Exploring Menaggio and Varenna: The Best of Lake Como, Italy

Exploring Menaggio and Varenna: The Best of Lake Como, Italy

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Good morning, good morning [ciao, ciao] my friends  from another video here in the beautiful and   exotic country of Italia. [Music] I'm here with the one and only Mabibti, Mabelle, babe [bella ciao, bella ciao] my friends and as you saw and if you did see  the last video we got ourselves a little Fiat   500 that's going to be coming with us for the  cruise I had to set the camera down there for   a second because we had the police looking at  me but yeah we're actually going to be trying   out the ferry this way but in a different  way basically you pull up in the spot that   you're going to be driving onto the farians so  a ferry just left that's why there's only one   car ahead of us but there's two other spots  for the other Ferry and then you just pick   up the ticket so I'm Gonna Save you guys some  time because if you saw yesterday's video you   saw the process of getting the tickets so  I'm gonna snap my fingers and you're gonna   see tickets in my hand three to one oh okay  never mind that didn't work no tickets well   it's because we walked in there and I guess  the Ferry's already here so they said just   get the tickets on board so hopefully that's the  same thing for uh cars all right so we're just   cruising right onto the boat here hello hello ciao  Fairy Who stops here oh I need to pay for it okay [Music]   and all right now when we snap the fingers  then the tickets are gonna show and   we got it my friends so it was 15.50 euros to  take our car over to Varenna and then Menaggio  but basically since I guess the car behind me  is going to Varenna, we have to pull off and if   there's too many cars in line we won't be able to  get back on so then I guess we're gonna explore   Varenna. Now if there are enough cars we'll pull  out come back on and then we'll actually go to  

Menaggio and then later on our way back we'll stop  in Varenna the one thing we've learned is that like   being on this side Varenna or Bellagio for Sunset  is the best and then being on the Menaggio side   more like the sunrise or midday time seems to  be better just based on where the sun comes up   and the sun goes down over there so the photos  are incredible when you are on the Bellagio side   or on the Varenna side around the time of sunset  because when it I guess right after Sunset because   the Sun goes behind those mountains and then it  gives this really really soft light on you that   just like makes you glow in a way that's like a  photographer's dream. I'm not even a photographer   but when you pull out the good old handy dandy  cell phone pop a couple good photos you'll be   surprised what this little bad boy can do so uh  yeah guys we're just gonna cruise on over there   and I guess you'll be finding out in just a moment  what we're going to be exploring just like we will   Full Speed Ahead and here we are arriving now to  Varenna. Hello Varenna, hello Varenna hello [Music] all right well guys uh we have just  got off now at varana and we are gonna   see if we can get back on here but I'm not  entirely certain uh we're going to Menaggio loading right back on Grazie  Grazie long time no see we're back we're back we're back baby and for you guys that  was like one second and we cross the lake crosses   I don't know maybe 12 minutes or so and we are  arriving back to Menaggio which you guys probably   saw in the last video but we're not gonna probably  spend as much time in the town center now since   we have a car so we're actually going to be able  to visit some of the top places to visit around   here which are like Villas as well as Gucci's old  mansion so it's gonna be a fun little tour around   here probably gonna need to find a little  Italian breakfast slash lunch given that is   12:56, it's already 1 p.m. So I guess definitely  Italian lunch. How does that sound? Sounds great!

Alright we've made to Maggiano that doesn't sound  right it sounds like a cheese Menaggio. All right, Menaggio we're back manage we're  back like we never left Full Speed Ahead   okay well you're responsible for  finding us a place to eat right oh yes you guys are getting a taste of what it's like  from the fiance to travel with her these are her   recommendations her schedule on what we got to do  oh got the windshield wipers on this one's like   left to right which way is it turn right  up to the right then yes oh don't be scared we're gonna be arriving to our first restaurant  of the day in just a moment here guys but I want   to take one second and stop to share with  you that if you're thinking about coming   to Italy or you're playing planning on traveling  anywhere in the world and you're looking to find   extremely cheap flights well I can tell you after  traveling pretty much the last 15 years of my life   but full-time the last four years I figured out  the best ways to save money on flights and I've   actually put together a free ebook just for you  guys so all you have to do is go down to the   description below open up the link and you'll  actually sign up for my newsletter where I'll   be sharing a lot of ebooks with you guys with all  types of travel tips for free so if you sign up at   that link you'll immediately get access to my 10  ways to save money on flights and get your flights   for cheap for the next time you travel so let's  head back to it hope to see you in Italy soon   we have parked and now we're heading to a little  breakfast my friends here we go I can imagine that   if you're coming here in the summer you might not  find parking I mean it wasn't super easy for us   to find parking but it wasn't that difficult was  the short walk but if you're coming here in the   summertime I bet it's nearly impossible to find a  parking spot so keep that in mind if you're going   to be taking your car with you and if you want  to park like down in the city there's just not   that many opportunities to uh leave a car here  just a couple scattered spots and that's about   it but it's so nice here there's like no one  on the streets you can literally hear the birds   chirping there's one of the birds chirping potato  this is the place oh look at these views after   you oh thank you all right so we got ourselves a  nice little Italiano spot right here hello hello   ciao 2C uh table for two people on the balcony  please yeah drink a little bit of both please   wow this is a nice little Vibe right here  great selection yeah baby let's get us as   close to the water as we can look at this  little patio this is incredible thank you   thank you very much thank you baby wow we  are literally Seaside right here oh yeah incredible oh they've even got a cool  setup right out there that looks like   a place to go to maybe that's a  hotel with a pool right next to   the lake proper Vibe all right looks  like we've got the drinks menu here   food is this food right there I guess no this is  for allergies oh all right oh there's another page oh yeah that looks fantastic I think I would  be well let's put it this way guys to prove   that pizza is my favorite food I think in  every single Vlog I make in Italy I have to   test out at least one pizza and we did well  on the first Vlog we tried out the very very   delicious one and so far I'm gonna hunt to find  a Bed Pizza in Italy have not had a chance to   find a bad one yeah they've only been delish  there is one I had last night in Bellagio and   I will tell you it was amazing I didn't end up  actually recording that because it was kind of   just a last minute little gig but wow yum yum  yum we've got Champagnes here we've got wines   oh 85 Euros a bottle of 400 euros bottle  we go it's a lot so basically with a view   like this in Menaggio you'll be paying like  10 to 11 Euros per pizza so overall a very   good price I'd say with views like this  would you like my love a margarita pizza all right uh let's see how's the uh  Delicia delicious yeah so perfect all   right smoked cheese Mozzarella ham  okay I think I'll do that one and   do you want anything else no all right I think  that'll be it then all right the hunt for some   Za continues look at this this is the photo  we've been trying to take for the last couple   minutes right there showing off that with the  views Pizza has arrived this looks delicious thank you so much look at that we got  a nice big Margarita Pizza there and   this thing's just loaded up yeah you got  your eye on this one already don't you yep   here we've got some ham yeah honestly  we probably could have split one of   these because these are like a thicker  crust oh yeah but it looks fantastic oh that is hot like you Pizza Lovers  Only at this table that's for sure all   right let's see I'm gonna grab a little  one to start out with yeah it's pretty   much bite-sized for me excuse me cheers let's  try this out next Pizza first one of Menaggio that's so good cheese is stringy nice  and like it's like a gooey cheese mixed   in with that ham and you can taste the  smoke flavor it's a much lighter smoked   flavor than I was kind of envisioning  which I'm happy about because I was a   little bit on edge like smoked but  let me tell you it hits the spot how's that Margarita very good it's just a bit  hot taking my time yes it is hot I'm so hungry   and it tastes so good but I'm just ignoring  that I'm burning my tongue at the moment I do like that personally though I like my  toppings to be under the cheese sometimes   or actually no it depends sometimes I like it  under the cheese so it can be hidden but in   this case it kind of just sandwiches the cheese  and gives it a nice chew this is really good and this is a different style pizza than we  had in the first Vlog if you guys remember in   the first Vlog we had more of like the ultra  thin crust I don't even try and say the name   of it but I want to say Napoleon but I think  I'm wrong so drop a comment below letting me   know how wrong I was or how this one is  like a thicker crust pizza that's what I   was saying like for us to eat one of these  whole things on our own is actually like   kind of a lot it's like the same thickness as  I could find in a frozen pizza in the U.S all   right we're making progress through here  I figured I'd just try out the margarita   pizza here because if the cheese is smoked it's  obviously gonna have a bit different of a flavor oh that's nice it's like a much lighter um a  lighter cheese I think on this one as you can   see there's just a lot more cheese so when you  take a bite you get much more of a like a chewy   gooey taste to it but also nice a much lighter  pizza and you know you can't go wrong when you're   looking out eating zaz and seeing that is Lago  de Como or Lake Como right now it's a delish   meal but we've got a lot to do guys let's head on  all right guys and we're heading out from tato so   just so you can see here the total for us to have  two pizzas and a water came out to about 27 euros   and it looks like Restaurante 10 oh that's so yeah  I guess there is tax here 10 tax so you guys know   wow government's making some good cash out here so  yeah guys 27 Euros a pretty good price right here   in managio and now where's the next stop Gucci  crib Gucci well let's head on out what is it   about a 30 minute drive let's do this we're back  in the Bugatti let's do this all right here we go okay Italia mabula and Mac are heading  around closed unfortunately oh The Villa   might be closed so maybe it's just  like a high season type thing yeah brother maybe we'll get some  beautiful views along the way purse because you're gonna eat a lot of  dang food and you're gonna end up you know   not having your lipstick on so always carry  your lipstick and that way you're fresh again wow thank me later and men too  if you like wearing lipstick true around here lots of this Villa carliota so  these are all museums then yeah yeah you can wow so you've got we've got a whole list of them  to visit then today yeah the highlight like like Garden is just outstanding so yeah I mean  look at these like everything in these   plants are literally built into the side of  the wall yeah yeah look at they have buses   on these tiny little roads unreal a skilled  driver to be able to drive on these roads it's a really nice area to kind of cruise  around through here a lot of cafes right   along here places to kind of just sit  out I bet this side would be the spot   right in this area to just wake up and be  there at Sunrise because you get a really   nice soft light on this side when  the sun's coming up from that way all right I guess we're near Gucci's crib here's how we get there oh right here we're going up to Gucci's I hope this is right   another place we'll want to have to  turn around if we're going the wrong way well looks like we're not going to Gucci's  crib okay well time to reverse out of here   I'm just driving this thing straight  backwards here I feel like I'm in a   James Bond movie made me scared yeah oh have no  fear the Fiat Masters here success I'm so sad oh my God why do we do that don't be scared  so there's Villa there's another Villa   we're we're in Varenna no no well guys that's  uh quite the bummer Villa there's a villa here   Villa del Bal bianello gudio you like this one  this is Guido ingresso in entrance this way oh   here let's go I don't know if it's up there  yeah here's another Villa called Villa del   Bal bianello is this similar to Gucci's that's  about oh Gucci's name is no no it's called The   Villa it's called balbianos oh okay all right  but it was here so it might be open then all   right looks like we have located a villa so if  you're following the GPS Google Maps guys I think   that's just like a private maintenance entrance  that's why we were quite confused there and I was   surprised like such a famous place didn't have any  signage but this makes a lot more sense now that   we have found parking right along this road and  we've got Villa del balbianello yes opening time   so look all right so it looks like March from  mid-march to the end of October so that means   we just made it in time here 10 a.m to 6 p.m and  then the off season it's one hour earlier five   years balbiano is actually the house of Gucci I'm  sure it's written somewhere yeah all right let's   do this Gucci anyway but like that's not waste  time oh hold on did I see it says it's closed   on Monday closed on Monday and Wednesday  and we're here on Wednesday oh no way yeah today's Wednesday right yeah yeah why let me  remove it then it's open that's one way to do   it that's a good boy through here yeah all right  it looks like a good boy wow on the way up we're   getting some really incredible views you can see  all of the Mountainside here the boats the lake   that's the whole area we were just driving along  on the way here yeah yeah that's something else basically Mondays and Wednesdays  it's closed absolutely ridiculous oh   we could have had a little picnic right there too crackers and a Zach very bad news my friends this  one is the most famous One oh I hope Wednesday the   day we were planning on exploring Villas means  they're not all closed but we shall see she   basically private entrance to get in here that  was the gate we tried to get in over there but   I guess you just can't drive in but look at this  so 23 Euros adults or if you're a reduced ticket 6   to 25. so your age we can get yours for 15. eight  Euros off count only one more year of that [Music] it's good 25 I'm 24. yeah so another year that  yeah another year no 18 months yeah birthday uh  

October 24th so yeah well that's too bad closed  on Monday and Wednesday I guess until next time   Gucci his number please call Gucci you can unlock  him eight eight don't tell anyone nope didn't work   no wow well at least we have beautiful views you  can see why Gucci decided to stay here for a bit   14 minutes by all right so we just figured  out that the house of balbianello is different   from the house of balbiano that's the house of  Gucci like they're next to each other I'm not sure   yeah because it's not see anything so  it might be closed too then you know   I don't know I hope not they say  it's the one of the most beautiful   houses here in uh in Lake Como wow  no not enough yeah so I'm like very   um disappointed no I'm very I'm so curious to see  it you know before I leave like Como just take   a moment and like look at how symmetrical that  is and how nicely all of the plants are trimmed   leading into it like all the the trees over there  they're just like different shapes that's so cool   to see like modern nature obviously with a bit  of a human touch to make that happen she did her   best but yesterday we came to this side without  the car so we couldn't get here and the uh Villa   was open today we came here with a car and the  bill is closed you're doing a great job Milo all right back to the car we're gonna snap  our fingers to get over there to the other   Villa 12 minutes away by walk or by foot and  four minutes away by drive three two one and   boom guys we have made it to the official house  with Gucci there it is on the other side no I'm   not entirely certain if it's open but we're still  gonna take a little walk over here see what we can   find the views around this area are absolutely  gorgeous nonetheless no I don't know but this   is private wheeler oh it's a private business oh  it's private oh okay well this is probably been   just for even to wait oh okay all right thank  you so much okay all right thank you so much oh one of them touch their mouth oh sorry The Villa  located near the mouth of the river perlana is   certainly one of the oldest and most Charming  residences of the lake already in the 15th century   the Geo Veo where owners of the land in a rustic  building with a porch at the banks of perlana in   the 16th century the property was inherited by  Paulo geovio a famous physician and humanist at   the court of Pope Leo the 10th who in 1537 de  Coro Gracia Laurie described the residents of   balbiano as a House of great magnificence but  now in ruins in 1597 the complex was bought by   tolumio galio Duke of Alvito and in 1637 it was  owned by the Abbott Marco galio who started the   Reconstruction of the house transforming  it into an elegant Villa Gucci [Music]   what's Gucci's real name though Gucci I don't know  I don't know guys so I was a bit curious because   as I was reading this sign Mabelle kept referencing  this place as the house of Gucci but she is right   it is the house of Gucci in the movie actually but  Gucci himself it doesn't seem like and correct me   in the comments if I'm wrong it doesn't seem like  he lived here it was the filming site and it's now   available to book on Airbnb oh really are you  paying yeah that doesn't look like it's going   to be more than uh you know 50 bucks a night or  something yeah so that's this makes a lot more   sense so this is actually a private Villa guys so  this is where it was filmed and it's a beautiful   residence but I guess they do like a lot of like  wedding venues and I guess bookings now on Airbnb   so basically Lady Gaga was here she was filmed  in the house so yeah Gucci she was the wife of   Gucci no it really makes me want to go and watch  that movie though just so I can be like I was   literally outside of where it was filmed you know  have you seen the movie oh yeah oh wow I was with   you on the plane remember oh but I didn't watch  it though yeah because I do remember seeing in   the house yeah wow that's gorgeous wow imagine  having a set like that that would be incredible   I want to be a movie star now I know right sign  us up please please subscribe us to uh Netflix   or Hollywood so basically my bell found this  idea to check out the Gucci Villa or Warehouse   of Gucci was filmed from a tick tock where the  tick tocker was actually inside exploring so I   guess it gave us that perception we were going to  be able to go inside but I I wish I'm afraid not   I know it looks like such a Vibe but at least  we had to walk around the neighborhood here I   know you guys didn't get to see much but it's  pretty quiet maybe because it's midday maybe   it awakens up or maybe the place awakens in the  evening but like there's restaurants around here   really like cool Italian architecture just  uh it doesn't seem like anybody's home today you guys take two take two we are now  at Villa Carlota so we're gonna see if   Carlota is better luck for us that's just  to give you an idea where we're at that's   Bellagio over there another beautiful Lake View  and more of these trees that are literally like   perfectly trimmed to make these shapes Carlotta  yellow let's do this and we are I think at the   entrance now the cool part is you can actually  looks like take a ferry directly to the Villa   because we have the navi gazion Lago di  Como looks like there's a big field trip   over there with all the kids Villa Carlota  is oh this way that's not a good sign though   it feels eerily quiet at the moment oh we got  someone in the big leatheria oh I think it is   open finally I got something right guys  all right that's great news hello hello thank you I give you the coffee thank you very  much thank you so much Grazie welcome to Carlotta   wow this is the definition of bougie oh wow now  that is the definition of a beautiful Villa I   built this plant alone right here costs like  10 grand yeah they're designed in this insane   way this is when you're so rich you got all this  money to spend on you're like all right how can I   make these plants look literally perfect we've  even got a little jungle right over here all   right we're heading up oh whoa we got a little pet  there this is Villa Carlito's mascot right there   in a waterfall connected to the house no that is  pretty oh another one of the mascots there he goes very elegant laughs it's nice  huh oh look at all these Turtles   yeah they're all just chillax in here are  they real oh yeah they're real they're all   just hanging out on top of each other hello  there hello there little turtle you got one   down there swimming too oh and there's the view  look at that you have the fountain just leads   right out to the lake just a small little road  right in between Carlito would you like to live   in a villa like this or you like modern more I  love it's like princess Vibes you know honest everyone wants to be every girl  Romeo look down you know oh you   guys are matching right here yeah same colors the garden wow this is incredible very very  picturesque place my friends and don't make   the mistake I did at night bring your phone to  get a couple photos because the GoPro is good for   storytelling all right this is definitely Villa  goals right here just come in here pick a fresh   lemon then right after pick a fresh orange  oh yeah just as you're walking through here   you'll literally be able to get a taste of all  the vitamins you need but I can tell you these   are probably some of the most expensive oranges  and lemons given the real estate of this spot   that we're walking through but I bet they sure are  juicy I want one so badly but I don't think that's   part of the Tour all right guys right when you  walk down this way we've even found ourselves a   vibey little cafe and I wish I would have brought  my laptop with me because over in Bellagio there's   only a limited speed of Wi-Fi you can get over  there but I bet over here it feels like a place   out at fast Wi-Fi and I have a huge space to  kind of just chill I could easily hang out   here for the whole day with the amount of natural  light that comes from in here that's a Vibe isn't   it gonna get ourselves a nice cup of coffee to  get us going what do you think about that yep dress thank you there we go we got ourselves a  nice little Viewpoint right here got the farrier   a little I guess boat Cruiser right in front of  us some orange juice to match the dress there that is unbelievably delicious I wonder if these  oranges are the ones we saw up there oh yeah it   could be not a chance the orange juice would be  way more expensive but if it is that make it that   much more exotic not gonna lie that was probably  my favorite part well she's my favorite part about   being at the Villa but that was my second favorite  part having a nice little ice cold orange juice   and I'm gonna believe that it was picked from the  orange juice trees here just because it adds to   the Ambiance but just honestly sitting here guys  I don't know if you can tell in the video but like   just walking around here is it's such a peaceful  well it's a kind of ironic because we have the   tractor right here but when the tractor's not here  you have such like a peaceful place to just kind   of sit there you don't have to do much to be  entertained in Italy that's what I found I'm   gonna continue this in a second oh yeah but what  I was saying the tractor got a little loud and uh   against it but just walking around this place  because in every direction you can see such a   different landscape I mean look at at the top  of there you see this snow-capped mountains   then you see some like very almost like Yosemite  California type land formations then you have the   quaint Italian Villages around here just exotic  trees very delicious smelling oh yeah flowers   beautiful woman wow oh and Vibe Central Bella ciao  Italy we're gonna get kicked out all right we are   wandering through the Guardians The Gardens of  Carly to Villa we got Vel Del felchi I'm sure it's   so much work to keep this I mean it's probably a  full-time staff and it's keeping the Landscaping   perfectly here those people don't get enough  appreciation at these places they make it look   perfect I mean it's an art to make the plants look  this good but you would not believe that right on   the other side of here is a lake and like these  Ultra luxurious Villas like you literally feel   like you're in a jungle with like in the middle of  nowhere with a beautifully sculpted set of stairs   this is it if only this was one of those moments  where you could just smell what I'm smelling   oh these flowers smell incredibly good wow [Music]  wow the definition of harsh yeah I mean look at   how many different types there are there's got  to be 30 40 maybe even 50 types count how many   there are and drop a comment below one two three  four five six seven eight nine ten eleven children   all right we're almost up the Villa look at  this this would not be a bad place if you're   a multi-millionaire to wake up to have a nice  morning coffee you feel like the whole Lake's   yours oh and we're not allowed oh from The Edge  yeah looks like it oh you can see the uh itself   straight in here nope oh no we're straight in  there oh we can't there must be another way in   although the place needs a bit of a remodel inside  there I agree it needs a little bit of touch it's   a little touch of a little TLC tender loving care  yes seriously I'm kidding that's gorgeous look at   this we are entering in to the Villa whoa that's  pretty amazing that's not a bad little place to uh   wake up and have a cup of joe right there students  I know we could we could move in honestly actually   this place is probably too big for me I wouldn't  be able to feel cozy or you'd have probably like a   10 million dollar heating bill I mean with stone  and this tall look at the details oh there's a   seashell here oh yeah massive argere it looks like  which means shisha look at this wow what a space thank you what do you think is this too big of  a house for you you're like the size I mean I   I feel like every girl loves a cat drop a  comment below if you agree with her ladies it is a cool place but like it feels so big  that I don't know if I'd feel cozy yeah you know   but like don't get me wrong I would love to stay  here oh look at this guy's staying here he seems   to be pretty happy so I'll put it look at this  guy just chilling you see him right there oh I   was like what is he talking about look at this  WoW instead of picture frames in this house   they're all just sculptures so would you say this  right here is also like what what the girl who   imagines themselves in the princess castle would  like to sit onto not really you change the style all right yeah see like a room like this a couple  couches in here get a nice fire going   oh and you just look on you of the lake this is  that's a Vibe this this room feels cozy to me exactly that's what I was thinking one glass of wine on the balcony yeah this is this is just unreal I feel  like I'm in one of those like old churches   that has every square inch of it perfectly  designed and I loved a lot of paintings here   it must be like Como the old days  during the old days a Stairway upstairs the children that's a lot of stairs okay the upstairs hangout area wow quite the sight to see it's gonna be a  pretty expensive room to outfit this place   yeah this is insane this is like your upstairs  hallway chandeliers gosh just yeah you do feel   like you're so rich you don't even know what to  do with yourself in a place like this almost a   crash landing right there wow it's just a huge  painting with an even better view of the lake   a massive mural look at this whoa just a lot  of places to uh sit down and relax and stare   at the paintings what I would love to know is  statistically is when the people lived in here   like how much did they actually use each one of  these rooms or was there basically one room that   they loved the most and they always spent their  time in and basically the rest of the rooms are   just like Flex rooms when they had dinner parties  I would bet that's what it's like because if you   have this many rooms how do you even have  enough time to get use out of all of them   but I guess if you have the uh gold and riches  to afford it you might as well get three of these   it looks like we're in Charlotte's we're on the  princess this definitely feels like a princess's   room sure pink setup a little I guess a breakable  wall foldable wall spot for the Tea Party that's   nice and that was a nice little cruise through  the massive Villa it's pretty amazing to imagine   that's just like was someone's home to relax  beautiful definitely feel the uh essence of   the old culture in it the old wealth yeah this is  definitely the best part I would say the Villa is   it's just the views you get from the outside like  that is mind-blowing yeah that just adds to The   Prestige feeling I mean look at that you got views  of the Bellagio yeah thank you Grazie Grazie ciao   nice people here so yeah guys we uh just did  a little tour around this place definitely a   place I'd recommend if you like views you  like kind of the old history of this place   and I guess we've gotta get out they want us to go  through the gift shop oh no we don't need to scan   anything do we all right in case you wanted to buy  something harlota until next time until next time and I see our sweet baby right over here  there she is oh she's looking good she's   shining Sean bright like a diamond there Dolce  all right that is probably all we're gonna do   for goodbye Villa Carlota speaking of be  doing for our exploration of this side of   Lake Como now we're going to actually be  cruising back over to the ferry oh looks   like we just missed it well there'll be  another one in 30 minutes on 30 minutes and once we make it over there then we're  gonna be heading over to Varenna where we   stopped on our way and this will be  our first time actually exploring it [Music] and it looks like we've arrived and guys we have  35 minutes to wait so oh it's a bummer but we are   gonna get a beautiful I guess fairy Cruise right  around the sunset time but uh you just missed   like 35 minutes of this like really really nice  landscape illumination from the golden colors   yeah that's all right Boom the ferry has arrived  we're gonna be loading up now look at this guy   bringing us right over here over here that is so scary grazie what's up front row seats here  check this out guys honestly you look   out the front dash and you literally  feel like you're on the water we're   driving on water oh no this is  crazy don't be scared my love yeah this looks wild guys it literally looks  like our car is the one just driving us across   the water because we're that close to the edge of  the ferry and we're racing this lady right here foreign it's like a boat car yeah so funny  all right the car boat is getting   close all right that is Verena  at Golden hour looking quite good all right the car boat is coming straight into  Verona if you see the sign right there and we've   got this lady who's gonna make sure we get  off quite nicely all right we're just gonna   basically pump the boat right into this  thing right bring her nice and close and we're getting closer oppa going to hook it she's  doing it and she's got it hooked she picked us   up yeah she did hook us up that's a good one right  there are you proud very proud of God great oh yes yes should you wait for  her [Music] grazi oh my God ciao Varenna [Music] Park here in Varenna walk yep when the Sun hits  for Anna like a big oh oh God like a big pizza   pie okay so Verona we have Bar El molo and  Verena we have visit Villa monastero and Verna   let's check do you want to visit a villa or do  you wanna oh the bar thing is really nice okay   it's very popular oh it's three minutes walking  oh yeah let's check walking distance five minutes   five minutes all right and we have decided to  leave our little Bugatti back there so we can   walk right through the Beautiful coastal town of  Varenna and there's our Ferry goodbye ciao ciao my   friends until next time I will say now that we  are walking along this area I see why they say   Varenna is the spot to be during sunset I mean  just look at these silhouettes of the mountains   from over here you get that soft light I was  telling you guys we timed this out quite well   to make it here right around this time it's  just such a beautiful experience to stroll   along the coast right here I mean look at this  I feel like I'm literally in a movie right now   what about you wow I feel like I'm the star of  the movie Rapunzel Rapunzel lay down your hair   they're too short sorry guys some of this  content might be cringy for you but hey   we're doing a little vacation don't hate too hard  and as you guys can see I'm doing the time lapse   while filming this guys as you can see this is  like the uh area right here that everyone walks   through Vines going up and around just like does  this scream like incredibly picturesque or what   oh my God this is amazing I got some people  hanging out there having a little snack boats   coming in this is that Italian lifestyle  right here in Verena definitely a proper   Vibe that's for sure well welcome to Verena  and so we got the selfie Squad right there   now they're going for a little Cruise how do  we get ourselves on one of those boats wow   yeah look how pretty this this is definitely I  think I read this in the blog post that varen   is like the most picturesque of all of them and  to be honest I agree with that like none of them   none of the other ones have this like walkway  at least that we've come across so far that's   all along here I mean you have gelaterias you  got restaurants beautiful little Sunset spots   guys let me just tell you look at this this  spot right here overlooking if you're looking   for a photo spot I mean I'm not very photogenic  here but uh let's show them a bell look at that   just right there really really nice shots and  composition especially if you're wearing an   orange dress or a yellow dress or a red dress  you're going to be matching quite nicely with   the backgrounds there so when the Sun hits  the moon like in your oh I forgot the lyrics I don't know wow I hope this isn't as enjoyable  for you guys as it is for us like obviously these   are different than my normal videos like so I'm  not interacting with many locals but there's just   not as many opportunities as other countries  but like just the scenery yeah I am in awe   everywhere we go like the uh various like types  of architecture very like typical Italian style   here you know you have little ice creameries  everywhere you have the little boats stairway   right there people getting picks and you know the  plants are kind of just grown into the buildings   because they've been around for so long silhouette  yeah just like there's so many angles to look at   this place that it's a great place to just kind of  stroll around and you know look through the uh for   you guys looking through the uh TV and just seeing  the beauty this place has we could step right down   in there to go swimming somebody like what wow  moments yeah you know yeah so true there's a   famous um restaurant over here so it's a very same  spot yeah are we gonna go yeah it's over there all   right well I think I think this might be the spot  to post up at because it seems like this is the   uh Sunset spot that everyone goes to it is really  beautiful if we go out on Sunset wow is this the   restaurant you're talking about yeah this one oh  okay wow yeah that's a certified Vibe right there   look at this this is why you guys come to Varenna  if you saw the last video when we were on that   side you just don't get that feeling I mentioned  like five times now but I just want to emphasize   that so you guys plan your days out accordingly  the popular one is like upstairs over here oh now   we're talking I can just imagine how busy this  place is in the summertime when it's High season   what do you think up here thank you wow this is  dreamy that's incredible it seems like we're one   of the only ones here oh are they are you closing  oh we're a little late no way all right well we're   losing our chance to see the best views in town  from here guys just look at this incredible I'm   gonna show this scene so many times wow wow  got the guys down there just skipping rocks decided to take a seat right here at bar Moro  Moto this is the place yeah I think that's   probably just part of it because it's the same  concept where we were just at and guys I'm gonna   overlay a clip we they just got engaged straight  up there so I turned over and I was like oh my   God she's tearing up that's and he looked like he  was on one knee so grabbed a quick little video of   them and I'll overlay it here with those pretty  special to witness that moment yeah yeah and uh   props to him he chose a great location yeah he did  but uh yeah guys basically uh this spot right here   oh that's all in Italian but but your pay looks  like 12 to 15 euros up to 22 Euros in entree and   we just ordered ourselves a little aperol Spritz  because you know that's the drink of Italy aside   from wine okay looks like we're upgrading to  the front row seat it's normally something that   would have taken a reservation to get oh yes wow  there we go exactly what we were looking for we   got our spritzes right there yes please grazi  grazi my friend oh yeah thank you thank you   a couple little chips there to start  out I think this is uh picture perfect   cheers oh that's quite good cheers oh my God first aperol Spritz  here in Italy let me tell   you very very tasty it's living  up to the hype what do you think you really can't beat views like that I'm gonna be  shocked if anywhere else during this trip around   Italy we find places that have even better  views in this I mean this is this is surreal and the drinks taste even better then cheers  my friends this is the definition of like an   Instagram worthy dinner what do you think yes as  mobile says the phone eats first that's your quote   voila oh it's pretty nice what do  you think get a little ago in there um all right so this is the final meal we  we aren't super hungry obviously because   you guys saw how big of a pizza we had  yeah we got a little bruschetta to toss   up on there and then a nice sized Panini  here got some cheeses some arugula and some   sort of ham look at that bread that's  as fresh as it gets bad you gotta be   ready for a nice big bite oh we're losing  some of the tomatoes there oh thank you delish that smells amazing you can tell it's cooked perfectly  thank you baby all right at this   point we've tried out quite a few  different Cuisines now we're gonna   move over to the bruschetta I was expecting  actually that maybe like a little cheese or   something else built into there but we'll  see what it's like with just the tomatoes fresh tomatoes mixes right in there with  the olive oil as you can see on the bread   that goes down smooth and oh it looks like she's  she's ready for it uh unfortunately the battery   just died here guys but I took a nice big  bite I'm gonna do it again for the video um let me try that out too freaking delicious I explained it so well the  first time but basically you have a chew on the   inside with the bread you have this ham arugula  and then this like mozzarella cheese that just   infuses into it a bit messy spilled half fit on  me but it's so so delicious wow it's so good yeah   she's digging it over here I'm in with these  views you could honestly put anything on the   plate right now and it would taste so good all  right guys and for a little uh dinner here at   two aperol spritzes and some water and bruschetta  and the sandwich came out to about 33 euros so   pretty great for the views we got what'd they  say so for those of you who've lasted this long   into the video really hope you've enjoyed coming  with us on our day full of a lot of Adventures   some spontaneous some of it planned and uh  I will tell you I'm loving Italy I'm hoping   I'm showing you guys this video of this country  in a way that's gonna make you want to come see   it too because it is so much fun but I will  say with the significant other definitely   adds a little bit of fun to it if I can say so  myself and so guys we just made it back to the   very important right now actually not the port  but I guess the little stop right here in Verena   we're waiting just a few more minutes and we'll  be able to get ourselves a ride back to Bellagio   so guys this is coming to the conclusion of the  video one thing I want to mention if you remember   earlier in the video if you go down to the link  in my description you can actually find 10 ways   to save money on flights I've traveled all around  the world at this point so I know the hacks on how   you can save so much money when you're traveling  around the world so it'll be super helpful for you   especially if you're coming to Italy and it's  going to be high season here pretty soon so if   you want to find those cheap flights go down to  the description once you click the link sign up   for my newsletter which I'll be giving out so  many more ebooks through that newsletter and   then you'll be able to immediately download  your free 10 ways to save money on flights   so thanks so much guys really hope you've enjoyed  today's video and we will see you in the next one

2023-04-05 19:29

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