EPS 1 - Touring ke JAWA TENGAH pake XMAX! | Xmax Navigate To East

EPS 1 - Touring ke JAWA TENGAH pake XMAX! | Xmax Navigate To East

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Hi guys my name is Jodie and this time we are touring to Central Java the motorbike I use in this touring is a matic bike which I never tried before the motorbike is Yamaha XMAX connected plus i rode with my friends from the city of Bandung so it's definitely more exciting so yeah... please watch the video until it's finished Goodnight guys so in this vlog I have the opportunity to try this Yamaha XMAX and not just a mini test ride or something but I will be touring using this motorbike so this is my first time I tried this motorbike to be used for touring and I'm also quite curious whether it tastes like because this bike is one of my wishlist to have for example, I want to have a Matic someday, right? if for example like wanting to ride relaxed riding long-distance riding is relaxed, I think about XMAX yes and thank god get the chance right away so it is thanks to yamaha jabar ya oh yes, by the way, for example, look at this I have my cellphone so it is I finished installing this phone holder it's so cheap, costed 100 thousand rupiah it is also plug & play really just take out the windshield then continue adjust it with the bracket so more or less just like that & i choose it from x guard for the phone holder you can just check it on RC Motogarage basically this XMAX 2023 is enough if it use for touring activity very relaxing for touring because later we will go to Central Java guys this are the lights full led really handsome this motorbike is very fierce i like the front look next to the middle body but for the rear design it took me some time to get used to it because at first glance it looks like NMAX so there are two screens one screen for the speedometer Continue to provide petrol and odometer information and the 2nd one This actually can be customized if turned on like a car, so you have to accept it first and just push the button well this is it guys here is the information you can actually it can be customized anyway and also the LID This is for put a smartphone you can charged here also By the way, I'm actually charging it but I just put the powerbank in here, guys I put it there with the bike's key there and it fit well this powerbank more or less lik 20,000 mah and it does fit well this doesn't bother me either the cable is still secure continue to be moved like this is also still safe the luggage as usual taaarrraaa~ sandals and raincoats the rest of the items have not been found put it in for packing touring later tomorrow morning this is the papper also for the seats it's softer, I feel like it's softer so even without a comfort seat, it's already okay well so more or less like that for a preview of the motorbike that I will use and on that night, yes, I did the setup for motorbikes and the things that I will bring for touring and the next morning we met Bandung friends to go to start the tour Hi good morning how are you how are you guys I finally got there there is a dandi here too We still have sleepy faces please return the camera see jodie's eyes are still very tired, anjay what time is it what's the time now 4:20 early morning awesome guys touring again going to Central Java with friends from Bandung look their faces, still look so sleepy you guys finished yesterday from the event too, right? Yesterday did ride a motobike out too What event is for? FILANO? yes, FILANO and the FAZZIO Classy on ride I'm not joining guys i prefer join this touring and we are now waiting for the kuncen the kuncen's name is Mr. Ajgum okay while waiting for them we drink coffee first here as usual basically all vlogs to the jogja eh Central Java will be more exciting than before it's not all that exciting ... i haven't connected yet still sleepy it was like ouch just woke up he is very lazy, anjir Have you ever went to Central Java from Bandung did you? we will pass the familiar route guys so you guys just watch this video route OK, finally, let's talk about the itinerary well, this time I get trusted by my friends to be a Road Captain for this touring and also for the trip because this is the first day plus also the checkpoints Our first goal was to go to Magelang so i decided for us to leave the touring route in general, guys so we skip nagreg then we pass the banjar and so on so I think my friends will know this itinerary because it's really familiar because many people pass by too we also keep looking for easy way only if usually that person goes to Magelang via Kebumen Well, here we are, guys so we point it in the direction banjarnegara which is where i feel it's quite rare, for example people touring towards Central Java through this path because I actually see it yes, the road is straight only later there will be a Road where that is we pass the path that is quite winding that's an alternative route and in the end, I'm sure you'll get through it, Magelang Magelang as well because we are going to Central Java so yeah, just to make it different, I'll direct you to Jalan there, guys so it's more or less like that for the first day's itinerary so yes then continue to the video Halo jodie Ardi-ardi Nice to meet you Halo jodie Rida Nice to meet you Hello, how are you where is there guest star yes angel out of nowhere suddenly join How want gas? still recording Ayo! want gas now guys have a good trip Have a safe trip Amen smooth okay guys let's pray according to belief hopefully safe yes pray over XMAX NAVIGATE TO EAST! really stiff like new bra huh elah okay guys Walk good morning world well here we are skip a few trails Wow, this is a phone holder not yet fast maybe yes, this is a pretty good bend steady steady steady let's just relax so don't want that hurry up we didn't enjoy the trip motorcycle coincidence how many 5 yes 5x max 3wr 3wr yo it's weird it's just how exciting is the name touring sure i want to follow Moreover, this is using the latest XMAX, right? so try this first so thank you Yamaha jabar thank you Yamaha Indonesia yes, I want to support event touring this time XMAX Navigate to the East I'm using the newest Xmax for the first time I swear I used touring right away so far okay it's oke lah the handling is smooth it's lighter and the gas is also lighter like that Come on, let's get it Come on, let's go empty empty empty the bus brought a motorbike trek trek trek trek yes, bust yes the motorbike on the motorbike ha ha ha haha that's crazy The trip starts at 5 in the morning and in this video you see this already it's less than 6 o'clock so it's been pretty good, guys we've been walking for an hour and that's our target find breakfast we want to stop at the banjar So there is a food place that I think is delicious like soto-soto food so it's better if we go straight to it check the first point ok guys we have arrived have arrived at the stop Check the first point, namely banjar we will eat it we go there Betawi soto restaurant can not wait time for us to eat breakfast enjoy the moment and yes eat first guys crazy hungry eyes Oh Allah mata okay we've been banjar and banjar this is the fall let's check Another 5.5 hours from here wow that you can see 5 5 more hours us later through purwokerto but not Purwokerto anyway so through banjarnegara not through kebumen Because just let it be different so in Magelang what's the tour? try Magelang tour, Kopeng only later to Jogja try to memorize it? nope just line up there ha ha because the rest do not know where This is Mr. Andre one

father Andre two different universe, you guys so like that we will be in Magelang in two days and then after that go to Jogja but let's focus on the bracelet first yes magelang confused too ya want to eat uh want to eat What can I say, haven't eaten yet you're crazy after eating and sleeping yeah that's it guys why do you eat when you sleep? because it did all of these friends are sleep deprived because of his enthusiasm That day we were touring so let's take advantage of the time we have because we are leaving too fall faster faster than our target so yeah that's okay and after we rest gone from us ate right away, guys we will continue this journey already started cornering bismillahirrahmanirrahim ya bend in place, guys yes, don't bend over to your boyfriend, friends, guys, oh my gosh bye bye bye this is based on a true story niku in this place yummy uh oh crazy who's cranky crazy crushed crazy gang gasruk a motorbike as big as this, the handling is really good, bro yes shocking huh It turns out that this motorbike is Matic 250 good handling the nikung is delicious pede is okay let's see the map already started. The road turns and turns, wow it's crazy that the truck is really wide Wow, this is a fatal turn Jodie is delicious can you see the track? on the speedometer yes yes I haven't connected guys yet because there is already a map be careful sharp sharp so it's good to know the turn how nikunya what kind of place just follow the turn while enjoying the ride really enjoy it It turns out that touring with an automatic motorbike is good, isn't it? it's so relaxing continue too because the road we pass is also a lot of turns the turns are smooth so like the vibes really enjoy it very much until finally it turned out to be one of our friends ada trouble nih guys oh oh oh oh ok guys we again stop said one of our friends one of the motorbike bolts came off so the bag was hanging let's check this first which bolt is loose oh shit exhaust So this is one of our group The motor has a loose bolt until finally the exhaust it's like hanging like that if we continue, it will be dangerous and worrying afraid to let go of the muffler and the motorbike used is the Yamaha WR driven by Mother Fitri Crazy, she's a lady biker but the taste of the motorbike is a trail bike so it's a bit out of the ordinary anyway there's an IDE for a minute take it on the motorbike first there's an IDE for a minute I have an IDE so let's try hot and yes already finally without much think long so I'm thinking about it to replace the missing bolt with a bolt motor from the same WR motorbike user so it's just like a part substitution anyway only temporarily The important thing is to get to your destination safely and comfortably simple! mind set! no need to go to the workshop take time the main problem is over the rest are minor it's like tightening the bolts again, all kinds of things happen let's continue good afternoon guys where are we now? Mr Andre doesn't know you're wrong in my review now we want to go to banjarnegara it's translucent yes a little What's the point of a unique path? it's a broken path but okay not broken very damaged you can still get bullied by the Yamaha XMAX, it's delicious How about we just take XMAX shocks? so far using XMAX? very soft soft strange power oh, how are you? smooth of ndre it's nice to have that energy so want intend to replace sis sister still Love aerox he's a love aerox ih don't worry it's working don't be confused bebeb be safe bebeb be safe it's safe very sophisticated look at that oh God an Ajgum have a portable fan guys crazy let me take care of it his handsomeness is steady after this we want to walk because let me not be too late even though it's daytime but yeah let's hurry up until we get there we want to rest What do you want to do free is the point ah very hot sure if in the Central Java area go there must be really hot but overall everything is fun thank god nothing no trouble huh at least the last one just had a bolt removed but now it's safe so keep watching! Oke guys immediately continued the journey crazy hot that's why we Let's have a waterbreak here, let's be safe let's go mari dah already directed to the homestay it's crazy hot hot bet hot bro let's go, this road is beautiful let's go, this is a unique street, let's go wah look it's a green field perfect for dinosaurs nice guys, lots of views welcome to banjarnegara steady see that's really good the hills are good it's like an hour keep straight ahead this one again guys This strip happened because it was supported by Yamaha Jabar thank you Yamaha it's like a relaxing tour who ever caved do it using matic this XMAX is really Yahoo basically, it's still straight, just the driver oh my god that's a great view don't be tempted to sleep stay focused sir ok sir driver welcome back with us ah here already entered this is new round What road is this, sir Way too much That's the way it's called oh how the street is this sir driver follow the driver's line uh great sir driver how many more hours is our journey? sir, another 1 hour and 55 minutes really well this is well done! huh crazy crazy, this road is delicious, smooth it just turns out after we pass this road continues straight this is how it is rather minimal ya street turn around like that until finally we find one way everywhere that way alternative road kayak models okay that's okay can make our eyes focus like that aka not sleepy because it's an XMAX motorbike, right? yes, he is an automatic motorbike it's comfortable like that and I don't feel it either until finally it turns out we are it's been about 2 hours of driving yes already let's find a place to rest first while we do snacking snacking relax relax fun basically increase stamina again This 29 kilos just goes this way last stop aja last stop now we want to go again more or less 30 km further we arrive at the homestay oh my eyes so we want to walk again after that sleeping pen... yes, according to what I said so from here we are close we will arrive in about an hour's drive to the pom stay where we are headed and the streets that we pass like going to the streets of the City anyway from that path looks like an alternative route like this huh because that's the place not many people pass by but it turns out the road is smooth like that huh and one hour later we arrived in the city of Magelang and even we are homestayed finally guys gokil yes you could say this fall for our first day there are times 12 hours of travel if you add up the total, yes but because we are busy and good road too then use the XMAX motorbike too which is where the feel is also relaxing so it doesn't feel like it plus it's delicious because we arrived in the afternoon so we can this is delicious have a lot of free time for what to do first that's it and yes guys until we are in Magelang Thank You arrived too the first chapter is magelang First, it's great, because we're from Bandung later, when it's tomorrow, it's close haha this is it guys the place is a homestay like home until in Magelang in the end it's okay even if there is drama or what until Mr Andre 1 and 2 finally arrived first chapter magelang yes, I don't think so

2023-07-26 23:04

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