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yesterday morning we pulled out of our campsite  just outside of the beautiful city of Venice   and we drove about 3 and 1 half hours and we were  driving towards the east and then we turned South   now that meant that we drove through the country  of Slovenia and we did not stop although we did   try to stop at a few places a little restaurant  for lunch but none of them were open but do not   not worry we will be back to explore slovania when  it is a bit more warm there's some beautiful hikes   and stuff to do here but right now we're actually  running from the snow so we are headed south now   one thing we did do the minute we crossed into  Slovenia is we pulled into a gas station because   the fuel is cheaper here uh more like a140 or a  e 40 a liter versus a 90 0 a liter so that makes   a big difference and made us very happy another  thing about driving through slovania and also when   we crossed into Croatia we noticed that there are  still border checkpoints in place now going the   direction we're going we did not get stopped but  we did see they were stopping some people coming   north into more of the developed part of the  European Union so when we come back North we   may get stopped for some border checkpoints we'll  see when that happens but we are in a hurry to get   to Croatia for a very special reason or actually  two three three very special reasons the first   being we are going to go run into an old buddy of  kurts from way back in the high school days he's   lived over here for years so we're going to go run  into him for a day or two and and see what life is   like living over here and then we have not one but  two very special packages to pick up and that is   at a little farm up more in central or maybe even  Eastern Croatia and you may wonder how we ended up   finding a place to get stuff delivered here well  we have some subscribers who have reached out to   us and uh it is Tim and Valentina and Valentina  is from Croatia they actually met here when he   was doing a multi-year bicycle ride through  Europe and now they're married and they live   back in Florida and her parents still live here  and one of our very special packages is actually   a gift from them and we'll tell you more about it  when we get there and the other one is something   very cool that we had delivered in and it's kind  of big so we needed a secure delivery address so   these guys have come through and saved us on that  so that is why we were kind of in a hurry to go   ahead and get down here to Croatia that and of  course we're trying to get farther south because   it's getting colder and colder and colder but  then we drove out onto the island of I'm going   to call it Kirk it is krk one thing we noticed  the minute we crossed into Slovenia and Croatia   is all the signs seem to be lacking vowels the  letters the words and the pronunciations changed   drastically when we get over here but we will  do the best we can but we are at a campground   out here and it is a beautiful campground on an  island with beautiful blue water surrounding us   now it is cold and it is chilly and we are just  about the only ones here because it is so far into   the off seon that no one else except for one or  two people will Brave this place but that makes   it nice for a place to just settle in and rest  up from the long drive one of my favorite things   about this place the showers without a doubt  the best shower on the entire Journey since we   started van life at any kind of Campground hostel  anything it was amazing the water was so steamy   hot the pressure it was clean you had your own  changing room it had a rain shower head and then   all along out there they even have hair dryers  on the wall shaving stations it is a beautiful   facility but from what we understand if you come  in here in June July or August it is slam Pack   full of people but it does sound like if you can  squeeze back through here in March or April that   it might be a perfect place for an offseason  Beach visit now we don't know if that will fit   into our schedule or not we'll have to see as  the road lays out in front of us but this place   is wonderful there is a little kitty that has  come to visit us at the door a couple of times   which Vana and G are not too crazy about but the  little Kitt's just trying to be friendly hi Kitty   how are you but we're parked here on this little  protected Cove a little boat anchored out here   on that side you can rent little mobile home  cabins and then Here Comes Kurt how was that shower best shower on the whole journey oh man  it's the best for sure this is a nice facility but   that was our parking place now this is a premium  spot that you would pay a lot more for especially   during High season but Kurt sweet talked to the  lady at reception we paid for a regular spot but   got a premium one so I've told them it doesn't  hurt that there's nobody here we have to place   to ourselves yeah we're almost to Tim's house now  Tim is the Buddy from high school I just told you   about so it's been a long long long time V is high  school yeah but on our way there we're practicing   a few Croatian words and boy are they different  so how do you say hello stra stra and thanks uh   voila those are the two words we're going to focus  on because it is a very different language and you   guys know good and well we are linguistically  challeng to put it nicely nicely so D voila are   two Croatian words that we're going to focus  on all right we stopped over to have a little   authentic Croatian dinner I guess that's what  I'm going to call it that's s how authentic it   is but you're in combination set of combination  balcan Croatian dinner huh okay yeah and and the   company and the chef was Mount Everest you know  and what do you call this dish I would call this   like a [Music] goulash no we have goulashes with  meat okay and the only meat and this be I don't   know some maybe juit juit juit okay yeah but  this like bit different so there's beans there's   peas there's carrots there's chicken looks like  tomatoes and bay leaves on Rice I think it's kind   of like almost like a tomato based sauuce with  a couple mushrooms looks pretty tasty how is it   snow it is really really tasty I'm going to eat it  all so we're here on the island of kir and we're   staying at a friend's house here you can see the  van parked right here but it's a SL small little   village up here on the hill and I'm headed over  to Tim's little cabin to meet with with some of   his friends but we got really lucky I haven't seen  Tim since high school and it turns out I mean he's   the same awesome guy he was back in the day which  is good but I kind of expected that but what is   really amazing is he is like the expert the expert  on Bosnia penia and on this whole Balkan region   he's been written the first travel guide and it's  been majorly published for Bosnia and so we're   going to head over this morning we had an amazing  time last night just hanging out and catching up   and talking about all the exciting things that  this part of the world has to offer so we're going   to spend some time with us he's going to even take  us on a hike tomorrow he's going to take us on a   little tour today I'm off the charts excited  this has already been an amazing visit but I'm   headed over there now we're going to have a little  coffee with them and chat and set the plan for the   day or in in Ireland they they called it Irish  coffee yeah yeah wanted to experiment with rakia   he wanted to make the some cocktail we Dr and  that was like story was like story was like like   because when they make they they drink yeah and  then he said said first day he was like just like   wake in room and he didn't know what's happening  so that's the name of this this is draia yeah it   comes from a Turkish word and it's basically it's  Brandy it's schnaps yeah it's distilled plums   distilled pears apples um all right it's cold day  we got G's jacket on we're out going for a little walk what do you see buddy [Music] [Music] that's good quite [Music] well so I  was a vegetarian for like 19 years and then I   um started started eating occasionally started  eating meat um and then a few years ago maybe   2 3 years ago um I became vegan I think this is  Rosemary yeah this is Rosemary okay so Rosemary   Rosemary all right so today Tim is taking us  around the island and showing us some cool   stuff we are starting with a lunch here in the  city of Kirk that is on the island of Kirk and   it's supposed to be an incredibly old really cool  City and I I already see a little narrow streets   and all that but first thing on the agenda  is well we stopped by the vet first but now lunch so it's always a treat to walk  through streets like this in the off   seon and see everything empty with no people  but at the same time I can imagine that when   all the people are walking these streets and  all the shops are open all the cafes set out   that it is proba we truly a fascinating place  so I think the key would be to find it at the   perfect shoulder season which we're here in  might be late March and into April when you   start to get the good weather some of the places  start to open but the huge summer crowds aren't   here yet who knows maybe we'll be back when it's  not closed up tight oh this is pretty wow look at this CH so we're taking a stroll around the old  city and you can of course see the beautiful old   walls that we love so much gone into church  now we're walking past a medieval castle and   we pop out to this beautiful view over this  beautiful blue water now it's windy and cold   today but we're definitely going to walk  down here and get closer but I wanted to   let you know that the city of Kirk is over  2,000 years old it's just crazy the history   over [Music] here got to stand up got to clear  your eyes got to walk on to the other side let   a new s feel your mind bring the bra to  life there's a wild world waiting on you   full of wonder ring fire see it all laid out  before you come alive come alive come Al come [Music] alive so we just wrapped up a yummy  lunch down there on the waterfront Kurt had   a tuna burger and and some onion rings I had  a Falafel burrito same thing that Tim had all   the food was delicious and now we are going to  leave the little town center get back in Tim's   car and quite honestly we don't know where we're  going but we've just been told it's epic views so   we know we're going to love it so let's go all of  ORS on the island and and Vineyard yeah these are   allive oh these are all olive trees yeah trees  all these Alles okay and then yeah the forest   is is mainly like small laks um but these are yeah  this is all olives no South we're looking South so   the wow Southeast that's the main the mountains  there are the mland and that's the coastal road   that you guys are going to go on so oh wow you  see it you can see the L yeah I can see it the   road you'll be driving you hear that snow that's  the road we're going to go on yeah turn around   so we've made our first stop just a quick one to  take a peek over into this beautiful Valley that's   called the boska valley and we're parked right  down here so this is a roadside little Monument   here and what we have learned is this is from the  ancient Greek alphabet I'm sure I'm getting the   formal name of that wrong but it is basically the  letter A I thought it was a big fork in a meatball   to be honest with you guys but for me fortunately  we have expert here who kind of straightened me out the size cracks me up  you can never do this in the US so we've been trying to map out and figure out  our plan for our timeout of the shenen area and   Tim is really an expert on this Balan region  has kind of been giving us some suggestions   some ideas is and in any event we have to go  pick up a package in Northern Croatia but we   are going to head south after that to get out  of this cold weather and there's a cold front   coming through you might even be able to see  the snow on the mountains out in front of us   but this mountain range in front of us is to the  south of the island kir that we're on right now   and if you can see that little line across there  on the bottom that is the road South so when we   get done with our business up north we are going  to be taking that Highway North along and we're   just going to keep going south until we can find  some warm weather till we run out of road but look   at this beautiful view that Tim's brought us up  to and there's a little town down here and it's   called Bush boska boska boska and so I think we  a way of butchering our fifth or sixth language   on the journey so but anyway what a beautiful  Viewpoint and this is up at a maum church and   Cemetery and uh if you guys can see up there on  the hill there's some sheep up there as well sort   of grazing and we've come up through the olive  Fields uh where they have all the olive trees   and stuff is it Fields uh Orchards Olive Orchards  Olive Orchards and uh but what a stunning Island   and some had been promising views you'll tell us  what you think but I think he delivered look at   this just the beginning just the beginning oh  and in addition to there being some sheep up   here you can see there's some old ruins and  I don't know if this is a house or some sort   of defensive for Fortress or what have you but  you can just see how these things are just made   with stones just like a lot of the buildings  we've seen on the side of the road and the   archway look at that how it's shaped and we can  actually see right down into it it's so cool and beautiful what we did and how we did [Music] it all right Tim is taking us to one  last secret spot on his tour today and it was   a wonderful tour but this one is going to bring  us right down by the sea on the west side and it   looks like down here there's a nice little church  and there's a little nice dock where we can walk   out to the water I think Tim might even jump in  today I don't know Tim did you say you're going   to jump in the water while we're here wa if you  will one last stop for the day Sun's getting ready   to set Tim's brought us down here to I would call  this probably the west side of the island not far   from Tim's Little Village he says he comes here  when the water's a little warmer and the weather's   a little better and swims it's a beautiful view  Sun's about to go behind that Mountain Ridge   they're still sharing old high school stories of  basketball Glory Days and just a little history   funny tidbit on Kurt in high school Kurt was  apparent ly really good at basketball and could   even dunk so I'm hearing all kinds of basketball  stories but look at this beautiful view and of   course y'all know I love the sound of the crashing  waves what a beautiful day here in Croatia on the Adriatic [Music] cty [Music] that me that means you're a great  cook and a great company that's what   that means people want to hang out  with you can I film can I film the kitchen all right our second night of  getting served yummy yummy dinner oh   something looks good in there and this  is where the magic is happening in the   kitchen Place aha it's good place good  energy it's going to be good food and good company jam out you're very good dancer man  let him try first first here cheers don't shoot it now what is this called it's good this is and   you said it's with walnut walnut it's a  wal hello H hello hello [Music] hello I [Music] don't steing domet Chef we have regular  chef and Chef C okay thank you what is this they like winter winter s in this period when we have  a Carnival Carnival takes place here around the V   and the islands it's very famous so Carnival uh  what month is the carnival here well after the   year uh one week later okay Begins the carnival  okay so dinner is over and it was delicious and   this is a traditional Christmas bread right so  we're getting to try some local I think it's going   to be a little sweet let's see M it's got a little  lemon oh it's really really good guys good morning   everyone what a beautiful morning here in kir  up in Croatia we are having an amazing time last   night we had a beautiful authentic dinner another  one with all the folks here Tim's introduces to   and we just had some really good authentic food  and Company and traditional drinks and we just   visited and chatted and it was just fun and really  uh special experience but today of course we had   the tour yesterday too but today we're going  on a hike and so we're going to hike I don't   know what what exactly the hike is but we're  headed up right there we're going to find out   when we get over to see Timmy steady ready to go  ready to go enjoy your day all right thanks what   a beautiful day right yes perfect we'll see you  look at this ice it's pretty thick up here guys   if you're wondering what we're talking about when  we say it's been cold I think it's about did you   say 8 degrees today Celsius Z last night it was  Zero but the sun is out it's 40° fah for those of   you who don't know Celsius but we are on the way  and it looks like this Trail is turning into an   asphalt Trail long so we we can handle this one  thing we've seen a lot of since we've strolled   around Croatia out here on the island is these  rock walls that are just stacked here and you   can see they're on both sides of the road now  I believe Tim you can C correct me if I'm wrong   but these are for shrimp or not shrimp these  are for sheep or for goat herds and they use   these as fences to kind of contain them and keep  them in their areas oh yeah sort of like to one   is to mark your your property line two is cuz  there's no place for the sheep or the goats to   graze because there's so many rocks so you take  the Rocks off your land you build a wall and then   your sheep and goats have places to graze and  you mark your property as well so to keep the   sheep and goats in I all right we've been walking  for about 15 minutes and uh mostly up either an   asphalt or a gravel road but now it looks like  we're taking a little turn and quickly the Train   on the trail has changed and you guys can see  this is kind of like lime rock and so this is a   little bit more technical a little more unsteady  footing I actually broke out the walking sticks   for this but it is a little more of a narrow  path up through the forest look we have more ice look we have a big bear footprint  what do you think it is Trick Boys in blue all right we kind of come up into an  opening and it's more shrubby here so   we're kind of out of the trees we're  up on a peak maybe kind of above the   forest line at least for now it looks like  and we can see up at a peak in front of us   I think Tim said he thinks our destination is  beyond that we can't see it don't run you are old slow down like the Schwarz and slow down what's cool about all hike that involve  elevation is the higher you get the viewpoints   change and we can see down into the city  of Kirk where we were yesterday we walked   through the old town and you can sort of see  the marina in the seafront and you can see   the mountains and some of the little towns  that we've ridden through as Tim's kind of   taking us on tours throughout the island and  then over there to the right if you can see in   the background and maybe you can't snow cap  mountains but down below that is the water   that separates the mainland from the island  and the bridge that we came in on and as we   get closer to the peak up here you guys can  see it's definitely gotten rockier in fact   it's almost all rock it's more like quartz than  Lime Rock so you have to watch your footing for sure and the breathing also gets  heavier but we're about to get there so this is not it this is not it this is  one got 35 minutes more to go we've got to go   down a little bit and then go back up about 20  more meters than what we're at right now to get   to the peak honest with you I can't imagine a more  beautiful day to be out on a hike it's cool enough   where you don't work up a sweat and uh We've  peeled off the layers and actually probably going   to peel off a little bit more before it's said and  done I just heard from Tim he's uh going to take   his walking stick and bust it this ice and do a  little Polar Bear Plunge up here in this little   body of water he's been talking about it ever  since I've been here Kurt is going to take off   his shirt and he's going to give me a big bear hug  to keep me warm when I get out so we're going to   rub our moves [Laughter] together ah no doubt  this is a little place for watering the Sheep yep all right we're up here on the rocky surface  of the Moon and we can definitely see the IND   destination up there and we've thought a couple  of these Peaks might be it but pretty sure that   one down there is actually it and fortunately  there's a lot of really good trail markers along   here so you can see sort of the red and white  Bull's eyes and then there's also a light blue   and white flag and there is a Camino that that  goes around the entire Island out here and that   I believe is marked by the white and blue stripe  right there so no doubt this is a hike that you   could do off the Camino but we still got a couple  more Peaks to go and a little further than we   thought but we're in good shape and enjoying the  day so let's keep going guys let's keep going so   we've seen a lot of and talked a lot about  these walls these stone walls on this hike   and they were used for sheep hurting but I'm told  that it takes a very special skill to stack these   rocks like this and if you come along here you  can see there they don't use any mortar and the   actual walls are really thin and some of these  walls are hundreds of years old and so they've   stood the test of time through the winds the  erosion and all the other stuff but apparently   it's kind of a skilled it's almost died off here  but something that's very specific to the region unconquered there goo good job guys oh nice there we go so we  made it up to the top of OB zova 569 M and   the look to the South is absolutely stunning  you can see several islands down along there   we can even see some snow cap mountains in the  background and we told you earlier that when   we get done here we are going to be heading  south along the seab border of Croatia and we   can see the road right along there wow what a  stunning View and across the sea and out there   and I'm not sure if we can see Italy from  there but I'm told on a clear day you can   I think most of what we can see out there is  Islands from Croatia but the water is smooth   and sparkling blue and up here against this  Rocky sheep hurting terrain it is just a stark   contrast and so stunning if you like this  video be sure to subscribe to our Channel   and hit that notification Bell so you guys know  when we put out new videos and don't forget you   can always follow us over on Instagram to see  what's going on in between videos cheers guys

2024-02-20 20:23

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