EPIC DAY on my Motorcycle in the French Alps | Europe Touring Ep. 8

EPIC DAY on my Motorcycle in the French Alps | Europe Touring Ep. 8

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Jesus! See that mountain? as we get higher  the peak looks higher and higher so beautiful! What's up you guys! and welcome back to the channel  my name is Kristian Hansen and good morning   here from Saint Nicholas la Chapelle in France, I'm staying at the hotel Chalet la source and it's   a beautiful Saturday morning it's 14 degrees, the sun is coming up now over the mountains   it's only 14 degrees outside so it's a bit chilly,  today is going to be an interesting day because   I am a little bit afraid of the rain because I'm  gonna try and show you here on the app Windy i use  it looks like it's gonna be raining from around  three-four o'clock so I have to pack up fast i   have to get going because I really don't want  to drive in the rain here so today I'm heading   towards the otherwise famous known ski area called Val d'Isère and it's going to be   a beautiful day so let's get on the road  i'm just going to get some breakfast   pack up quick and yeah let's get it going guys! It's gonna be another great day let's go! all right guys that is it, leaving Chalet the source... Bye guys!  safe ride yeah! So, I met some  other bikers here... really nice guys   and they're very interested in the youtube  they thought it was super cool so that was nice! so it's 9.20 now I'm heading towards Val d'Isère  the ski area and I will be stopping first at  

a city called Beaufort that is on the way, it's 48 minutes there 35 kilometers and the skies doesn't   look too good guys it's pulling up and it's quite  cloudy so I'm probably going to see if I can drive   a little bit faster today because the last thing i  want to do is to be riding in rain let's get to it Guys, I've just stopped for some gas  here I wanted to be on the safe side   um... that I was not going to miss gasoline while  I'm on the top of the mountains and while I was   getting gas this guy pulls up to me Monsieur,  Monsieur, do you mind if I film for youtube   No problem... look at this beautiful BMW S1000, I'm hoping  that one day I can go on a big touring trip and go   on a bike like that if you don't mind me asking  how much does a BMW like this cost? the complete package that goes for the clothes with the luggage and everything, somewhere around 28.000 Euros, 

28.000 Euros guys for a bike like that but it is... Magnifique! Beautiful! Yes! and also, it's brand new? Brand new, yeah... Wow! Amazing! Anyway, it was a pleasure to  meet you take care and safe ride yeah   I'll look into your channel! fantastic! thank you so much buddy bye bye one day, one day! all right back on the Ducati and let's go! and this guys, is the neighboring city of Saint Nicholas, called Flumet and it was also here that   I picked up dinner last night, beautiful little  city, I like how everywhere there's these flowers   hanging on the side of the houses so today  let's try and drive a little bit faster let's go Notre Dame de Bellecombe...

and another little small church, such another cozy city Jesus! see that mountain? as we get higher,  the peak just look higher and higher Whoah! Incridible! Well, at the moment I'm driving on the D218b and wow people, they want to drive fast here apparently... We have 30 minutes left to Beaufort   and the roads here are so so good the only thing  that I do not like is that there are zero guard rails here... So, it would be so easy to go over the  sides especially when people are driving as fast   as the cars and motorcycles up there but the  roads here are perfect for a motorcycle besides   the rail you can get into the corners like this  you take one corner and you can just feel that ice   cold mountain air on your face even though it's  probably 15 degrees right now it's kind of chilly so beautiful! oh! Bien venu, Beaufortain... Okay, apparently it was not Beaufort it was Beaufortain... more riders... G'day lads! Less signal...

and even more motorcycles! Wow! you can really see that this is a skiing area  because you have all the mountains here in the   background and you have the lifts that takes  people up and down the mountain on their skis   there's everything up here there's  small shops, there's cafes, restaurants... hotels, playgrounds you name it... even a tractor! and a lot of bicycle shops you gotta be honestly hardcore to be driving  a bicycle up here I don't think I could do it and look at this valley I don't know if you  can see here from the GoPro but actually   right over there, there are some people flying, doing paragliding imagine being sent out from   a top like that and just fly down through the valley... I actually checked how much it   would cost to go skydiving close to Montblanc, because you can be dropped from a helicopter   and it just looked insane but the price was  nothing less than 700 euros without photos without   pictures I think the VIP package was something  like 1200 euros and I think that's a bit too much   I would love to one day but not right now,  Whei! and speaking of mont blanc there it is Incredible! Wow, it's beautiful! so according to my gps it looks like i'm heading  that way or over those mountains because i know   that Montblanc is in the opposite side of  the way I'm going it's behind me right now   So... Ah! there it says on the sign right there  Beaufort and Albertville Fantastic! Let's overtake you and it's saying here that in five kilometers i  should be aware of rock slides great let's hope   I don't catch a rock to my head today! I have  a helmet but if I could drop the 10-kilos rock   from 100 meters above me, I don't think my helmet  is going to help me...

So, we are leaving Montblanc Au revoir Montblanc... and Bienvenu Beaufort! Hehe... So, guys quick stop here first of all, because it's  right next to the Route Des Grandes Alpes and it   tells me that I need to turn left now and go towards  Beaufort and Areches... it is now almost 11   o'clock and they've actually moved up the forecast  saying that's going to be rain already at 12... So, umm in a bit of a hurry, I really don't want to drive  in rain let's go!  So, this is the city of Beaufort  Oh! so beautiful! Oh, this would be a nice place as well to stay for a few days... Oh, I gotta get a  

postcard for my family that will have to be in Val-d'Isère, i sent them a postcard from when i was in   uh at the Mariah Hill monastery in Germany there's  something special about receiving a physical   postcard it's so and now today it's so old school  right but I think it's think it's kind of nice   instead of just sending a messenger text it's not the same... Wow! check out this view!  Jesus, Christmas! wow, I'm high up now guys because I can feel it is cold... the thing that does look a little bit weird on my   map is that it says soon it will be all blue which  means there's water maybe there's massive lake   i guess we'll find out in a second i can feel the  pressure in my ear again because of the altitude   literally driving on mountain  tops here... in good speed! Yeehaw! All right guys, we're getting close to the  the blue thing that kind of looked like water   uh car parked cars here so I'm thinking it's  gotta be something special in this area wow   okay, I might have to stop here, whoa jeez! it's a damn! What??! Wow! okay guys i'm gonna get the drone in the air  here because this is... B-E-A-UTIFUL! And maybe, it's time for lunchtime I think it would be a good place for lunchtime... Let's do it! Les Chalet de Roselend, hotel & restaurant will that be okay...

this place is... Whoa haha! Guys! This is insane! So, guys I'm here at Lac de Roseland i did not   I did not expect to see this place at all i haven't even  googled it or checked this in advance it came   as a complete surprise to me and it's so beautiful  actually, right over here on my right side, there's   a big dam and that's where there's all this water  from so I'm guessing when it's raining the water   is coming down to the mountains coming into this  and then it goes down to the dam So, uh... Wow! it's so beautiful! and it's right next to Les Chalet de Roselend here is a hotel and restaurant   so since it's past lunch time already i  think i'm gonna go ahead and get some lunch   because the view is great and because i'm hell  hungry it should be raining soon i really hope   it doesn't but let's see, so I might just have  to eat quick and then yeah continue the trip So, guys I was gonna do an Instagram live here at  my lunch stop for today because it is so beautiful but since this is a natural park the internet  is so bad actually I don't have any internet   fortunately, the waitress here was sweet enough  to tell me that the weather it could look like   still that's going to be rain  even though there's sunshine now...  Now, I'm going to get it some food i ordered  their specialty which is a authentic something with potatoes cheese and ham  and it was supposed to be really good   so i'm going to try that and  see if it's good i think it is finished with lunch the weather is still  holding up uh so i have to get going   now it was a really really good 22 and a half  euros for the specialty and a diet coke and   one day I have to come back and try this hotel  it's such a beautiful location and the staff here   are so nice I just spoke to a couple from Russia  that actually lives in the Netherlands and they   have traveled from the Netherlands to here and  very nice guys we had a small chat and they are   also traveling the area here so many nice people  in this area i don't know what it is i think it   has to be the view the atmosphere here it just  brings out the best in people, let's hit the road! all right guys it's time to hit the road  what a fantastic little lunch stop i had here   in the beautiful national park here at Lac de Roselend right now the signal here in the national park is   so bad so i can't even see on the gps which way  to go so i have to go with the flow... Ah, that rhymes! and yeah just see if I can make my way  to Val de S'aire today and I can see behind me I have   a beautiful Porsche 911 Targa so let's see if  I can be riding with him in the background   because that's gonna look pretty good  for my video thank you mr and the porsche look at this road guy what the  schnitzel we're in France what de spaget! Wow! and there's the dam i was talking about  before right down there, Oh, sharp corner...   and waterfall this is like a playground  for adults, if you have a motorcycle Again! No words! so guys a whole other issue  I didn't even expect this but   the forecast is now saying the rain  should be here in less than an hour   and not just rain also thunder so that could  be a serious problem I kind of feel like   i'm in one of those action movies you know  where there's a narrator that says...  

"One man... one job! to escape the French Alps before the rain & thunder hits he's racing with hundreds of kilometers down the small narrow mountain roads can he make it before the thunder arises? let's find out in today's episode  of touring Europe with Kristian Hansen! Yeehaw! Oh! this is a lot of fun guys! I feel like I'm 10 years again! oh and we are out of the small mountain  passes again, 44 minutes...  Yeeha! clear to see, that I'm getting close to Val Thorens, Val-d'Isère, because... Look at the mountains up there...

that is just yea yeay high!   and right over here guys, we can actually just see the Tignes dam that is holding back the Lac du Chevril, the big lake here uh close to Val-d'Isère really beautiful we should be able to  get a closer look right in a second   wow that entire city over there it looks like it's just built on a cliff, hope that clip is stable and   Tigness it says and Val-d'Isère So, I have to go straight but you know what would be kind of cool? if I could go over the Tignes Dam i think i'm gonna try and see if i can do that first   i don't know if i actually can but  it would look hell cool if i could   oh i think i can for real look  at the dam wow it's massive that's a long way down i'm gonna try and get as  close to the rail as i can and i'm officially guys   driving on the Tignes Damn, damn it's the Tignes Dam! I can stand up a little bit... Wow! isn't this cool? so check it out guys here's the dam the Tignes Dam, it's 180 meters high and  it's here in 1800 meters altitude So, beautiful! okay guys i just quickly did an instagram  live here at the dam and took some shots   but while i did that it's just been pulling  up so fast look how dark it is and behind me   it's even worse so now i have to get  to Val-d'Isère fast! come on... Move it! are you kidding me? because actually, the forecast didn't  promise just a little bit of rain   but a lot of rain and I don't  want to be all wet today wow look at that beautiful green gray mountain  and then a snow-covered mountain in the background   with the view of a dam as well of course...  okay, nine minutes left six kilometers  can you overtake in a tunnel? I'm not sure if it's allowed should I try it? I will try it actually i actually do not think it's allowed but  now i really just want to get there fast so guys today i'm trying something i  normally don't do i'm trying to wing it   Wow! Nice Ducati man! check out this group they are driving on some  massive three-wheeled motorcycles so cool   Can-am i've never heard about those... so yeah what I was saying is I'm trying to wing it today because   i found out that the hotel i stayed at last  night normally it's only 35 euros for a night   but Agoda they charged me 68 euros and the lady just told me it's cheaper when you book directly   to the hotels okay there's a hotel in there should  i try and go and ask i'll try and go and ask all right guys things didn't go exactly according  to plan like i told you i was gonna try and wing   it today go to a place and see if they had a  better price that i could find on booking.com  

or Agoda but i forgot one very important thing  and that is i'm in Val-d'Isère which is normally   a very expensive ski area and i thought well it's  more cheaper in the summer and it probably is but   it's still not cheap so i first went to one hotel  and there it was 120 some euros for a night then   i found another place drove there and it started  raining online it said that it was only going to   be like 80 something euros for the night with  breakfast and when i finally parked the bike   i got inside it was closed down because someone  had Covid then i had to try to find another place   and i found this place victoria lodge here in  the middle of Val-d'Isère city and it is still   not cheap it's 94 euros for the night so it's one  of my most expensive states so far it's over 100 dollars  it's with breakfast but um yeah it started to rain  and i'm super tired it's four o'clock now and like   like i said earlier it's good that i was going  fast because it is raining now all over this area   so i'm going to stay here for the night i'm just  quickly going to show you the hotel and the room   and then i'm going to start to work some more  yeah so let's do it so what is great about   this place though is i can park my motorcycle  inside for the night that's really really nice   all the other places i found online they were  anything between 100 euros to 400 euros just for   one night so it's actually a really good price  and for only 94 euros with breakfast and hello   and yeah very nice staff here as well and my  room is on the first floor i think i'm getting   quite a lot of quality for the money though  you will see when you see my room so this is it a nice big bed i can already see just by looking  at it that it's going to be comfortable and   yeah i'm in the middle of just unpacking  my things it's all over i have a little tv   not that i'm gonna use it and  a very nice bathroom as well   that is where i'm gonna be washing my clothes in  a bit get a shower and super smart in this hotel   they have this with heat in it so once  i've washed my clothes you can easily dry   and yeah guys i think that will be it for today  so i just wanted to quickly say thank you so much   for watching today's episode i really hope you  enjoyed it if you want to support the channel   even more then you can sign up as members i would  truly appreciate it if you don't want to that's   okay as well stay tuned because tomorrow i'll  be continuing down south on the Routes Des Grand Alpes and i'm expecting even more beautiful  pictures beautiful scenery and i think we're   gonna have a good day so i will see you tomorrow  guys thank you for watching and until tomorrow hey guys you are not gonna believe what i just  found here on the top let me just show you   a youtube sticker

2021-09-10 15:46

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