Exploring a hidden lake

Exploring a hidden lake

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hello and welcome to the sunny czech republic and to the channel and to the car today we are going   to one of the most secretive beautiful mysterious hidden lakes in czech republic the lake is by the   Adršpach skaly what does skaly mean? rocks if i'm not mistaken yeah and this is in the Narchod and   Trutnov district in czech republic we're so excited to show you this the sun is shining the weather   is beautiful so we're gonna get a beautiful amazing shots for you guys we'll see you there yeah guess where we are Benzina! our favorite petrol garage and that one is just snoring it away   including that one i'm about to get us a nice coffee Cheers! and now we're ready for the road guess what? we are here and my wife is applying the pouch again for the little one   we're still having a pink pouch because We bought it for Hailey back then but now we're reusing it um we're being sustainable i think   and here comes the tribe the crew is arrived are you ready for this Can I have two adult tickets and two children tickets please? My Czech is bad sorry! uhuh, card please Are you Polish? Nope, English (for the information pamphlet) Thank you, goodbye look at that who is this guy? This is Mr wood uh chopper that's made of wood himself as well and we're gonna explore this lovely place yeah   look what's behind me what this one this little one is that what's behind you?   thank you for the tour Hailey no this is what is behind! (Look at that majestic lake!) this is paradise wow now we're gonna make our way around this beautiful lake look it feels like we're like in   a mini version of switzerland or something it's just unexpected right hi daddy say hello hello   what's your name? My name is Hailey.. we already know that...that question now we are on the beach area on the other side of the lake and uh it's not really that big i think it's probably a kilometer around maybe two   but it's just so beautiful um not all beautiful things need to be big i guess a little paradise Hailey, again, the viewers want to know your opinion about the place... What do you think? I think it's beautiful... what do you like about this place? I like the swimming you can't swim right now it's cold what else do you like? The trees... you like the trees and the stone we're making our  way to the scale which you can walk in between um   like really i don't know 20 meter high rocks that you can walk in between on a wooden walkway   and then we got a little surprise we're gonna   go into a little secret waterfall  area which not a lot of people go into a lot of people just walk  past it but we'll show you soon   okay so uh change of plans we're first going to go   to a small little lake that's also hidden not the larger one that we saw just earlier and then we're gonna go to i guess the waterfall and then the wooden walkway yeah okay oh dad (wasn't ignoring her, just thought it was cute the way she spoke) are you okay my love? Yeah and by the way stop for a second these gortex solomon shoes are amazing   the best for walking in the mountains and they didn't pay us to say this but we love it just be careful this plank will trip you (to my wife behind me) thank you (to the guy for giving us way) the wrong turn... haha just kidding the turn to a beautiful little lake  

between the rocks or pond or whatever you want to call it someone's enjoying the ride are you okay there? yup and apparently there is a boat trip arriving between the skalys how cool is that? babe are we approaching that waterfall? finally do you hear some water coming yeah well it looks very well hidden so there's some little memorial or something let's go babe so we hope you enjoyed that footage of the waterfall we're making our way to like a very nice walkway in between the the rocks it's like what this place is known for now And now we are approaching a famous wooden walkway with beautiful sightseeing, rocks and water i just saw something really interesting i hope no one catches me   i just want to really see what's in there oh wow this is so beautiful you're not really allowed to walk here this is off trail but it seems like it's home anyway i'll just be careful should also be careful here because there's wolves in this territory and you can continue up there this probably comes as no surprise for anyone, but there are a lot of rock climbers here   of the beaten path every now and then you look through the cracks and stuff and then   you think you see a bear or something on the tree but it's actually a rock climber yes rock climbers come here it will be totally worth it for you it's just rocks and high   rocks and difficult all the different level difficulty grades wherever you go from all of us here in Adršpach Skaly say bye bye bye bye  

2021-10-11 19:35

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