Everybody told me I had to go here...

Everybody told me I had to go here...

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we have made it to one of the nicest resorts in vietnam and we gotta go because the lady is waiting us get out so first gotta get rid of our bike oh i say travel in what is vietnam we did it actually i may put this up and then connect y'all she's waiting on me we'll see uh-huh oh i mean you can't sneak around here we hadn't even pulled in the premise like what you doing i'm coming to check in come on maybe now i should start this video welcome y'all we've just made it to the nicest resort in vietnam or at least one of the top ten yeah i think uh super friendly asking if they could then ask me that's my girlfriend that can help carry luggage they ask me that's all right though i'm okay thank you and this right here is why it's one of the i thought i forgot to hit press play that's why it's one of the nicest hotels to look at that view we'll get a close-up of that but we're gonna sit and chill for a second can i stay here i can sit here okay thank you perfect thank you it's always really awkward so when you get these really nice places i never know to speak vietnamese or english because they don't get really ever foreigners to come here and speak vietnamese to them so i don't know what to do i just speak english because they expect it yeah it's gorgeous these beach vibes are kind of like the cushiony chairs the colors the blues the pinks uh there's actually green down there but you got the dark woods the fans it's big it's airy it's instantly cooler too because there's so much greenery and then you get the dark wood here that's some nice dark wood with the whites and the open space and the greenery and it's just gorgeous very very very well designed i gotta go back we got welcome drinks and ya boy thirsty doing the thirst what do we got yeah take a seat and try the welcome bring yourself oh what drink is this lemon and lemon and um good for your health yeah i'm good from here and we're going from coffee oh you sure can let me find it let me let me get let me take care of this i'll get back to the drinks for you okay we're back okay we're back let's drop a little drink here oh let me show you first all right we're back let me show you the drink good for your stomach candied ginger i'm kind of dirty on it holy cow good for your stomach especially when oh spicy ginger eat as much greasy food as i do hmm oh it's like a lemongrass bomb went off in my mouth with like a lime sourness that's good i think it's boring now so i'll just meet y'all till we check in and off we go to the room so our room is very close to the lobby since we got it on such a good discount i think but this place is huge we're gonna go explore it just a second you can see the restaurant right here i'ma shut up and just let you enjoy the view oh not a great way to start and we did get the ocean front villa so they had two options they had oceanfront villa with the pool an oceanfront villa without the pool and i mean i guess the private pool is cool but i also feel it's a little bit redundant you got the beach here oh here already wow come on in yeah the view i have to really look for ocean front oh we're going in girlfriend told me to hurry up oh hey i have to think a lot because she's speaking to me to me and this is beautiful let's go back to the interest and start so wow it's so dark deep and it's just like the interest like entrance the air you come in the wood everything is so dark so the aroma in here it's not lemongrass but it's so nice got a bag sliver so i think this is free i could wear this if i wanted to can key go in start the ac that's important look how high everything is look at that all the wood the woodwork here is beautiful it's different it's multicolored it's dark there's some oh light gorgeous in here it's the menu i'm kind of curious what they have so we'll go to the restaurant a second oh no wait so this is all the water sports and stuff she was talking about that they have recreation area this is where we are so here's a wooden deck here i don't like that i wish i'd been like 103 or one or four no wooden deck they got the beach over here we can go see let's not come in here that's not the menu haha here it is so many gnats here i don't know what we're gonna do for dinner but we'll figure it out this is like the perfect l couch look at this tv snacks foot prop please don't kill me for that i know my feet are dirty look at this place insane how beautiful it is how what how nice it smells fruit thank you so you got the tv on this side you gotta tell me though would you want the tv this way where it's facing like the comfy couch or would you rather have the tv just like over here see no tv over here and the beds over here this cool towel here though little booby stone grinder thing cafe mirror no reason for that i kind of feel like i shouldn't get on this it's so so nice just a little little taster let's get a little taster here i don't know if it's five star or not that's five star pillow oh it's like a freaking cloud and the bed's nice and big i could probably roll three times around it i think the best part here though is going to be the bathroom wow this bathroom reminds me more of just like a spa like you're going to a spa or a sauna or i guess it is a resort so i was kind of a dump comment but i like your lockers here even though it's just where you put your clothes elevated sinks love that the white this contrasts with that dark it's absolutely gorgeous and then [Music] you i mean that's pretty cool i mean i'm amazed by little things but i don't know why i love the knobs right there just kind of futuristic almost wow cool stuff little wow i can see all my sweat and my pimples beautiful you can see them even more make sure you get the mirrors to take care of yourself here look at this toilet though look at that that cool looking like squared out i don't know if that's going to fit my bum colder everything's colder here i think american company huh i guess they just expect people to use this more because that's the first thing i've been a little disappointed about i do like the room service it's right here uh yes hello can i get some uh four roll plilted toilet paper please okay thank you okay took care of that problem okay here's the highlight i haven't showed y'all yet oh it's not slime this is the bath this is it it's hella hot right now but if you ever want it though it's so hot i don't know where to stand god this towel is so hot hold on back over here okay ow that's so hot right now oh there gotta be shoes she said these with outdoor shoes so i feel like i'm in my own jungle my own oasis my own kingdom i mean look at it i literally like some i don't know how to describe this but i don't want to take a bath now because i know that's going to be scolding hot i almost feel like i'm in like some mosaic that sounds like a good word a kingdom if i was taking a bath right here and this beautiful mural in the background in a waterfall shower shower gel again with the coolness with the knobs being so far away from everything else oh it's not that hot it passes the max body test so much room but look at the greenery again the greens the dark windows on windows on windows for you and your loved one to maybe be in different rooms but never feel like you're truly truly far away what's in the bag nothing hair dryer look at that just look how cool it is look at i dig it sliding doors you know great design sweet sexy makes the room feel like it's bigger than it really is again the murals and the where you sleep and where you take baths to make you feel like royalty not really the word i wanted to use but you know something special it's so dark in here though like this is ultimate napping weather that's about it i don't know we'll figure out what to do i don't know do i explore it now or did i break this off to another video not really sure we'll see now i'm a man of value and i'm going to try to give you all the best value in all these videos and i'm going to try to do something i've never done before in which i get the whole resort in one video so i decided to start with breakfast this morning and the selection we have let's go i'm hungry [Music] let's work left to right start the fruit [Music] guava dragon fruit watermelon so this is a legit like the fruit station fruit cereal and we've got like every fruit juice imaginable i like everything here i think it's gonna take too long if i try to dish at my food and take you around so i'm gonna put this fruit down [Music] and then we're just gonna show you around onward [Music] um just every not every but a lot of dim sum here's my spot this rom be hitting later coconut cake waffles danishes and sauce sauce sauce chocolate sauce maple sauce passion fruit sauce every type of jam you want then you get to the bread section oh homemade bread you take it out you can cut it yeah this is this is my little roundabout my little oval but look there's more it goes on forever [Music] this is like the section gonna be like this is not breakfast items sauteed toilet mushroom fried dried noodles with beef fried rice gross spiced fried rice [Music] fried or i'm sorry i should say steamed rice trolls i got the bun ken they got the bun seal more of like the vietnamese dishes here oh that's the eye cooking and so you can order whatever you want let's get some fridays because it takes a little bit longer assorted sushi right here's a section that i would never pick it's like not breakfast items it's like assorted meats and cheeses but this is the sauce counter here soy sauce this sauce thai chili tomato mayo [Music] salads salads i must say it's like i get it's like one of the nicest resorts in vietnam but i'm still very impressed with the onslaught and display of foods [Music] herb crumble pork schnitzel looks a little rough stir-fried bacon and cabbage oh potatoes and garlic baked beans bacon hey why did they put the bread under it is that soaked the grease why would they use bread and not like a paper towel i don't know my eggs done no they're not let's keep walking through the eggs are done okay so we're loaded up and ready to go bacon potatoes toast butter jam eggs and fruit and a coffee back sealed app surprisingly really delicious here now to be honest this is really quick for me because i don't really much care for about breakfast in hotels and resorts like i'd much rather just go to a local place and eat there but i started doing these with my videos and i realized well people probably enjoy them so i do come here just one day to make a video but to me they're kind of boring so you've seen me eat this boring breakfast i'm gonna finish this i'll catch you after it and then we'll get to exploring this place okay good breakfast beautiful display my thing about breakfast at resorts though is like i'm never really interested in because they usually have like the local cuisine which i feel like i can always find better local cuisine i just down the streets just like go out and eat some street food and i don't know i'm not much for just like the stuff that's been sitting there in the containers for who knows how long opened my many people so i've always played safe get toast like jelly freshly cooked eggs and i don't eat much because i try to go out and eat local street food right after anyways anyways let's continue so you got pool number one here that's like kids pool so we won't go over there i don't have any kids but then you go over here and here's the adult pool here it is here's where it gets peaceful oh oh yeah oh oh i could see myself the beer right here laying down enjoying it getting sunburned enjoying the afternoon look at this view that's just fantastic that is so hot water that it's not cool and refreshing like i want onward that gorgeous morning though so right here is actually the ski dock so i think you can have get you can rent some jet skis and you can dock right here yeah because there's a life vest and got a little divider here so this is kind of like their beach the amiana's beach which is kind of funny because you're like on the beach but they section off this little area to where it feels like here at the beach i don't know it's kind of weird if you think about it because i mean you could pay here and you have this beach or you could literally just go like four kilometers that way and just hop on the beach for free but at least you got people at work here they clean it to make it look nice try not to die oh i'll say one thing the sand here i don't know if they import their sand or what that's good sand it's like that super soft you feel like you're getting tight a tiny little pedicure clean just get people out here doing what's right cleaning it up it's kind of neat oh gross i know you can't see it from here but what i like about the resort is i mean you're not too far from the city from from the resort actually you can see city center natang so it makes you still feel like you're in the city maybe that's not what you want with the resort i get that i know you can't see it but way off you can see that tang and then we got another pool now i saw this pool last night and this is the drinking pool so you got kids pool you got chill by the day pool and you gotta get drunk pool i saw everybody hanging out and drinking and i keep talking about the view this might take it so if you hang on the ledge here not only do you got like the beach area here but you can see city center and that changes absolutely breathtaking phenomenal i don't know why i keep showing you on this camera because there's no way you can see it oh yeah this almost looks like a little club got the beautiful little seats these water bottles kind of look like when the girls the dance girls are bringing out the vodka in the club so yeah so this is kind of like the beach area now the problem to show you the other things on the resort they're on the complete opposite side and my battery's about to die so i'll meet you on the other side and i need y'all's help i saw this tree with this fruit i've never seen before [Music] i know the vietnamese is quite boom but when i put it in google translate to figure out what english is it just said balls maybe i should do this barefoot hold on i've always wanted to be able that's tiring climbing coconut tree oh you okay and that's how you lose the bottom of your feet on a coconut tree so i cannot climb a coconut tree yet but i want to learn in my hit me in the description i'm gonna start training four months from now i'll make a video i climbed a coconut tree it's gonna happen ow until then it's gonna rub my feet raw oh that's hard okay so this is a in blooper stuff i was outside sitting my girlfriend was coming out to talk to me and you got to use the key to keep the ac going so like we are definitely going to keep the door shut let the ac you know catch up we got locked out so just a heads up you stay here you won't come outside take your key with you oh man [Music] you

2021-07-03 20:11

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