Employee Benefits, Traditional and Non-Traditional - 2023 Tourism Workforce Summit

Employee Benefits, Traditional and Non-Traditional - 2023 Tourism Workforce Summit

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Well welcome everyone welcome welcome this is  our final panel of the day uh employee benefits   traditional and non-traditional we have three  wonderful panelists here with us and um I am   Caroline R out I am the Workforce Development  specialist with the tourism Association this   event has been uh sort of the the brainchild  of cat uh fence and myself um as we're trying   to spread the word about the tourism industry  to young people old people parents teachers   anyone basically who will listen to us about  what it really is to work in the hospitality   and tourism industry and um I just want to let  our three panelists know um I will be asking   questions of you you do not have to look at me  everyone's getting a crick in their neck from   turning around but it's all good you can you can  pretend I'm just the uh omnicient voice above so   let's go ahead and get started shall we um  let's start with our panelists introducing   themselves we'd love to hear your name uh what  your organization is and its connection to the   tourism and hospitality industry Colby would you  start off sure my name is Colby bracie I'm the   Human Resources Director at the non ANM Resort  we are a 109 room Resort in Kenny bunkport um   we're open annually from April to December so  seasonal is um I think it's pretty clear how   we're connected to tourism and Hospitality  as a resort um but we in addition to being   a hotel we've got a restaurant we do lots of  special events like weddings and conferences   and whatnot as well Daryle uh my name is is  Daryle Degan I started a company called 8co   and we provide Recruitment and temporary staffing  solutions for the hospitality industry wonderful   and Beth hi I'm Beth Bordowitz I am the inaugural  executive director of Merit the Maine retirement   Investment Trust and our relationship to the  tourism industry is that all businesses in   Maine will need to be participating in this  program over the next year and we think that   particularly businesses in the tourism industry um  are going to be large participants in the program   is there because there are many businesses  that not offer a retirement savings plan and   that is we will be offering a retirement Savings  Program so I'll get into a lot more detail about   that going forward uh Beth is going to do a short  presentation at the end of our session today so   just wanted to give everyone want a little heads  up about that um but let's go ahead and start   with some questions so for uh our panelists what  kind of benefits program does your company offer   or um proposed to other businesses and how does  your offering affect the gain and retention of employees um so we we do have a traditional  benefits program with health insurance 401K   um but being a seasonal employer almost all  of our employees are e either seasonal or   part-time or considered part-time um so they don't  qualify for the health insurance typically um so   we do have lots of non-traditional offerings as  well which include things like um mental health   reimbursement we're part of a transportation  program that transports people between Sanford   Kenyon bford um we provide two meals a day we  have lots of swag sweatshirts things like that   um there's there's quite a few things that we've  had to think of in order to keep people on board   or to to attract them um and I think that the  non-traditional aspect of our benefits program   um is what attracts a lot of people to us just  because going into a seasonal type job most   people aren't expecting benefits of any kind  um so when they hear that we've got all this   stuff and um you know their their family can stay  with us for $49 and things like that um it's it's   something something that they weren't expecting  so it'll attract them a bit more than a competing   property that might not give them anything at  all uh so the type of benefits that we offer   uh traditional benefits such as Health Vision  dental insurance for all of our employees um   vast majority of them are all fulltime so um and  then I myself come from a culinary background so   when it came to choosing what type of benefits  we wanted to offer it really came as well what   is the industry lacking in and that's when we  started offering the traditional benefits then   we went one step further and started offering  things like short and long-term disability life   insurance um bonus structures as well such  as referral bonuses bringing new people onto   our team performance bonuses as well um and so  essentially we just kind of looked at it from the   ground up and being like what does the Frontline  worker really want and what is it they want to   see implemented first and foremost and we started  off like I said with the traditional benefits and   then that glide into more on the compensation  side which I'll talk a little bit more about as   we go along and darl actually just to clarify um  the business that you have started 86 and Co um   you are essentially you have a bunch of employees  under your roof so to speak and what is it that   you do with them that that contributes to the  hospitality industry yeah so we have a culinary   task force um essentially whenever a restaurant or  hotel whatever type of Food Service environment it   is um we all know there's been an issue with uh  finding reliable staff um so essentially we are   chefs for higher uh we can come in for however  long an establishment might need and whatever   position they need it in and we essentially  cover for that term and then when we're all   set the restaurant's all set we move along to  a different environment so our team gets the um   they get the benefit of being able to change their  work environment quite frequently and it kind of   keeps it a little bit more alive uh compared to  a normal Chef job so to speak that's fascinating   I think it's a wonderful concept actually than  um so for you've actually already sort of begun   talking about the traditional benefits which I  guess we can all agree that would be something   like health insurance or um Retirement services or  shorter long-term uh disability but I wanted to to   touch on what Colby was starting to mention with  the non-traditional um benefits that are offered   through the non ANM Resort and if you could sort  of reiterate some of those those programs that   you started and why I would love to hear more  about how those came to be sure um I think we   are always looking to add value to our employees  Liv so um we we just looked at ways that we could   do that um we we did hear where we're looking  for something Beyond just compensation so um the   things that we've offered include again two meals  a day um as sweatshirt and other clothing items   throughout the year um we do a stipend for better  help online counseling um which is new in the last   couple years that we've been doing um but that's  been great the transportation um it's not directly   through us but we um paid money to participate  in the program so any of our employ employes who   live in any of the communities um are able to take  the bus and and in addition um they can take the   buses around Sanford B feraco Old Orchard Beach  um using their employee pass so if they wanted to   take it to you know Walmart or something um they  could do that and that's that's free for them um   we also do an a um referral bonus program um it's  a monthly thing so every month that the persons   that our current employees um referee stays with  us they get $100 um so it's it's both to refer   the person and to keep them as a longterm hire um  and I I think that's most of what we offer um but   all kinds of of different things um we also have  super flexible scheduling which um I sometimes   forget about as far as a benefit because just in  it's the nature of our business we're 24 hours   and people can kind of work whenever that works  for them but um we offer that for our salaried   employees too our office employees employees um  we don't hold anybody to some sort of 8 to Five   schedule and that's been super helpful for us as  well um especially as we're looking to hire some   younger folks that might be young parents um they  are really able to work in a way that works for   them um and if they encounter any sort of child  care issue it's not a huge deal if they have to   bring their kid to work once in a while we're very  flexible on that sort of stuff too thank you um   and for darl I'm wondering what was one of the uh  impetus like what what what reason did you have   to start 86 and Co and were there reasons related  to the benefits realm um because as you said most   people working in the food uh industry struggle to  gain those kinds of benefits so I'm I'm wondering   if that is related to why you created the company  itself uh yeah I mean part of the reason was was   really looking for more flexibility uh being  a chef myself and I think just to touch upon   flexible scheduling that's one of the biggest  factors in and US retaining um our employees long   term is because they get to tell us what's what  their ideal schedule is what days off they would   prefer to work what shift times they want to um be  working and I think that as employers or managers   we really need to be connecting with our staff  more on that um particular basis because work   life balance has to come into play now and aside  from compensation uh that's probably one of the   next most important factors I mean Hospitality has  been kind of notorious for having long grueling   hours um usually working on a salary and that's  one of the motivating factors behind why I created   the company and to bring on Chefs that have that  similar mindset is you know we want to kind of   change the way that this industry has been viewed  as so we can start bring bringing on Fresh Talent   um I spoke at a community college a few months  back and that was the number one thing that all   of these uh young people were bringing up is like  I don't want to be spending every single weekend   behind the stove I do not want to be spending  um all my time like 12 16 hour days working in   a kitchen like I want to have a life and I think  that is something that we're seeing come through   more and more and more with this next Generation  that that's coming up and you know we should   really be um taking notice of that and trying to  reimplement those things now you know get ahead of   the curve while we can Beth did you have anything  you wanted to add um not that okay um so as I'm   sure many of you will agree uh the as we've talked  about the tourism and hospitality industry given   that it's often seasonal given that it's often  temporary it can be very difficult to integrate   a health benefits uh type of program which is why  it's so important to not only look for traditional   uh modes but also explore non-traditional uh  approaches as well so I think it's really great   to hear these programs that are coming out of  um businesses here that are showing to be very   successful and that perhaps there's something  that you can integrate into your business as   well but speaking of that if traditional this is a  question for our panelists if traditional benefits   aren't a possibility whether it's because of the  seasonality because it's such a small organization   whatever the case might be um what non-traditional  benefits do you think are probably the most   Paramount for employees within an organization  I think it depends on what your goals are for   your employees you know are you focused on in  enhancing Wellness in your organization if so then   it's probably something like mental health sick  leave Etc um so I think it depends on what kind   of goals that you have for your organization um a  blanket statement would be that it's flexibility   um in scheduling everybody wants to be able to  choose when they can work especially if you're   a 7-Day A Week business or a 24hour business um  you know somebody's got to work on Saturday so   there are people who want to do that and people  who don't want to do that um and to offer that   choice I think is really critical for people  um and can't go wrong with [Laughter] food um   I think what because we also do not just temporary  staffing we also recruit for other establishments   on a permanent basis so we head hunt for them and  one of the things that I'm seeing more and more   candidates start to request is assistance with  accommodation or relocation assistance if it can   be provided that's probably the largest barrier  for talent coming into the state because you know   in order to get an apartment someone needs a job  but in order to um get a job they want you to live   in the state so you know it's it's a double- edged  sword sometimes and that's something I think that   uh there's actually a business in Lincolnville  called Wales tooth Pub um and this is not going   to be you know the same for everybody but they  managed to purchase an inn not too far from them   just solely for the the basis of employee housing  um I'm starting to see more hotels offer up uh   portions of their rooms for seasonal employees and  Beyond so I think that's another area that if you   want to look into attracting Talent that's not  within this already talent pool start to look at   some more creative ways to bring people into the  state um and then just to add to that you know the   non-traditional benefits it's something that's  unique to you you know what is it that you can   offer that your competitors can um proba another  example is say Joseph's College of Maine I don't   know if any of you've heard of them they offer  free education to some of their employees who   come on board and um there was a story that was  told to me that one janitor put himself and four   of his children through college completely free  of charge I mean that right there is employee   retention for the long term because you're able  to not only help that individual but you're able   to help their family as well so look into areas  like that that you can become creative with and   I think you'll you'll start to drive talent to  your organization thank you um speaking of housing   I I wanted to bring up two things number one in  our previous session um we actually learned that   Sugarloaf did a very similar thing they bought  a hotel that was nearby um their facility and   it allowed them to provide um housing for a lot  of their seasonal employees but that actually   leads into my next question um what are some  challenges that you through your business or   that you have observed oberved other businesses  facing um in provide PE in uh providing benefits   whether traditional or non-traditional for their  employees it's the eligibility of course and the   cost um so providing benefits usually is going to  be expensive sometimes it doesn't have to be um   but I I think that if you want to be an employer  of choice and you want people to understand that   they're valued you need to spend some money on  doing those things um so it's it's really just   looking at your budget and figuring out how you  can reallocate money in order to give back to the   employees um so yeah I mean those are the two main  hurdles I think that that we at least have faced   um and I imagine that most small indoor seasonal  businesses in main face um but I there there's a   saying if if you want to you will so um you know  if you want to add that kind of value to your   employees lives then you'll figure out a way to do  it yeah I agree on the cost Factor um especially   when we start to implement health insurance that  was one of the things our employees kind of came   to us and said look like it's fantastic that  you have this gold plan put in place but like I   just can't afford it and so one of the things we  implemented was uh a plan choice you know bronze   silver and gold so we're kind of allocating to  everybody's budgets like they might not want the   best Healthcare option but they might want to  just have it so being able to kind of look at   that as um a way that you can help offer still  offer something but offering on more of like a   sliding scale and then understanding that you know  you cannot be everything to everyone you know you   can't just be able to offer all these different  types of benefits just to bring people in the door   because you're going to trip yourself up down the  line you know what's the what can you reasonably   afford to bring in that's not going to hurt  your bottom line that's one of of the things I would and actually darl you brought up a really  good point earlier uh when you were mentioning   St St Joseph's um and how education and having  that as a benefit is really beneficial uh is   quite desirable for many employees um and we were  also talking in the previous panel about how that   same realm training gaining those training skills  gaining as as an employee being able to say oh yes   I have gone through this nationally nationally  recognized training and it was paid for by the   business where I'm working um and one of the key  words that I think a lot of people were coming at   it with because as you both mentioned the costs  can be rather challenging um but viewing it as   an investment not not only in your employees  but also in your business um our previous panel   talked about how uh even though it was focused on  seasonal employees um those employees were going   to be leaving in the winter or in the spring for  another position elsewhere and how they helped   them write their resumés and create their uh uh  letters of recommendation and make suggestions on   places where they could go etc etc and by and  large providing that assistance to them that   guidance um actually brought many more of those  seasonal employees back to the business when it   was time for them to return you know when it was  time for for the height of the Season once again   um so I thought I would bring that up that it's a  vital piece of this industry um where am I sorry okay um so these challenges that we've all talked  about and I'm sure you've all experienced them uh   how would you say for our panelists that you  have overcome these challenges to best meet   the needs of your employees and your business um  I think that was a good point that you can't be   all things to all people so we've really honed  in on what it is our employees are looking for   um and like you just mentioned Caroline we also  do focus on um helping connect people to either   winter work or school through the Community  College um and that definitely does leave   an impact on people that that we want to see  them succeed even if they're not going to be   with us for a time um so that I think has been  really helpful um let's see what else we um we   have reduced our eligibility requirements for  our 401k so although um some of our seasonal   folks maybe aren't eligible for health insurance  they are still eligible for retirement um so you   can kind of manipulate things in that way to at  least give them something um and yeah I think   that's that's kind of how we've overcome we  just really have tried to create a focus it's   been helpful yeah just um I found the directo  approach like you were saying just asking the   employees themselves like what is it you're  looking for because everyone's unique you know   someone has to get home from school uh sorry get  home from work to pick up their kids from school   some people um want to have a promotion they want  a title uh some people just want to have money   like it really just depends you know what the  motivating factor is behind any one individual   it's not it's good to have a standard you know for  all of your employees to have a benefit program in   place or a solid working schedule but at the end  of the day what makes them tick and the only way   you're going to find that answer just by asking  them and and being able to compile that data on   the back end and be like okay what action can I  take that's not going to obliterate my bottom line   but I can still be able to provide a really good  uh work life balance or a good benefit program   and really just go from that great I'm just gonna  jump in here with just also I think I think it's   important to as an employer just to know sort  of what some of the options are out there like   like I'm a sole employee and we were able s to um  like set up a Cera which I'd never heard of before   so just even and I'd been around you know human  human resources for a long time so just knowing   that there are options out there so that maybe  you don't have a big budget for health insurance   but you can find a way to find a product that  will take the dollars that you have and be able   to at least make an effort to offer something  for your employees and there's a huge number   of programs and under the like just available to  employers but there it's a lot to learn and that   actually leads me to my next uh question activity  um I actually I'd like to open up a question to   our audience um and say what are some of the  challenges that you have experienced in your   businesses um that you have potentially created  some solutions to or things that you'd like   to have some solutions to if you want to take a  minute think about what you've run into any issues yeah you hi hi I'm Jessica I'm from Sunday  River um so pre pandemic we had a daycare that   was open to um anybody who came to the mountain  parents don't want to see with their kids they   just wanted if they're not putting in a program  or if they're too little they just want to drop   them off and then when the pandemic came um we're  in a really small town we're in Western Maine and   one of the um the local uh daycare or whatever was  was basically overwhelmed with people they didn't   have anymore so we uh were able to accommodate  our team members by that daycare became a team   member only daycare we no longer had it open to  the public our guests were not super pleased but   we had to take care of the people who were  there that we were serving um and since then   it is still just open to uh team members and  then people that live in our local community   and part of it with Co we were able to justify  it by saying like we can't have different kids   in here all the time but it stayed that way CO's  not here anymore and um it's a huge benefit for   our employees our team members to know that  they can have child care at a discounted rate   and it's right there at work with them and  the kids come trick-or-treating through the   offices and it's very cute so that was one of the  challenges we fa and that was how we got around it   would you say that um an additional benefit  to creating that program for your employees   is that they showed up to work more and they  stay you know having sort of residual effect   because if they did not work there they could  no longer bring their child there so that's yeah I don't work for um this particular  industry I come from the Human Services World   um and have many of the same struggles in terms  of turnover and Recruitment and Retention um but   this particular problem I had about 140 employees  before I retired as uh the CEO of our nonprofit   organization and we had a culture of I wonder what  I can get away with in terms of workers C versus   a culture of safety yeah so it was you know it  was costing the agency a lot of money when we're   already spending upwards to over a half a million  dollars in health benefits for employees and so   then we had these exorbitant War his comp costs  and I this just sounds so odd but we instituted   um a a program a benefit that really involved $10  gift certificates $10 gift certificates and every   single month we we said I wonder when the magic is  going to go away from the $10 gear certific but it   never went away and we served um four specific  geographic regions and so the staff associated   with that geographic region um everybody on the  staff would get a $10 gift certificate if there   were no l time accidents in that geographic  region now obviously we were not saying who   who might have made a claim or whatever so it had  to be a loss time accident not just a claim but   a l time a l time incident or accident or illness  and um it dramatically changed how the staff felt   all all of a sudden it was everybody's business  your safety is now my business for a $10 gift   certificate I'm not kidding you and the deal was  if there was a l time accident in that geographic   area nobody in that geographic area you get the  $10 gift certificate and then we wipe the Slate   clean for the next month so you were only going  to go one month without even if the person was out   on comper you know an extended period of time  you only went one month without that $10 gift   certificate and every other month we went between  groceries um and gas so and people people would   just like staff would just saying you know I  went to the grocery store and I bought a bag   of potatoes and they were thrilled I mean it we  just could not believe a $10 gift certificate   could have that impact on on our first of all our  morale and and whenever people got the $10 gift   certificate I wrote a little safety message to all  staff and they all got it and they were thrilled   and most of them more humorous and um so it just  lightened everything up and it really impacted   our workers comp cost well and it's um one thing  I like to sort of pull from what you said I mean   the $10 gets certificates that's great that's  cool but it also sounds like it that was sort   of subsequent and what really seemed to peque  everyone's interest is that oh now I'm not the   only one thinking about my safety someone else is  thinking about it too and someone else on top of   that and someone else on top of that so it becomes  much more of a team uh mentality you're looking   out for one another um which is also a benefit  of working in this industry again so many of the   tourism and Hospitality businesses uh they are  very bilial there's a community to them and it's   what brings people back year after year season  after season whatever the case might be and it   sounds like that program sort of exemplified  that sentiment um throughout throughout the   staff okay does anyone else have a challenge or  a program that you implemented in your business   or that you've taken part in that maybe you worked  somewhere and it had a program that you were a fan [Laughter] of last year we had an intern  that we wanted to work with us um and she   had a housing need we couldn't offer a housing  but we were able to come up with a small stien   to cover some of the costs associated we  wouldn't obviously we didn't have enough   resources to pay the whole amount but  we offered her a total amount and that   was enough to do it so it's just that little  extra being able to offer that was important   to her it was important to us and gave us  a better intern because we're able to make   that that exception and we thought about doing  it again we just had to have the right C come along anyone else I actually just want  to mention a a program that I'm seeing   coming up more frequently in uh restaurants or  food establishments which is called a kitchen   appreciation fee I don't know if anyone's heard  of that before it's something that's becoming or   gaining some traction anyway and essentially  what it means is at the end of a a your meal   and you get your check there's been anywhere  between 1 to 3% of the bill that's been added   on as a kitchen appreciation fee and it's where  that the cooks and the chefs and the dishwashers   they actually start to get a cut of this which is  you know exclusively it's been for front of house   staff but since this fee has been introduced it's  now um the back of house is able to get a portion   of that and when I went out and interviewed  a few different restaurant owners about this   and might mention we wrote a piece about it  um it's surprising how much it affected the   morale of the backa house staff like quite  substantially and this was probably on any   given month it could be anywhere from $2 to $500  and you know in peak season it's a little bit more   but when we were talking to some of the cooks  they were like Yes actually incentivize me to   come to work because if it's a busy night I get  more of a cut you know I get the more checks we   do the more we're going to make and for some  people like that was their CMP bill paid you   know that was their phone bill taken care of  and when you're a Frontline worker or you're   you know usually on kind of the lower end of  the pay scale literally every dollar counts   and so if you can look at ways or creative ways  to implement that in so everyone is inclusive of   it I think it's going to really help with the the  retention of Staff or it's a way to kind of think   outside the box of being able to either retain  them or bring bring more people in y yeah go for it I was just gonna Echo what Don said um about  adding on that it as someone who comes from a   boutique Hospitality background I think it's  important to not look at it as a All or Nothing   situation when it comes to benefits instead of  um projecting out and marketing that will cover   your entire tuition as an employer and all of  that sometimes it's just putting the word out   there with your current employees for a retention  perspective to say if there are initiatives in   education or coursework that you're interested in  talk to us um come to us maybe we can front that   upfront cost of it and we can do a interest free  payment back that will help you enroll in this   program that you otherwise wouldn't have been  able to do without that Capital to be able to   spend on it and it can be creative um in what  you're offering without having to as a small   employer commit to something that's larger that's  a really good point be good actually does anyone   have anything else that they'd like to mention  share contribute all right well my last question   for our panelists um what recommendations would  you have for other tourism Centric businesses   on building a stronger more complete or more  comprehensive rather benefits program yeah um   like I started saying before you need to focus on  what your company's um object objectives are um   so three questions you can ask yourself is are  you looking to improve employees satisfaction   loyalty Wellness or productivity question two are  you looking to attract new Talent retain existing   Talent OR reduce your turnover and then question  three are you wanting to slash a to um just offer   what is legally required are you looking to  do industry Norms or best practices um and so   once you have the answer to those three questions  you can kind of tailor your offering or even your   survey questions to that objective um see what  it is that people are looking for within that   frame um and then offer something within that and  I think um once you start that ball rolling people   will automatically be more engaged and and a  little bit happier about what it is they're   getting from you um and then hopefully you'll be  able to add more as time goes on but just by by   starting with a very clear Focus I think is a  is a good path uh I actually get this question   somewhat frequently when uh a client will call  and be like you know we're recruiting for this   position what do you think of the the benefits  and compensation package and you know how can we   improve this and my answer is always you know  look at your competitors go on Google Maps do   a 15 mile 30 mile radius around you look at what  they're hiring for in similar positions and what   are they able to offer that you don't and that  lies some of the or that's where the answer can   be found is you know if they're able to attract  uh more employees than you can or if it's better   quality employees what are they doing that you're  currently all um someone mentioned stipend uh in   the audience that's um something we're seeing much  more frequently that's being um incorporated into   benefits package a phone stipend travel stip end  um everything's getting more expensive nowadays   so if there's anything that you can do to kind  of help on a compensation side that is um that's   where I would probably start as well um and then  the other thing is if you can have employees work   from home even if it's just one day out of the  the week take them up on that I mean that boosts   morale quite significantly and uh one of the  things I see requested a lot is a four-day   Work Week people would rather work longer days in  lie of having an extra day off you know they're   able to kind of check a lot more things off of  that task list than um than if they were working   constantly um I actually come from from Scotland  and came over here 10 years ago and there were   two things that shocked me the most about American  culture and the first one was Healthcare is wicked   expensive I learn very quickly to not get hurt  um and then second um I found it really confusing   that paid time off is not mandatory you know over  there we get four weeks every single business has   to has to do it it's it's regulated by law but  over here you just have to go to burnout like   that just seems to be like what the end result  is and so looking at ways that you can increase   employee morale by offering that time off or  are having vacation personal days sick days I   mean it's it's really going to significantly in  increase um productivity and morale for sure the   Washington Post did a study recently that um one  day working from home is equivalent in employees   Minds to an 8% pay increase wow so good for that  well wonderful so at this point um you all had a   piece of paper on your chair if you could grab  that piece of paper out it focuses on the Merit   program and Beth is going to do a short talk with  all of you to uh expand on what the Merit program   is and how it's going to affect all of us very  soon all right well thanks so um yeah my my role   on this is to provide a non-traditional approach  to a traditional benefit so let's go a little bit   of a sideways um way into the panel so Merit is  coming to a workplace to your workplace and it was   developed by the state of Maine to alleviate the  retirement savings Gap so basically 41% of Mayers   don't have workplace retirement plan that number  is actually higher in a a lot of other states but   it's still a pretty high number so the goal here  is for the state to provide a workplace retirement   plan so I guess one thing um here raise your  hand if you do offer some kind of re retirement   plan yeah so quite a bit of you in in this room  um and there there'll be a role for both those   who offer a plan and those who don't so Merit is  meant to cover all main employers with five or   more [Music] employees that do that do not offer  otherwise offer a workplace retirement plan but   all main employers with five or more employees  will be receiving either an email or a letter   from Meritt starting at the end of January they're  going to either need to register with Meritt or to   go online and say that they are exempt because  they offer a workplace retirement plan so they   don't have to participate in Merit or that they  have less than five employees and we know that for   many businesses and that's can be a rolling number  it could be five one week and seven the next or   200 the next that it can move so it's an annual  average but basically on the day that you apply   whatever number if you have more than five then  you're going to register your employees employers   with 15 or more employees will need to register by  April 30th of 2024 employers with four to five or   more by June 30th of 2024 or they all need to  go inline and say that they're exempt so this   is a program where the employer facilitates the  program but it's not the their program it is the   state's program so there's no cost to the employer  except there is a little time if they're exempting   it's under five minutes if they're enrolling I've  watched employers enroll it's about 15 minutes 10   to 15 minutes depending on how much how quickly  they can do it but it's a pretty very simple and   clean process and there's no employer fiduciary  responsibility so the employer does facilitate   but they are it is not their program all these  employers every employer will receive an email   that will have a link or a letter with an email  address and that will have some instructions if   they're exempt they basically go online click this  link there's two radio buttons I am exempt and   then the next one the reason why and they're done  if they need to upload if they need to register   with the program they will upload they will say  they're going to register and then they'll walk   through a few steps to to upload basically their  employer employee data and that can be um it can   be manually done or there's a spreadsheet form  that you can use and upload in bulk and then   and then the employer's role is now done for 30  days then we the program will be reaching out   to all of your employees three times in those 30  days saying that you are going to have a rth IRA   account open for you and you'll have 5% of your  payroll contributed to that Roth IRA and you'll   be putting our default investment options however  you can opt out of any one of those you can opt   out of the program entirely you can change your  contribution or you can um change your Investments   if they don't opt out they will be registered and  the program will send information to the employer   30 days later 32 days later saying here are your  employees that are now enrolled in the program   and you're here's how much each of them wishes to  contribute into the program so you'll be able to   as Employer set that up and then administer that  with each payroll we will the program will notify   you if there are any changes four days prior to  that payroll but um typically these changes are   pretty rare anyone who runs a retirement plan  knows that generally changes are rare but they   could happen and we will let the employer know  employers can make their payroll provider a   teammate so that their payroll provider can have  a role in the program and we are working with as   many payroll providers who will talk to me will  working with them to make it so they're they're   getting ready a lot of the payroll providers  are getting ready to to offer this program um   the pilot is started yesterday so we have as of  probably right now four employers who are enrolled   so I've been able to watch and test it out so far  it's took on very smoothly the employers who have   participated in that pilot like the program so  far um and I know a key question probably for   people in this room seasonal employees do they  count and so they do count for the five whether   or not you have five employees at a given time  um but for seasonal employees if they you have   as an employer you can have the choice you can  enroll them on day one when you on board just as   part of your onboard checklist or you can say I'm  going to wait 120 days because an employee does   not need to be enrolled until they have worked 120  days for you so if you have this was particularly   a big concern of the summer camps they have a  lot of people who are not working 120 days so   if they're going to work 120 days or more you  can do it on day one or you can register them   on day 120 one thing that's really great about  this person program is that that big group of   people that we talked about in the last session  who might work one job in the summer or one job   in the winter they'd have the same account so if  both of their employers are in Merit then their   account will be the same and their summer employer  will contribute and their winter employer will   contribute so that's my really quick rundown  but I'm happy to take any questions about that   a lot to cover in a short time yep is there an  employee contribution option there is not yeah   no no I understand the yeah sadly there is not um  and a lot of employers are like really happy to   have this program that doesn't cost them anything  and would be you know happy to make a contribution   so there is um because we're one of the goals  of the programs to assure that the employer has   no fiduciary obligations or responsibilities  they cannot make um a contribution we I have   heard that this program is established in six or  seven other states at this point and so we I have   heard of employers who maybe offer a higher pay  and suggest strongly that it go into the account   but it's their money they can the employee can  do what they want with it if they do it that way are there other plans in the works to  implement other traditional benefits for employees   like healthare Etc is this a pilot for more things  this is I'm not aware of any it doesn't just say   they won't come because I think this was created  to address a need and there's a need in healthcare   as well as well and I can sort of speak to that  um while there aren't any programs in in effect   right now um these discussions are starting to  come to a real head and people are getting to   the point where like like you know what we need  to create these programs um these discussions   have been happening for decades and it seems  like in the wake of coid and the changing uh   mentality of a lot of our incoming workers  or people who've been in the industry for a   long time and they're shifting to a different  role um people are realizing the need is even   greater than it ever has been and so there are a  lot of programs that are uh I would say in their infancy so quick question I'm new to HR but  um our company we offer the 401K after a year   so what I'm hearing is that day one or day 120  our full-time employees with and part-time and   seasonal would be able to participate in Merit  and then participate in our own 401K sadly no so   if you offer a 401k then that then yeah you don't  have both and so um I say sadly no be but so if   you have a 401k and that's not unusual for it to  only be available to full-time employer employees   or to after a year is your plan then no um can't  they can't offer both the individuals can sign   up for merit so if they're interested they can  do it on their own and have contributions right   from their bank account so they can do it on  their own so we can at least provide them the   information and then when we get that information  from whoever it is the powers at Fe we'll just say   we offer 401K after a year right you would you as  a company would go online and just say yep we you   know we offer 401k and that your responsibility  is done and for many companies that offer 401K   you may not even get the letter because we're  going to do a match against Department of Labor   data so if you filed a Form 5500 we'll do a match  and we hopefully we be exempting you without you   having to take any action but there are so many  permutations of qualified retirement plans that   certainly some employers who offer one are going  to get a letter there might be five companies   under the same 401K sort of filing so um but  yeah hope we hopefully we'll we're going to do   whatever we can to make this as easy as possible  for the employers it is that the same for the 403   briefer not for profit yes is there a minimum age  associated with this program is it 21 18 18 18 yes go ahead you had mentioned the cut off date  for the larger employers for April 30th when will   we be able to what's the first date that we'll be  able to go on and exempt ourselves or it will be   after after January so we're we're trying to find  a date that's going to be right given the holidays   in January and all the employer obligations with  end of the year beginning of the year so probably   around the third week in January these letters  will start to go out I'll say the website is live   now but what the letter will have is a code that  will just make it just facilitate the process for you was there any push back from employers  by saying this is going to cause work for my   bookkeeper or my finance department so I you know  we have had knock on wood very little push back   none because I think what that what I have found  is is sort of more like your question like we want   to be able to offer this but the 401K is expensive  or I don't want the fiduciary responsibilties s   talking with my hands and then the mic goes crazy  this is the old New Yorker in me what can I say um   but yeah but so most employers really want to do  right by their employees and they are making their   choice among here if I have my bundle of money  which which is the most important for and for me   to offer and so there are many employers I've  spoken to and of course I probably am getting   not um a full view of the entire environment but  they're really like when can I start I'd really   like to be able to offer this if it's simple  for me and I can do this I want to bring it on anyone else have any questions can employees  opt out of this 100% yes I mean hopefully 100%   won't but so right now national average is  about 30 28 to 30% do opt out but that's why   they'll hear once the employer registers them  they'll hear three times in that first month   from us saying you know here's your choices this  account's going to open if you don't do anything   and then there'll be some employees that will  ignore those letters and they'll be fine and   they'll just go on and they won't even really  notice that this 5% come out of their payroll   and they'll have started saving for retirement  and then there'll be some who will look at their   next pay pay P Che and be like what happened to  that money I was going to spend on diapers or   CMP or whatever and they'll be able to call and  because it's going into a Roth IRA there won't   be any penalty if they just call right away and  say I want to stop now so there's an expectation   we know that that will happen for some people so  you're making people L and then giving them inform their the rest of their Liv for you so I'm not sure I understand the question  but the the the account is is the employees so   the employee has that account and they can let's  say they move on to another job with a 401k and   they want to consolidate bow that into a 401k you  know that have to be the Roth portion of a 401k   but they can do that so they own the account and  they can do um they can move it into a different   401k plan if if they want to it's it's theirs if  they move to a different employer who offers Merit   then they'll just keep adding to that same same  same 401K I 40 same same Ral siday and while it's   not any cost to employers is there any are there  any costs associated for employees other than the   5% withdrawal from their uh bank account like  from their pay as you said or as I think Nathan   sort of bringing up um who's who's paying for the  maintaining of of this system y so like almost any   retirement plan there are there is a per account  fee so this is paid by the employee um it's a $26   annual fee um flat fee quarterly part of which  goes to the state part of which goes to our   program manager and a um 20 basis point um asset  under management fee and then we have very lowcost   funds which are the investments in the program so  there's some underlying fund fees so and relative   we our board this is a a public board that made  the decisions in you know in a public meeting   and they did look at you know how these fees  compared to 401K fees and other you know similar   Investments and I think they're very competitive  and is it a stepped system like depending on what   age you are when you get your Merit accounts I  know that with typical retirement uh funds or or   accounts you you know if you're 25 you put in this  much and it's that that $20 a year or whatever the   case but if you're 55 then now you're putting in  $55 a year is is it that sort of a system so it is   it's up to the employee what they put in so it's  5% default amount if they don't make any changes   and it will auto escalate every year unless the  employee off out of that so it's 5% the first year   6% the second up to 10% and then just stop and of  course again the employee can opt out of that any   time and then the default investment is a target  date fund so it's one of those types of funds   that will put the um become more conservative  as the investor approaches their retirement age um so when and you know we enroll all  of our employees and six months go by and   we bring on a new employee and they already have  an account do we get that information from the employee well it will you will you will  just enroll them it almost won't matter   from your perspective so you'll upload them  into the system either on day one or day 120   and then the system will say oh we already  have this person here and so that money is   going into the there's no information that  we need to chase down from employees that no I have a all right so um at this point I just wanted  to ask does anyone have any remaining questions   about traditional versus non-traditional benefits  in general if you had any other questions for our   panelists um good microphone I don't okay go  for it um so I have I I understand that you   can't sort of make everyone happy idea but um  I I'm nervous about offering something that I   know some of my employees will use like a health  like a health s in for Chiropractic for whatever   and that I know some of them won't use and I  feel like the ones who don't want that would   be like why can't I just have that money or you  know and then do I offer a tiered level for the   parttime people or they just don't get anything  part two is up to you I mean I would do something   for everybody but you don't have to certainly  um I think that's the the more Equitable thing   to do but um as far as offering something that  not everyone will use I mean we we've run into   that but not as much as you might imag imagine I  think people like to complain but in the end you   know you're helping some people and other people  it's just not applicable it's not as though you're   hurting them or it's costing them anything so it's  you know it's not as big a deal as you might think   it is um but the other option would be to offer  a choice between two things if like if you wanted   to do you say your chiropractor thing and then  a a gym reimbursement like you can choose one   or the other so everybody gets something and and  they choose what it is they want to use it on or   if they use it at all what what amount do you  guys offer for the better um our employees pay   $25 a week and we pay everything else so it ends  up being quite a bit I think better help is like   $300 a month is so we say so we end up with like  two-thirds of it and I'm not sure if to go with   your question um I'm not sure if it is possible to  do this if you are not if you don't already offer   health insurance but um to sort of cover all your  bases a health savings account can be really great   because everybody gets the same thing and they can  just use it on health related things but a health   related thing can be you know it can be a a teeth  cleaning it can be going to the chiropractor it   can be oh I need a mental health day and I'm  going to go and do this or you know as long   as it's applicable to personal health Health  you can't do that unless you [Applause] have   unless you have health insurance and a high  deductible plan but you can do an FSA so you   could do a um either a healthcare FSA which  people can use on things like premiums copay   um Band-Aids you know whatever um or there's  also child care fsas that they can use toward   child care expenses so those are some options  as well so the H is a reimbursement account   yeah and then there's an HSA um has to coincide  with a qualifying Health Plan and then an FSA is   it's a flexible spending account so um yeah so  they can use it either there's Healthcare ones   or there's childcare ones and you can contribute  a certain amount contribute a certain amount um yeah yes yes and it's like some I think it's  like up to two two or $300 can roll over and   everything else goes away it's just be careful  with that right well at this point we are all   done it has been an absolute pleasure having  all of you here and please thank our wonderful   uh panelists here thank you thank you at this  point we are going to have just a short break   15 minutes um but everyone can head right on  back to the CCO Bay room um we will be starting   our networking activities hosted by seasonal  connect there very soon thank you again for coming

2023-11-15 03:16

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