Exploring LA's RICHEST Neighborhoods

Exploring LA's RICHEST Neighborhoods

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Los Angeles is a very mixed up city. One of the most notable contrast here is the gap between rich and poor and while many of you have seen Downtown Los Angeles, Skid Row, a lot of homeless people and these days, a lot of tents, there's another story. So today, we're going to go to the other side of the tracks to wealthy LA to some of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the world, some of the most famous people in the world. A lot of you will know the people in these neighborhoods that we're going to. I have Josh here. Hi, you guys! What's up? LA Local. He knows the neighborhoods he's driving us

through. We're going to go on a little adventure, hopefully meet some people, learn something along the way. Yes. Fist bumps. Let’s go. Pacific Palisades, right? Yes. So this is the first neighborhood. we're going to go to four neighborhoods today? Yeah. Pacific Palisades… We're going to go to Bel Air, Beverly Hills and Hollywood Hills. When we go to Beverly Hills, you're going

to see one homeless person there. Not one, not homeless person in Beverly Hills? Not one person. So the police just remove them immediately? Exactly. Exactly. Tell him to go to Hollywood or something like that. So, one thing that makes Palisades so special of course, it's right next to the ocean, it's beautiful view and what's so cool about LA, especially these neighborhoods is you can be in the mountains, you could be near the ocean, you can be in the city and it's all LA, and that's why it's one of the best cities in the world.

So right now, we're pulling up to the Palisades Highlands. Who lives up here: Whoopi Goldberg, Steven Spielberg… I believe Sugar Ray Leonard lives up here too. Okay, can we get to hear anything? Let's give it a go. Yeah. Let's just try. Go until “no”, that's my policy. Go until “no”! Exactly. That looks like a “no” with that gate. So, there's a lot of this up here, a lot of gate and stuff.

Let's give it a try. Yeah. Hi, how are you? Good. Good. Anywhere we can go up there and just look around? No, sorry. He's an A-lister! He's an A lister. Oh yeah? Yeah. You heard of me? Oh, don't worry about it. We're just having fun. Yeah. Thank

you! Okay. Thank you very much. Sorry, no problem. Yes, so a lot of this, Josh? Exactly. A lot of… there's a gate and you need some special access to get in there and this is a double gate. Yeah. Double gate. You went to middle school over here, right? To middle school here, yeah. And you're saying kids come in on Teslas, Ferraris? Ferraris, Audis, Mercedes, you know, all sorts of cars. 16 year olds? Yeah. We're coming up on a special

house, right? Yes, sir. A very special house. Special to many of us that were growing up in the 80s, right? Yes, exactly. Well, you even know of it. I know of it, that big of an attraction. We We have the Fresh Prince of Bel Air's house. Fresh Prince of Bel Air's house, the one they used in the show. But this is actually not even Bel Air? Yeah. This is in Brentwood. This is Brentwood. Yeah. Okay. But Bel Air is just

saying the top? Yeah, for sure. I think I believe it's the richest neighborhood in Los Angeles. Okay. Or one of them. Yeah. So, someone lives back here now, right? Yeah, someone lives here now. Alright, let's do a little peek guys… There we go.

Beautiful. Look at this! Jeez. Amazing. Right here we are at Bel Air and we're going to the biggest or the most expensive home? The biggest home in Los Angeles. I believe it's worth 340 million dollars. I think that's what they put it for sale. 340 million dollars, correct? Yeah. Biggest home. How big is it? 120 thousand square feet, I believe. Alright. Look how beautiful this is. Wow.

That's where we're going? That's where we're going. Okay, it's $500 million. Yes. Who lives there? It's actually a real estate agent, he owns the property. Okay, guys. The sponsor of today's video is Cuts Clothing. For the last 2

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Beyonce. Jennifer Lopez… Okay. so a few of the well-known people up here: Jay Z, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, Nicholas Cage… Nicholas Cage. Yes. Oh my god! Oh my god. This is it. This is the one that's as far as we're getting. Try to hit it from the other side, yeah? Yeah. See if we can get a nice view of it.

It keeps going. That's insane. We've been driving around this thing for like a half mile. Yeah… Fair to say? Yeah. Maybe stop in front of this. We got cameras there. They're doing an eye scan of you right now. Very interesting up here. So you don't see people.

A lot of gates obviously and a lot of big houses with amazing views looking out towards LA. That's a type of camera that looks very high tech, doesn't it? Yeah. Good karma only… beautiful grasses. What is the feel you have up here, Josh? Like when you're up in this neighborhood, what do you feel like? A little intimidated to be honest. Intimidated? Yeah. There's inspiration to it, I would say, because there's just so much beauty. Yeah. But there's also, I feel… heaviness at the same time like there's something a bit oppressive about it. Yeah, Yeah. I don't know. I can't

figure it out yet but that's just the… and maybe it's all the no signs, and all the cameras, and all the “do not do this and do not do that”. Yeah. Like I get it. People want to protect what they have, it makes sense. Look at this guys. What is that? Look at that staircase. It's like to an office building, but no, this is a house. Look at this water feature right to the front door. You can see right through to the hills downtown, and also the three cameras looking at us.

You know this could be one of the first time someone's actually been walking the street. Yeah, you don’t see many people walk here. What else do we have to say about Bel Air? So, Bel Air actually interestingly enough has a very big Persian Jewish community, around 26%. And after the 1979 Revolution, a lot of Persians came to this neighborhood. Okay, and you’re Persian? Your family's Persian too? Yeah, Persian.

Okay, so why are the Persian Jews so successful? I think it's education and the jobs. A lot of the Persian people that's installed to them to go get these high paying jobs being a doctor, surgeon. Right. And with that, they're able to afford this lifestyle. And they must be entrepreneurs too, they

must be businessman. Exactly. Yeah. Businessman, businesswoman. It’s definitely a different neighborhood than the most here in LA I guess. Little different

than Watts. I was in Watts the other day in South Central and that was an amazing experience. This area is kind of Creeps. You got the Bloods, that's over there

though. Because if you're weak around here, they going to Chew on you, they pray on the weak. But I mean, we're talking two different… two different countries. Yeah. And and we're

we're just in the same city. I'm going to turn around so you can get in. Okay. Don't get arrested while I'm gone. What a cool guy! 19 years old. He reached out to me on Instagram and said, yeah, I'll show you around the expensive neighborhoods. He knows them all because he's lived in LA

his whole life. Guys like Josh, give me a little hope for the future. Really cool guy, 19 years old goes to community college, works, really well put together, smart, interesting. Josh! CNN. Wait! Look at that. Crazy! Monster houses like that is its own it's own city within a city, meaning, they're like… all these people employed, you have police force out here, I mean, I saw more cops there than, you know, you can go for hours in the city and not see that many cops. So many people working in construction,

landscaping and everything, right? Yeah, exactly. It's just an unbelievable amount of resources to upkeep anyone of these monster homes. Let's go. We're going to Hugh Hefner’s house? Yeah, Playboy Mansion. You've been there before? I wish. Were

you ever on the guest list? I was. Alright, so we're going to a hotel over here and then Playboy Mansion? Yes, sir. Okay. Look at all the trees too. So, we're pulling up at the Bel Air Hotel and what's so special about the Bel Air Hotel is it's kind of a hotel within the neighborhood. Something you really don't see. Right. And it's a very high class and rich hotel. Let's try to get in there. Do you think we can not?

Sure. Yeah. Okay. Josh Trident Park. We've been motioned forward. Oh well, my god, I can't put the camera up yet but we're going to, we're going to feel this out. Good afternoon. How you doing? Good. How are you today? Good, thanks. How may I assist you today? We're going to get cocktails. The bar is not open yet. Do you have reservation? No, what's what's

the story with that? The story it's still now just the Wolfgang Puck dining area. Okay, we haven't opened the bar back up yet. Because of COVID, but I think it's because we don't have reservations and we weren't invited obviously, we're not getting in there. But just

by spending a little time here, you start to get a feel that you just have a detached sense of reality. Right? Yeah. Like, if you're not going into South Central, if you're not going to actually the majority of this place in Los Angeles, view of it is quite warped. Absolutely. And I actively seek going into every corner of this place just to get it from that perspective, and I don't understand it completely. Like I don't understand South Central but I've spent time there. And if I compare that to this… These people are not going there, those people are not coming here. Exactly. They're living in two different

universes in the same city. That's the Playboy mansion up there? Yeah, up there. Let's go check it out. Let's ask these guys. Playboy Mansion. Esta

Playboy Mansion? Have you been? Bonito, si? It's all of that. Yeah. And it keeps going guys, all the way here. It's taking up like a whole block. What’s going on in the mansion these days? Who’s living there now? You didn’t go to any of the parties? This is the Playboy Mansion? It’s different up here, bro. What’s it feel like being up here after a while? Yeah, why not? You know, it's so freaking beautiful. Alright, next location. Yeah, we're going to go to Beverly Hills. Beverly Hills 90210? Yes, sir.

At Beverly Hills Incorporated, in 1914. You know, it started? They were farming Lima Beans here. Interesting. Yeah. And they wanted to find oil but I guess they found water instead.

That's how it sort of took off. So, Adele, Jack Nicholson and Katy Perry live here or lived here. It's hard to tell if these, you know, it's not like I know this stuff, I research it online. A lot of these stars, it seems like they have houses… They either have houses in each one of these neighborhoods or many of these neighborhoods or they're just moving a lot. Exactly. because it said I think Adele was in another

neighborhood, you know, and then she's in this neighborhood. Oh, there we go: Beverly Hills, the famous sign. Rodeo Drive! Yeah, we're going to make a left right here. The wealth is coming out from the sidewalks. Yeah, this place is pulsating with wealth. Do you shop for your girlfriends here? This would be the best place. This is where I take them for a nice date. Is this the place to go for those dates? Go to El Paseo trying to impress. Exactly. Try to impress. Go to El Paseo, go to

the Gucci store after - that's the way to do it here. There's nothing more than I hate than shopping. Not not my scene, but hey, I can appreciate it. You're telling me people live up on the hills there where we're about to go. They live up there, come down

here for a meal, do some shopping, head back up? Exactly. That's the routine every day maybe. Not everyone obviously but the people that have the serious money. Exactly. I got nothing to say here to be honest. I don't know what to say, it looks great. Let's go see some more

homes up in the hills. But I feel that a lot of people here, the youth especially, they don't understand so much of what life really is because they get handed everything to them, you know what I mean? Yeah. A lot of these people here, they get their own car, they don't have to work for it. They have their parents credit cards to go swipe unlimited swipes, get whatever they want. They don't work. I think that a lot of it… they lose that human factor and I think it negatively affects them in the future because what happens when you get a job, and you don't know what to do. You don't know how to talk to people. You don't know how to… You don't know how to take the suck. Like sometimes

things just suck and you gotta grind through it. Exactly. And you can't give up and you gotta deal with it. And if you have the the option of the out, like you don't need it really, then you can always take the easy road.

Exactly. But I'm sure there's some good parenting up here and some people raising kids in a really cool way for sure but you feel the overall vibe… Wow, it’s like a jungle in here! Yeah. …The overall vibe is that sort of mentality? That's what you've seen living around here. I would say people that live here especially they have very high dreams and expectations because they live in such a beautiful area… Like everything is sort of down from this. Right. But I feel like a lot of it can make you lazy because you have so much already, your parents have all this they're giving you, you could become lazy and not want to pursue things in the future.

You can't find them anywhere, you know. Who who are you tracking down? Ben Shaol? Who's that? Who's that? He's very famous. Are you Johnny Sins? I get called Johnny Sins all the time . Like Johnny Sins, you and the Pakistanis call me Johnny Sins. Who's this guy? Who is this? Are you guys Iranian Jews? Yeah, we are. Okay, so it’s all like you were saying: a lot of Iranian Jews up here. 100%. Yeah, and we all

know each other. We don't live here. You don't live here? Beverlywood. Is it far from here? No, 20 minutes drive from here, from like Beverly Hills. Nice neighborhood? Yeah,

it's beautiful. Yeah. It's like… you'd rather live in Beverlywood than live in Beverly Hills. It’s coming to the new Beverly Hills, the new Beverly Hills. Yeah, But way nicer. This is

like the hood up here, this is the ghetto? This is my first time here. You don't hear about this neighborhood. Where you're at? No, here. Oh. You don't hear about Beverly Hills except for here, like, here Beverly Hills, the flats you hear about like, what is this place? See you guys. See you! Josh, thanks for showing us. Of course! Guys, these neighborhoods… Valley after valley, hill after hill, mansion after mansion. It's

quite unbelievable. Come here if you come to LA, if you live in LA and you haven't been here, come here. It's quite a different LA from than what I've seen for sure. Especially this trip and guys, I want you to see my other LA videos. I was in the south side, I was in Venice and these are completely different stories in the same city. You're the man, Josh.

It's my pleasure. Thanks for coming along. Until the next one.

2021-06-12 17:57

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