Exploring Portuguese Medieval Castle + Abandoned Abbey

Exploring Portuguese Medieval Castle + Abandoned Abbey

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Hey. And welcome to, es. Forgotten. On today's episode. I'm gonna be showing you, a portuguese. Medieval. Castle. This castle, is called, castelde, montmarnot. But it's been abandoned, for several, years, and it's now being restored. And opened to the. Public. In the end of the video i'm going to be showing you a sneak peek of an abandoned, abbey. This convent. Held. Hundreds, of monks, and it's located, in the middle of nowhere. A perfect, and quiet place, for the. Monks. Join me, in my first, episode. Of portuguese. Medieval. Castles. Hmm. As you see in the title and thumbnail. Today, i bring you, a different video. This castle, that i'm right now it's called, castel. Montmorenovo. It's. A really old castle. I'm gonna tell you. The story a little bit later, but, this castle, was abandoned, for. Years and years. And it's now being restored, that's why i'm making a video because. Of course they are not going to repair, all the walls, and everything but they're trying to make this place. Look, uh, good again. Because. Before that it was just, a bunch of ruins. It's good to preserve, and do like. At least path walks, to, people, visit this, place. As you can see. Most of the. The walls and structures. Like for the example that arch, was closed there was something there, in. This church, too. Like some things, have been. Changed. Over the years. But for the most part. It's. All destroyed. So glad they are doing something with this place. And look at the view. This is just. Breathtaking. I love. I love this, part of portugal. It's just beautiful. You see. The broken, rocks. Literally. This was. Some houses or stuff this was a road you see, these rocks are for road. Those are for construction. It's. I don't know how to explain what's the difference, between the rocks but. Yeah. I want to see that church, because. The castle. This, all of this was walls. Until there. So this is a huge place but i want to see that church. This is what i wanted to see. This was, a church, right now. This place. It was a church. That. It doesn't exist now like nothing. Oh it's, it's it's really hard to imagine. This as a church. Like. I can see. This being a church but. It's so hard it's so. Destroyed. But we can see like. The old, architecture. Of this building. Yeah. This is really cool. Oh my god there's the stairs. Okay new adventure, let's go. Oh, i feel spider, webs. This is so narrow. Oh my god. Okay. It's just to the altar. Okay, let's go down. And try not to, fall. In here. Some type of stairs, in here. Okay. Wait, wait. This, this wall this this, wall, was built, after, because this is the original, wall of the church. You barely can see. You barely can see it but. You see the arch. It's so sad that this place. Is. Got, rebuild, and rebuilt. And lost, the the original. Structure. But it's still. Beautiful. Okay, imagine this, this has been, the entrance, of the church. That's the church, no roof no nothing. But, this is cool this is like the original, pillars. That hold this wall. It's so cool. It was some symbols in there, i don't know, i don't know if you can see because. It looks like roxburg. There are sybils, around, the. The, whole, entrance. Of this door. So really cool. They are still building the stairs so it's just blocks. It's cool that we have to we can see. This place being like, restored. I can't. Get enough of this view. So. So. It's. I can see so long like in this part of portugal, there's no mountains. So it's just, land and land and land and land. Oh my god. Okay i see a date. 19. 76. I don't know. I hope there's no, fire. Okay, now the history. During, the, christian, reconquist. Of the, iberia, peninsula. The the king, don sanchez. Ordered to build. A lot of things. And. They think, this castle, was built. In, 1203. They are not sure but they think is around. That time, this castle, was, rebuilt. Destroyed, and rebuilt. A bunch of times. And, in the. 15th, century. The castle. Suffered. A major. Remodelation. Work. Because they needed, to be bigger. But in 755. Because of an earthquake. Known as the, lisbon, earthquake. Some of the walls and structure, of this place.

Got, Knocked down but that's not the only reason this castle got destroyed. This castle. Was used in a few wars, especially. In the. Peninsula. War and this castle was used between. 1828. And 1834. That's the years of the war and it was. Used, by, the major. Liberal, troops. That was on the command, of. Marshall. Duke. Saldana. In the 20th century, most specifically. In, 1929. One of the towers, was restored. And. A few years passed and some of the walls fall. And. A lot of the. The structure. Of these walls, is just. Stone. As you can see. It's just stone, and sand. Which makes these walls. Fragile. But, really, strong. That didn't make sense, but. Like for weapons. Like bullets and everything this is really strong, but for earthquakes. Or. Like natural, stuff this is really weak because, if the the earth, shakes. Everything in here shakes, and falls down, in. 1937. And. 1945. There was a lot of reconstruction. On this place but. This is so big that. They can't repair. Everything. So, what they are doing now is just, restoring, the, the, path walks. For people to visit this place because, it was abandoned, for so long, that they just want to show, the people what's left. Of this castle, because of the wars. And, everything, so, i think they are doing, amazing, job. Like. Look at this this is not finished, of course but. This is. Becoming, pretty nice. They have a, garth, tower. And this is like. Really beautiful, and really peaceful. This side it's the city. Montmartre. Sadly we can't go to the towers. Because it's all closed. But. Still nice to see this. Place. Okay, now. We are in the middle of nowhere. As you saw. Literally is just. Dry land. Me and my father. Are gonna see. Another thing i was not going to film this but. I'm here might as well just, put in a video so. I don't know if you can see but there's like a tower up there. Yeah so that's. Where going. Finally. You don't think i can, get in. Just want to see. This quickly because i know it's. Overground, destroyed. Okay i'm just going. Oh. My god. This is more destroyed, than i. Than i knew. Split in half. Oh my god this is. Beautiful. My god. This is really beautiful. It's. Very destroyed. It's. Really beautiful. I know people have, photos of the the roof, all. Like. All complete because this fall. This thing fall down like. A few years ago, not that long ago. But. It's such a shame, that these places are like, in the middle of nowhere, and. Get destroyed, and history, gets forgotten, you know. That's why i'm doing this. Because i want, history, to be preserved. At least these like. Beautiful, things you see these paintings. Like back in the days they didn't have like. A lot of materials, to do like. Churches and stuff so they just. Painted the walls, and it's oh my god. Look at that ceiling. The ceiling, is beautiful. I really love the colors. Damn, this was a giant. Abby. So this place is called, convent, munfurat. It's, a really old. Avi. And really dark. I don't know if you can see me or not, going. Here. It was built, in the 18th, century, and a lot of monks, lived here. My god this is so beautiful. It's sad that it's destroyed, but. And a lot of monks lived here, and stayed here this is a secluded, place so it's. What. Normally. Um. Monks and. People that want to pray, like like these. Secluded, places. I'm just i'm just walking, i don't know where i'm going. I don't know if you can see me or not, a little bit of light. This.

Convent. Like the the castle. Suffered, a lot with the earthquake. 1755. Earthquake, the lisbon earthquake. And. They restored, half of the covent, but. It stayed, in decay. And he was inhabited. Until, the. 20th century. So. Not that long ago but. This place was already, in a lot of decay, state. So. People just left it. And. Now it's really falling down, like this is crazy. Not gonna even step there. But. This is just breathtaking. Really beautiful. I just had to make this quick stop to show you this convent. And. Maybe i'll do, a complete video on this place one day but, yeah i just had to make. A small video about this. Okay, i think. This is like an altar. In, someone. That the coughing of someone was here, you know. That's to put. Some statues. Of. Sans. Yeah. Me and my father are just walking around, and seeing this place and it's just. Huge. I don't know if you can, see it. But that's a chimney. And this, whole space was of of course was close but. It has this pillar in the middle. And, i think this was a kitchen. It's. Literally hard trees. Growing, inside but. This is. Crazy. This place is gigantic. Barely. I can i i could lost, myself, in here. My god this even goes further. And further. Okay maybe one day i'll do. A video in. Here. Oh my god this has a tower. Oh it's, the clock tower you see it. God, okay i have to do a video in here one day. But for now. I hope you guys liked this week's video, it was different, it was a castle, that's. Not technically, abandoned, it was abandoned, not. Now it's not. But, i hope you like it, if you did please, give it a big thumbs up it helps me a lot. Leave, a comment, telling me what you think about, this type of videos if you want to see more. Portuguese, castles, are different. And, abbeys. So if you want to see more of these places and more of the portugal, history. Just leave it down in the comments. So i know as always. Don't forget to subscribe. Down below. And hit the bell notification, to get notified. Every time i upload. And i'll see you on the next one, ciao. And i have a spider, on me. Hey. Yes yes everyone is talking english now. Sorry sorry i speak english. English. I'm so awkward, there's so many people working. And i feel so awkward, recording, in. Public. Oh. Held. This abandoned, cove. It's. Join me in my. Join me in my pur. First. Families. Esperanto.

2020-08-21 08:10

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