Empowering Tourism Businesses: AI for Daily Operations

Empowering Tourism Businesses: AI for Daily Operations

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good morning and thank you for joining us today on December 7th 2023 my name is Nick fry and I'm the manager of Business Development with tourism Nova Scotia today's webinar is empowering tourism businesses AI for daily operations really excited you could take the time out of your day to join us and this is a really hot topic and it's going to be exciting to see how you can use AI in your business we will be talking about different softwares today maybe links and resources and you know what you don't need to worry and write it down we will share after the fact in an email any links or software we talk about uh this webinar will be recorded So if you see something that you want to come back and check out if you have to run off to a meeting if you want to share with an industry colleague please do so um and any past webinars will um be available there as well so you know if you see if this your first time joining us and you think oh I'd love to see some of the past webinars they're available at tourism n.ca weinar series um I'm hoping you joined us today through digiport and digiport is offered in partnership with tourism Nova Scotia and digital Nova Scotia and it's a ones shop stop of interactive services educational opportunities and it helps tourism businesses develop digital skills digital marketing skills and really access professional support that will help you improve your online presence if you didn't join us today through digiport I'd encourage to go check it out it's NS digiport CA It's a Wonderful resource and it's the only of its kind in Canada for tourism businesses so check that out if you haven't done so yet and without further Ado I would like to introduce uh Michael McMillan from McMillan search uh we've had Michael on some webinars before and they're excellent uh Michael is an SEO expert with over two decades in digital marketing specialized in tackling technical challenges for B2B software and service organizations Michael really brings us a problemsolving mindset and creative approach to every project Michael helps make things simple that are really difficult for people that don't necessarily work in the SEO World Michael has advanced significant SEO strategies for major B2B and SAS companies worldwide Michael's team um become part of the marketing team so they're not siloed off in an SEO space they they fully integrate themselves with your marketing Squad so it's really helpful Michael's also a committed mentor and has you guided Dynamic teams of marketers and Rising SEO professionals to help shape the future of the field so I'm really excited to have Michael here today he has a lot of information to share a lot of really valuable information so Michael want to uh share your screen and and uh share some of that AI information that we've all been uh looking forward to learning about awesome thank you Nick all right everyone can see my deck there okay so yeah um today we're going to talk about empowering tourism businesses basically leveraging AI in day-to-day operations um I will caveat this that been I play with chat gbt on a regular basis I use it for business cases but I have been generating some images uh using di so these are not my beautiful uh AI uh not my beautiful uh Photoshop work a lot of this work has been uh put together through d uh and again if anybody's interested in connecting with me uh my name is Micha McMillan I I do SEO been doing digital marketing for about two years but the last 10 plus years really focused on SEO um specialize in tapping complex technical challenges for B2B software and uh service organizations um my Approach is centered around problem solving and trying to be as creative as possible um and uh we've worked with some of the largest SEO or sorry SAS companies in in B2B um I also like working with teams and Training Up people um and before going out on my own I built and led the the SEO team at verb which is specializes in hospitality and tourism um also I've when I was younger worked in hospitality and tourism as well um the guts of I was a ski bum so I I I I've worked in hotels and restaurants as well so I got that perspective to bring to this I like to start off things with this quote from Scott Galloway because really resonated with me it's like AI is not going to take your job but somebody who understands AI will um that's something to to keep in mind when you're thinking about this um we don't want to get scared of things uh that the new and amazing things that are coming up we want to really embrace them and see where we can leverage these things today we're going to talk about embracing AI we'll go into addressing AI concerns we're going to play with some AI tools as well I've uh prompted up some uh some chaty CBT prompts uh with some use cases that we use on a very regular basis we talk about integrating Ai and then just open it up for Q&A so if anybody's got any questions um you can uh that that'll be your time to talk I will say when we start talking we start going to the AI tools please feel free to post your questions because I'm willing to steer this towards what people are interested and what opportunities they're seeing with things so kicking things off and embracing AI um we're gonna talk about just this basic concept what is AI hoping everyone's got a probably a broad understanding of what this is but uh we'll dig into this a little bit deeper artificial uh intelligence is the use of advanced algorithms computers to simulate human logic and perform tasks that were traditionally carried out by people um AI learns by analyzing lots of data for example by looking at many photos of animals AI can learn to recognize different animals in a new photo um this is like you learn learn you learning to recognize different types of cars or Birds by seeing them repeatedly um think about when when I was younger I knew a bird was a bird but now I can tell what a blue jay is and I can tell what the sound of a blue jay is uh so I wake up in the morning I hear a bird singing I'm like well is a blue jay yeah I can because I recognize that sound and that's something that I've been building over time N I can do this at scale very quickly it can make decisions as well so based on what has learned AI can make decisions if you use if you're using a me music app AI decides which songs suggest to you based on what you usually listen to so if anybody's using something like Spotify um I love to let it just play I'll start with a song that really resonates with me or if I'm with my kids something that resonates with them and just to see where it'll go from there and it helps me discover new artists which I really appreciate it can also help solve problems it can solve problems that are too complex or timec consuming for humans to solve quickly for instance AI can be used to analyze patterns and weather data to predict the weather this is where I found the very important use kicks we crunch through a lot of datas as seos as we're providing Direction um and sometimes that crunching through that data there's just so much to to keep to coordinate and there's other things that are taking away your knowledge you can focus an AI on a specific task and it can do things so much quicker than yourself if you're able to to give it the prompts that make sense and it's it's improving over time it's learning it's it's like a child it's one of the unique things about AI is that it gets better the more it's used uh and the more information you can feed it the more data it has the more accurate it becomes it's like a recipe that gets better every time you make it as you learn what works best Everyday Use AI is part of our everyday lives it's in our smartphones you may not realize it now but almost everything you're doing is particularly in the last year has some sort of element to AI in it it's helping you uh take better photos uh it's in video games and creating more challenging gameplay and and even in cars um and with helping with things like safe driving but it's not a human important to remember that AI isn't a human doesn't have feelings or thoughts a set of computer programs designed by people to perform a specific task task excuse me often in ways that mimic human intelligence but it's still not a human so some AI concerns uh I'm sure everyone's had that moment especially in the last year we like oh this is it they're going to take over and we're going to be lost who's ever watched Terminator has had that that fear in them so AI might feel new or intimidating but like don't stress it I we're a long ways off from the The Singularity where AI basically takes over um and decides that we're uh we're useless and it's gonna get rid of us um it offers smart Solutions saves time reducing costs enhancing customer experience as well and so from automating customer responses to streamlining bookings AI can be an efficient assist and that's what we're using it for a lot in in SEO um is is it's become sort of that early stage employee that just is running point on things um processing information so you can focus on the bigger picture then you can get AI to dig into the details and pull that out you still need a human to review those details to make sure it's it's good um or we would suggest you have a human uh review it or have some sort of process where it has a chance to review dig into some basic AI Concepts so um artificial intelligence refers to any software that mimics human intelligence through various methods of learning such as machine learning and deep learning and then machine learning it's a subset of AI involves training algorithms to make predictions or decisions based on input data unlike traditional program machine learning algorithms are trained using large data sets to learn patterns and make decisions um we used to joke in SEO that most of SEO it's it's just pattern recognition if you can find a pattern and you can re and you know what that pattern socome is you can replicate that push it out the scale um then you you should get a similar return on more pages uh neural networks a neural network is a set of algorithms used in machine learning that model an AI is a layer of interconnected notes Loosely based on interconnected neurons in the human brain and deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses neural networks with many layers allowing AI to learn from data representations so chbt which is probably the one everyone hears a lot about um especially in the last couple weeks it's been a lot of news about chbt more from an organizational structure than anything but it's based on a neural network architecture and deep learning so AI tools moving on to AI tools all right great um in our stack and I've experiment with a handful of tools almost every tool I work with right now in our stack has added an AI element and I have been an early adopter most of that I'll even offer to beta test them um what the main three that we're using right now chat GPT which is the one everyone seems to know uh it's developed and maintained by open AI uses natural language processing to create human-like conversations dialogue and to respond to questions and compose various written content including articles social media posts essays code data analysis we've used it for emails uh chubbt is gend of AI tool that allows users to enter prompts and receive human-like text uh created by AI it's trained with reinforced learning through human feedback and reward models that rank the best responses which helps improve its future responses one that may not be on everyone's radar we like it quite a bit um I actually started using it when I would tap out on my free version of chat GPT was perplexity AI um so it's an AI powered conversational search engine designed to provide accurate and relevant search results on a wide range of topics it uh offers suggestions and S ources and response to user queries and claims to be more accurate than other simp similar tools the basic difference between perplexity and chubbt is perplexity it cites its sources and if you're looking for quotes or details on something you can this it's not just chbt outputting what it's Learned From the Source it'll output what it's Learned From the Source but it'll it'll point to that source as well so you can understand when you're um where that that comes from so like that first quote I had I'd heard that quote podcast um but I was looking for um a specific uh I was looking for the source that so I could get an image for for this presentation so I went straight to perplexity uh and then use that so I usually have those two open at the same time go back and forth because it's nice to see in perplexity you have the sources so you can site things the other tool we've been using quite a bit is fireflies.ai it's an AI powered meeting assistant that transcribes summarizes searches and analyzes voice conversations um it uses Advanced AI technology to analyze and understand spoken language patterns and accents particularly good with accents we work with International Teams um most people will operate in English but there'll be a very varying accents across the world and what I've we've played with other transcription tools like otter what we have found with fireflies is it gets transcriptions a whole lot better than otter did uh and then the output's great and it was one of the early adopters of having a chatbot right in the transcription tool so after you had your call with somebody you let them know we always let people know like I have a virtual bot in here we don't use this information externally we only use it internally for Learning and summarizing details about the the the meeting but um Firefly this is fireflies is in there and then we'll go into the chat blot after the call takes like 15 minutes to to get for it to process the transcription ask it to summarize the meeting then we'll ask for Action like are there any action items from this and then even like if I'm doing new business development with somebody I'll go back to fireflies and say what was really important to this client or if there was a specific thing they they brought up I'll dig into that um and be like okay the client mentioned this can you provide me more details or how did they describe their business so it gives me a better understanding not only of like the definition of what their business is but how they see their business from within the organization and those are some of the use cases we use with that chatbot now other tools like otter which we've used as well have have a chatot now and it seems that fireflies is one of those early adopters else seems to be following suit but we're still sticking with fireflies at this point I will cavey at that chat gbt does have a free version we use the paid version mainly because you can upload documents you get to use four which is the more advanced one I find it's better at processing text and giving you something that reads a little bit more like a human Rod it than sounds like a bot Rod it I still have to review it perplexity we use the free version um haven't paid for it yet might be paying for it in the new year just because we are using on a regular basis um and um fireflies we use the paid version I believe it's about $ 20ish Dollar us same with chat gbt so if you're looking to invest uh in some AI I would kick things off with fireflies and chat gbt and you're probably be able to keep things under $50 A50 $60 a month um it's a good place to start before you start throwing hundreds thousands of dollars into uh something all right right so I'm going to go through a couple live examples I've spun up an instance of chat gbt it doesn't have my history in it just because we have I can't showcase that stuff because of ndas Etc um and I'll go but I did pre-load this with some examples and I welcome anybody if they want to add um they have questions as we work through this or you want to see what it will do uh we'll jump into this um so we're going to look at how we use it first we'll kick off with email communication so so this is a regular one I use it I'm not a strong writer I do not come from a writing or journalism background um I come from more of a data technical background um but communication is very important specifically when you're when you're working with remote teams and you're trying to get clear direction to people but also just being able to reply to clients um so this is an example of a a reply that we've done we've removed any specific things so um when I get an email and I'm about to reply it a reply to it I'll I'll prompt chat gbt and I am using four for this just to so the paid version in here so I have the following question from potential client and this is straight from the email with just the details pulled out so some of our SEO Pages look like X I want to add a unique identifier to the URL why uh such as the URL will not work without the unique identifier for example and this is the client's direction for and what they're the problem they're dealing with for this page um for the example this page will not work if you do not pass it into the ID blah blah blah so we won't get into all the details of that but there's a very specific technical request from the client and with this uh followup and let me know if my suggestions to him U just using and sorry this is continue to be so this part here is actually the the email so let's just ignore that but I have the following question from a potential client and then I write underneath this how do this reply to their email bear in mind that I'm not engaged but hope to work with them so this is a client that I'm doing business Discovery with or development with I'm not in an engagement I like having that caveat because I don't want to get too involved I don't want to give too much away for free but I still want them to understand that I'm an expert in the field in the field excuse me and please provide analysis and suggest an email back and then this is what I turned out so this is actually just a stream of Consciousness for me I just went through and started writing down stuff um as for you all I can appreciate trying to reduce request blah blah blah so I go into this full explanation of things um it's not as clean and what I really want to do is make sure I've covered everything in that email and then it comes through with an analysis now I always ask it for an analysis because I'm not a strong writer but I want to be a better writer and I read through this analysis as well the goal isn't necessary for chat gbt to take over my job I want it to help me work through this so it can go through and analyze my tone and approach your tone is friendly professional which is suitable for this context you can even upload details of how you like to be presented in the settings in in in four beginning with PA mode with the meeting sets up good tone technical insights uh so we want them to understand that we're expert additional Solutions great we've handled their specific query so uh what they're actually asking about and we've requested access so we had a request for access to tools so we could understand it's this part of the engagement so we're using this to kind of get more details and it turns out you know sometimes chat GPT it turns out stuff we can't use um well not necessarily like this is this is basically a code output um and you're kind of to the whims of that but you can always follow up with that so it didn't give me an email and it clearly outlined this but what I did so please provide output I can copy and paste into my email so I'm going to use this as my my start certainly so chat jbt now pulls out something a little bit more detailed ah and it gets a little bit more granular I hope it's a little bit more polite sometimes I can be a little more analytical uh play Team I'm keenly looking forward to blah blah blah so and then it clearly outlines everything I have talked about and a handful bullets um and then summarizes very well as well so my stream of Consciousness has now been put together to a nice clean email now I don't put this in verbatim I always read it over because sometime you got to account for some um potential hallucinations where it starts going off the tracks you want to make sure that it's only talking about what you uh what you're mentioning um but this is a one of those great use cases that I will use multiple times uh in a day all right documentation I got this one set up here so what I have I I've developed a playbook for how to optimize content um and I've and I love this Playbook it's a PDF looks beautiful it's designed we used to give it out to clients all the time uh it's starting to get a little bit dated but it's still pretty Evergreen content so we can use this to upload content and even if you create your own gpts you can create your own little bot that specifically knows this knowledge set um and what I can do then when I have that information in there is I can use it to provide detailed description so if I'm doing an analysis for a client um and we've uploaded this this explanation of how we approach there's multiple points in here where we talk about titles titles are a key part in SEO um and I'll be like based on this attached guine uh guidelines please create an explanation of how to approach title and SEO and then it broke this out um and you'll see it's like uh approach titles and SEO is explaining the SEO brunch blog optimization play look involves a few key strategies so then I can um explain in detail in here now what I can also ask for that uh let's say please summarize for uh an analysis document we are suggesting a update the titles the line better keep it door now it's going to go back and you can always whatever you're doing with your um um explanations you can always whatever it outputs you can always go back and tweak this a little bit so now this is quite a word salad of a lot of information um and now we can get into a little bit more detail or we can get a little bit more summarized a little bit more concise make it more concise is one of the more regular follow-up prompts that I'll do on a regular basis because sometimes it's just too wordy and if I'm doing an analysis document I'm talking about 20 different points that we want them to focus on on the blog post they don't need to read through this every time but by giving it a source to work with we can quickly come up with uh shorter versions of this and then when we're creating documentation we can go back and reference this and it gets really powerful too with the paid account you can create your own gpts and create specific use cases we have one that I basically call my SEO coordinator and it's I've been feeding it all my training information whenever I do seminars and I use it to um to summarize the why when we exp we ask a client to do something so I don't have to repurpose this each time we do it oh Robert's ask asking how are you using the free version of chat gbt in these examples I'm using the paid version only because I find the chat the if we were to use the the free version we can't upload videos um and there's a lot of limit or sorry we can't upload documents and there's a few limitations on that so when we're using the free version I would start off like playing with that to see what you can do you're going to have a limitation on character count so that's something to keep in mind but um if you've got a friend that's using the uh paid version they'll have a couple Tri so I would recommend if anybody's really starting to go down that to ask their friend for one of those free trials just so you can get there and play that play with it and see if there's an example that you can use in there all right jumping back in uh contract reviews this one I found really powerful um one thing I will say I'm gonna see if I can get this to trigger every time I pull away from this it doesn't uh it resets it so we don't actually see the analysis um but let me explain what happens here so I've uploaded here the most recent uh Apple service agreement documentation it's 650 pages long and how many of us have actually read through all 650 pages of that piece of content none of us I've never read through it I'll be quite honest I might go and dig into things um does take a little bit of time but what it'll do is start summarizing things about this documentation and now once it's loaded in you can ask specific questions like based on this documentation is Apple own all of my work on my computer we can ask a specific questions I'll use this for NDA reviews um if I get a contract from somebody and like we like to do use case studies when we have client work are there any limitations to if we were do case studies so okay sometimes it just doesn't work quite right it might be the limitation of the document uh Mason the documentation does Apple I give it one more try and then we'll just move on because uh this is a pretty extensive use case where I was trying to push a 650 page PDF in here to to do it if you're using the free version and you don't have that ability to upload the full documentation you can look for specific Clauses that you're curious about because you do have a limitations on how much text you can put in and get it to review those specific Clauses and ask questions about that right one more regeneration no not going to happen for us today that's fair I did get it to work yesterday and I wish it would have saved because it was really powerful uh okay just jumping into the the chat here do you need to write based on this documentation I've been doing that um just because I find actually you know what that's a good point because it's syntact based on this contract or service agreement maybe it is the uh sometimes it doesn't store the conversation you can get it to do things because you're going through this conversation I have found and my grammar is not great as I said earlier I'm not a writer it does correct my grammar and it's it's sort of like the autocomplete uh on Google it will do it based on what I'm I I'll just write it out I don't even normally don't even check for spelling mistakes and it does a pretty good job if there are issues I will go back and check so ah still not working so based on this service agreement um yeah what I have found with um the um um is with I I will try to keep my directions pretty clean and clear even if it does feel a little bit redundant and what if I do find a prompt that works really well I will keep a running document of prompts that I found that have worked well and highlight it by the use case that I used it for and then use that as a starting point for future prompts great questions everybody anybody else have any questions and I can go back as well before I move on to the next slot the next use case capitalization is capitalization so Robert as is capitalization and punctuation necessary I haven't found it much like in Google like doing SEO people never put a question mark at the end of a question when they ask a question in Google so when we do keyword research we always strip the question off even though naturally you should have the question marks you have that upper inflection if it was read at the end to indicate that it's a question but I have found not necessary but if you're having issues with your prompt it's worthwhile going back and just see if the way I explain this is clear and if not top dat so we went through email Communications some documentation review uh documentation contract reviews um and then repurposing transcriptions has been really powerful as well so I uh I uploaded an SEO brunch that I did uh recently um he Michael yes quick question um you're you're again no shocker here we get lots of good questions because this is such amazing information somebody just said uh can you highlight the pricing for Chad GPT not sure if it like and I don't want to break I hate to break up your thought I just was like just it's $20 us a month yeah it's pretty simple it's just like that's it yeah yeah um and then then you want to start playing with the AP API there it starts getting interesting but a I wouldn't start playing with the API unless you come from a development background uh there's so much you can do with that $20 account um you get access to four for one you don't get kicked out if anybody's using three and they've noticed that at busy times like when the West Coast comes online it's too busy you got to sit in a queue um there is limits to it but you have to really push it to get it I push it on a semi-regular basis but uh and then you you also can create your own gpts and keep them private or you can share with them as well so you can train them up um so that's U yeah if anybody's looking to explore it that's where I would start when throw thousands of dollars into some AI consulant or anything I would start playing in um in Chach BT the pro account uh and maybe see if you've got any existing software that's doing transcriptions because transcriptions are really interesting use case so I uploaded this transcription it was an hour and a half long when we first started playing with transcriptions GPT we used to copy the text file over and if it did about 20 minutes uh cleanly roughly about 20 minutes so if I talk to somebody for an hour I had to break that up into three chunks to get it to process to get for meetings for me importance are key takeaways and what are the action items um now with this you can export that document upload that document and it can process the whole thing this conversation was almost two hours long and I asked uh I would like to prepare some documentation for meeting I had and would like you to prepare a list of key takeaways and action items from this transcription The Prompt I'm using for this one and chat GPT came back with based on this transcription of the SEO brunch meeting here are the key takeaway action items key takeaways SEO for early stage Founders so early stage companies can Implement basic strategies etc etc content importance use of transcription AI tools uh if you can't tell I've talked about the transcription and AI tools a little bit meta here sales marketing alignment SEO strategy adjustment so were there any action item so enance your early stage SEO develop quality content align sales and marketing efforts Monitor and adjust SEO strategies utilize transcription AI tools Foster interdepartmental collaboration so oh that's interesting Shannon and I was not aware of it so Shannon just mentioned that she looked at upgrading to a pro count but they have temporarily put upgrades on hold due to high demand you can join the wait list oh I'm so sorry didn't no one's able to to jump in um and I'm all actually all out of uh I used up all my referrals otherwise I would offer one up if somebody was really interested um so this is the output I'm getting key takeaways and action items I copy that over to meeting notes keep it running track of that but also like there were some good talks in here like can you outline a blog post from this uh transcription so follow-up prompt based on this certainly here's not line for a blog post based on the transcriptions of the SEO brunch meeting I Trend to not get it to write specific blog post I find even if I asked it to write the blog post based on this transcription I'll get a really subp power blog post but if I ask it to outline it uh then I can start getting it to expand on these specific parts so it's giving me a title Master SEO for early stage companies and site from SEO brunch let's have an introduction here's your your steps in here I can go back and start asking it like can you help me outline this introduction give me a brief overview of the SEO brunch event important SEO for early stage companies preview key Insight so I can start asking for these specific parts I'll running Google doc and I'll start building out my post based on that um I find also when you're doing it more of this pacem mail chunks kind of approach you're still adding your own flare your own tone and voice to the content but you're getting a starting point so you don't get stuck with that writer's block so then it starts outlining the rest of the post so section one basic SEO strategies for startups here's your details I can start moving on to here start breaking out all these individual pieces section two the evolving role of content and SEO um break out that part section three leveraging transcription AI for Content creation and it goes on and on and breaks out all the individual sections then we get conclusions tells me to put in a call to action um I have a a running gbt that's trained up on our approach to content so I'll use that when I'm doing these types of questions because then it'll add our SEO elements to it as well as we're creating that um and then as well like uh this post is great we can create we start getting our social media outputs for this as well so once we get our piece of content created we can go back and say hey this postto line is great can you give me some LinkedIn post suggestions yeah all right post suggestions when I [Music] ready to promote this again you know I G just hit because you can see some poor grammar in here as well prop mode is that really where is it going to really understand what I'm saying I'm asking about LinkedIn I'm asking about post think it's going to understand to uh promote this this blog post pleas I always like excuse me to ask please give me a few options to pick from because the first go is never really great and this you can merge and and combine a bunch of these and sometimes I find it's a little too salesy it's a little bit too pushy it doesn't align with how I like to communicate things so we can go back and start adding those caveats you can also go into uh uh you can also go in and say hey I like two and three I like the way you introduce two but I like you're outlined for three and this is a great way to get your social media posts out there uh quickly you're not sitting there trying to Fumble through trying to summarize things and get uh um and to get uh things oh network error of course only when we're trying to do stuff right um I guess it's really busy today e so you can see engaging Focus post excited to share my latest post material mastering SEO for early stage companies blah blah blah so gives you a few options you can go back and uh and refine that and explore a little bit further um okay uh going to move along I just realized we we got 20 minutes left and uh I'm okay stay a little bit longer but we'll keep moving along here and let that one populate but data cleanup something a use case we've used quite a bit um so if we go into Data cleanup here what I did is I actually uploaded an early um registration list in here now I removed the people from it I just put where you're from and what company you work for and you got that information they're in two columns how can I take that information and get useful I want to know everybody who's in ammer for an example uh so the data from the CSV file CSV is a spreadsheet uh just the the more text version of it it's been organized to group organizations under each corresponding City here's a oh sorry the prompt is please organize the organizations under the column of the same name so the output is grouped under each corresponding city under the city column so the I don't know if can't open that up right now but the data from the CSV file has been organized so now we've got ammer organizations now you'll notice kind of like uh doesn't want to do all the work right off the bat so you can ask it and it'll say at the end this is jet so output here has got a lot it's a little truncated it's bit of a sample of things there's just a sample from the top of the list if you need more details or a complete list please me to know so please let me know so please output this complete list this our follow-up prompt in here and uh the complete list of cities is corresponding organizations so we got in here it's changed our formatting I do find this interesting with chbt we like the first formatting if I added that caveat into this followup prompt it would do it in the previous one but now we can see it's doing it as a comma separated value but in ammer we had uh two people from the same business and we could ask it to remove duplicates it's a way of quickly organizing information so sometimes we would go through and we'd be manually taking a spread sheet and piecing all those pieces together to try to get something that we can use in in a text explanation and this is a great way of taking that information and get getting a first pass on it and clean things up um this is a simple use case we've done we've expanded on this and done it with a lot more involved data sets and had really good return from it and the other use case we use it on a regular basis is content analysis so oh our content analysis isn't in there anymore oh content analysis there we go excuse me um this one I will add to caveat the ability and for to um to analyze live URLs is newer and doesn't work all the time and it will actually tell you can't analyze um URLs but we've brute forced it by just trying over and over again um and and gotten it to work sometimes it works right off the bat but this is kind of a sample prompt we'll use is review our piece of content so I've used this novas sco.com trip ideas um we're trying to rank for the term so an SEO use case things to do in Hells um reviewer piece content at BL so this perfect one uh one three-day healax itinerating compared to the top three pieces of content rounding out uh rounding at bad grammar again the the top four positions for things to do in hellofax and then I've included those other links in here so Trip Advisor they have a post about it discover HFA scoa has a thing to do and this traveling um things to do in hell and tell me what we could add to ours to outperform it so it reviews it U this site offers a list of the top 15 things to do in h facts and sure so it'll go through and analyze this content and starts giving you Direction on how you can approve your piece of cont content this is one of those really interesting use cases from an SEO standpoint we haven't been able to do it 100% at scale right now this saves us a lot of time on analysis I will again caveat that may not work right off the bat uh sometimes you have to PDF it um and upload the file um so you can at least has content to review so it doesn't have to go out use as Bing and visit the site and analyze the content sometimes as well websites can block chat GPT from analyzing their content um and that so you won't be able to get that and it'll just do assumptions based on what it sees in the search results but it gets into great um it gets into great detail here uh about where our opportunities lie and then we can summarize all this information pass off to a Content writer and say hey this is what we're seeing in the top five we want our piece to be in just maintain the top spot so this is a second uh Place position but this is a great use case to get things up into uh to to provide direction to a Content writer that not that's analyzing the content without going into great um without having a human go through and read through each people post and then try to associate what's different about this and that and then we can follow up with like um then we can follow up like with like a Content brief for this now we have our own content brief sample that we've uploaded into our own tool um but there's lots of content brief examples out there that you can find that are available for free pdf versions or whatnot um and give this outline so we've asked it to create a Content brief that we can pass off to the content reader or sorry the content creator so things to do in Helifax we've got our Target keyword here uh we got some keyword considerations um how it would process things I think actually we've included our playbook in here so it can get a little bit more detailed on that um and then you you can play around with these prompts to get an output that you can just directly bring to people before I move on was there any other questions was there ever uh so uh one of the questions was um you know what um and if you've already covered it apologies uh do you feel it would be more honest to note somewhere at the bottom that you're your email is written with the assistance of Chad GPT and that's a good point add in sorry that on um grammarly which which I use um there's an AI function and and it actually gives you the option to enter in the kind of you know um assistance at the bottom kind of thing um so yeah I bet you that will be become a prompt that you'll be able to add in soon but anyways again sorry for cutting you off Michael no that's all right Nick and I think it's a really interesting question it depends where you kind of where where I guess how you feel about it I do know a handful of people that work regular with AI that are content creators that instead of putting a caveat that they've created with AI because we're assuming almost everyone's created something with AI at this point or played with it when they're seeing communication they put a a notice at the bottom saying that they haven't um and they're not so concerned about the email communication part um necessarily I wouldn't just Auto automatically create it and send it out um just use it as a way to kind of analyze it I mean I don't I don't post that I've used spell check uh in my emails but I definitely if everyone's watched me write prompts here definitely use spell check on a regular basis um so so it it's really kind of up to your comfort level um when it's just Simple Communications I don't think there's any additional need to I know at one point we all used to have at the bottom of our emails this was sent from my phone to kind of excuse things um and we don't I haven't seen one of those in couple years um so it's up to your comfort level um I would say simple communication going back and forth I wouldn't be so concerned about it um it's such become such a part of our process and we're seeing it so much in the industry that we don't get um no one else is doing it that I've seen in our industry at least so yeah Michael I think I would look at it as almost a gut chunk you know if you if you if you've taken something and you've used multiple prompts and you made it your own and you've you know really utilize it that way uh whereas you know you know getting something to do 99% for you you might you may feel you want to slap that on there but I think the way that we we all intend to use it is is as a a tool like spell check grammarly or anything like to um we uh I'll keep going because again we are short in time and and uh um always showcase is a great webinar and we got lots of great questions so this is from Jonathan uh what are what are some good AI apps for ad design and t-shirt logo design I've used Bing before um which Jonathan I've never thought anyone would I've never heard Bing so much in the last six months because I never heard about it before um I knew about it but didn't hear about it so that's a great question um Dally's been great there's a couple tools and I'll I'll look it up there's one that does like kind it's like a basic branding tool that'll help you create logos quickly um I wouldn't use a logo creator just verbatim unless you just need to get something out really quick um from a design standpoint Photoshop has integrated AI into their their their platform um I don't touch images a lot um to be quite honest what I did some of the images Genera in here were done with uh di but that's right in chat gbt right now um so yeah I would there's got to be some people out there from the design standpoint that are exploring it I will look up that tool someone shared it that does help you create like quickly create branding which is really nice to do when you're you're just playing with an idea um I'd still involve a proper branding person when you're ready to do a proper logo they're probably leveraging AI um but um having that expert run the tool is kind of the the really great power like there's great tools that do auto mechanic that help people auto mechanics perform well I'm probably not going to use them um but I would love to have an auto mechanic that's using it for an example so Michael so so how do you spell that software you're saying oh D yeah uh d lle e okay hyphen e okay and we'll share that out after but and I think that you know Jonathan owns um a business in Yarmouth and and he would be an accommodation operator and I'm assuming we're talking he wants to he will be the one probably creating his own t-shirt design or I'm think I'm assuming or just a quick ad for you know maybe a weekend murder mystery or you know something like those kind of things I'm assuming Jonathan correct me if I'm wrong but so it wouldn't be necessarily branding but okay I I play with the the paid version of chat GPT if you can get on the waiting list and get in there you can you can do some really cool stuff rate in there and help it get it to help you create the the copy as well and the imagery I've heard some good things about about um uh what's OK canva AI as well things as well yeah mostly Facebook ads from Jonathan uh so we another um question is I've heard that b chat is powered by chat sorry GPT 4 and you can use it for free which uh I know it's powered by GPT yeah we've heard multip but we've had of course the um um luck of having few AI presenters in the last few weeks over different conferences and they've all said you know you can access gp4 through Bing for free but of course you're going to be a little bit limited by um not having it like controlled within your own kind of account I'm assuming yeah and the other thing I'll caveat with that is um you know in here it's going to save your stuff you can always go back I mean I set these up a couple days ago was able to go back sometimes it disappears one of the if you go into like my gpts you can create specific use cases and it'll save that detail um see if it loads here uh so if you're um if you want to play around play around in bing I mean Bing's got a bigger market share because they they invested heavily in chat gbt um and for their search results um but yeah if you create your own you could start basically building a bot in here with plain language and then uploading documentation to help uh inform that so yeah great place to start big search results or the free version chat gbt or perplexity and then uh when you're ready to take it to that next level and you got specific use cases you want to be able to save some of this information then you can start looking at that paid account um that's you know great feedback we had another question is I tried to ask chat GPT to analyze my website and got the answer that it can't access external websites is this because it's the free version um it might be in the free version uh I do know um we'll get that same error in four um when we're and we'll brute force it do you want a hack or work around right now print your web page it won't be able to crawl through the whole site but if you're looking at specific Pages print that page as a PDF and then upload it um I believe the documentation part is only available in four though if you want to upload a document to it um and then it'll be able to analyze the pdf version of your website but it can do the URLs it's just kind of I don't think it's supposed to or it's it doesn't do it every time so so these are you know what again awesome questions but what I would say is um Michael's going to be soon added as a one-on-one through digiport so if you want to again um take an hour I'm not sure how long the sessions are we'll say an hour and dive into one of these topics you book Michael through through digiport um or contact him after the fact if you'd like to work you know around outside the program but these sound like you know really great um questions and probably something Michael could handle pretty quickly um with with his knowledge um just uh being a little bit aware of time we are at 10:55 so again email us ask us any questions after the fact but um and maybe we might want to uh Sunny add another webinar down the road on you know maybe diving into you know one one or two of these individual um areas yeah makes sense um I think I'll just yeah if if um does it make sense to pass things back over to you right now Nick was that question you're at the end well like I have I have a few more slides to go through but they um I I had a feeling that we would uh when we get into the use cases it it's uh it can get really involved so um there's a few more slides but we mostly jump into Q&A part so can open it up to QA if you want to continue to go through and then again anyone on the call uh feel free to to jump in and ask any questions um again Michael my apologies I I normally uh never speak this much but it's just kind of felt appropriate today um so why don't you keep going and and we'll just finish up at the appropriate time whenever and and uh we'd hate to stop you though no that's fair um I will say a couple use cases we're seeing for uh tourism and operators uh chat Bots and virtual assistance um your CRM system there's probably an AI already integrated your CRM system great great way to quickly sort through data pull that information out social media management tools you can use chat gbt even from just to to create that stuff but there's AI being integrated into a lot of the management tools Predictive Analytics so it's helpful to be able to organize that kind of information SE on content creation that's really my wheel host that's where we use AI tools on a regular basis um and uh feedback review analysis also helpful when you've got a p of feedbacks and you just want to get kind of the tone of what people are saying and understand what the general idea or the general feel of things say you had a big event and you got a pile of feedback you want to review all those reviews that came back there you don't want to read through each and every one you want to pinpoint you can export all that information in and plug it into a tool like that um getting into operational efficiency super helpful email marketing as well uh these are all being integrated into the tools uh integrating AI so I think this is really important section I'm glad getting a couple minutes to go through this as well so AI should complement uh and enhance your current operations not complicated things so the goal here is to make your life easier not harder we're not trying to add a pile A pile of layers to something that doesn't need layers at this point we've seen a lot of AI use cases that could be handled with a simple find and replace um but people just want to really explore that tool and I would recommend experiment so first off begin with accessible AI tools check C gbt is a really great example perplexity the that's the the free tool I was talking about that site sources um go into those play around um apply to some simple tasks content creation FAQ responses analyzing feedback experiment and really start to understand what the Practical capabilities and limits are at this moment if you're watching this in two weeks it's probably going to have grown as well so you know keep a top on top of this and assess ai's relevance to specific business needs before advancing so you just don't want to throw a pile of money at the problem you want to analyze start playing with things figure out your use case and then really start exploring how you can leverage AI in that specific use case be cautious everyone's got AI it's part of their service offering now there's a handful of AI Consultants that have come up that probably don't really know AI um so avoid adopting AI tools and add-ons without a clear purpose we we're guilty of this a lot of our tools added AI it was an add-on we started playing with it I'm like this is just a poor version of chat gbt really that wasn't really a strong use case but then there's been other ones like the fireflies AI integration that was really strong and even though it is kind of leveraging that chaty BT place the one thing we like about it is a closed system so we don't have to worry about confidential information get note um as well as the tap's built right into to the tool so we go in review the transcription we can ask good questions there uh understand risks of hastely a AI implementation you don't want to increase your complexity don't want to make things too expensive um and things are things are going to change there's going to be some disruption in the next little bit so don't just jump into something don't sign up for a heong contract unless it's a really good price that you're getting from it um because things are going to be shifting and changing very quickly and if you're getting into advanced implementations consider advancing AI implementations as familiar familiarity grows you want to understand your use case um and really be able to work with the person that's going to help you with this implementation to make it do what you want it to do consult AI experts for complex tasks like data analytics and automation you're an operator for a tourism business you probably don't want to get into doing machine learning or writing Python scripts or anything like that unless it's a hobby um and even then you probably want an expert that can do something really quickly uh leverage expert knowledge for smooth integration and better Roi so get find there's experts out there you're gonna have to weed through a lot of people but there's lots of experts out there um Hilton has a great example so they've been they've embraced AI U pretty early on too and they've got AI powered assistance and they're using data analytics to improve customer satisfaction and retention um and uh I'll I'll send a link out to this uh this article in here as well um and they're big organization so they're able to roll things out like this um but they were also early adopter which is really it helps to get ahead of things but it's easier when you've got that big organization behind you to do things um and yeah I'll open it up to questions and I'm happy to jump back into chbt oh sorry Nick yeah I was gonna say thanks Michael actually one person um said don't rush through don't stop we want to see it's great great info so that's I'm glad you did that uh again if anyone has any questions or if you feel like maybe we didn't really get into your question enough um you know what book Michael uh he'll be up and running soon on with digiport so um and if not maybe touch base with them and and kind of check in with that I think that the power of AI is just um you're missing the boat big time if you don't get on now so it's a it's a really great opportunity for everyone involved so is there any extra questions we have H can you give an example of how D works oh that's great use case let's jump in here I'm G start a new one um I would so um create an image with di a boat Nova Scotia and tourism really testing it spelling uh comprehension um Y and let's add a cavius no no lighthouses please do we really need to see another Lighthouse definitely I'm sorry what I've done actually um when I got the outline for this presentation together I went in and said hey for every agenda piece create me an image and it went through and created and it all kept it in the same style too so there's consistency throughout the documentation as well but here's a one you have to start did you did you have to upload like an existing document to show your style or how did it learn your style to I I just went with whatever it came out with at first you can upload documents to give it like a bit of a style I would do it as a custom GPT though that's awesome not a lighthouse in there e got a whale though oh we got a whale and that whale is gonna hit that boat um yeah there's a whole lot of safety challenge can you cou

2023-12-14 01:47

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