Escaping The Chaos Of Delhi, India

Escaping The Chaos Of Delhi, India

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I am in Delhi India and in this video we will  visit three must-see places the India Gate the   Red Fort and old Delhi one of these places though  is going to be pretty intense oh check it out this   is a disaster here I'm not sure if I have ever  been in a more chaotic area than this is it still   worth it to visit these musty places in Delhi I  also want to see what it's like to spend a typical   day as a tourist in this town let's find out feel  free to join and here we are the India Gate wow   ah I always really enjoy it when I am standing  in front of very famous places for the first time   seeing these places with my own eyes so this is  a cool moment for me actually and yeah as you can   see it's very popular to visit this place not only  by Foreign tourists to be honest I don't see any   other foreign tourists here uh except myself very  very busy here with local tourists I would assume   that most of the people here are Indian tourists  maybe from other states from other cities and yeah   this gate right here resembles the arc the Triumph  in France and Paris actually and it was built in   1921 and it is actually a war memorial in honors  of the soldiers who have fallen in the first world   war and actually the names of 90,000 of these  soldiers hello Namaste the names of 90,000 of   these soldiers are actually engraved into the  walls which I can see from here it's maybe to see   it on the camera I unfortunately I'm not allowed  to go any closer but yeah I can see all the the   names and Gra on the walls here and here and in  the middle as well might be my favorite place   that I have seen so far in Delhi again magnet  looking India Gate K Lotus you have from the   gate here yeah this one 5 for 150 5 for 150 yeah  IND gate I just need one to be honest one is 40   rupe one is 40 rupees yeah and this one actually  this looks not bad and this one big one you buy   big one this is all different big one let  me see it looks actually here looks quite   the same and then the other one here oh also  same same it's a good picture yeah this one   Cham yeah red foot Taj Mahal tukk tukk oh a yeah  Lotus okay how much for two two for 70 and 40 70   and 40 you not Tuk Tuk no not Tuk Tok you buy  I prefer the the gate actually to be honest no   elephant you buy Indian flag how much for this  too give me 100 R 100 okay all right let's buy   a little souven here right away why not you  take more just two two is okay give me two   more you have S here I'm happy with two okay 100  thank you Dan thank you all right let's support   uh some of the vendors here why not and actually  quite a nice svenia here with the India Gate I   don't have a fridge I'm not going home any  time soon but still this is a great memory   I'm actually surprised to be honest that there  are not more people here trying to sell some   things he's literally the only guy that approached  me since I am here I'm here for I don't know 10 15   minutes now in total and he was the only guy who  approached me so far so that is actually a good   good impression here you can visit a tourist place  in India in the center of Delhi also without being   uh attacked by Street vendors or people trying  to sell you something that is a good impression   here but yeah let's continue to the next spot  we have a few places to visit today here in Delhi excuse me how can I exit  underground underground under   under pass okay ah so yeah there's  an under pass here and I arrived on   the other side and then I used this  pass already and seems like you also   have to exit using the underground so you  can't even exit on this side of the road here okay Danel thank you thank you very much  byebye bye byebye yes all right no thank you   thank all right and I am now at the red for  which is one of the mustsee places here in   Delhi actually I think I am not at the entrance  but the taxi drive driver told me that he's not   allowed to drive any further than this point so  I think I have to walk the rest no thank you no   thank you minute no no no one no I would like to  walk looking you other one that's okay you don't   need to waste your time with me I want to walk  walking too much that's okay thank you no no no   thank you all right so I think actually this is  the red four already and the the Tuk Tok drivers   they want to offer me a tour yeah you have to get  used to that when you're in Delhi as soon as you   leave the taxis or as soon as you arrive at these  touristy areas there will be plenty of people uh   trying to sell you something or offering you a  right okay we have Indian ladies Indian gens and   foreign tourists okay let me actually try to  figure out if this is the right place here so   ticket counter normal value ticket oh check it out  this is the the price for for the locals it's 50   rupe and if you pay cash less it's 35 that's also  interesting you get a discount if you pay without   cash and then the price for foreigners is 600 that  is more than 10 times the price for the locals   that is interesting and also you get a discount of  50 rupe if you pay by card double pricing here in   India as well which actually happens in uh many  Asian countries I know that Thailand for example   is also having double pricing systems but this is  crazy like more than 10 times the the local price   but anyway I'm happy to visit this place hello  Namaste one ticket please so I paid 600 oh no   thank you 100 no thank you just a little piece of  paper here so you need to be careful to lose it or   destroy it uh you maybe saw me almost losing this  little piece of paper in the Delhi Metro before   you also only get a small piece there oh actually  I should have asked where's the main entrance is   this the entrance here ah there's a sign visitor  entrance gate all right so I guess I have to walk   around a bit so we can see the quite impressive  walls here already wow this actually looks really   amazing already just from the outside and yeah  the Red Fort is yeah one of the mustsee places   here in Delhi one of the most famous places also  many local tourists come to visit this place wow   check it out how lifely is here to be honest I  have the feeling that this is the main entrance   area so I'm wondering why my taxi driver dropped  me over there because this one actually looks way   more like the actual entrance so I walked for I  don't know 3 four five minutes now so it wasn't   actually that far yeah so there's also a ticket  counter here so you can also buy the ticket here   although this ticket counter looks way busier so  maybe it was good that I was able to buy it over   there and then I think I have to go around here  and tough security here even uh military with   heavy machine guns here but I have the feeling  that this is kind of normal here in India based   on my Impressions on my first days here and here  we are the main entrance to the Red Fort in Delhi   actually I really like to visit historical places  whenever I'm at these places I always try to   imagine it used to be back in the days walking  through this gate people walked through here   hundreds of years ago already and it must have  been even more impressive a few hundred years   ago you know probably like I don't know about 100  m High I guess and then up there we have a big   Indian flag super impressive so far and also it  looks very uh solid like proper walks here oh and   many many people inside here check it out who yeah  this is a weekend here this is Saturday afternoon   at the moment and you have a vendor selling some  souvenir here yeah typical tourist souvenir I think I'm actually surprised you enter this  place and the first thing that you come across   or the first things you come across are are just  a shops after shops wow this is not what I would   have expected to be honest yeah looks like  a Market Hall here now what is [Music] this   you want to visit a historical Fort and another a  market when you come here right interesting okay   that's unexpected and yeah they're literally all  selling the same items basically typical tourist   stuff yeah that's interesting check it out there's  even an Eiffel Tower here and the Big Ben the the   Liberty sto from New York what are these things  have to do with the red for TI I mean if I would   buy something here then I would buy like maybe  a little replica of the red four but who buys   an Eiffel Tower here the Red Fort was built about  400 years ago in the 17th century by a king called   Shah Jahan it served as the main residence of the  Emperors of the mukal dynasty for nearly 200 years   and the inside there are several small buildings  garden areas and Halls yeah the name Red Fort   comes from the red Sandstone walls which surround  the whole area we are this is an interesting fact   here so this was the emperor's private Palace and  they had animal fights here for example between   lions and elephants yeah animal fights such as  between lions and elephants were organized below   this Palace for the entertainment of Royals that  is interesting can you imagine a lion fighting   with an elephant so that was probably happening  somewhere down here maybe or maybe there's like a   bigger area underneath here that we can't see now  and can't enter I think all right and I am back   at the beginning I took around half an hour to  explore the whole area and to be completely honest   I was expecting something a little bit different  it was mainly like visiting a park the whole area   inside is super beautiful it feels like walking  around the park with some very historical cool   looking buildings here and there but overall it  didn't really feel like visiting a Ford you know   and the most impressive part is the entrance area  here which is really really impressive but I was   expecting that there will be more places similar  like the entrance area all around basically not   saying that the experience was bad just saying  that I was expecting something a little bit   different so when you happen to visit this area  don't expect like a fort with walls like this all   around better expect a nice park to visit oh it's  okay dri no no no thank you Spice Market weding   Market silver market J the the big J no thank  you some place sir excuse me some place talk some   place walking some I can guide and driveing that's  okay but I don't need a driver now little charge   200 more no Dan no are you from UK are you from no   I'm not from the UK UK byebye yeah  you have to uh learn to say no in India so this is another shot from the the  Beautiful the as stoning part of the Ford   yeah from here it really looks amazing like the  outside areas and the main gate that looks really   impressive all right and basically right next  to the Red Fort over there is an area that has   been recommended to me a lot called chandi chock  even the staff on the airplane when I was flying   to Delhi we commended this place to visit oh  no thank you so let's head over there should   be basically the whole area around there so we  just need to find a way to cross the road here   uh which could be difficult maybe uh if we go  over there here maybe I'm just going to follow   the locals here it seems to be okay okay okay  oh oh oh oh oh yeah when in doubt just follow   the locals usually that's a very good technique  oh and what's up with the hon King here oh my Lord welcome to India I guess okay so  this seems to be the unofficial crossing   of the road here used by many people I'm  wondering why is there not an official uh   crossing over there oh and I lost the  locals that I followed now I'm on my own oh and I missed the opportunity to cross  hello Namaste oh how do I cross here now I think this is a policeman  I'm just going to follow him all right that was easy actually okay  let me navigate through all the Tuk TOS   here check out how many of these tkts  are here must be like hundreds of them   just standing on the corner here yeah  I can already feel this is going to   be an interesting area to visit so I'm very  curious actually so can I walk through here looks like a gate to me but everyone work through  okay guess I can all right here we are chandi chuk   also known as old Deli as far as I'm aware so  very historical part of the city here this is   basically the area where Deli started hundreds  of years ago okay so we also have a I'm not sure   how you call that like Tok TRS that are like a  bicycle so you call that Wick Shaw I would call   it a wicka but I'm not sure what's the official  word here so you see them all around here so I   would guess that they can only like cycle around  the area here which seems to be closed for any   cars or the regular Tuk TS yeah but to be honest  I would feel bad if I would let an old man most   of the the guys here seem to be pretty old  if I would let an old man cycle me around town oh wow this area is intense if you don't  like to be around people then this is definitely   the wrong place for you Namaste and yeah I  can't walk 100 met here without being asked   if I want to buy something if I want to ride so  you really have to learn how to say no here but   just keep walking it is a sensory overload  area in an interesting way I really enjoy   walking down the road here probably I wouldn't  uh walk down this road every day but for the   first time here it's actually interesting  and what I find interesting to see here is   it seems to be a cultural Melting Pot you see  many Muslims here you see Hindus also we have   the biggest mosque in India around the corner  here the JAMA Masid so that probably explains   why you can see so many Muslims here but I  really find that interesting like a cultural   Melting Pot everyone seems to like melt together  here that's actually really interesting and yeah   like everywhere we have these little side alleys  here which seem to be even busier more crowded   oh yeah here we have a proof of what I thought so  cars and motorcycles are not allowed here between   8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. that's why you only see  these uh bicycle RI shs here I'm wondering what's   the Spice Market because every single driver  who approaches me uh says something about a   Spice Market Spice Market to be honest doesn't  sound interesting to me probably that's would   be my guess they get commissions there when  they drop me off there and if I end up buying something oh I feel like this area doesn't  end I'm walking for well over half an hour   already the whole time basically through  areas looking like this and I can't seem   to find an end I feel like there must be  an end to this area somehow like oh like   like an open space normal roads again you  know this is intense here sensory overload   everywhere oh must oh people driving  everywhere on the sidewalk on the road and I'm thirsty I'm looking for something like uh  like a convenience store like a 7-Eleven type of   shop where I can buy something cool to drink and  as you can imagine the air here is not the best I   I I feel it already in my throat but that was to  be expected not saying that I expected something else oh wow this is I think this is a very  stereotype India that you imagine when you come   to a city like Delhi oh my god oh check it out  this is a disaster here how do people get through this hello this is like a dead engine now where do I go let's see if I can pass somewhere here  here oh wow okay maybe I can uh walk around here maybe not okay the traffic continues to  move no no no there was a a Gap open for like a   few seconds but now maybe there's a gap here  okay okay all right than you much thank you okay and I'm stuck again okay  and here we go I'm through oh wow that's how intense it can be just to  to cross the road that is insane and look   at the traffic here it's it's literally not  moving wow I'm very happy that I'm not in a   vehicle stuck in this traffic here to be  honest today is a weekend I would imagine   that the traffic is even worse here on the  week day another driver on the on the side road okay wow this is the India you imagine  right The Stereotype chaotic India but as we   have seen already in my previous video not  every corner of the city looks like this I   on a Metro station so this would be an easy exit  now I just take the metro to another part of the   town but I think I don't want this easy exit  now by the way it's an hour now in this area   probably just a few minutes for you in the  video but I'm already in this area for an   hour now and I just checked Google Maps where  I'm actually heading to and I think if I keep   walking for another few hundred M then there  should be a bit of an open space area I want   to get out of this area you know like somewhere  a bit more quiet and less busy because it gets   a bit stressful but I'm not complaining I  was expecting exactly this here in Old Deli   and I'm still looking for something to drink I'm  wondering I can't seem to find any convenience   stores here or shops where I can buy bottled water  I'm just thinking imagine an accident happens here   how long it would take for an ambulance to  actually reach this point yeah I definitely   don't want to be involved in an accident in  this area cuz I think chances are high that   you're waiting for a long time until help arrives  okay I'm giving up after over an hour in here and   I can't seem to find a r out and I do have a  goal now where I want to go I want to go to   conod place which is a place I have been to before  on the holy day and I think it's way quieter and   a bit more relaxed there but I think it would be  quite far to walk and I am here already for over   an hour now so I think I'm actually going to  take one of the guys that can give me a lift   so one of the the rure of tricycle drivers here  I think these are electric by the way so we have   the ones on the bicycle and we have the electric  ones so I think I'm still in an area where cars   are not allowed yeah this one for example hello  I want to go to k place place you can get me   there no I cannot you're not allowed you're not  allowed there right but you can get me somewhere close what he trying to help me are you trying to help me you cannot go to cor  place right you are right he's not allowed there   right okay but can he uh drop me off somewhere  close you drop yeah okay how much K 150 150 okay   all right Let's Escape this area yeah the local  guy said 150 is okay I don't really know where   I am and I don't really know how long we need  but to be honest I think we will take a lot of   time because the traffic here is intense as you  have seen already okay that was sensory overload   Deluxe I'm not sure if I have ever been in a  more chaotic area than this I have seen many   chaotic cities around the world I'm thinking  about Manila in the Philippines which is also   very chaotic in the center kandu Nepal maybe  Columbus Sri Lanka Jakarta Indonesia although   Jakarta southeast Asia in general uh unless  Manila feels way more relaxed than South Asia   to be honest so this is probably one of the  most busiest areas I have ever visited but it   is definitely an experience so I don't regret  coming here at all but will I come here again   probably not to be honest okay let's see how long  we actually need let me check the time it is now   4:40 and yeah I do think that this vehicle here  is electric it doesn't make a lot of noise it   uh sounds very quiet and I think you can in theory  even fit four people here so one here one here one   here and then one here and it seems to be quite  popular here usually you see all these yellow   Tuk TS all around Delhi but yeah because they  are not allowed in this area you see all these   Tok TOS here and some are like bicycles so  powered by the strong legs of the people here hello Namaste what I have to say to people  here are very friendly like many people smile or   wave at me saying hello but yeah what is up with  the honking in India I don't understand why they   like to honk here so much if you're from India  please let me know what's up with all the honings oh this is also interesting way of transportation  here probably this is not an official taxi or   something just his friend giving him a lift and  I think we I see like there's something like a   gate or something so maybe this is the end of the  airway are okay so this is the gate I was talking   about let's see if uh he's going to drop me off  here or we continue but here I think this is the   normal area again so we have all these regular Tuk  TOS here some these drivers already offering me a   ride so maybe they expect me uh to be dropped off  here I think we're entering a proper road now so   I am a bit surprised I know we have sugar cane by  the side of the road we have some vendors selling   some juices I think and there's wind blowing into  my face now which feels nice after this area over   there so for the first time in an I feel like  normal air again this is nice oh and I think this   is the back side of the Delhi railway station  actually so I think I know actually where I am now what's going on we making U-turn over there  yeah okay for some reason uh we just making a   U-turn in front of the New Delhi railway station  so we're driving back now where we're coming from   so I'm not sure why to some U-turn yeah so we are  here now and where I want to go cor place is this   area so it's actually not far so we just made  a U-turn right here so we could have just drove   down this the road here and then we would have  reached the the place already so I'm wondering   why the sudden U-turn and it seems like we are  driving away from the destination now rather than   approaching it and check it out the trucks here  have even written on it Blow horn and I saw many   trucks that have this writing on it blow the horn  so the trucks encouraging the people behind them   to actually blow the horn okay and we have left  the main road we took a left turn and now we're in   this road right here so I think K of place should  be like basically at the end of this road here   now I don't think it's far anymore hello Namaste  oh I almost can't believe it it just quiet here   for a moment oh and there's a honking again but  for like a few second it was actually quiet here   you hear oh you don't hear anything right  that's the point oh wow what's going on   this seems to be unusual all of a sudden  all the noises are gone oh and the honking continues why I don't understand [Music] this oh wow oh yeah okay okay D thank you okay thank you very  much byebye all right total length of the journey   was now about half an hour but yeah I also think  that he made the journey way longer by taking this   U-turn I still don't really understand why he  did the U-turn but anyway I have arrived that   is the most important thing okay I now try to  find a restaurant there's a restaurant in this   area that has been recommended to me this is the  restaurant I'm looking for 0° hello Namaste do   we have this one here yes yeah okay table for one  table for one please yeah all right and the chair   is very comfortable after the few hours now out  there in the city this feels very refreshing and   have a look at this pizza in it jaar that is what  I am interested about that sounds very special   I've never seen something like this before I  would like to get the pizza in a jaar non uh   nonv okay first of all a cold water the first  water for a few hours much [Music] needed first   of all the ambience here is really nice I really  like the design here the air condition has perfect   temperature here so this is already a first good  impression here and now the pizza in a jaw hat has   arrived and it looks very interesting I've never  seen anything like this before to be honest it is   a bit smaller than I would have expected so I'm  not sure if this is going to be enough to fill my   stomach and also the the whole staff is looking at  me now that's a bit funny so they probably saw the   camera and wondering like what is this guy doing  here now but yeah I think I'm actually going to   use my Fork so of course you can't eat it like  a regular pizza to be honest I don't really know   why they call this pizza it has nothing to do  with the traditional pizza right but of course   that doesn't mean it can't taste good so this is  a chicken on top of here let me try that first   the chicken is a bit dry to be honest and then  we do have a lot of cheese here so I see some   vegetables here some chicken the cheese oh and  there's a very strong tomato sauce flavor to it   together with the cheese that's actually very nice  I also think that this is good quality cheese the   cheese tastes really good actually so oh it seems  like there's actually some pizza dough in here   you see these parts here that is actually pizza  dough it is a bit spicy the data called it mild   spicy but you know sometimes when the locals call  it mildly spicy then for me as a frer it's still   very spicy but this is actually right like this is  a spiciness level that I can handle to be honest   the flavors are yeah like a regular pizza I mean  all the ingredients from the regular pizza are in   here just that the presentation is very unusual  so the taste is actually totally all right cu   the the chicken is a bit dry but the rest of  the pizza I especially like the tomato sauce   in here but yeah definitely a very unique way  to eat a pizza all right let's see what's the   outcome with a total bill including two small  four bottles of water is at 230 rup all right   that was a very interesting food experience  let me know in the comments if you will be   curious to try this to be honest I think this  was interesting but I think the next time I   would prefer regular pizza again so yeah overall  this was once again another very interesting day   here in Delhi India and if you're curious  to see my previous video where I've been to   paja Gan also very interesting area here in  Delhi then feel free to check out the video   right here stay healthy stay positive and  then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-04-21 19:42

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