Embracing Events: Delivering Commercially Successful Events - Attracting & Maintaining Sponsorships

Embracing Events: Delivering Commercially Successful Events - Attracting & Maintaining Sponsorships

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so let's go again welcome back and we'll get straight into the next session now the Bal moral show is Northern Ireland's Pinnacle Agri food event with farming food and lots of fun at the heart of the action it's organized by the Royal olster Agricultural Society and it's hosted in partnership with principal sponsor Ulster Bank the show is now in its 155th year and after many years and Belfast it now takes place at the econ Exhibition Center just outside lisbourne across 4 days in May many of you I'm sure in this room have visited the Bal moral show at some stage I have spent many a year presenting live television from the balm moral show and even though I'm a city girl I have loved every single moment of it and it in particular getting stuck in um learning how to Shear a sheep very badly uh knowing what to look out for in a prize Champion animal a cow or some some livestock and that was certainly an experienced where to look for that um one of the keys of the Bal moral show is its talent for attracting and also maintaining sponsorship relationships uh to share their experiences on that I'm delighted to Welcome to the stage now Ronda giri who is the operations director at Balmoral show Vicky white who spearheads the sponsorship strategy and along with them please welcome Simon Satan who is one of the event sponsors and he is from ster Bank oops sorry so we're going to have a a little chat um with the three of us first and um put a few questions to to our balm moral show team and olster Bank team and really I do encourage you as much as possible to learn from this group as well who have been successful in events um Ronda let's go first explain to people who who have not met you before um what your role is in staging that huge event which is balm moral show he thank you Donna uh my name is Ronda Gary I I'm currently the operations director um of the royal ster Agricultural Society um I've been with the society for over 30 years um with many roles uh through marketing um working Within the Kings Hall uh back in the day and and N operations for the event and event director for Bal moral show so as as Donna said the Balmoral show has a very long history um hopefully most people know that it is run and owned by the Royal ler Agricultural Society which is an agricultural charity in Northern Ireland and one which has a history dating back uh many many years although we're having our 155th Balmoral show this year we're actually celebrating the 170th anniversary of the Agricultural charity that runs the Balmoral show so we are steeped in history um and as Donna said we moved from the Kings Hall site uh back in 2012 and then ran our first Balmoral show um at The Icon Exhibition Center um in 2013 um now the show back in the Kings Hall day we were on a site 35 Acre Site and in those days our attendance would have been in the region up about 75,000 and making the Bold move from Belfast out to lisbourne um we now are a 4-day show and we're attracting an audience of about 120,000 over the four days so we really had outgrow on our site at uh Balmar at Kings Hall um and thankfully the event has gone from strength to strength out at the at the at the new site I mean Bal moral show as you all know um I mean has agriculture at its heart it's one of one of our um our objectives as a charity is the promotion of agriculture in Northern Ireland by staging events and Bal moral show is is one of those that we do um the show has many many supporters um and that's one thing we find as an event we have over uh 250 stewards that are volunteers members of the Society members of the charity that helped put the event on um and people who have expertise in their area whether it's with cattle with the E wine with the Sheep sharing um the show just couldn't work without those people uh we need them all um and our our sponsors have we touched on ster Bank we've been um delighted to have ster Bank as our principal sponsor for um 15 years now and that partnership is has gone from strength to strength they've been principal sponsor for 15 years but they've been sponsor at the event for many years before that um as well and then took on the the lead role as it was uh 15 years ago um and we've worked with them to increase their share of the Agricultural Market which was what they came on board to do um and we work with them uh whatever whatever challenge whatever um they want to do on a yearly basis now we're constantly looking at sustainability of the event and sustainability is a big thing for alra Bank um and we help them with that challenge um we bring an audience to to the show and they they use that then um as our marketing tool Vicki tell us about your role with Bal moral show hi everybody thanks Donna um my name is Vicky white and I've been working uh primarily with the Royal alster Agricultural Society no excuse me for uh just over six years I did come from a a financial services background that I was in for 25 years but um event planning an organization is something that I probably did as a hobby and uh was always something I was very interested in um from a sponsorship point of view I look after um all the sponsorship for the shows that the Royal alster Agricultural Society um put on uh we have our three main shows throughout the year and with Bal morbley and the flagship event and um it is my job to source and attract new sponsors and also more importantly maintain the relationships with the existing sponsors that we have have I currently work with around 80 different sponsors um both in a range of uh affordable options for them and I think for me maintaining those relationship is is what is key um we have affordable options for all different types of businesses and organizations and we don't work on a a teared system or try and pigeon hole a sponsor into maybe a a gold or a silver package I think we work on a bespoke tailored solution for them that we could hopefully provide them with the the Avenue that they want and make it a win-win situation for for both of us so you're a good friend of Simons then so as principal sponsor um where does ster Bank see it its role with the Bal moral show oh good question we've we've had a my earliest memory I guess of the Bor Show Donna was uh some of the we wish to have a Perman and hot do you remember on the in the old King's Hall site so when I first joined the bank about 20 years ago some of the the more senior members of Staff would have talked reverentially every year about how they had to quite often climb out of the king's Hall venue uh around midnight having had too much to drink when when they been locked in so so that was my sort of earliest memory of it but as I say in in you know 20 or 177 18 years ago we took on the um you know a proper sponsorship of it it's I mean it is our Flagship sponsorship event in the year there's not too many pillar events in Northern Ireland uh I see the Northwest 200s um is uh but there's not too many of those big Flagship events so you know as a as a bank um you know we're delighted to be involved in it so it's a standout event it's a big Landmark event what do you get out of it as principal sponsor so Ronda and I were chatting about this before when we entered into this I think it's fair to say that our our sort of biggest local rival what's n dansa would have been regarded as a dominant bank for farming 15 years ago and it it it is the key sector you know Banks reflect what's going on in the broader economy agriculture is the key sector in Northern Ireland ac across a number of business levels and it was our ambition to grow within that sector it's a sector we're very happy to to bank and and by that that generally means lend money too and so our ambition with B moral was to raise our presence within the sector and that that's not a a short-term goal that's very much a long-term goal and as such you know Rond and I are sitting here you know nearly 20 years after we first um signed an agreement so but Ronda you must have seen changes in that level of Support over the years and um so you have to be ex have good expectations in regard to your sponsors sometimes it's not necessarily filling what you need in that demand no and as and as as Vicki said I mean we make sure our sponsorship packages are all very bespoke to what the sponsor wants um um with olster Bank in particular um I say we we were able to give them that platform to make a bigger inroad into the agricultural Market which is what they wanted to do um and that's how we work with with all our sponsors you know that they usually we bring the audience to them give them the platform to promote themselves and work with them in a a bespoke package to um for win-win for both really Vicki take us through that process then of first of all developing that relationship with a sponsor we heard a wee bit of that from our speakers earlier and managing that relationship right through true to to the event itself I think for me um as much as balmore show is a a 4-day event and a lot of my you know peers and colleagues here will agree it is a a 12 month event um it's not just a case of when Balmoral show finishes on the Saturday we down toodles um I would really pick up um post Bal Mall show and for me my first Port of Call is going back out to to my sponsors touching base with them thanking them for their support and that's also my first opportunity to hopefully get them on board again for the following year so it's always staying in touch you never drop the ball and you never let those um relationships go uh I find we we've had sponsors probably an excess of of 50 years for some of our very long-term sponsors quite a few I've inherited obviously when joining the business but um there's been plenty more that I've brought on board and that can come from either my previous networks and and stakeholders um I would be very into looking at social media which we know can work both ways but it is such a platform for promoting new businesses and if I see something that I think aligns with our Athos and maybe there would be an opening just um as has been explained earlier I would have no hesitation in picking up the phone and say I see you've just started up or you're promoting a new business how can I help you how can we help each other so attracting new clients and new sponsors to the show I suppose also I feel that we're very lucky because the show does sell itself um there's not many avenues that a business or an organization can come for and get in front of that audience of potentially 120,000 people or more and be able to um get that brand exposure and get themselves that platform to promote their business um over the 4 days so I have been very lucky that there's not often that I get much push back um however what I have discovered lately is potential sponsors want different things um High times have changed even over the six years that I've been there um there's not the surplus funds about anymore that a business can say like you know here's a here's a check put that back into into the coffers um they need to know what's in it for them they need to see a measurable and a tangible outcome and especially with sort of the the marketing side of businesses they need to be able to go back to their bosses and say this is what I've spent and this is the return that I've got for it you you offer uh tiered opportunities for sponsors are you talking about then maybe bespoke packages absolutely when I have initial conversations with the sponsor I want to find out who their target audience is what they're trying to attract what their objectives are and hopefully I can pitch a package to them um and make it bespoke and tailored uh we do have different offerings that we can do whether it's a ticket allocation whether it's branding and advertising whether they want uh more PR So based on those things that I can give them I need to know what are their priorities um um sometimes I've had clients who simply want to give their staff a day out and they want a ticket allocation they'll maybe close their site down for a day and let uh people come to the show they're maybe trying to launch a new product so they want to maybe incorporate a trade stand and do some PR and advertising around that and get fitful to their trade stand or maybe it's just a case that they want to support our charity and and give something back and uh like maybe uh Junction uh that ARA was talking about that they're not necessarily interested in gaining much uh for themselves but actually giving back to to agriculture so I try and work and I think that comes through conversations and being able to send them over a package that hopefully takes the boxes and get it right first time Simon is there a immediate effect on sponsorship if you have the BBC UTV all the different media the newspapers there at the Bal moral show is is that a big attraction for a sponsor like yourselves in oler bank it it's definitely a factor it is a factor and you know there generally what you will find we will have a PR agency who will help us execute against the sponsorship that tends to be the headline number that you see played back every year will be what was the level of media coverage how much was that media coverage worth in pounds and Pence and you know we can all that also includes social media it it it generally will that that that tends to get compiled by the marketing team who will you know you may then question the validity of the number that you see uh it it's always seems to be quite high buold and you know a lot of people might take that number at face value I in reality there's there's a host of factors that go into deciding you know whether the sponsorship makes sense or whether it Stacks up value wise but the Press is the easiest one to put a a number of aside so therefore is a financial institution like yourselves um and and other banks are they aiming for the big events what about the the smaller community events the ones that are not as well established as B moral show don't get the same media attraction so I mean here's an interesting one we would sponsor a lot of local Marts you know Lo local agricultural shows that you know you know hyper local events very small amounts of sponsorship there is a lot of business comes off you know 500 here ,000 there Bal moral we don't we don't do a huge amount of business at Bal moral so if you if we were to sit and evaluate Bal moral based on how many leads did you get it probably doesn't stack up the beauty of Bal moral comes in a in a in a in a r of different things it's about it's about being a pillar brand it's about the longevity it's about being you know culturally neutral it's about giving our staff a focal point you know it's about being a you know sounds terrible but being a you know a good corporate citizen as a as a big company locally there's there's a lot of things that Bal morl delivers for us very successfully and over time that that sort of lads up into a a greater amount of market share which pays the bill for us URS I think mentioned this earlier you put a lot of effort Ronda and Vicki into um your sponsor and you don't really get what you expected from them have you had that experience before definitely um I think one thing that I've learned over the past few years is thinking about what the sponsor wants and the actual cost of what you're trying to potentially get sponsored against the perceived cost to the actual sponsor so um I suppose an example for that would be some of our prize money that we have for our classes and that prize money for example may be £10,000 but for me for that cost to get that cost cover what can I actually give back to the sponsor in relation to £10,000 worth of equivalent benefit so that's not what it's all about for me it's meeting their objectives it's giving them a bespoke package and hopefully giving them the platform to promote their business and that for me maintains those relationships I've turned sponsors down before because I don't believe and just taking money for the sake of money um maybe that's not something I should tell my boss but but from that point of view that open it's all part of the management it's open and honest approach and what I have find is they may have said no this year or I've actually said well no it's I find come sort of March time I I touched on earlier that it's a yearr on approach for me um a lot of the research I would do July August time um I would look for new potential contracts i' reach out to um agencies you know uh that market and that maybe look after some of the big businesses and because I'm potentially doing their work for them if I can say well look this is what I can offer have you a client that might be interested um so a lot of the research I would do July and August September to December is probably one of my busiest times where I would get my proposals and agreements and and contracts signed off and then post Christmas break um January February is where actually the the tying up of loose ends goes where 12 weeks away from balmore show at the moment our entry is actually opened today uh We've managed to escape from the the office which is great but um is the computer still working with everybody calling I hope so but from that point of view as we get closer to the show the value of sponsorship for me diminishes because there's less than I can offer a sponsor um some of our Publications have already went to print so advertising opportunities have been and gone so if I have a sponsor that comes to me for example middle of April I would rather pick them off and work with them over the summer and focus on the year uh head rather than just take their money for the sake of taking their money and I find that it's worked for me and now I have the majority um probably at least a good third um of my sponsors I have tied in for at least a two to threee deal where that is peace of mind for all of us they can budget ahead they can plan and I've got the security there that I know that for the next three years they have committed to to Bal Mall show BOS in way you're very fortunate that that is that is the case I'm sure that is not the experience of some of the people in the room now we're going to throw it up to the floor um please ask uh questions of our speakers no question is too small or too big for them um what is your experience in regard to getting sponsorship when is the right time um have you had any particular difficulties and even though the Bal moral show is a very large event and has a lot of sponsors maybe your event is smaller uh and definitely but you need that support and that help from sponsors anybody from the floor if you could put up your hand and um an and the team will run with the microphone just at at if you could stand up just introduce yourself to the speakers please um that would be of help and there you go hi thank you my name is Wendy Gallaher and I'm project manager for Bank of Ireland open Farm weekend um but what I just wanted to point and what's really obvious here today which is super it's really the collaboration I think between a lot of um different people in the room here um I'm a real fan of Bal moral show and been going there as a child and it's fantastic um and now I work on a really brilliant agricultural event our event is a bit different because it's not a commercial event pardon me as such it's more educational initiative um but it's wonderful just um with to have a showcase like B moral is amazing for us um and I know certainly from our perspective um it's really interesting to understand how you approach Your sponsorship and um how you you know put the show together um our event is much smaller obviously but uh a big focus on agriculture which is really important to us but what's really lovely and I just want to command it in the room is um you can sort of see clear links really good work in relationships here between businesses in Northern Ireland which I think comes across well to Consumers I know that we've heard F and for example have been mentioned here in the room previously and F and play a huge part in your show as well um and I think that's to be encouraged um that IA and I would sit in our stering group BR and farm we again so they help guide us you know with the event they give us support and time and resources and we also get the opportunity to participate at Bal moral which is huge for us because that gives us a huge platform Balmoral for us is our you know tell everybody about our event encourage people to come in June so um I just want to commend you for um the good work in Rel relationships that you clearly have built and developed over the number of years and I think it's it's a really fantastic Flagship so just thank you and thanks for your input today and to everyone who spoke I think it's excellent It's really helpful thank you very much a friend or a foe there Simon very much friend one of my one of one of our colleagues is a is an old colleague will know balal very well and cromy you see yeah I mean catch up later we can't indeed we can't inde anybody else from the floor if you could put up your hand anything to do with sponsors sponsors securing sponsors having that longevity anybody from the Northwest oh down there there you go and and and then the gentleman just behind he'll take the after hi there who Are You Now who do you represent I'm Pamela McLean I'm from farmflix for a company outside Anum we're very new so I feel um no we've been running farmflix for a while but in terms of events it's all quite new to so we had event 2019 500 turned up last year then we had it again with 5,000 so we are growing but we have a lot of challenges because we're still maybe at that point you know for sponsorship where they're kind of wondering what will they get from it ours is very much an agricultural um audience as a lot of man it's a motorsport event it's it's never been done before um in terms of tractors up a track racing together different classes there's a lot of smoke I was asked about the environmental impact um I I can't really say I can't really LIE there's Rick you know it's called we're going to have this year the Big R end um so Friday we're going to add in a country concert some of my frustrations I suppose is in order maybe to get corporate sponsorship you know from the Cil or or other things you need to run a loss it's deficit so that doesn't make good sense to us you know we have run a loss for two years but the third year we can't do it we're going to increase PR ticket prices because we need to make money otherwise all the Blood Sweat and Tears the you know all the things with the the weather um all those things you know just it's really really hard so I don't know we're we're in that no man maybe not no man's land but a middle sort of ground you know um in terms of the number of people we're getting we're iming this here 7,000 on Saturday 3,000 I don't know if that'll happen um on the Friday night but suppose I don't know if you have any tips for the likes of us the little people you know the the small the small businesses um how we can secure that funding or that that sponsorship we we have we we are pursuing but um sorry I'm very nervous I didn't expect my voice to go shaky but it's just a different impact you know we're not having a 100,000 people there just in that sort of way so you're coming in a sense from a privileged position that they have tens of thousands of people well established event yours is a new event yeah but you've had the numbers through oh yeah how do you convince the sponsors then uh to help you on that in that yeah I think maybe um if you look at potentially sponsorship and kind if if you're not getting the sponsors maybe to to to click on and Link on to your event um as it's new yes look at the suppliers that you have yes some of them help you can some of them come along maybe give you some sponsorship in kind that you're not having to pay out yes um for your event um Andy and build relationships that way yeah we we have done that a little bit like mer concrete provided the safety perimeter and Red Rock um helped with with spoke trailers so we have we have done that yeah we have but building more on that I guess yeah I suppos as your event as your event grows um that'll give you more um I suppose more evidence of of of what the event can offer to your potential sponsor yeah it's still early days that's exactly I was going to touch on sponsorship and kind is something that we would have probably over 50 £5,000 worth of sponsorship and kind that I would source and that could be anything from um we have about 1,700 bills of shavings that we get um supplied free of charge to bed all our stables for for the equestrian section at the show and in respect of that then they would get to sponsor a class and they are also the soulle provider then they can sell shavings to potential um competitors but that's an outlay that we obviously do not then have to Fork out and it saves us probably around 13 to 14,000 worth alone so it is something that you can build on and think of um but I would also say it it is a hard slog um I think we all have sort of a t to that today um you don't win them all and that's absolutely fine but um I am a great believer that people buy from people that they like and that's building those relationships and that takes time and it's not something that's achieved overnight um but if you don't get it one year don't be afraid to go back and ask for it the next and certainly after your event that is your hot spot that's your Prime opportunity if something's worked well for your sponsor don't be afraid to ask them well you happy enough to do next year as well because you know nobody has ever you know what's the worst I can say to you is new um and you know nothing ventured nothing gained so um I would like i' be interested to see maybe in another three years time where your journey has taken you thank you and remember as as I said before there are speakers here and lots of people in the room from all different events who have that knowledge and that experience and that wisdom and I have no doubt at all if you approach any of them that they will have a chat with you to help you along your way because this is a shared and a safe environment where people are are explaining whats and all how they have got on in in their events thank you for your question uh man behind there thank you if you could just introduce yourself please to the Gathering hi good morning I'm Peter from the AR rle Association so obviously we would look after the international matches and events there um and I'd be interested to ask the panel just in terms of because you have a long-standing partnership and relationship between the sponsor and the venue and the event what how is that relationship developed over the years in the sense that Simon and would you have a an impact or a role to play in shaping the event the B show in the future what do you as a sponsor want to see from the B show and from other events maybe that the organizations are are putting on is there that conversation of you know do you bring do you bring something to the table before rather than just the money you mean the influ the influence of the sponsor such on the event in general I mean I that's a very good question and for full transparency on my part I work in our business when I initially when we kicked off I was in our sponsorship team we certainly had a number of things coming in to the agreement one of which was uh banking exclusivity was was fairly important to us given the sums of money in in answer to your question though directly um I think key for for us or certainly me looking into it within our organization is that there's a sense of evolution you know and I mean this the in the last number of years it's gone from three days to four days it's clearly changed location Ronda referred to if there was anything pressing from our point of view yeah we certainly wouldn't be behind the door in in asking that but you know there's a bit of give and take I think over the years there's a good working relationship that's that's key to this and continuity of decision makers and and we've been very privileged that the people on both sides are are are still there there's a there's a broad acceptance that this is a good sponsorship for all parties and there's an open dialogue and even Ronda I were saying before that you know we internally in the bank we've moved away from having uh a defined marketing function and that our parent Bank not West group tends to drive most of that night out of London so there's been a there's been a there was a in theory there could be a vacuum locally and that's been filled by our PR agency who double up as an events coordinator so provided all parties trust each other and there there's regular interactions uh you know it the the big ticket demands are are are fairly rare although I would I would say though over the years I mean if if the bank has something specific that they want to promote on a year they will ask us to help and and support that and I think sustainability is one that's coming through um with with most sponsors nowadays uh and they want to see us making changes to our event uh to become more Su sustainable and and meet their objectives that way any other questions there we go down at the back if you could stand up and introduce yourself thank you hello um my name is Jacqueline morski I'm the events manager with der stban Council so we deliver um 16 events in a year so very high level events to to smaller scale ones I have a couple of questions I don't know if Will them but maybe in the but I guess well the first one is around I suppose we're like other Council colleagues are in a unique position where we don't have an event site our city is our event site so we can't ticket events as easily so we really are relying on sponsorship um as an option for as suppos bringing in other funding so we're quite early stages of that we're not very good at it to be honest because we're all busy doing other things but it's just how do you start in terms of resources we don't have full-time people on it should you have it's always part of part of someone's job so it's how much investment do you make don't know if you can answer that but and where do you start and then I know we're not allowed to ask about money but I suppose the value you are here are here I would love to know the value of your packages in terms of ranges without divulging what Aller Bank pay you but just something to give us a a a sense of you know how how small is too small and where could it go to Ronda in regard to the ticketing right how many how many do you have in your team in regard to organizing the Balmoral show Bal show it's not a big time um there will be about eight staff work on the show um all year round and then some of the icon exhibition staff would would filter into that as we get closer the first question then about relation to ticketing um ticketing is something that we do a lot more of now and probably since Co um we've started to um we try and push our ticket sales in advance of the show we still have um gate receipts with' Walkins but we tried we've obviously tried to do away with that um we just work with a good ticket provider um who we still have to pay a small percentage of our ticket price too um to manage that um you use Eventbrite or someone else uh we do we we use a company future tick future ticketing and there's quite a lot of the of ticket providers out there so we use future ticketing have worked for us it ties in with the software that we have and and it's worked well for us for the last number of years and so we're trying our best to do away with so many Walkins um I suppose it's for for advanced planning um it does away with the need for so many cashiers and the the whole cash handling thing up an event as well um so it doesn't take up an awful lot of your time in regard to the ticketing you were saying you know people are double jobbing doing three things at once no it really doesn't EAS that that may may offer to them once it's set up once the actual ticketing process is set up with your ticket provider they should really take the hassle of that away from you um and manage all the ticket sales send you the money okay and talking about money can you answer her second question yeah well um we do have different different packages I was just going to clarify it was more sponsorship concentration of that okay sorry sponsorship as well as I mean obviously tiet in is something that's the road but it was more about how much of an investment do you put into actually attracting sponsorship and and in terms of resources okay well it is it is Vicki's uh Vicky's fulltime and sponsorship but she obviously does other things as well so do you want she obviously has other things to do um yeah well obviously that that's my PR remit is is to source and attract and maintain those sponsorships year on year as as Ronda alluded to I do have other areas of the show um that I deal with such as show jumping Etc but um from sponsorship obviously is it's a very busy part um it's so crucial to the running of an event with ourselves it's only about sort of around 13% uh of our income so so as much as it's a very um important part it's still in the overall scheme of things quite a small percentage of it some people may be surprised at hearing that percentage they may have thought it was definitely over 50% no our trade stance would be almost 50% of our income yeah and again that's a full-time job in itself that selling the trade stands we would have probably about 600 650 trade stands um on site at the show from a a package point of view we tend to say and you know from a i amim around the 700 pound Mark for our lowest sponsorship um that can go up to um our platinums so as well as our principal sponsor olra Bank we have the Avail uh availability of what we call our Platinum sponsors which is our our next level down we have four of those at the moment and they would be our sort of our next highlevel value sponsors we would never have more than five because we would feel it would sort of dilute the benefits that they have but on average we're looking at a commitment of around £15,000 and they get some additional benefits um and more exclus uh exclusive rights compared to uh any other sponsors but with having your bespoke package that means you can tell her what that sponsor wants and have a a price point that they can relate to I suppose for me I have a remat of what I need to get I'm set a figure that I try to steer to and it's just under I suppose around the 380,000 mark of what my remit is that I try to gauge every year um I've been very lucky that I've met that on most occasions apart from the year coming out of Co um at this point in time I am actually above what I got last year um on my figures and I again as I say I have been lucky with that because I have a a couple of sponsors that I held over from last year that just didn't come to fruition but they have this year um but I also have the wiggle room that if I feel it's a if I need to do a little bit of discount here and there and negotiation I would rather bring a sponsor on board and make it work for them because once they see the benefits that they get from the show they're more likely to do business with you at maybe a higher level following on so I think that's why I don't say when you need to give me £1,000 you need to give me two and you need to give me three cuz once you pige and hole those figures um it's it's hard to work around that but certainly with all sponsors I can then say well that's equivalent to x amount of tickets or I can give you one advert or I can give you two and I think to maintain those relationships it's making sure that you have not promised something that you can't um you can't Prov divide um I would rather go back to a sponsor and say well look would another advert be of any use to you have a a SP here in my catalog and I think that again builds those relationships and helps them say that we are in it to support them and it's not just us scking their support um the only other thing I would tag in the back of that and it probably tags in with the sponsorship and kind look at the businesses around you and maybe look at the sponsor or sorry the the contractors that that you may be deal with um last year I went out and I looked at our probably our long-standing and our high valued contractors that we've been dealing with year on year and I simply said would you like to give us something back for a change and I got I was very successful with probably about maybe eight or 10 of them actually coming on board and giving us some money back so we've worked with them and we've supported them and that was their time to maybe give something back to us so I suppose maybe that's just a side of my personality if you don't ask you don't get don't guess and if they say no that's absolutely fine but I think it comes back to how you approach it and and how you ask okay ladies and gentlemen our thanks please to Ronda to Vicki and to Simon as well all right we're just just against the clock thank you

2024-03-09 09:08

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