Entering Namibia's TRIBAL LANDS [S5 - Eps. 58]

Entering Namibia's TRIBAL LANDS [S5 - Eps. 58]

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Moro ( Hello in Himba language) Hi, how are you? - Good Good - Good See you Bye Good morning Internet, it is 7:45 in the morning and welcome back to the channel I am in Opuwo and well, this is one of the most fascinating towns I have been in Namibia And maybe just ever at all But I will talk more about when I leave I will tell what the plan is for today So now I am here in Opuwo Really in the north of Namibia And today I am riding to the Epupa Falls which are waterfalls right here at the border with Angola And so I will be taking this route, I think You can't see it, I think but anyway This is route is about 200 kilometers, I think And will be all unpaved So yeah, that's the plan so I will just wait for breakfast and then let's go Alright, that was a .. nice breakfast, hardy breakfast Close the gate Okay, so before I.. Leave town, I am first going to ride back into town To fill up on fuel I don't have to fill up the extra fuel bladders because there's another petrol about 150 kilometers from here But I do need to fill up my main tank So why I think this is one of the most fascinating towns I have ever been is that the mix of people here is just incredible There are so many tribal people living here in town Himba people, Demba people and then there is also a lot of Herero people And the women are very recognisable because they have this special headdress And they wear really long dresses But especially seeing so many tribal people Just walking around town here Is just really fascinating And to be honest, the reason is actually not good because there has been a severe, severe drought In this area, there has not been any rainfall for seven years now So a lot of people, the Himba people and the Demba people They lost all their cattle, they lost all their animals, they died Because these people used to be nomadic but in this time and age you can't really live a nomadic existence anymore with all this land ownerships and gates and so.. they couldn't actually search for areas with better grass for their animals So they all died And now a lot of them had no other choice but to come here to the city Yes, yes Hey, hi.. madam

Hi - How are you? Good and you? Full please Yes No, petrol.. petrol How is the morning? Is it fine? Is fine huh? The what? How is the morning? Good morning! It's a very good morning Yah and for you? You are facing to ...to... where? To Epupa - To Epupa.. okay Maybe more than 100 kilo.. from here Yeah, a bit more.. I think 200 Yeah Something like that..

You just go straight. And from there on, on the right side - Yes, thanks! Now, of course not everybody from the tribes has moved to town And.. well, the area where I am going to ride today and in the next ride That is really tribal territory in Namibia So.. I will still pass plenty of Himba villages and Demba villages This is already where the dirt road begins Still in Opuwo Wow! Look at that That's a termite mound I think..

Let me have a quick look Remember, where was that? Somewhere in South Africa, where I was pointing at those termite mounds And they were.. I don't know, this high Well, Namibia is saying you think that's a big termite mound Look, they just built it against this tree here Wow That's just.. mind blowing How did they do it? Incredible Yeah, I have reached the town where I can fill up again.. on fuel That's here Where would the petrol station be? These are the first palm trees I am going to see.. Gonna see a lot more of these It's amazing to see palms again Right.. petrol to the left here There's a horse Petrol diesel This way There we go Petrol and diesel Hi Seems they have some..

available here Hi Do you got any petrol? Ah, it is not available No petrol here That side? Over there Okay, thank you No petrol here Let me just ask them Moro [Hello in Himba] Petrol? Petrol That one? The repair? In there? Okay Okay Thanks Somewhere here then Ah, petrol is here Alright, sounds good Petrol Yeah You have? You're the shopkeeper Okay Hi Hi Yeah.. bam Hi How are you? I'm good I am looking for petrol, you have? Good Hi Are you alone? - Yes Oh, stop, stop, stop! Oh Okay, okay And then this one - Okay This is a 3 liter This one 3 liter? - 3 liter.. yeah Okay Alright. Besides a little petrol spill that went quite smooth This is the Omuhongo river Dry as well Himba lady We have a donkey on the road Oh and it's running Take it easy.. take it easy

Not going to hurt you You don't have to run Yeah, good donkey He's riding one donkey Moro Bye He is fast Bye They can't keep up with Savannah though Moro - Moro Hi How are you? Good Good? I don't understand Good! See you Bye So these were two girls from the Himba tribe There are between 20 000 and 50 000 Himba people living in Namibia And it's a very interesting culture, they have so many intricate designs of hairstyles and jewellery And all of that and it all means something And it mostly means, I think .. status So.. it shows if you are married or not, if you have children or not Age that sort of thing And then the women.. they rub their skin with this red ochre paste To protect their skin from the sun and to keep it clean It's really unlike anything I have ever seen before, it's so interesting And well, the area where they live.. it is stunning here Again.. somehow I didn't expect mountains I don't know why because that expectation was based on absolutely nothing But just seeing this landscape.. wow.. fantastic

Look.. a Baobab.. baobab Baobab I am not sure how I am supposed to pronounce it Baobab tree. It is the first one in my life that I see I don't know if it's supposed to be like this or that it's dead 'Cause I don't see any leaves These trees grow also super, super old I believe they can also.. some of these trees, I think they can also get 2000 years old I am not entirely sure But then if you think back of those Welwitschia plants After 2000 years they look like, kind of a sad pile of leaves Whereas these ones, turn into something like this.. how amazing Oh, people have been.. scratching Names.. and things in it

Little heart.. 2007 Poor tree They've been.. cutting into you I believe these Baobab trees, they also call this one the upside down tree because it almost looks like those are the roots Majestic really.. wow I believe they get bigger than this And so surely..

I'll see more of them along the way but it's always special when you see your first one, I guess Alright Continuing I am not far from the Epupa falls anymore About 40 kms I think Okay, this is the way to.. Ruacana Wow, look at that Here you can see really well, all the green, the river.. that is the border between Namibia on this side and Angola on the other side Oeh.. this is quite steepy, steep I just saved Savannah there Open.. yes They don't know that I am coming, I don't have a reservation Aright, I just want to show you the place that I'll be staying here Because it's so cool! It's a little bit dark here But this is my room And then.. I have a half outside bathroom again And well I am staying here.. right here at the river, right here at the border

with Angola They just confirmed that there are crocodiles in the river here They just showed me a picture of a 5 meter long croc That was laying just on the rocks over there So that's always good to know Apparently the big crocs, they don't come on land here because there are a lot of small rocks right at the river and they don't like that So it's safe but still good know that there are some crocodiles roaming around there But anyway.. yeah, what a ride Wow, it was just incredible Really liked it, what a change of scenery Fantastic and .. Yeah, what else can I say? I just had an amazing day And I also really hope that you liked this video And well.. if you did, please give me a big thumbs up and subscribe down below And then I will see you in the next video

2021-08-01 17:11

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