expected and you don't have someone by your side

expected and you don't have someone by your side

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[Music] you know when you're three months on earth yeah so tired you're just like amazed by everything i was just like oh that's so cute and it is cute you know it's just the destructive they're pretty harmless it's just they oh yeah is that a known thing they will destroy things is that like dude yeah okay i'm pretty certain yeah it was in the market so they crave they crave salt and straps and i did a cell phone with a rum snake what with a rattlesnake a selfie [Music] and [Music] yeah what afterwards it is you ever make that one your profile picture just you innocent rallies no actually it was like yeah you know he wasn't actually hanging onto it no i felt cured you shouldn't i would have been like that's not a good idea and my mom she was already in front of being home she was pretty afraid okay that's actually black it's a black rattlesnake yes venomous don't touch that snake [Music] like i've spent a lot of time in the okanagan of british columbia like kelowna and we have rattlesnakes there i've never seen one never seen one yeah and i'm out and about but i've never seen well actually you hear them before you see them well once they notice you right the rattle is like a warning right so yes that's why they call it a gentle snake i did a video with a rattlesnake and you can hear it it's so loud okay yeah yeah it's actually this is the pole oh you're pointing the pole to it all right yeah at the end of the poll so it's kind of at the at the end there so the selfie like it's good because it's it's like camouflage in there pretty much right someone wasn't yes that's true when you hear it it's it frightens you it's it's so loud yeah and you don't always see them right away because they're very camouflaged that's why they say it's a gentle snake because they warn you yeah because i think for most like poisonous or venomous snake fights it's it's just accidentally stepping on them kind of situations and then the rattlesnakes are great for that because it depends on australia there are some very aggressive snakes is there any australians here is the cdt about the same length like it's going to be a whole five six month kind of period like seven months like seven months a bit yeah depending it's more vertical oh that's so loud and your voice is like getting smothered by it completely i didn't realize they were that loud but the cdt is the big brother three it's the longest it's is it yeah um it's also the less known uh yes the three for sure it's more remote less people attempted than like the 80 80 is the most popular is it yeah before i start getting to this i like i thought if it wasn't hitchhiking i'd like to do some kind of like long distance endurance or attempt as i see what i think of it and i end up cycling and i do like you you have the ability to go fast like if you want to like have fun that way which i always liked and now i'm like would i still enjoy the the thrifting and i'm not sure i don't probably but i think you would it's yeah it's true it's the same kind of mentality it's just like you just the one that was rattling in there it was a silver lake i know it's not focusing but oh there it goes that's pretty cool and you're going to try and triple c okay you're going to try and triple crown do you think 18 as well after i haven't decided yet he definitely wants to but yeah it depends it's a long way to go it's uh yeah it's half a year each time right so yeah it depends if my knees and my feet just your body's yeah yeah it's hard on it i would go i would go probably earlier just to get ahead of the bubble yeah oh okay because because you don't have like a mountain pass that you have to like wait for it to like the no no no no you're waiting for the snowmelt right like to go down usually isn't it isn't like time based on that because then you can't finish before it goes too late then there's no water in the desert but then there's no snow but if you start too early then yes okay all right there's the trade on yeah so [Music] is [Music] it but like whenever things are like tough as long as you got through it okay it's like i call it type 2 fun it wasn't fun when you were doing it but after you're finished and you can look back at it it's just like it's a good story and it's like interesting to remember it makes it more noteworthy in your mind just being like you had challenges that you had to overcome rather than just being easy and good the whole time it was for me it was never easy i'm never doing this again i'm never doing another like i'm in so much pain all the time every day but then once i was it's not all you're struggling and i was still laughing about it and i don't know i just it's not that i love the pain of it but i love the the whole thing the people the trail the views the nature yes even the pain couldn't and it was just in that moment even with the pain you still were like i love this at in that moment could you say you loved it at that moment no i was like why am i doing this because i can and i have to and i want to okay it's not that i love it something i love no not the pain but this whole experience that you can you can you can get beyond the pain and just be like as a whole yes i love this i love it in the moment i hated it get off trail but as soon as i was off trail in town i just wanted to get back on trail so in that moment yes it's like you're miserable but then once you look back it's like for the whole experience it was fabulous and great i enjoyed it but in that moment i was like yeah i never i never had it in me too i continued on that people um [Music] actually [Music] [Music] it hits like very close to us in my ears [Music] i feel the pressure dude we have to not oh he was older too and if he would have died on that storm he would have been happy he was happy at that time so it didn't matter to him yeah so so you got off that plateau you you descended yeah uh actually i hit in the ditch so it was really a low point in there and i was lying today like uh while the [ __ ] was yeah and i was um am i doing thunderstorm that feeling kills me yeah and no one started laughing i was like well i think it's all this it's all good i don't think it felt as life or death but just when the absurdity of the situation like how how the heck did i get into this kind of thing in my life here and you're just all you can do is like laugh at it you're like what i think happens to all of us yeah at some point and if you can still do it with a smile i think it's gonna be easier i want to be very early in the morning why do i have to leave so the day was just going up over the mountain there was a big frozen lake of snow there's nothing else this is amazing i said to myself this is the world's end i'm going to die in the morning [Music] [Music] yeah did you have moments like that as well on the trail uh like pure happiness yeah where you're just like me [Music] it took me four years to prepare and like save money for it and i took a job that i didn't like just to get money just to to do this trip and i think just being surrounded by the beauty and conventional realization that yes i'm here i did this i made a promise to myself four years ago that i was going to do it i saved the money i did it i quit my job i did you know like just that realization and it was that was my happiest on trail i just was hiking and crying and laughing and i was all by myself that's early on too yeah 200 miles is yeah it starts hitting you after i think it depends on the person on why you why you chose to do it how long it took you to get to that point like he just was like oh i'm gonna i know this i just heard of this trail i'm gonna do this trail where's me you both addressed the trail differently but you both kind of came to you both had a similar kind of enlightening kind of experience yeah as you were on it i think almost everybody does it yeah i i think so i yes if you do [Music] but like would you recommend it to everyone like like you said you have your post-trail depression is like a super common thing that i have read about and i've never done any chemistry hiking um and then it's hard to rejoin society um [Music] like if you had a partner that didn't do that that then you'd be trying to explain to them how different things made you feel but they couldn't connect with that because they didn't have the same experience yeah so you never come every other hiker that we met has had some of the same same thoughts same issues they all make big changes actually doing it but afterwards it's not possible to go back to your previous life and function the same way yeah that's my opinion a different way of thinking a different way of tackling life it doesn't work it's a good phrase ruins your life in a good way in a good way actually this was uh i i think i've said this a couple times but it's just like it's so exciting to me to have a conversation like this here in spain uh with uh because i've done the pct you didn't expect to like talk to someone i know i do weird stuff all right you guys heading back to your camp again so um we're gonna be in the area so if you need something if you need a hitch or uh i'm just interested we'll be kind of going making our way up along the coast you're going the same direction towards barcelona or the other way towards arsenal yeah i got uh facebook i'll accept that and then and then instagram yeah old fashioned on facebook it works if it works it works yeah so i'm just you know if you need something sorry uh we discussed your trail name so i don't think we ever exchanged names squeaks christine you can go buy trail names if you prefer christina christina's pretty boring okay my name is trevor yeah well i don't know but you saw that logan you can you can tell me whatever name you want me to call you do you want to be logan you're logan yeah just message us if you need anything this will be like i said we're going to be here we're going the same way we have two weeks left so we're just kind of making our way back slowly yeah left until you're going back to luxembourg yeah yeah and you're hanging mostly in this part of spain and then just driving straight back yes and then we're gonna do it in one just like in two days just fly back yeah yesterday yeah if you stay along the coast then it stays comparatively warm um as soon as you go inland then it cools off to like the freezing temperatures and stuff actually we only have to go back because to make the city happen to get visa so i got an appointment otherwise otherwise i think we'd be here we would be here for till january i don't know might as well ride out the winter it's somewhere pleasant where's sunshine all right well it was a pleasure guys yeah yeah it's so unexpected but i love it so maybe one of these days who knows maybe i'll see you on the trail one day maybe i'll uh well this is gonna start by the end of march next year end of march next year maybe i'll give all this up and all uh i'll see you today i can't carry all of this so uh no i know definitely not but i already got the gear i already got my my plex amid i already got my uh art class uh yeah you got the right shoes here's the shoes topo athletics toppo athletics yeah because ultron i'll [Music] hookah hooker11 yeah and yeah it's got a very white toolbox as you can see yes yes and there's grip is good too so yeah well if i get to hiking topo i'm gonna try and remember that because because yeah the the other one is is what i've heard everyone say they'll ultrasound that's like the three seconds okay this is good to know because you guys actually have experienced it right so take firsthand experience okay all right it's good meeting you yeah so you've got some responses of our conversation like people are talking like the whole time i'm mostly focusing on our conversation because there's a i focus on the the in-person conversation before i go to the online stuff yeah but um but yeah and if you want to if you make an account then you can chat talk to me through this wherever i am in the world and everything like that as well i'm very interesting yeah okay okay [Music] yep yep see ya enjoy this is it the monster bike anyway that was lovely i know you guys couldn't hear everything but um to me it was really exciting because when as soon as they told me they had through hike the pct i'm just like can we be best friends can we can we just keep talking and and like especially logan he had a very like low voice and i i knew it was going to pick up on the mic very well but i wanted that conversation and i wasn't going to be like shoving a mic in their face so yes this pizza good uh yeah no the pizza is good loaded with cheese which is lovely yeah sometimes so spice on the cheese and i don't mean spain i just mean like sometimes you go to pizzeria and then just like treat it very sparingly and i'm like no load me up with cheese it's nice hair i'm i styled it just for you you're welcome [Music] it's here i'll find i know i just saw people complaining and i'm just like it depends on your audio situation if you're wearing headphones or not and you know how how sensitive your hearing is and stuff so i just felt bad because you know it's much better if everyone can hear everything but i knew some people couldn't hear everything watch the whole woody allen movie since you're in the restaurant i'm charging batteries i'm not in a rush batteries are looking good though i felt that you want to escape the conversation before because you feel tired with them they almost left like 20 minutes ago like they did like a well thing right as i was asking a question and then i said sorry and i was like no go ahead and i'm like okay i will so if anything they lingered longer because i was i continued talking so it was definitely wasn't me trying to get out of the conversation okay are they young logan said he had 15 years on me that's all i know [Music] this book so it's not a problem um my appetite's just silly i think life is better in europe or america it's an impossible to answer question also that's like why is europe an entire continent in your question and um do you mean america is in the united states of america because when people say america they usually mean united states of america like why is one a continent including like 40 countries another one is one country there's some diversity in the con in like the continent of europe north america i think but then even within north america there's so many different like places you can be that have different cultures different move to lifestyles european country where would it be my initial thought was somewhere north because i don't mind like the cold as far as living there and stuff like that something like scandinavia or something like that also you could get by with english just fine there but then i was also thinking like someone like scotland or whales even parts of england then i was also thinking ireland so i was definitely defaulting to north but then like my trip through like italy and something that was so amazing but i feel like it'd be harder for me to assimilate into that culture asking which continent has the sexiest bushes brooks i like you i love that message but it just made me a significantly that made me significantly happier just reading that english speaking is probably easiest that's true but you can get away with english in like scandinavian countries very easily [Music] country is the lowest english level that you've been to russia i think let me think russia russia um your italy stream's changed my life now a life goal to go to italy honestly i thought italy was before i went there was going to be over hyped like yes it's pretty there's lots of pretty places in the world i thought it was going to be hyped up more than it deserved um no it's great i loved it yeah from my experience worth the hype okay love the ireland and japan streams croatia it's been a lot of really good streams you make all countries look easy to be in even with language bear have a universal way of communicating with people i feel like i've struggled more with cycling because i'm not trying to communicate with local people every day on a hitchhiking basis so i'm just not used to talking to local people like i am when i'm hitchhiking i feel like i'm lacking when i'm cycling in my communication kind of way of addressing things truths at venice tourist trap i thought the same thing until i went there and i loved venice now there's some caveats i went to venice when coveted head started and there was a whole lot less tourism there at that point when i got to venice but like i travel on foot i hitchhiked i loved it it was so much fun to walk around venice because it's either walking or it's on the canals but of course i was walking and i thought the streets were so fun to just be like zip and zag and going all over i loved it it was so much fun um part of me thinking it was so much fun was probably because there was less people there your passport book yet um no not filled because europe you don't really get much stamps in europe a lot of my travels in here um destroyed yeah when i go home i'm going to be getting a new passport because it not because my passport's expired because my passport is broken it's falling apart it's not quite falling apart but it's getting to the point of damage where customs agents are like you should get a new passport because if you get a strict agent they might just not let you in uh most of the box you've been in space first i'm pretty sure quiet these coastal towns are like tourist places and it's winter right so it's not that busy um sevilla was busy and i i honestly felt uncomfortable there and i just wanted to leave on this trip i've gotten so used to being just like it's just me riding down the road and small town stuff when i get to a big city i don't i just feel overwhelmed honestly it's just so much stuff and i'm like i don't want stuff i just want landscape stop for a bit in barcelona or any cities between uh between the strip depending on how long your second place um barcelona maybe if i get there before my flight then i will um have time there but if i get there right before my flight then i just will fly out um valencia is our next like huge place coming up i think because i'm not sure if i'll go through mercia and i'm not sure if i'll spend much time there some things you wish you knew before starting bicycle touring did i have any big realizations bicycle touring i feel like i already had the lifestyle thing down from hitchhiking lifestyle is very similar like the whole like bush in the morning bush at night thing like camping very used to that and that's just whatever but anything cycling specific like i was rubbernecking a lot when i started cycling and what we got with that was a really sore neck because i had extra weight because i had a first person pov set up there so it's extra weight on my head and i was always like looking at [ __ ] um and i got this horrible piercing pain that radiated down into my back when i was going over the cocahala highway in british columbia canada um and i did just i brought the handlebars in a little bit closer to me on my bike and then i essentially just like my natural spine position is much more like down rather than going like this it has a whole lot less a strain and i never had that problem again so i guess keep a more neutral head position and yes look at stuff when there's something really cool but like don't always be looking around so much um because it puts a ton of strain on your neck and you're chilling on your bike all day [Music] because that was like my only major like physical problem cycling so far i kicked my back once i was sore for a couple days how did you mount your back cam near your chest you mean the third person came because nothing near my chest is like sticking four feet up behind the bike i decided it was the best i didn't come up the third person camera point of view uh the first time i saw on on with the live stream was like curious streams cycling in san francisco so check him out if you want to see more some more cycling and he uses the third person camera because that's what i inspired mine by we do it in a completely different way as far as mounting it but um that kind of perspective is what i was i'm like that's cool and i don't have to wear anything it's all just mounted to the bike um so yeah i came up with my own way of mounting it in that way and i just thought it was a cool perspective you can see the landscape but you can also see the cyclist doing the cycling thing i think it works well [Music] aren't you getting worried but cold i'm canadian uh hey what jack you're wearing looks nice it's a nerona bitter horn 850 down where's the 900 down does it tell me i don't know anyway narona the rona it's norwegian i think um [Music] it's very it i'd have to find it but i feel like it's only like 150 grams or something like that it's super lightweight and good warmth for the weight because down is like the most efficient insulator for for clothing i live in the uk or the us [Music] the place that would feel most close to home to me would be to switch from the west coast of canada to the pacific northwest of the united states so i wouldn't mind living in the united states i could see myself living in parts of the uk as well it's starting to become a bit more common in canada certain stores pick them up like i think valhalla pure carries nerona i'm probably pronouncing it wrong i apologize norwegians don't spank me too hard um but it's still pretty niche in a quarantine room no it's it's all these places here in spain have like these plastic protector things from the wind and then there's a little heater thing there because now it's cold for spain it's cold for me too like but i find myself much more sensitive to the the the cold on cycling trips compared to hitchhiking hitchhiking i'm very content standing in cool conditions and i don't need to like be active to create heat to then feel warm cycling if i'm not moving i feel cold in my tent like camping gear wise i have equipment like you're way overrated for the temperatures we're experiencing so i'm cozy in my tent but outside once the sun sets i'm cold the stuff pretty pricey i got this jacket like heavily discounted very heavily this game i think it was like a hundred and 120 150 canadian for this jacket i think it retailed for 350. how do you find gaming spots in the big city um if you actually want to be hidden and like not visible you don't usually unless you're in munich because we got huge freaking parks right in the city if they have buses or mass transit of some kind take it outside the city then camp unless you want to sleep on the street i don't i don't feel comfortable doing that snapchat makes some great lightweight jackets used in the british army religiously i've never heard a snug pack we'll have to check them out said you had gone across russia even running with the wildlife no i never had any wildlife encounters in russia i remember it seemed unique to me in western russia like west of moscow even um i saw like fur traders standing on the side of the highway like trying to sell furs to passing traffic i thought that was unique it's not wildlife at all i was just trying to think of like wild lifey things in russia dead wildlife being sold on the side of the brought in road of your bikes bags would leave it's german where did you sleep in london uh i took the tube out to the last stop i was going north was it northwest north i just walked for a while and there was like just some wooded areas and i slept in there so yeah i think it was just the tube i didn't have to take any buses or anything it's just tube as far as it goes and then just find a bush because you're hitchhiking with truckers mostly right not too many chances to interact with wildlife like strudel bear i got a few truck rides i think i got a 1700 kilometer truck ride like better perfect day overnight and then better part of another day but mostly it was personal cars there's a few truck rides got a 500 kilometer truck ride into chita mostly personal vehicles is your dad a big guy i'm taller than my dad that's what you mean what do you do with your bike on the tube i was hitchhiking i didn't have a bike i had a backpack his dad is six nine then yeah cause i'm six foot ten two or eight pounds exactly um favorite most memorable hitchhike i can't answer that question it's impossible there's lots of memorable hitchhikes but it's in there down to one it's impossible honestly like makes me feel anxious to just try to think about picking one as my favorite where island have you been i've pretty much done a circumnavigation of ireland in different trips except for the east coast between dublin and bris no belfast right northern ireland that chunk i have not done that but i've like gone around the circumference of the rest so just like that one little trunk on the the east coast that i've done and i've been through a lot of different middle parts we got first time there flew into dublin hitchhike straight across galway up the slide go back through galway back south and around kind of there ross lair harbor ferry to wales and then the other times we're on stream and i did a couple different routes one time we take a ferry from scotland to belfast get the guinness factory no um well my battery should be good it's the outcome of this have some great conversation some good food and some full batteries i've figured where i'm gonna camp though i didn't really find good camping spots coming into town i didn't see any that were like in town and my concern is like just south of me looks like there's a ton of like just trails and stuff like that but i haven't seen them i don't know what they're like and now it's dark so it's really hard to see the lay of the land and what it would look like come morning i could go over there maybe those are people's houses though go over there it's kind of far though isn't it also i don't know what the wind's like supposed to be like tonight campsite west of puerto de mesa west you mean like a campground like a paid one i'm trying to avoid that if i can just wild camp somewhere but yeah i see a campground to the west i'd just rather not get a campground because i'm a cheap dude yeah i should sleep all night as long as i'm like pretty like i like find a fairly quiet place let's charge some other stuff this why do you want to take like the challenge and fun like i charged out here specifically so i could camp why why why would i get an airbnb there was like this whole charging thing has been useless why did i spend like we had to give conversation so like that wasn't useless but like i didn't have to like have dangling cables next to me for three hours just to pay for accommodation and then charge my stuff inside anyway awesome stream ended up being a good day we did uh like 95 kilometers or something up had some really hilly terrain here and there um i feel like we're gonna have more hills tomorrow you couldn't tell by the lamb and pizza and red wine that he's dropping it it's very true actually i know you're joking but this isn't exactly like roughing it kind of culinary experience i tell you my one corrects now that i've streamed more i let myself eat i can slightly ease i'm sure we could camp in there no problem i do like being next to the coast but it's people in the morning dog walkers love the beach it makes sense and they're up here early so i just have to go i can go decently east of town there's a few beaches that i could probably be tucked away at without too much problem that one would probably work there's no houses around there [Music] east of that is even more also probably just fine that one has big buildings next to it so you wouldn't want to be there i'm not going to show you where i'm camping tonight tonight i'll show you where i'm camping tonight tomorrow when i start the stream [Music] [Music] legs are cold i should put my base layers on but i have to get naked to put my base layers on [Music] i'm going to approach while sleeping when i'm in my tent i've just had a japanese police officer move me along once journey once i'm set up there's no one around my attention but i wasn't sleeping yet in japan i've never been woken up to people like outside my tent that's why spain has changed international travel rules today with many other nations okay is any of that relevant to me has this trip been going hard to watch on this really good it's been a good trip i feel fully into the trip we're like fully weathered into it i probably look the part got the beard lost a bunch of weight i'm tired that's good past few days it's like really good we've got some good distance and we've been through some beautiful areas like we finally had a hundred plus kilometers a day uh brisket decaf coffee coffee decaffeinated um no caffeine want to head back to canada soon we're doing pretty good consistently getting a hundred kilometers a day now yeah we hit it the first time getting 110.5 according to our official navigator swaggy um and then you have been hitting good numbers yesterday was 86 or something today was 90 something oh i don't trust that uh foreign can i pick up new inner tubes yeah we did they're one size smaller than mine like um not the diameter of the tire but the thickness of the tubes but apparently that's fine it'll work and if it works that's all that matters let's finish this so yes [Music] okay did anyone hear what he was saying how much do you think it cost sorry um did you ship the bike over from canada bought it in portugal i shipped it over from canada it cost 70 canadian to be a specialty checked item on my transit monthly flight with air transat um it's like 50 euros uh i don't know how much i'll be flying back but i'll uh i'll let you know 70 44 18 31 26 40 20 canadian dollars i got to tell you what i had i had lamb chop lamb

2022-05-17 22:12

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