EPIC Ride to an ACTIVE Volcano

EPIC Ride to an ACTIVE Volcano

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It's not that easy to drive on this road Because now it's getting sandy And it can be quite slippery Because the tyre is wrong It's not off-road tyre on this scooter Hello everyone, welcome back Today Flo and I We're going to a different city And we will also take the inter-city train In think that's ours baobao So what we have is called Business lounge Executive, executive lounge So it's more like a business class Yeah it is The whole train is very spacious And the seats are very comfortable It's clean And there are a lot of distance Between the 2 seats And there is something here Foot rest So that tall people can seat Very comfortably in the train So now we have a 6 hour ride To reach malang Honestly, it's quite a comfortable train There is air condition There is lots of space And the ticket is around 20 euros West Java is dominated by volcanoes there are 45 active volcanoes and we are going to visit the most famous one Mount Bromo Flo and I this time Will again take a motorbike But this time We got a more powerful motorbike This time it's a 150cc It's a little bit strong It's also a little bit modern And the brake this time works, I hope So, let's see how it goes But I rode it for a couple of minutes To be honest, it's really fast How long does it take to get there? 2 hours But maybe we manage to be faster Although there is not always traffic light You can always find people Who are standing in the middle of the street Navigating traffic As we are getting closer to the volcano It's getting much colder So stop to wear our jacket Hello. hello Just one 1,2,3,4,5 5000 this Can I have one of Is this also coffee Yes. Ok, one please Do you all live here? No, no Kota, kota.... City, malang city Malang city And you are here... work Sorry, my English...

So each of us got a coffee And their instant coffee is quite interesting And there is real grounded coffee beans in it And it smells really good Half way to Mount Bromo We had our coffee Bought our ticket And went on riding When we are 22 km from the destination The navigation says it will take an hour And Flo said, impossible But we realize Why it can take so long Because now we are going up And we are very heavy for this scooter The maximum speed is 24 Are you sure it's this way yes At some point We started to descend And the road is getting crappy But this part is still quite high So look at that Vast Grassland without so many trees There are many sub-roads So we are Not very sure which is the right one Not seriously Come on It's not that easy to drive on this road Because now it's getting sandy And it can be quite slippery Because the tyre is wrong It's not the off-road tyre On this scooter But let's see, it's doable It will be an off-road scooter Ok, shall we go straight or here So the last 2km are dirt road It's 7 km, baobao 7? omg I want to get off Be careful Omg Flo almost fell into the water But luckily we made it If I was If I were at the back We would definitely fall It's true Because it suddenly got deeper This is an adventure guy's dream Motor-cross would be cool By the way, this is all volcanic soil That we are riding on That's why it's so dark also By then, we didn’t know that We were riding through the caldera this sand sea of large depression is formed by the collapse of a volcano Bromo is still very active And erupts almost every 5 Years We are basically driving on the volcanic ash We are very close to the volcano That is the guard rail It's not allowed to go to the other side Because I guess it's quite sandy here So if you drive into it There is a danger to get caught in the sand The cloud is rapidly approaching and we can't see the road clearly all we can do is to keep going Because the next village won’t be too far This part, the sand is so thick That I have to get off And Flo have to push it It's crazy In the end, we flew the drone And a cloud was approaching And I heard thunder and I was getting really scared Because we were in the middle of nowhere So we would be an easy target for lightning Then we continued The cloud came really fast Then I didn't see where to go Because it was so foggy At one point we got stuck But it was luckily just before The real road started again It was an action But now we made it here While we were riding I saw other locals They are also on their scooters In-between those 2 villages There is a huge area That is so sandy Probably because of the volcano ash There is no hard pavement But finally we've reached here So 2 beds, like a standard room Our shower, and toilet The village we stayed Is on the edge of the caldera with an altitude of 2217 meters we walked on there street there are few trucks that sells durham and rambutan some stands that sells bakso A soup with meatballs and tofu We went further And found a small shop That sells bottled fuels So that we can refill our motorbike Yes. No all All? Yeah, more First let's start with one And then... She has to do it one by one This is the closest and the only one That we found in this small village And she has 2 bottles of petrol Maybe another one Two, yes After securing the bike we went back for dinner we were very excited To try new Indonesian dishes The first dish we got is Soto Ayam Chicken soup with eggs And it has a coconut taste This is (one of) Indonesian national dish Our second dish is called Gadu-gadu it's boiled vegetables with peanut sauce Our last dish Javanese fried rice So far we found that food in Indonesia is quite amazing It's very different from other other Southeast Asian dishes Such as vietnamese, or Thai dishes Flo and I woke up at 4 am this morning For the sunrise So this is the view That's the village where we stayed And this is Mount batok And the one from which the cloud is rising Is mount bromo mount brome is still an active volcano That's why You can see the smoke, and later on We will even hike to the caldera To the crater We are now at the edge of mount bromo It's roaring all the time It's quite scary because there is very intense tectonic movement Beneath the earth This is the moment When you can feel the power of nature You can also feel how frightening it is Our today's ride It's much easier Because now we can see clearly Where the road is And we also see a lot of other motorbikers Came with adventure bike And they can ride quite fast Do you need me to push Yesterday we...

Flo almost... oops Fell Thank you They managed. No worries So finally we took another road The woman driver just now She was just so relaxed I think this happens to them very regularly She just drove through the mud Flo and I will drive back to Malang I hope you enjoy today's video And this beautiful landscape In indonesia It's just wonderful If you like our videos Please give us a thumb up Thanks for watching Bye bye

2024-05-07 10:09

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