Erasmus in Tromsø [Norway] | #5 Travelling around

Erasmus in Tromsø [Norway] | #5 Travelling around

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saturday here and i'm going on a sailing trip that should include some fishing and stuff like that i'm really really interested how it will be and what will be our boat so yeah it cost me like more than 700 lock which is quite expensive but something i've never done before well guys you can leave all your stuff [Music] without those activities that here in northern norway are incredible with the whales in the winter we meet naturally we started devoting more time to the fight against environmental problems in a more practical way not just researching that [Music] it's the best case scenario so just be aware of that and yeah we will soon depart the plan for today is uh there's not so much wind but i think because when we move and especially will sail the boat is gonna be healing and moving a lot so we try not to leave [Music] safety first remember them [Music] this one because of the flag i don't know those are the right left front and back boat starboard stands for the right hand side and the board is the left side of the ball no questions did you know you knew that terms from before so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] go on so the fastest way of killing the fish is to flow between the eyes here and the head find the brain it's uh it feels cruel but it's the fastest and most uh like ethical human human way of killing it so as you can see i've got a real job here it feels good to do something i know so let's see how we do it properly okay so first we have to hold it properly so left hand a little bit this is my first fish lovely leave me alone throw it back yeah yeah throw it back goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] what okay [Music] look at the camera it's friday morning it's let me see 8th of october and as you can see tromso is turning quite already yeah yesterday was snowing a little bit at the moment i'm on my way to the airport where we have a flight after 10 am to trondheim where we gonna play frisbee ultimate so yeah uh as i mentioned before i joined several practices here i play volleyball futsal and also frisbee and they are really nice people and i asked them if i can go with them to tranheim because i wanted to see the city and they were like yeah sure but you can play too right like okay why not that would be nice i'm hoping for is to uh spend some time with really nice people do some sports which i love doing and explore the trondheim which is supposed to be very nice city and also quite historical so we'll see how it goes yeah and if you wonder why i can't catch my breath because the airport is on the other side of the island and i have to walk this hill [Music] we are now at the randheim airport and we are waiting for the luggages and then we are going to take a train to the city where we will spend our afternoon and have a lunch five [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] and as you can see this place is huge huge and this is just one quarter of the stadium this is our team practicing we are playing soon and yeah we are here on a frisbee ultimate tournament there are teams from all around the norway did i hear we're starting defense we're going to start on defense today tsi [Music] [Music] [Music] huh so [Music] [Music] oh looks good orange nice cut sylvia [Music] [Music] blood you get voted for the best socks on the field last point you got voted for the best socks on the field i didn't yeah but it's red sox and they are black and blue yeah [Music] they [Applause] hello it's middle of october i'm right next to the airport again and it's time for a small bar trip so i'm really interested really excited and really nervous but hopefully it will be fine i just discovered that the flight is from different terminal than usual so i'm gonna i'm about to find out where it is hopefully and i hopefully will see more snow some animals and items here and some beautiful nature as well so we just arrived from the airport to our hotel and holy moly this place is crazy just look at it [Music] middle of october uh we seen some elks already and yeah i'm so excited it's really really totally different world so i hope we can explore it a little bit more soon [Music] it's a coffee [Music] like normally i would love to see one like in a while [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'm gonna save these two videos i made about this taxi [Music] morning so today uh we have a boat trip on our program so we just hope there is not it's not too windy so it doesn't get canceled but now it's breakfast time [Music] so it's a mix of orange [Music] thank you [Music] oh hell so so [Music] so yeah there are some chairs so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] what are you happy um but towards the top um [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'm always a stupid person on dc oh there's the summit so it's the one just before the rainy full moon so [Music] super nice [Music] foreign [Music] hey thank you [Music] [Music] so [Music] you

2021-10-27 17:42

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