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welcome in this week's episode we're taking you  to carnarvon gorge and so far it is magnificent and we're not even there properly yet so i'm  super excited and can't wait it's so pretty and we're lucky we're off season so there's not that  many people which is what we like absolutely hang around and we'll take you along with us and  show you all the walks and the pain that will probably suffer from doing the walks there's a few  longer walks um even further than 25 kilometers it really depends what you want to do but the gorge is sort of a one-way gorge the main gorge so all the walks come off that one walk so there's a few shorter walks that we're doing today and then tomorrow we'll get into the main gorge yep  this is our prep day and take it easy day let's go oh that's seriously not moving out of the way if something comes around the corner the other way just toot them give them a toot toot thought it was thinking about it you have got to MOOOOVVEEE there is no water over the road tricked me, damn i was excited just a few days prior to heading to carnarvon  gorge our booking was cancelled due to   fires and smoke thankfully it got sorted and  they called us back and we were allowed to go i thought of another name that we  should have named our that last video we drive the Birdsville track with the handbrake on just to make sure oh i'm not here yeah caravan morning everyone we're at the  takakara resort at carnarvon gorge   so we've got up this morning and  we're going to go down and hopefully   check out the platypus and get some film of  that and then later on we'll go for a walk i'm excited i've never seen a platypus in the wild this is the camp kitchen pretty nice pretty substantial and there's  multiple ones of them across the park scratches we're just heading to our first walk  here at canarvon gorge so Mickey creek   we're starting little and we're working up to the  big one we're going we're doing it the wrong way look at the bark on it it definitely wanted to grow right there our first track was to Warrumba creek gorge  it was a little warm up it was only about   one kilometer long so it was perfect for us  temperature was pretty good about 26 degrees   we also did Mickey creek gorge  which is just off the same track wow that's crazy i've got a big waterfall i want to show you   sitting down on the job okay take the opportunity we have moved past the end of the form track and now we're free balling we were advised that we're allowed too that is correct the rocks are so high stags oh stag horns oh wow look at it it's a lot of rock sure is feels like a rendered wall don't drop the camera wow look up there look at the layers oh yeah! must have been when it was the river bed for a while or something pebbles washed up they were already old and rounded hey yeah it's really really cool yeah go goat woman you're an athlete fully sick mate how many animals are falling in here  trying to jump across up the top   doesn't seem to be a lot of bones but  they probably get washed away yeah look at the root up there  looks like a varicose vein there is goat lady in her natural habitat  moving swiftly across the testing terrain just like a gazelle like an eagle in the sky there's a handheld handhold that's what you told me go goat woman go (Karl sniggers) shut up I'm not laughing there was just a fly annoyingly it was tickling me yeah i'll help you now here you go look is  it i'm like offering you a hand of friendship   a pink flower look at those what do you think so far my pants are falling down that's what you think yeah  that's what i was thinking it's nice it is it is pretty it's fallen off chocolate fudge natural it's  good for you don't eat it a sandalwood tree inappropriate  footwear for walking here he had a VB and his stubby shorts on that was quite a generalization now i think  about it what's that thongs and stubby shorts and a vb blue stubby shorts yeah i know what you're talking about you've got the right drink there not very far from  here isn't it oh no not far at all he didn't have flip flops but he had vbs and did he have stubbies on? uh no i think he had i looked straight away for blue shorts but he didn't he had the Vb we got  the flip-flops now we just need to stubbies and a wife beater sorry for those people that don't  know what a wife beater is it's a blue singlet it's an inappropriate generalization yes another thong tree is it the same one i'm not sure i don't think it is actually how how  do people lose one thong i don't quite understand what are they just walking and then they forget about it and they've got one foot with a thong that goes flip flip flip flip not flip-flop flip-flop flip-flop like normal don't they notice obviously not i don't know wildlife native animals or are they wild? wild pigs rrrrrrrarrrrrrrrrrrr wild animals we're now heading to the rock pools   it's hot rock pool 100m one way she did say that it was murky oh yeah look at that pool whoa oh look at the flowers thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe if you want a reminder hit the bell and remember we always love a thumbs up

2021-11-18 18:17

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