Exploring Earth IN AND OUT in Serra da Freita
Hello. Today we are exploring Serra da Freita, which along with beautiful natural scenery and geosites, is also home to ghost mines from the 1940s. Spooky!! Right now we are in Rio de Frades. There are some old abandoned mines in Rio de Frades which we're gonna take a little look and see if they're as cool as everyone says they are [Music] We're not having much success locating the exact hole, the entrance of the mine to explore Underground in the region, so we're gonna go to another place that they say has an entrance see if we're a bit more lucky. maybe there's some mine entrance over here? no I don't see anything did you find any hole? no maybe it's over here deep underground the thing is I don't find a way here to to go there down there let's try to go around the building [Music] [Music] we also have an artificial wall there I don't know what that is and some wall here stone wall and there we have Joana behind the bushes it's very Mystic it looks like there's a path there but it's too much bushes I think it's not worth to try and to have access there yeah I don't want to ruin my pants so Joanna says there's a hole behind let's explore that one oh there's a hole here okay so there's a hole here oh there is spiders oh I'm gonna take my tiny light flashlight I'm gonna attach you over here I'm gonna take my pra I don't know if this even works down there, and I should take maybe a spare flashlight in case of oh. so let's go inside Joanna stays over here so nothing bad happens to us and let's go inside into the unknown So much build up and this is actually not that big. They closed it down, it probably
had access to the main building. oh that's so disappointing so yeah we just walk like 20 meters not even not even This was probably a secret passage, background passage for people to flee in case of an attack or something I guess let's move on and explore another site let's go [Music] [Music] so we arrived to another location where they say there's a mine you can go. We found a mystery hole let's see what it is yeah it's long let's not drop the gopro oh my God it's so big okay it's a mine but it's apparently collapsed and full of oh it collapsed with oh let's go so Joana is not sure where the mine is so she's thinking about going to the bar to ask The Innkeeper if they know something about the mine that has no human feces yet so apparently talking with The Innkeeper it seems that we are it seems we're in the right place but we have to walk about 10 minutes to reach the main entrance. That's why probably we were not having success but now we know over there we have the place where we started this video it's really cool there's a path trough apparently. And they say the mines are over here. Many tunnels are also barred as we saw like the one that it's turned into a toilet and the other one so now we want the Tunnel let's go Look at the little lizard more Mysteries of the place we are on the path to the mines yeah there's a hole there and there's some sabotage probably the English side came here and cut this so the Germans could not mine sulframium, the precious metal to make bombs from the Second World War let's go [Music] let's go there's a lot of water here oh water everywhere oh the mines the mines it's not 10 minutes actually the mines the mines we found the mines Joana we found the mines we found the mind we found the mines we found the mines there's finally something cool to see Mines of Mines Mines Mines and there's actually some lights over there there's a holy Santa let's go inside we're so we are on the other side of the mythical mine This is actually just a tunnel there's also some Towers or something some buildings there which might be related with mining exploration. Have no idea. Anyway let's go take a bath. This is the mine and this is the place we're gonna go
so far we've been to the mines of the Germans and now in the beach of the mines of the Germans and where are we going next to the mines of the English let's go let's go fine here look here oh the mines continue There Yeah so basically this was a mine but they covered a few pieces [Music] here we are in mythical Regoufe. The Forsaken Ghost Town of wolframium mines. This was where the English side would have their mining operations for the second world war effort Are you excited? [Music] Very spooky! so light check Compass check Joana check, she's the emergency if I don't come back in like two hours hello hello Do you speak portuguese no? Ya ya. (In portuguese) - Ah ok you speak portuguese. You have to go down, it is very beautiful. Ok ok. (Completely making it up :D) This is the black gold they were talking about, the wolframium. It's black it looks like charcoal. This is what the Germans and the
English were after and exploring during the second world war to make weapons I believe So time to get out? Yeah time to get out I think I I'm a bit overweight for these Adventures Perfect! It was not as bad as going in! You should have seen! Look at my yeah that was going in. yeah let's go continue the adventure and exploring a little bit more The Village of the old mining town of Griffin. Very nice. What did you tought to about the mine Adventure? - It's very dangerous. - Did you like it? - From the outside it was perfect. What about another mine adventure? there's another mine oh it's so fresh here oh and this one has steps. Someone put here. Joana? what do you think? no? :( okay maybe some other time we can come back and do another adventure this one even at steps so you can climb out oh sheep oh look there more Dark Places. let's explore This one has sheep vestiges oh my God this one is a mine as well (Negotiating permition with gf) oh my God yeah it probably continues I don't know maybe not but at this point I think you get it they're all a bit the same okay this one doesn't go for deep so or maybe it goes but whatever yeah it looks a lot more looks a lot more closed than the other ones but yeah at this point I think you get it this is really low I'm always hitting my head in the Rock so let's go see Joana this also looks like remains from the mine it's very strange here like sand Joana you're here! I thought I lost you forever mine's life with the sheep in the house they're so cute they're so cute
2023-10-02 17:52