen uh because they just didn't have access  to land and they couldn't do farming and so this talks about how rough their lives were and U and how hard it was for them to find work and so a lot of them just turned to fishing and uh you know it's just really sad a lot of them you know had their families split up and so just one of those tragic stories being so close to the border a lot of them fleeing a lot of them leaving some of their family in the north uh goes on to talk about how this is one  of the most sought-after beaches in Korea it's one of the cleanest beaches it's um listed as one of the top 100 beaches in uh our one top 100 tourist destinations in Korea I even do the Iron Man triathlon here and so and this is pretty cool over here looks like they filmed a a drama or some sort of TV show here and so they mention it here so but mostly the underlying message is it's a refugee place this is squid ink? oh okay okay yeah  oh really kind of hard but it's kind of crack it I imagine on the inside it's nice and soft yeah it [Music] is I have water thank you so much very cute place I know nothing special but it's it's [Applause] good need some butter right when I said that I think there is some butter in there I just ate it from the wrong end so the the other side is like really greasy yeah there's butter on the other side way better M damn makes all the difference so that's pretty cool the Sokcho Port International Cruise Terminal I wonder where you can go from here I mean can you go to Japan is right there I did see a line I was looking at Google Maps you know how you can see all the uh the ferry lines that go out from the port and I was just I was just following one and apparently you can go to Russia from one of these ports I don't know if you can go to Russia from here but huh that's interesting where can you go international from the Sokcho International Cruise terminal Philippines maybe uh Malaysia where are you going from here dang so I almost missed it I was just about to get on that little boat and go back over there and I just I decided to do one last loop of the island I'm glad I did because I found this over here which it looks like many of the other kind of memorials and statues  that you see divided families uh portrayed by the outstretched arms yeah I can only assume that's kind of what they're getting at here just me? okay all righty so uh I'm about to go get on a a sailboat be careful be careful okay I'll be all right um so I've just been chilling in this uh nice little Bakery and coffee shop and and uh restaurant here and uh someone came up to me and they were like hey you want to go on a a free boat ride I said sure why not take shoes off take off off okay appreciate it this looks fun no problem enjoy all right this is awesome and actually when I come back I met one of my subscribers she came in and uh said hello and she wants to take me to dinner tonight so we're actually just going to go right next door and have dinner so have that to look forward to when uh I get back so look like we're going to go out and get a little tour of the harbor here I watch your bike in front of the store I'm sorry I watched your bike oh you saw my bike I think that's it yeah I know your channel appreciate it nice to meet you thank you wow this is uh beautiful nice luckily the uh the the clouds burned off had a pretty nice day and check it out that's my jjimjilbang that I stayed in last night that's where I stayed last night the jjimjilbang over there yeah here how was it? it's good I like the jjimjilbang what is this one the squid squid yeah squid so this is a squid fishing boat right that's the lights up there that's what it's for right that's what I thought I saw the saw that boat in Busan yeah right right this is the season now okay very quickly this is where I was this morning this is the North Korean refugee Village very very choppy out here too he was saying it's usually not this bad but there's a typhoon right now hitting Japan and it's really windy today and so that's why it's so wavy right now Sokcho is a pretty beautiful city I'd have to say and I can't help but think like what would this look like if Sokcho just happened to be on the North Korea side when the war was all said and done so that boat is the same company same company okay so you can either take the sailboat or the yacht it's it's same yacht it's for 12 people to 22 people [Music] gotcha thank you thank you so I think I've been taken to a very very famous restaurant here in Sokcho or that's what I've been told Chung Cho So and you have a very awesome view right there amazing wow wow wow wow so this is the raw fish plate like I guess Sashimi yeah yeah yeah octopus octopus like lot of different types of uh there's fish I see that shell all different kinds of stuff in there for  sure but this is the squid sundae it looks like it's the whole squid so I'm guessing they just show all the ingredients all the all the yeah all the stuffing inside of it like chop it up and cook it cuz that's the whole squid right there I've eaten a lot of sushi and a lot of sashimi but never this style oh never this is a this is the first this is a first is that ice ice yeah yeah it's cold it's crunchy a little bit of spice to it it's good it's good feel very fresh very fresh time for another squid sundae those are good those are really good I like the egg the squid is good it's hot I like these a lot and we are done and I ate most of it she was like I eat this stuff all the time and uh she was being super nice and just like here you pretty much eat it all so I did and I'm stuffed and uh it was pretty good you know it's the cold stuff that I'm still trying to warm up with do a little bit uh but the the squid sundae such a weird name but I like it it has the egg it's hot um it's good it's good got one hell of the view look at that it it's so nice out here [Music]

2024-10-13 22:01

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