ENORMOUS ONZE Greenhouse Allotment Garden Tour | Almere, Netherlands

ENORMOUS ONZE Greenhouse Allotment Garden Tour | Almere, Netherlands

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My. First full day in, the Netherlands. Was. Spent with late-bloomer, followers, Paul, Silla, fell. He. Came to dree Bergen to pick me up from Becky's and drive, me to almera the, newest city of the Netherlands, which. Was built on land reclaimed. From, the sea. The. First house was, finished in 1976. And by. 2017. Almera. Had over 200,000. Citizens. Approximately. 120,000. Are Dutch, natives. 17,000. Are European. Immigrants, with. 65,000. Non-european. Immigrants. 1/3, of which are. From Suriname, the, former Dutch colony, and smallest. Country, in South, America. Well. I can hardly believe it but, I am standing. In almera the, Netherlands, and I. Am at homes ax bollocks, done' which. Is a. Huge. Glass-enclosed. Allotment. And i am with my new friend paul sola Feld who. Has been following late-bloomer. For three years and claims. That I have inspired him to grow a garden. Right. That's right, and. Paul. Hayek. Been appalled. But. Financially, the same they also. Steiner on the class and equally. So. Let's go check, it out. Velcome. Paul. Has, an allotment at owns a, former. Glass-enclosed. Flower nursery, turned, community. Allotment, garden the. First of its kind in the, Netherlands, ohms. Which. Means our in English, was. Developed, by ron van sweat a former, Rose grower who, wanted to work directly with his customers, there. Were lush green, gardens, under glass as far, as the eye could see. Follow. Me. We're. Here at on sir the allotments. Many. People, draw. Children. And vegetables. Such. Life. Let. Me have a look, such like, chumina. Eggplants. Called. Boulanger. Okay. Of. Course they've got coal, plants. Many. Mice on this place everywhere. Corn. Corn. This. Is all, so serene. And. Vegetable. Very. Healthy, and. It's. Called, gamma, very how. Do you eat it and you can walk, it in a pan or you can, eat it in your green smoothie, ah, very. Nutritious, very, nutritious, and then we go on there are many peppers. All. Kinds. Of peppers, and they, grow them on a thread. String. String, on a string. Yes. Because, you can grow vertically grow vertically. You're. A cucumber. And, your tomatoes, on a string, should, be cherry, tomatoes. Or. The bigger ones. Absolutely. Loaded. They're. Ripe already. Almost. This. One is a little snack. Cucumber. I don't. Know the name it. So. Can you put a fence around your allotment if you want to yeah you can put a faster, laugh but not higher than. One. Meter 50, this, is Malabar, spinach this is Malabar, spinach, wonderful. Or. Serene. And people call it called it boy boy.

Serena. Like. The green big, apples, sour. No. Over. My right is. Venice. Idealist. He's. Got a really, a great area. Which. Is gardening, well. Many. Tomatoes, and, you. Smell. It I do, it's. Netherlands. It called about NATO here and. It's, very nutritious, for. The. For. The plants we take all the nitrogen, of. It mm-hmm, let's see your place yes okay, we're, going to my place okay, although me all right okay. My place is down here. Hi. Agnes. Hi. My. Other neighbor. Garden. Oh. Wow. It's, just. Amazing. This. Is a pumpkin. We. Have another, sure, enum vegetable. That's. Called Claire ohm in. Dutch very, healthy. And. Now we're heading into my garden okay, you're. Welcome. How. Do you say welcome in Dutch welcome. I. Learned. That, to protect the fertile clay soil of the former, zai dersy, no. Chemicals, or pesticides are. Allowed, they. Embrace natural. Biological, control. Of pests. We're. Starting here I've, got my, strawberries. In a tower but, I prefer, them in pots because. They grow much better golden. Beets. Beets. Throughout. My garden, there, are, grown. Tomatoes, which. I'm very, fond of and, chart. Over. Here very nice, colors, these. Are the blueberries. This. Is broccoli. And. Tomatoes. Already. With. The, silicon. This. Is a. Big. One it's, called, absent. And. These, are very small ones called, dancing, with Smurfs. Then. They're the dark, one. Like. A blueberry, blueberry. Yeah, yeah, yeah how, many varieties do you have growing I've, got. 21. Varieties. How, many plants do you have I've got 40. Plants Wow. And. You've got bees in here and yeah. And I've got some row of carrots. Carrots. And tomatoes yeah. I don't know if that goes well but, we'll, see at the ends. Here. I've got something else there are peanuts. I've, been. Imported. Them from. America. The, red penis well, for now it's the white Valencia. So. I'm over there and. Over. Here this. Is, something. Nice - that's. A melon. Bear. I don't, recognize that he. Blooms here here. Big. Sweet. Apples. They taste like an, honest. Pair. This. Dilla. Beautiful. In, Dutch we say boo our goal is, this lovage yeah, love it yeah love, us, just seen.

That That's awesome. And. You've got. Kale. Kale, over here is my bear. Growing. Discipline. You're like an Espanola. This is comfrey you can put the leaves in water and, then it gives very much fertilizer exactly. Yeah these are my pepper. More. Kale lacinato, kale that's. Called. Lacinato. A lot Sanada that's. What we call it okay we call it in Dutch we call it bellum call it's, called, North. Carolina. Pink. And I'm, gonna be big these, are purple beans oh it. Started, here already to be oh yeah. A. Flower. It's. Huge, yeah it's yours yeah you've, got a lot of corn in a tiny, space so that's gonna be interesting. Yeah. That's gonna be a means. Here. We have these, are scarlet runners right these are scarlet runners, yes beautiful and these are, soldier, beans these, are a little, white bean she listened to rock driving. And. When. He's right he's got, a silhouette. Of a, soldier, on it in back. Wow, it's very nice. I've. Got them in the garden. Center okay. Okay, this is the. Industry. Say collar bones. It's. A pseudonym. Vegetable. It looks familiar I can't it is a being some long bean. New. Ceilings, spinach. And, this, is, a weed must, go out. Here. And. With weeds are just lay down on the ground and they're gonna. The. Worms are, gonna take it nice. I've. Got two. Two. Strings and they're not here. Mm-hmm and then tighten. And round. Not. Too tight because. The stem is gonna be bigger and then, you're gonna, have. These. You. Just when, it grows you, take. Out the suckers, you. Just gonna. Roll. It around, and. Grow like this and then out something, and, about six feet so, you can reach it yeah, I'll, come every day and I spend about a quarter. Giver. Of water take, a leaf. For my green. Smoothies. On my day off I stay, longer yeah. Cuz. You like it because I like it. Just. I, like also sitting, there and watching everything I think you need an umbrella though yes. Is. This about the temperature, that it usually is in here a few, days ago it, was 30, degrees, outside, and. Inside. I think 36. Deaths. Was. A quick water and, then. I'm lost melting. Tell. Me about your sweet potatoes, because they look so healthy I take. One, potato from, the store put. It in a glass of water and then let, the runners come out and, take. Them off and put them in a glass of water and those. Runners I've set, here in this I. See. They're reaching. Out into your pathway. Here so every, day. I'm. Taking, them back I'm. Leading. Them this. Side. 90s. 97. Degrees out here, tell, your cool. Season vegetables. Not. Wilting, in this heat, Oh or, bolting. That's, what I don't understand, me. Neither. And. Over there. You. Ordered. It from Thailand, yes, okay. This. Is my girl, goji, berry our. Industry. Say go Eva Galli listen, and, I. Hope this. Year some. Berries gonna grow on it and, you're growing it like esplanade, I'm growing it like explan. Esplanade mm-hmm. And the. Meaning is that those bumble. Branches, are. Gonna be. Placed all over here. And then, it can, grow my. Name is Lisa this, is the my allotment welcome. And, I'm. Growing several, vegetables, like bitter. Melon, which is over there and. Effect. Which is native to my country Suriname, and. This, is called an trauma and, it's. A quite. A bitter apple apple, ish type of fruit which. Can, be eaten, with. Beef. Or, any fish. Even and it's. Wonderful, it's very healthy as well how, long have you been growing your own food Oh like. For, the past three, years now, and how, has it changed your life, tremendously. And, it's. Been such a wonderful. Event. Of, growing, your own food. Knowing. What you're growing how it's growing what. You're eating and, it's. Very beneficial of, course for your health. Right, right, it's really, hot here now when, do you do your gardening, either. In, the early, morning or the late evenings. When. It, absolutely. Less. What. Is your favorite thing to grow and why Oh, which.

Is Bitter, melon, and why, because, it's really. Really. Really healthy the most bitter fruit are the most healthiest, fruits. We. Get a lot of bananas but I'll just have to be patient it. Would take me year more then. We would have some bananas, here and, got. A lot of peppermint. All kinds of peppermints, that's the citroen strawberry. That's just a normal one that's the the peppermint, boomin. It's. A month on automatically. And often, a mismatch it's, a bit, of muddy but, this is all what, I have for the moment my, tomatoes. And some. Typical certain, amis, fetch. You the boss here. It's. Just coming up slowly slowly, slowly, hi. My, name is holly hunter and, I was born in Suriname I'm, living, here in an analyst for more than 35, years this. Is my beautiful, organic. Garden and I love gardening because I know what, I'm eating and, I. Just, advise everyone to do the same that's. Awesome, this. One a lot of clarin and it, also has an indian name they call it bucky I am. Sitting we're the mastermind. Behind. This, amazing, garden, and this is Ron what's your last name concentrate, yeah. Punch. It. Punch it, yeah. Tell. Me how you, got the idea to do this, amazing, thing yeah, I was before. A rose flower. For. Mine I was professional, well squalor and I looked for an alternative for, the Bellflower it. Go in bed with the roses so, I look for something different. And I wanted. Something. Produce, and I have I'd, be coming to the customer, so, to the end a bright. Guy. I. Thought, about this, idea and. Ask. A few people if they like it and they like it and I started, five, years ago, Ron, was just telling me that he. Was the first to do the enclosed. Indoor. Allotment. Garden and, now, three. Or four other places in Holland, Friday do leash uh-huh, and if. You don't grow, inside, in Holland, is it impossible no. No you could go outside there's only a few months a year you start in April. May and ends. In the Oakridge. September, for the better in the mean time is you can quote I'll try it no it's too cold too cold so. This enables how, many people do you have. Participating. I'll be growing quickly, for this moment 200 250 people who I mean. 200. And. Some. Have bigger than others yeah be explode, from 12 square meter till were on, the square meter Wow, so it's just how much people want to afford yeah, yeah, and what do you charge for an allotment and. Plot from 12, square meter we the people pay 22. Euro a month, 22. Euros yeah, this exists, about the, biological, animals. Compost. It's, included. So. For. 22, euros a month you. Not only get the ground which. Is enclosed, so, you can grow all year, but, you get the compost, there, are community, wheelbarrows. So you don't have to buy those, that major tool yourself, and. You. Have plant exchanges. And plant sales there's a lot of community, and important, is, the. Club I'll article here so, hefting code biological, the. Pest. Management. Is, biological. So, they. Share. Or, you provide. Ladybugs. Lace wings and. Another. Insect, that you provide, slight. Whisper yes I don't know the name okay okay, well. This. You can find, for the, base. Together they have beehives, so. You have these yeah. Living. Here, the. Windows are open so, these theoretically. Could come in native, bees right yeah. People. Come here and they, learn from each other they talk with each other and they learn a lot of new things over. The vegetables over, what they eat what they gotta do how, they benefit, problem they help each other it's, really nice and. I'm noticing you have a real, multicultural. Yeah farmers. Here yeah. Yes. Also, the, dish people with a lot of people come from Shiva namah or, China, or Taiwan, a lot of things I never know about it never heard about it, I mean. If okra. Dyer. Blood it's, a. Topical. Crops. With. You what, I'm finding, really interesting, here is that I'm seeing what, we consider to be cool season crops, growing. In this is like 95. To me this is like 95, 97, degree, heat out here and they're, not wilting, they're.

Not Know. That they. You, give them here's, your water so they have a lot of water and there's, no women. Wind. Means. Yeah and, the wind makes, a lot of plants coming. It's. Control, a little bit control, every, plot has his own. What. A top, point, and the. Water is coming from the rain I. It's. Falling, down on the class it's. Come together in a big base machine, and. I. Used it for the plants it, was only raining. Water how, many gallons of water do you have in. Your in your storage facility, thousands, cubic. Meter water. There's. A lot of what a. Human, self in the summertime the. Rainfall mostly, in the wintertime and. We use the most water in the summertime so yeah this. Rainwater yeah. Wow. That's. Amazing. This. There's. Nature yeah, well. Its nature, but you. Have a great hand in it in a success of it yeah there, we do it together it is not only me my, customers, everybody, we do it together right, that's. Really we, do it together yeah. Coming. From off the roof you, go inside. Of. Course. Oh wow. Let's. Go out and see yeah. No. Way to go upside down Oh tomatoes. Yes. It just because, all. Of them in the ground have blossoms, and. This one cuz blossom and fruit first, they said are you from Surrey now monster normal so yes did you grow. Up here I grow up here yes, oh okay. How long have you been in the allotment, yeah, uh-huh. I start November, yes. And from the beginning on everything, started growing, Wow. How much time have you put into this cuz it's all four three. Four times a week if, I if I'm free from work I've come in the in the morning before, it's to eat. What. Is this garden. Beans, garden. Being Carnaby's yes the, big beans yes you're. Gonna like this oh okay. That's, also from Serena stop Serena that's, why I'm Shirley now this. Means. What. They take on the Guru like this you've, got everything, all mixed together together, yeah so you got cabbage, with. Eggplant. Yeah, I. Heard, from Ian that a few few plants are helping each other your. Friends. I'm. Looking which one our friends then I put in there together so you've learned a lot just since October, yes, yes. Even, our food we, had the garden, also in, Surrey now yes right now I'm and yet also you, hear from soursop, I put, a beam. And. It's growing so we will not be big but I'm glad that is growing so I can use the leaves for tea. Blood pressure, oh that's. Wonderful wonderful. The. Rain falling on the roof and, come together in the pipes the plastic pipes that, were in the pipes outside. Did. You have that before with the roses, yeah. Yeah, oh okay. Yes. I've seen these in the u.s.. Beautiful. I think. It's maybe, now I have. To grow basil I have a real problem growing, basil. Ryan. Grows tomatoes, for a restaurant in this section here, and they, look absolutely stunning. Yeah, how, many varieties to, grow, I think. They appear in ten. Varieties, and, I see you have these yeah. Of course for the best, ivy in. The UK and here I'm just seeing bumblebees, what, we call bumblebees the black in the yellow I've got almost, yeah. You, bring them in and they. Fly the whole day but. When this outside coat or, Moebius don't fly the inside, is always nice data so they, feel it and they come out of there oh yeah. Oh yeah maybe, when we have flowers, in, a bit of time we don't have tomatoes oh, we. Start in, March, with tomato plants in cucumbers, oh okay even inside even. If it, is too, cold and not enough light for night the lights are right because they have these very, long days, in the summer it gets light like at 4:00, a.m. yeah. It's starting 11. O clock and, it goes it's, light until 10:30 p.m. yeah yeah so. And, then in the winter what is it when does the Sun come up in the winter, anything. Work and, then it goes down, slice. At, 5:00 so, so, you don't have enough Sun hours it was some innovative time we gotta finish something right yes, but I'm you we under here you can grow some things right, all winter Oh Angelica vegetables. And variety, of the. Salad. Onions. Dutch. Names. Cabbage. Broccoli yeah. All the things that don't flower this. Is in, the summer vegetables, flower, and that's when the bees come out just week loaded plenty, in the bhagavata see so they're growing their vegetables, in the bottom what was the bottom of the sea and it was drained yes, they put dikes around, yeah remembering. In grade school you, learned about Holland, putting the dikes around. Five, meters, well sit here 5 meters 5 meters yeah, 5, meters of water used to be right. Here, and now. They can grow all this stuff because the bottom of the sea is so mineral. Rich you're right in fact you can pick up seashell.

Pieces. Of seashell right out of the soil here please and you're telling me that, you, graft tomatoes. Tomato, and cucumber are, you grow grafted, tomatoes so. You buy them that way yeah. Because. The. Stronger. Roots. Much. More, tasty, for tomatoes, with, strong roots is, this something that the home gardener can do, no. That's not easy I do not buy myself somebody. Will do that every day do that for me but when you have a contract to provide tomatoes to a restaurant you can't have, big mistakes. This. Is one of the biological controls be, used for, efforts. If. It's okay the. Clove and they come out when the. And. This has already happened here, yeah yeah, yeah, Wow. You should apply I do. It's. For this Chevy show, okay. And what do they kill white. Flesh oh yes, okay, tips, there, are 1500. Mites, in this book okay they're coming out that is small four. Or five weeks they're, gonna hatch and all come out yeah they're, coming into the. Plant and looking for the for the eat and they are angry that everything, here, you are creating, habitat, for beneficial. Insects. So. That they crawl in here make homes, in here and you're using a coffee filter you, just put it around and encourage. Your beneficial, insects, to live there so, you're constantly looking. And finding problems. And all, they're looking for, all day and. In searching for solutions, and, then you bring it in to the garden and offer it up to your customers, well. That's, my job. We're. Gonna try, Giovanni's, carrot, that. Is. Tender, and, juicy. And. Flavorful. Thank, you. Mmm. Thank. You so much Ron yeah III think what Ron is doing here is absolutely amazing. Because he he's offering, the opportunity, for a lot of ordinary people. To to. Be self-sufficient, and they'd. Like it to cold vegetable, they are happy they're, really happy yeah everyone's, happy yeah, grow. Your own food and you're happy, that's. Important, biological. Food for, everybody. This. Is a. Place. Where I work this is Almia plants, big. Garden, center, and this, is my section where, I work the plants. To, grow and. You have seeds and I have, seats, over. There too. And tools, and. Growing. Things, and you. Love working and I love working here five, days a week, after.

Paul Treated, me to a late lunch at the garden center it was time to hit the road, back to dreamers very flat here we vowed to be best friends forever, which I have a lot of trees these. Through arms. Vegetables. Wow. This, was whole scene. This. Was all under water. That's. All 60. Goodness. How. Much of the power in this country is. Renewable. Energy. Solar. Wind, not. That much. And I, hope to, be back. You.

2018-08-11 08:54

Show Video


In Sweden everything was named something else, and it was fun exchanging words ❤️

'What I love about my garden is who I SHARE it with'

Oh my goodness Kaye, that is an amazing allotment gardening situation, how very interesting and creative. Thank you so much for this video and giving us a peek into The Netherlands and a way of gardening. You are taking us on educational field trips, lol, what fun. (((hugs)))

You bet! :-)

You are so welcome! It was always what I wanted to do, Jean. As I mentioned in another comment, I never imagined people would be more interested in my own gardening than seeing what others are coming up with. I hope these videos attract more attention. Especially this one! This could be a model for many northern cities. All I ask is that you don't skip the ads and please share any way you can. It all counts! Thank you!

Love this video. I love diversity and you bring it to my home and share other gardens and gardeners. Thank you

You are so welcome! All I ask is that you don't skip the ads and please share any way you can. It all counts! Thank you!

Amazing. Thank you for sharing. This was wonderful to visit with you. Love these videos.

Thank you, Charlene! You are so welcome! All I ask is that you don't skip the ads and please share any way you can. It all counts! Thank you!

Now you can understand Kaye when people say that God made the world but the Dutch made Holland. What a magnificent community of garden allotments. Thank you for sharing your visit to the Netherlands. XX Patrick

I had never heard that! But, it makes sense. So industrious! However, they apparently do not deserve their "green" image. They lag behind most other European countries in renewable energy. Seems surprising, doesn't it, considering they are so enterprising? Ron is an environmental, social hero to me and I'm so glad Paul made the connection. xxKaye

@ 27:56... together with your youthful looks, you look very girl-like in this shot below that towering man ;-)


Chris Towerton yes that didn’t get by me! All shots where I look beautiful and pretty go in my videos, haven’t you noticed?

This is so freaking cool! It’s a fabulous idea. It’s a great way to utilize an empty greenhouse for the community that also keeps it from becoming an eyesore as it sits empty, falling into disrepair. Plus, being protected in the greenhouse, the allotments don’t have to struggle quite as much w/environmental factors. Yes, bugs will get in, but it’s manageable, especially since they provide the predators that control them. The greenhouse is a beautiful, affordable way to control, manipulate gardening, (sunlight isn’t as harsh, no wind, easier to implement biological/environmental insect control, extended growing season, sophisticated rain catchment), w/out being invasive. You can see how productive it is despite the heat. Now I’m dreaming about buying an abandoned greenhouse facility one day & making it a community allotment

Kaye Kittrell | Late Bloomer Urban Organic Garden Show I know you worry a lot about getting vids out, but honestly I think you upload frequently enough. You don’t have long gaps & it’s perfectly fine that this trip was in 2017. Makes no difference to us cuz we didn’t know that we were “waiting” for this. Really, you do an excellent job getting out regular content that’s beneficial. Some YouTubers post constantly, but they don’t have the quality in every episode. Quality over quantity is always best. I personally think that you have a great balance of both. So please don’t worry anymore that you’re not doing enough! You totally are! Of course I will watch the ads! You are more than worthy of such a small effort on my part, given that you clearly invest in your content to make this channel, this awesome community what it is. It’s hard work & time consuming. I get the impression that you’re a hard worker w/a clear vision of what you want, striving to accomplish even the smallest goals you set for yourself, in the way & by the self imposed deadline that you want to do it. BUT, remember to give yourself some credit for what you’ve built, what you’ve accomplished once in awhile. It’s OK not to worry for a moment & let yourself see the successes. You are on the right track. Also, thank you for always engaging w/your subscribers. It’s not something that’s commonplace & it goes a long way for making this awesome endeavor of yours a tangible, positive community. Anyway, I hope you can have some tea, take a few deep breaths & relax tonight my dear.

Thank you, dear Nia! If only I didn't have to sleep or rest my eyes, I could get my videos out much quicker. I really hope you do this. If that's a recent photo of you, you've got the time to do just what you dream of, and I wish you the best! You are so welcome! All I ask is that you don't skip the ads and please share any way you can. It all counts! Thank you!

Wow that's a community garden?.. I wonder what their commercial setups look like? ;-)... hard to believe they are able to reclaim areas big enough for a city from the sea... amazing folk :-)

I know! There are several districts to the city of Almere. Look at the map. It is amazing. I guess these seabeds are flat formations just 15 feet down. The Dutch are lagging behind most other European countries, though, in renewable energy, which seems surprising considering how enterprising they have been.

Kaye! You are the Network Gardener! I have learned more about what other folks in other countries (as well as ours) are doing organically - or biologically

I know! That's what I've always wanted to do.When I started out, I said I wanted to be the Huell Howser of organic gardening. He had a show on PBS for 25 years called "California Gold." He was a Tennessee boy, like I'm a Tennessee gal, and loved people and would bring the greatest stories. I never imagined my gardening attempts would be as interesting as what other people were doing. I just haven't YET been discovered by the powers that be to put me in a position not to have to pay out of my savings for all these trips. When I have 100K subscribers, I will! Please share this video. If ever there was a social experiment in sustainability this is it. YouTube tracks all the shares and mentions on social media and from that analysis decides whether to share it on their home page and on the side bar. Many thanks!

wonderful ,yes growing your own food is the key to great health looking younger and happiness

Thank you for watching and commenting! Please share this message any way you can. It all helps!

That’s amazing!

Right?? Please share any way you can and get this amazing message of community, sustainability, and food security out there.

What a beautiful allotment garden! I have always wanted to visit the Netherlands, but such travel is just not possible anymore. Thank you for taking us all there to experience another country and culture through gardening and food. Love love love it!

Well, I'm not sure I captured that, but we will see when I dive into it.

Kaye Kittrell | Late Bloomer Urban Organic Garden Show Kentucky is a whole other country!! LOL!

Wonderful! That's precisely my objective! Soon I'll be taking viewers to Kentucky, haha! Well, don't hold your breath, but it will happen.

We should have these in every US city! Wonderful!

He had a lot more space, BTW, that wasn't yet rented. And you are right, could be replicated smaller. Look how many factories are sitting empty in our country. Of course, the land and buildings are often sitting on contaminated soil... But, YES you can dream and you can actually do it. And I want the same thing! Thanks for watching! Please share any way you can. It all helps!

Kaye Kittrell | Late Bloomer Urban Organic Garden Show I agree it would be very difficult, not to mention very expensive, but it might could be replicated on a smaller scale with allotments rented out for those that live in places they can't garden, like apartments. That massive greenhouse had room for 250 people to grow food, maybe more, I don't if he said that was capacity. So even room for 50 people would be great. Regardless, a girl can dream, right?!

Well, it is interesting. This sea bed is totally flat and mineral rich, so it makes for a great surface. Also, this is a new city, and a greenhouse of this magnitude, well, it would be hard to find the space in a populated area (they can't find room for schools or even grocery stores in some areas), which is what you need to support it. It would be very challenging to replicate in the U.S., but not impossible. And the only reason this exists is because cheaper roses were coming from Africa and he couldn't compete. He could have walked away but he has the heart of a environmentalist and wanted to see the property living. So commendable!

That is a beautiful community garden!

I know, certainly the most amazing I have ever seen. It took/takes a lot of courage to jump into a huge ongoing endeavor as Ron has, not knowing what the community response will be. I hope people continue to come and work together and be inspired by one another.

What a wonderful video.

Thank you so much Susie! Please share! YouTube tracks all the shares and mentions on social media and from that analysis decides whether to share it on their home page and on the side bar. Many thanks!

What a wonderful allotment! Thanks for this wonderful film Kaye!

Thank you, Zully! You are so welcome! All I ask is that you don't skip the ads and please share any way you can. It all counts! Thank you!

Thank you Kaye!

You are welcome!! Please share!

You are so welcome!

Looks like an enjoyable trip

Traveling is hard on the body and mind, but, the people you meet along the way make it worthwhile. Thanks for watching and please share any way you can. It all helps! Thanks!

That is an awesome program

Thank you, Gloria! You are so welcome! All I ask is that you don't skip the ads and please share any way you can. It all counts! Thank you!

Did you find out what the name of that plant is, that he called apples that taste like pineapple (dutch word was ananas, which means pineapple)? Ya, lacinato kale is called Palmkohl in Dutch or German. I didn't need to add worms to my container plants because I ordered vermicompost (used to make my own in Illinois), and even though it's dry when I add it, there are eggs in it (apparently) because we now have lots of worms in every pot. This was an amazing tour, thanks for sharing it. I loved Paul's T-shirt too.

Kaye Kittrell | Late Bloomer Urban Organic Garden Show we don't know each other, I don't know any gardeners in Germany, or Europe. Wish I did!

Ah! Yes, that looks right. Julianna is in Germany, BTW, or maybe you know each other. It is so great to hear from you!

That must be it. I'm sure Baker Creek has them.

It interested me because it seems it could be a great container plant, and that's the only way we can grow anything right now. We're growing ground cherries in pots, our only fruit, and now it seems this Pepino is in the same family, nightshade. It's a shrub, so would do great on a balcony garden. I'll have to find some next growing season.

Seems this.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ4J0WMVrzM

In Germany it is called Pepino melonpear. ;-)

Could it possibly Pepinos?

He called it Melon Pear. But, I'm sure he will look at the comments and answer if there is another name.

The most wonderful allotment/community garden on earth! Perfect for our normally (!) wet weather in Northern Europe. Oh, I wish we had a magical place like that here where I live. Thousand thumbs up for those inspiring people in the Netherlands gardening in this huge, diverse greenhouse! :-)

It was like filming in Phoenix that first time...

I know, right?? It was a revelation to return to this material after a year. I spent three very long days and nights putting this film together and doing the CC for those who are hard of hearing or have difficulty understanding the Dutch accent. And unlike my visit to you where we had days together, I was in that garden for no more than 3 hours and it was nearly 100°F and my camera was overheating every 10 minutes. I'm surprised I had the presence of mind to capture what I did to be able to tell as complete a story as I did.

Wow !!!

Right?? I was blown away, again, working on the video for three whole days. After all, I was only there for about two and half hours and it was nearly 100 and my camera was overheating every five minutes and it's amazing I had the presence of mind to capture all that I did. And the people there were so lovely, especially Paul and Ron. Please share any way you can. It all helps!

You must connect with Patti. A kindred spirit! I think the High Desert Gardening video I did with her might have been helpful for you. This is an amazing rambling, that just makes my day! Keep on keeping on!

Kaye Kittrell | Late Bloomer Urban Organic Garden Show Oh yes, Thursday Work Day! I wasn’t even thinking about what day it was. You really do work hard. I live in central CA in a small town smack between Sac & San Fran. It’s in a valley bowl, surrounded by hills & cuz we’re also close to the delta our summer weather is like that of the high desert. In the 1800s this was all orchards & farm land. Some farming continued til the ‘80s. Now we just have a few sunflower & corn fields; a couple cow & sheep pastures. My zip code is actually labeled zone 9B! We’re always hotter & drier than most of the surrounding areas. Literally it can be pouring rain in the next town over, only 10 mins away & we won’t see a drop. & we regularly get high winds that rush thru small breaks in the hills or even rush down over the hills into our valley from the delta or Bay Area. I had to wait until June to plant tomatoes cuz we were having 40mph gusts almost every day. Thankfully we had a somewhat tropical winter & spring, lotsa rain, warm winter which turned into a temperate spring, so I had broccoli & all of my bell/hot peppers overwinter from last summer. It was such an unusual spring that our bougainvilleas started blooming in February! We don’t usually even have a true spring. Due to this area having been heavily farmed, we also have just about every invasive insect & fungal disease there is to get. Unfortunately, the industry used chemical insecticides for decades, so we have a very low count of pollinators & beneficial insects. We have 3 citrus trees, 1 Asian pear tree, 4 raised beds for edibles, so we want as many pollinators as we can get! Thanks to you & others like you, I learned what plants bring in the beneficial insects & landscape accordingly. In addition to all of this, the soil is a very dense, often rocky, yet pour draining, gray clay soil that dries out quickly once it does drain, so it’s been VERY challenging gardening here, especially during the long drought. But, I have learned so much along the way. On my own, but in no small part thru your channel & other wonderful folks like you! You’ve helped me many times & didn’t even know it! Now, I can actually answer questions for other gardeners & pass on the wisdom sometimes! It’s such a great feeling when I can help someone w/their garden. You’re definitely helping it all be paid forward! I would love to meet you 1 day. Spending time w/another gardener is almost like a communion. They simply get it. It’s hard for folks who don’t share our enthusiasm for nature & dirt to understand why we’re so excited about something as simple as all of our seeds germinating. I will share your channel/vids on my Facebook page! Sorry for the rambling. Wishing you an opportunity for relaxation soon!

LOL, well, nooooo, I didn't relax last night, I edited for 5 hours, so I can hopefully upload the next Thursday Workday tomorrow. I deeply appreciate your thought out response above. You can't imagine what it means to me! I hope we can meet someday soon! (Where are you, btw?) I have pinned your top comment! Thanks so much for your support!!! YouTube counts all the mentions and shares, so please share this!

Hi , you’ve all seen mine allotment by Onze now but I have a great website where you can follow me too. Http//www.heirloomseeds.eu Hope you come and visit me there, but ofcourse do follow Kaye with her late bloomer show she need extra followers so let’s make it happen!


I love to give you a tour around Onze

Loren's Garden hi Loren! No!! If its whas mine alone I’de gone grazy, its so huge!!

When I said in my video I was traveling to Europe, he wrote and said he was a follower and would love me to come there. So I did!

You are Welkom! Paul comments below, you can connect with him there. I'm sure they are similar to some Philippine veg. Thank you!!

I was quite surprised. Never imagined that allotments like this exist.

Well, they do exist in the Netherlands. There are 2 more allotments in greenhouses in the Netherlands

I know, right? It's rather a rare situation, though. Holland is known for flower growing, but the cheap imports from Africa and elsewhere made the business go bad. Thankfully, Ron has the heart of an environmentalist and community organizer and saw this experiment into fruition. Hopefully a lot of folks will see this and be inspired. You don't have to do it on a large scale such as this repurposed rose nursery. Please share!!


Thank you!! Please share this somewhere so more people are inspired. Many thanks!

mmmm, must be heated in winter with these tropical plants? Are there wars fought over people accused of bringing in aphids ? Honestly tho, I'm so jealous ! Damn that's great ;o) Cheers !

That’s totally correct what Kaye say’s but in winter we have green vegebles like kale, lettuce and everythingelse but summer we have fruit vegetables like tomatoes ect. we grow friutveggi from march till november

Nope. Only from sun. I expect they close the windows at top to keep the place cozy. Ha, ha, well, if aphids come in, they get eaten, so that's okay. Thanks for watching! Please share this somewhere so more people are inspired. Many thanks!

I know, right? It was fun, and the Dutch know enough English we could communicate. Otherwise, I would have been lost. ❤

I thought about putting a title on there, but it was too much to look at for a 4 second cutaway and hoped if anyone was curious they would pause it also, which is why I put a 2 second stop motion on it. Thanks!!

What an Awesome and informative video

Kaye, you hide it well...love you

Hahaha, my hair was drenched. Also why I wear quick dry shirts, haha. I do sweat, seriously.

Kaye I will definitely share this and you never break a sweat, how is that? I would be sweating profusely and my face would be scarlett red❤

It was so hot I could barely think and my camera was overheating every 10 minutes, so it's amazing I captured what I did. They have a rare thing going there and more people need to hear about it. Please share this somewhere so more people are inspired. Many thanks!

Thank you!!

Kaye Kittrell | Late Bloomer Urban Organic Garden Show you’re wecome Kaye. It whas fun to be you’re guide

Thank you, Paul! BFF!

susie Blackman thank you, it sure whas waiting for. Greetings from Paul, the Netherlands

Did you see the video I did of Ranka over a year ago? It was about seaweed compost. I actually traveled to Germany after Netherlands and spent time with her. Stay tuned!

Julianna HM that’s called Pepino or Melonpear and it’steally tasty

It's the most amazing allotment garden I've ever seen. What was Ron's reaction?

Thehealingberrygarden i’m indeed very glad that I have an allotment at Onze. It’s great!

Thank you!

Kaye Kittrell | Late Bloomer Urban Organic Garden Show I will do with pleasure

ohh je spreekt nederlands

ohh, je bent nederlandse?

Kaye Kittrell | Late Bloomer Urban Organic Garden Show yes i grow citrus and lemon and another citrus species called lemonfingers. But my neigbour Lize is growing Papaya and mango too

I did not notice citrus trees, Paul. Can you grow tropical fruit perennial trees? Other than banana?

Super hoor, zo'n initiatief.

well, my English is very bad, hope you'll forgive me.

it,s a wonderfull text and this sign hangs in the garden of mine neighbour Lize Boerenveen.

Thank you, Rachel! The feeling is mutual!!

yeay Juliana that,s it, it's so nice and you can easily plant them in pots aswell.

it sure is

No, missed that one

I don"t know accually, I haven't seen Ron maybe he is on a holiday.

I’m just curious, are those allotments free for the community or they rent? Thanks for sharing.

Kaye Kittrell | Late Bloomer Urban Organic Garden Show Maybe I left the video quickly n I missed that part, lol. Yes, that guy is a hero indeed. I salute people like him.

Hi, Ramona, did you miss the sit down interview with the owner? 15:12 All allotments you have to pay, whether they are city owned, like in Britain, or in the U.S., where the land is donated or city owned. Water isn't free, taxes have to be paid, etc., etc. When Ron's rose business went bad from cheap African imports, he could have sold the property to a big box store, but he wanted to be a part of a great social environmental experiment. He's a hero! I hope a lot of people see this to become inspired how to repurpose buildings into sustainable models.

I always watch the ads for you and I always hit the like button bc I want more of these videos !!

Kaye Kittrell | Late Bloomer Urban Organic Garden Show I sure will!

What is your town/county, so my friend Dotty can suggest something?

Yes, yes, yes to all of this thread!!! Kaye everything Nia says I say ditto! More of all of this in the world please! I want to garden and drink wine or tea with both of you! Happy Gardening! Xoxo

hay kaye, its a very nice video and we were glad to have you here. we are doing very good over here, meanwhile we already have over 400 customer's and still growing. we hope to see you sometime soon. greetings ron

SO amazing! This is seriously the future! Thank you for sharing! Xoxo

I know nothing about gardening. Love this learning curve! Thanks!

I subscribed to your site, but have not seen you for a time. Glad Stacy had you help her. Glad to be back!

Make sure you click the bell underneath the video, Pat, so you get a notification when I upload! Thanks for coming back!

What an incredible community grow space...no more worries about the weather or downpour...

I'm sure its not to cold for blueberries there they can grow that out doors because blueberries can tolerate temperatures as low as -50 degres

Oh my, this is wonderful!

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