Episode 32: WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL BEACH / Whitsunday Islands / Airlie Beach / Ocean Rafting

Episode 32: WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL BEACH / Whitsunday Islands / Airlie Beach / Ocean Rafting

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now this is what i'm talking about the site site on see it's like 15 we were meant  to be just on a normal powered site but they   had a bit of a mix up with people parking on the  wrong sites so they upgraded us to an ensuite site   however it is only just big enough for us we just  fit in with and then the awning pretty much takes   up um the rest of the space and yeah there's  like makes that way we're at latabello in uh   early beach for lunch uh it's italian and  it looks good and arya's kids pizza isn't   outside huge there's gonna be leftovers and i am  looking forward to them because it looks amazing what have you got there aria what flavor is it ham and pineapple is it having pineapple oreo it looks good thoughts that is a good pizza i  think that's the best pizza i've had in like   years it's so good it's so cheesy though  yeah the base is just perfect isn't it   are you eating area or just playing homemade that's good i'm excited what's the verdict  amazing it looks like a small dish but i'm   full and that's like freshly made like yeah and my  burger was exceptional like really really good um   this is the best food i've eaten with  arya's pizza and amanda's yucky since the   windmill cafe and vagara so we're gonna come  back i think we'll do dinner yeah i'm impressed what a beautiful sunset   we're at ellie beach and amanda found this  beautiful pier on google to come it's called   three plank pier and uh so happy she did because  it looks epic so i got my hair i need a haircut so so for all you photography nerds but a nice  composition i'm doing a horizontal competition   composition across like that um with the  pier at the center of it and i'm shooting   a three bracket just in case i'm doing like 15  and 30 second shots at f 8. i've got a neutral   density filter on and the circular polarizer  so um yeah it's going really well love it typical fan life um this steak is nothing typical  about this steak oh why because it's like an   expensive steak there has to be 16 each they're  like the scotch some fancy thick scotch fancy cut   ah fancy breed they were on clearance down to  like eight dollars each oh because they were   duty today right interesting but they'll cry back  so that way perfectly yeah i just had why are you   i don't mean to touch my cake and it's just a um  beetroot feta walnut salad with leaves and the   dressing is just um distracted the dressing is  literally the fetter we get the marinated feta   so i just use the oil out of the feta and  then some lime or lemon juice and that's it   that's the dress delish what do you think aria  good but i don't eat you love beetroot i don't   understand this i don't like this big drink  kids you can't pick it cheers see you tomorrow waterfall yes okay going in the water   so is we just had our first time all right  so done our second snorkeling they're   more small things for the day now we're  just going to be chilling and relaxing   i think it is now can i grab a side of  these guys and sell them ciders so why not smith car would have been she got quiet after home aria aria did you help okay next part of the day is  um with sunday island walking   up to the hill inlet lookout and then  down to whitehaven beach so let's go just walking up to the lookout hill inlet come on we're up at hill inlet on lit sunday island  and well it's beautiful it is amazing   i can see why it's such a popular spot and i'm  glad we came here yeah thank you and i'm looking   very forward to chucking the drone up getting  some footage for you guys pumped yeah yeah so   photos to come hopefully and yeah  enjoy this little bit of paradise yeah while we're walking back to whitehaven beach for  lunch we i'll let you know a bit about the tour   so we um went with ocean rafting today which  is a speed boat inflatable like speed boat um   we did the northern tour so they pick you up from  your accommodation um whether it's motel hotel   airbnb i think um they have certain sort of areas  that they can pick you up from um so they picked   us up from the discovery park this morning 7 45 um  drive you to the boat you do your checking process   get a wetsuit if you want to hire a wetsuit eight  dollars each we went without them and we were fine   it was a little bit cold but i don't think a  wetsuit would have changed it too much to be   honest because a lot of people with the wetsuits  we're still getting out because they're cold   um kids get a complimentary wetsuit um with their  ticket which is awesome so aria had a wetsuit to   keep her a bit warmer supply um the snorkeling  gear as part of your ticket so your mask and your   flippers um they've got kid sizes and all  of those things that you can use um plus   pool noodles floating jackets all that kind of  stuff so you don't need to bring any of that   if you don't want to um but yeah you just  have to hire the wetsuits if you would like   so total cost for us was four hundred and  sixteen dollars for the day that is including   three lunches so 130 dollars per adult 90 dollars  per child if i'm correct i'll write that in if i   double check and i was wrong um i'm pretty sure  that's what it was plus 16 per person for lunch   um so we did the lunch thing because it's only  a small boat by the time you bring change your   clothes swimmers towel water bottle cameras all  those things don't really have room to pack lunch   and stuff so we packed snacks um in our bags but  not really lunch um so we just went with the lunch   pack thing so that's where we're heading now  down to whitehaven beach to have some lunch   um if there's anything else you want to know let  me know it isn't the sailing catamaran one um it's   a speedboat one i've said it already but i just  want to make sure that was clear um we chose that   because the one we were going to do the catamaran  sailing um didn't come to whitehead beach and that   was a must do for me so um and we've heard  really good things about ocean rafting um   so we decided to do that one today and we might  splurge on a catamaran um later in the week or   um because we looked into one that's um can do  scuba diving as well so we looked into that um   if there's anything else you want to know  let me know um i'm not sure what happens   after one having beach possibly just going  straight back um back to early i'm not 100   sure i'll let you know obviously we take you  with you with with us as we go we made it to the beach what do you reckon amanda epic it's like i don't even have any words  but is it the best beach in the world yeah so it was raining when we got on the boat  this morning it was like bucketing down windy   cold we're like what are we doing what are we  doing with this for then it stayed um quite   cold and windy until we got out probably to  the snorkeling and then it started clearing   and then yeah just look at this look at this body behind me yeah just phenomenal oh so nice i recommend if i have to come back to daydream  island i think so yeah looks nicer yeah   i think i'll uh definitely want to explore  that one along with um what's the other one   out here hamilton yeah an island norfolk  island you name it i want to go to the mall hey and that's us done that ride back in then  was so much fun so much fun i want to go so yeah it was buckling down rain  we're getting on the boat this morning   um but sun shining for the rest of the day which  was absolutely amazing amanda's only wearing a   jumper so she doesn't have to carry yeah if  we've got too much stuff i'm only wearing   a jumper because i yeah i've got no hands to  carry everything so i've just put it on to make   my life easier but um i definitely do not need  it on at all i'm still my wet swimmers too yeah we had a waterfall but it's not long i like how close it is to the  car yeah very close to the car hey everyone we're at uh cedar creek  falls today um it's about a 25 minute   drive out of valley beach maybe and check it  out check it out behind me nice watercolor hey this is roughly the composition  i just took as a camera   a little bit more like that um but it's a  bit it's kind of a bit difficult to get the waterfall to be prominent because it's quite small   in the frame um yeah so  you just need a bit of like yeah it's got a nice uh line competition in the  thirds and stuff like that i think in a panorama   image and just hopefully i can bring out the  waterfall in the editing so that it sort of   pops as the focus of the image otherwise i'm  not sure if it will or not but yeah good place   i bet it is we just returned off  up to a lookout and we're like   we don't know if we're going the right way  and it's just really little dodgy track   i don't think we're doing the right way we're  going up the hill so that's positive right yeah   she's a little tired i mean it's hard that's a  step up from normal so it's technically not a   lookout um the lookout i think it is a walk from  another point but we just keep driving up the road   and it takes you to a telstra tower and um area  but it's actually reasonable views of 270 degrees   of the islands and stuff around early beach you  can see hamilton island um and all the southern   islands really um you just walk around the outside  of the telstra tower and room plant room stuff i   mean you can look through the trees to see lots of  of the beautiful blue water and the islands so um   it may look like you're driving into nowhere and  you kind of ah but you can come up and have a look around so   so but there's like a coral reef right there and  there's a little island in behind the sign there and wow that's all i got to say this this  is um what is it shoot harbour shoots shoot   haven at shoot harbour i think the harbour  is just down there and um wow nothing but wow they're good yeah oh that's cool what's the verdict i'm a bit  excited thumbs up i just can't handle the talk that's the saron electric bike we are heading out for dinner tonight we're a  little bit early so we decided to stop in at the   airy beach lagoon amanda did not give me  a haircut this afternoon like she promised   sorry i got chatting to people fellow fellow  traveling families um it's pretty nice here   we should come back during the day when it's  like warm and swimmable is it warm no no it's a shame that it's not sans and it's nice really nice palm trees in the background  saturday here in airley bench and there's a market   down at the early beach waterfront front area  and park so we've had to wander around there's   lots of handmade things a few little um veggie  stalls and stuff like that um food coffee that   kind of thing and it's right next to this amazing  playground that you can see in the background   so aria's just spent probably 40 minutes 45  minutes climbing around and having a great time   sorry they've just started the music now hope  you can hear me um yeah so there's live music   as well and it's actually a really really cool  market and vibe so if you're here on a saturday   definitely hit this up support some small  early businesses and enjoy beautiful days i'd like to tell you a bit about discovery  early beach um we got a discount steal thing   um if you booked more than three nights and four  nights can't remember um it was kid's day free so   we would have been charged 10 um a night  for arya but we did that deal and so   we think it worked out to be about 39 dollars  a night for a powered site um that was   uh tuesday to a tuesday night tuesday check-in  saturday check out we've actually extended for   a couple of extra days which then ended up  costing us because it's the long weekend   and it's the saturday sunday night  we extended for like 60 bucks tonight   um but we were already here and enjoying early  beach so um we just stayed paid the extra um and   the big four which is known for amazingness um  was like 75 a night every night that wasn't even   including the long weekend weekend um days i  don't even know how much that would have cost   but um this one i really like it's dog friendly  as well um and it has a cool water park that's   behind me here that's got like so many slides  and stuff it's really cool it's awesome um kind   of like a basketball court uh like a soft  perfect astro turf court which is behind me   there now it's got a pool jumping pillow other  playground it's got bird feeding every morning   i don't know if you're gonna be able to hear  me um and stuff really nice sites are a bit   on the smaller side for what compared to others  that we've had plenty of um camp kitchens and   stuff around as well and um just give me a  second um plenty of kitchens dotted around   which are really nice and clean and um yeah like  quite quite good uh this is the pool of fish and yeah so there's some sun lounges  and stuff some tables and all of that   and it's a bit cool here today it's only like  23 degrees there's not many people in there cool and it's pretty much got everything you need  we rode into the markets this morning and   um it was about 15 minutes of me   spike riding with arya on the seat um  hang on aries wanting me to do something so maybe 10 minutes if you're a lot better than me   um but it's nice to just be able to ride in  and not have to worry about parking and all   that kind of thing go for a ride and stuff  like that there's only two kind of hills   that you have to deal with and i can't fault  this park at all at all um stuff really friendly   and all of that there is a fly pit as well a  communal fire pit that you can um sit around and location perfect really if you  want to be in town at early   i don't know what else we'll get up to today i  think we're just going to relax and chill and   might do something favorable i  don't think having one of those days on our way ally out of airly beach heading north  of course uh we stopped in at the whit sunday gold   coffee and they've got a menagerie  and like farm animals and stuff   um can't go into the menagerie of birds  and things but um there's some foods and   some goats and things you can have a look  at chickens and all sorts of little things   you can have a little wander around in a  playground and yeah it looks so good so far oh look i got a haircut thank you amanda it's pretty intense it'll grow out but um yeah  it's not often that you can drink coffee at a   place that has grown the coffee beans themselves  themselves in australia so we're going to go with   sunday gold coffee we're here at the big mango  in bowen it's a big thing it's a big big thing   one of those big big things yeah arie's  asleep in the truck which is sad yeah   hey we're in the middle of dry season  and it's raining and there's a storm yeah   anyway i don't know what's going on with  this weather climate change hey onto bowen   we've arrived in bowen this is the one garada  at the beach uh caravan park small little   independently owned one um we're on site 15  which is nice and large we so we've got a slab   behind me here we've got the van and also fits the  truck next to it yeah so nice and big some of them   are not as quite as big um but this one's good um  just a little bit extra room inside here as well   and plenty of room at the back heaps of room  so you can go right all the way back here   um but we wanted to be obviously  over the slack so that's us um it is a dog friendly caravan park so there are dog  friendly sights on certain ones um so if you have   a dog you need to book in to those ones there's  a pool no playground but it is apparently right   on the beach we haven't got that yet because we  just got here and set up but we'll definitely be   heading over to the beach in a little bit um two  amenity blocks one sort of in the center and one   off to the other side haven't even checked those  out yet but we'll get there as well and it is seventy six dollars for two nights um which  is what thirty five thirty eight dollars   per powered site per night roughly if i can  do maths in my head quickly um so yeah it's   probably um just probably a little on the  expensive side because it doesn't have that   many things it doesn't have a playground or um  any of that sort of stuff for kids however the   sites are big you know not as crammed in as some  smaller sites in different career parks charging   the same so you kind of give and take um you  know the bonuses or the positives from each one   so we're only here for two nights um because we  don't like to travel far and we've heard bowen's   really pretty so um i'm gonna look into things  to do tomorrow this afternoon um before we just   head to the beach and then tomorrow we'll go and  look at some lookouts and um things like that um   while we're here and then we'll move  on again because that's what we do   anyway hopefully uh we can show you a  bit about bowen and see what we get up to just outside is the caravan time there's a  playground that you can walk out to through   a gate in the back and a path down to the beach  it's queen's beach queens park beach queens beach   nice flight walk goes for ages apparently  no crocodiles really ever come here um so   it's pretty safe and low waves today i'm not sure  if they get any bigger but it is a bit of a bay   so i don't know if i do get any bigger that's  really nice it's um oh it's also dog friendly   so you can come out and walk  your dogs along the beach really nice place for sunset too by the  looks of it we're a bit earlier than   normal for this um and it seems a bit of a cloud  bank happening so i don't know sunset or go or not   on those unknowns this afternoon all right we have the day in bowen today uh  by day i mean it's already lunch time we've   gotten some work done this morning and we're  now out for the afternoon a couple of hours   to have a squishy around and our first stop is  um the water towers with the mural art on it   so they're kind of like silo art but  on water tanks and they're pretty cool   just um you can drive right up to them so  you don't even have to get out of the car   if you don't want to um but we're just  going to walk up this little little walk and you can also view out same time because  it's up in here we've stopped for a picnic at the bowen it's been a waterfront type area and  there's a playground there's splash park that's   free beautiful big trees for picnic tables um and  there's another big mango bit further down that   i'm gonna walk down to and have a look at um it's  really nice area out over looks like the bay and   two like jetties and all that sort of stuff  it's really nice well this is what valen's   been hiding apparently we've been questioning  bowen and like why you'd live here basically yeah   um but this is why this little bay is beautiful  yeah horseshoe bay beach and that's the first one   of the three we're hoping to stop at in this area  um and it's impressed us it's so beautiful little   coral to swim around and look at it and might  say wilson's commentary except very tropical   instead of cold yeah a half an hour yeah so we'll  send the drain up and have a look around as well   and there's um the rotary lookout here as  well so we'll head up that and have a look   okay this one not praying friendly it is  constant steps constant um uneven kind of   rocks that they've concreted in between  um narrow openings between boulder rocks   um yeah you'd have to carry their little ones on  this one arya's walking it perfectly fine so um   kids can do it but yeah i wouldn't you wouldn't  be able to bring a pram or anything on this one it is very steep oh my goodness oh yeah it's hard to show how thick this is jeez and we made it amanda said we'd fly the drone  for you to give you some footage   didn't realize it was near the airport so  no drone footage we had to use our legs to   get up to the lookout and film down that's  well you know the things we do for you guys all right dinner tonight we're doing  in carbonara delicious carbonara   aria's helping out uh i used to be an  italian surf chef so i know how to do this   nicely check this out so first of  all we've cut up bacon and onion and that is stir fry that's frying off   thank you ariel yeah he's cooking it and  we'll add a bit of garlic to that in a second how old are you three and a half  are you three and a half yes under twelve so put a little bit of garlic in that  and then when it's all cooked off we'll put   some cream in and then some cheese salt  and pepper that's it and an egg at the end   actually we don't have any so going eggless now the garlic's in we're stirring it soaking it all off i want to say you look good  liquida yeah i missed it some of the cream cream roughly half of the 600 ml  um bottle should be enough stir it through for me aria gently yeah all right   all right this is reducing nicely that's ready  for the cheese now parmesan cheese and tortellini   is just boiling off so it's not going to win  any presentation awards but it's delicious that brings us to the end of another episode  thank you so much for watching i hope you   enjoyed the whitsundays we absolutely  loved our time out on the islands and   we head to the townsville area next so um  we're gonna spend a few days in townsville   and then and also check out maggie island  um which daniel has been to before and has   amazing stories to tell so i can't wait to  check it out thanks so much again make sure   you leave us leave us a comment um let us know  what you think and we'll see you next episode

2021-08-14 15:54

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