and then I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute 1 minute and is there a way we can do something like that uh by injection inside or or almost a cleaning because you see it gets on the lungs and it does a tremendous number of the lung so it' be interesting to check that when you do testing to that extent you're going to find more people you're going to find more cases so I said to my people slow the testing down please they test and they test we got tests of people don't know what's going on hi again everyone it's now 5:00 in New York what do we get what do we expect to get when we return that person back to the White House at best a fundamental lack of understanding about human health where incompetence could cost lives at worst an Administration that takes active steps to put profits and personal vendettas above what's best for the country and in doing so putting the lives of every American and people around the world at risk keeping people safe and healthy should be something we can still agree on even now things like stopping the spread of pandemics ensuring that medicines are tested and safe before they're sold and available funding research to find cures to diseases that don't discriminate based on your political party things like cancer and that's exactly what's happening that's exactly what we're seeing the new Administration take aim at Washington Post reports this quote qu Health officials and experts said this week they are reeling after the new Trump Administration on Tuesday abruptly halted external communication at the Department of Health and Human Services and its agencies including the Centers for Disease Control and prevention and the National Institutes of Health meaning things like meetings of scientific researchers experiments other sciency stuff it all stopped decisions about who to give Grant money to for their work stopped travel for employees at HHS stopped Communications that are relied upon to disseminate critical health information about ongoing stuff stopped that happened this week former CDC director Tom freden pointed this out yesterday cdc's morbidity and mortality weekly report had provided real-time data and Analysis about disease outbreaks and ing Health threats without a break every week since the year 1960 until today seems like a long time the post spoke with Victoria sewalt chair of population Sciences at City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center who was scheduled to lead an NIH study section Thursday that was abruptly cancelled without guiding someone it would be rescheduled the session was scheduled to review grants focused on Cancers and other chronic illnesses she said this quote everything is basically in chaos and frankly everyone is terrified we've never seen anything like this this is like a meteor that crashed into all our Cancer Centers and research areas that meteor apparently all because this new Administration wants Trump's people to monitor everything including cancer research a memo sent out by the acting HHS secretary obtained by m PR said this quote refrain from publicly issuing any document or communication until it has been reviewed and approved by a Presidential nominee so as health research and money and Communications are stopped paused Trump also cut off the US's access to global Health Data when he pulled the country out of the World Health Organization in one of his very first executive orders a frightening move as concerns over bird flu outbreaks are mounting alarm in the health industry is where we start the hour with some of our favorite experts and Friends epidemiologists Health economists and chair of the New England complex systems Institute Dr Eric faling is here plus critical care physician professor of Pediatrics and pediatric Disaster Response expert Dr Michael Anderson is here also joining us senior editor for health and science at Forbes Alex nap is here Alex I'll start with you on the reporting um we only learn of some of these um shutdowns or or pauses when they're public facing I wonder if you can just help folks understand how vast the medical and the health and the and sort of the federal agencies that work in this area are and how much more could be impacted that we don't know about yet yeah and thanks for having me on the show uh it it's important to understand that the the NIH uh is almost $50 billion a year worth of the federal budget and that goes to research hospitals it goes to uh providing care it goes to biotech startups it goes to collaborations with pharmaceutical companies uh to develop vaccines against potential pandemic threats um there's really a wide ranging number of things that it does and uh in addition to disseminating public health information and making sure and tracking disease outbreaks um Dr Anderson I wonder if you can sort of Orient us around um what even falls into the category of of some transition I mean I mean I guess none of it when it comes to NIH because the transition Landing team under a normal transition is there to make sure that the sciency stuff isn't impacted just talk about how um unprecedent at this moment is for the medical and scientific community yeah Nicole it truly is unprecedented and yes when administrations change there are sometimes gaps or or hiccups or whatever it is because a new team has to learn rapidly exactly what's in their portfolio but this shutdown this almost complete shutdown is really disconcerting in a couple of the pieces you quoted there's something called a study section it's very sciency it's very medicine a study section is a really important I would say vital part of the research chain that is when learned scientists physician researchers get together they review the grants and they figure out who's going to be funded you know in 2025 we sit in an amazing time in medicine curing so many people with different types of cancer advances in Pharmacology and drug therapy how do we get there though we get there through research and how do we get research done we get it through mostly funding by the NIH so the notion that study sections are shut down for any period of time and the Terror that people are reporting as researchers is really disconcerting um can you help us work backward um Dr Anderson from the the consequences to what the motive could be why would you do this what would you be wanting to do if you would do this much damage to medicine and science yeah it it's tough to control you're either naive to the scope of what you've asked to Hal um or you want control you want such line by by line control that you don't trust the Learned professionals that have been doing this for a long time that have been advancing science uh and I it's tough for me to say what the motivation is I just know if you're a researcher in the trenches um and you've been working so hard to get that Grant to study this new therapy for cancer this news has got to be devastating now I'll just take one quick sidebar it is tough to recruit Physicians to be interested in doing this kind of Science and putting up these kind of roadblocks or this kind of you know cessation of activities I I I think we could see long multi-year ramifications of this um Dr Felding um it would be naive to think that Trump's one brush with political Calamity uh before during and after his one brush with public health is unrelated to what we're seeing but I wonder again if you could take us through the consequences of the actions of just the last 5 days yeah this is again unprecedented but to add to what Dr Anderson uh was saying study sections the domino effect is not just on federal workers people can think oh NIH workers no the dominal effect is to actually squeeze universities across the country because NIH is the number one funer of University Research and medical schools and schools of Public Health and so this is in certain ways you know for all the epidemiologists who told Trump he was wrong this is his retribution against all these medical and public health scientists who said you know vaccines work you know we need to uh you know do these precautionary things wear masks this is a retribution and when these squeezes and SS down these study sections the domino effect is lot of these scientists won't get funded for another half a year the domino effect will be huge and also what's not been reported enough is that not only is there been this freeze but the NIH has politically removed all Grant awards for any racial disparities any racial and of course LGBT disparities as well so if pages that used to say we will fund racial disparity research in cancer heart disease diabetes anything mentioning racial disparities have now been deleted by the Trump Administration so it's during this uh phase they're actually politically purging all NIH research that is not in their favor not in their political you know project 2025 ethos and of course exact this retribution against all the public health and medical scientists who you know he has Vendetta against from the pandemic um is the only person I think um who's worked in the dirty business of politics I would say nothing would be more popular than curing a disease any disease I mean what um think yeah I mean what what is what is the what is the long long-term consequence and how does if Trump wanted to put all this back together how long would that take well to rebuild something after you burn it down takes a very long time but right now I think after the squeeze over they say well you know it's a temporary pause you know I've heard this it's a temporary pause until February 1st but the issue is these meetings these inperson meetings actually will be probably rescheduled two three four months from now and the impact of that research is we're talking about re medical research clinical trials that cannot pause but they're scattered around a us around the world trying to find cures for all these diseases find cures of uh and vaccines and treatments for these neglected diseases so the impact on universities will be humongous entire University budgets might be frozen for quite an extra a long period of time but greater that the silence on scientists and other researchers speaking out you know for example CDC not publishing the mmwr report that Dr Tom freden mentioned first time in 60 years uh it's it's devastating because now it also even if they restart it there will be this you Eerie silence this Unspoken You better not publish anything that we don't want you to publish which again during the pandemic we know Trump Administration muzzled mmwr uh scientific reports on the pandemic anything that he doesn't like so they will have a huge chilling effect as we track multiple developing stories first the United States Senate is gearing up for Pete heth's confirmation vote as Pentagon Chief the vote scheduled for tonight as of now we've got two GOP Senators Lisa marowski and Susan Collins saying they will not vote to confirm the former Fox News host hex can only afford to lose one more Republican vote which would force JD Vance then to step in and break the tie at this hour there are no other hard GOP knows but several have expressed reservations and the heat is rising this week with new allegations of wrongdoing which hex has denied also tonight Donald Trump facing new accusations of playing politics with a National Emergency he's arrived in Los Angeles as you've seen here he's there to tour Wildfire damage greeted by California mayor Gavin Nome Nome and Trump have been publicly fooding over the response to the wildfires earlier today Trump toured North Carol in where he demanded um where he went after he demanded that conditions for California disaster relief while pushing false claims about Water Management in that state funding to Los Angeles because of its Sanctuary City policy I want to see two things in Los Angeles voter ID so that the people have a chance to vote and I want to see the water be released and come down into Los Angeles and throughout the state those are the two things after that I will will be the greatest president that California ever has ever seen jump has repeatedly talked about this so-called water conspiracy but experts say he's wrong and that he's conflating multiple issues Trump also getting fact checked on the economy The Washington Post saying he made multiple false or exaggerated claims when talking to world leaders this week including getting it very wrong on inflation while Trump critics are questioning whether he's already taking his eye off the ball all regarding inflation pointing to this striking exchange with Fox's Sean Hannity turned off the spigot from up north in order to protect the Delta smelt let me move on to the and by the way I don't really believe it's the Delta smelt because nobody could do that somebody somebody advised Joe Biden to give pardons to everybody but him they wanted to take care I don't care they yelling at this is more important because right now the economy is going to do great I'm here so the Eon but you have to understand he had bad advisors on on almost everything it's like in the old days when the Secretary of State said he never made a correct decision on foreign policy Joe Biden got very bad advice Sean Hannah you're not getting a word in Ed joining me now is James Carville legendary Democratic strategist I mean James I'm personally not surprised that uh that that Sean couldn't get a word in edgewise but anyway on a fascism scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being Peak fascism how would you rate Trump's first week I we know Delta smell I mean look he just says anything that he want to say I mean how many stories I have to read that the Delta smelt has nothing to do with this but he's just going to keep plowing through okay and what we have to learn as Democrats just let him punch himself out just remember this is a little bit before your time but people My Generation remember Muhammad Ali and his rope a doe he just let they just go to it the first six or seven rounds and then you come in and you Mees up and then you start launching bombs and it's hard to sit here and just look at one you know Greenland Canada Canal Zone Delta smell you name it but you just just got to keep bobbing and weaving bobbing and weaving and then in due course you be able to come in but the big thing is his the number one prise the biggest political prise of his generation is he would get food prices down then he got in office and said there's nothing I can do about it of course eggs $4 and something a dozen and he keeps distracting us and we keep getting distracted but we'll come back in and we we'll we'll straddle this Target and get it in range here before long I think yeah well the but but my eggs has become uh the new kind of rhetoric right let's focus on kind of what's happening tonight then the Senate is looking to confirm Pete Heth tonight there were some blows I think glancing albe it if we're going to stick with the Muhammad Ali kind of analogy here there were some glancing blows that were that landed I think during the confirmation hearings and the reason why we know that happen a little bit is you got at least two GOP Senators who are the traditional naysayers and marowski and Collins that always have some concerns quote unquote they're a no they're a hard no which I'm grateful for but it looks like Trump isn't actually even 100% sure about his on again off again buddy Mitch McConnell your thoughts about whether or not Mitch McConnell gets a spine on this hex confirmation you know I assume that he's going to vote Yes I mean you know he ran at caucus for so long and even if he votes no Vance is going to you know he might they he might be saving to let somebody else want some vulnerable incumbent uh vote no but that they got another vote to spare because as you correctly pointed out if it's a vote then vice president JD Vance will be able to break the tie who cares I mean it's not Hors shoes or hander days if you confirm by one vote you confirmed by 100 votes it's it's the same effect but I do think that the Democratic senators are making them pay somewhat of a price uh for for supporting this and the more evidence that come out the more evidence that's being hidden the more people that they don't talk to it it builds a case it's just it's going to take time we not going to get instant results and we just got to keep bobbing and weaving and ROP here so far they're doing okay James you're from the great state of Louisiana I'm based out of Florida you and I are no strangers to natural disasters float Trump floated today getting rid of FEMA I mean and we just heard him before you came on trying to condition um Aid to California on voter ID um and talking about water coming down from the north to the south I mean I I get your point that we need to keep on bobbing and weaving but is there a critical mass you think that we reach though an accumulative effect of of having something like Aid federal aid from an agency that we've always recognized for decades as being around to help all Americans regardless of political party um that it's going to blow up in his face a little bit on this it is and it and and the thing is it's going to take it'll take a little time it's starting to it's going if you now let's take the reason we live in a country you're from Florida I'm from we have a hurricane which we're all very familiar with but maybe too familiar with you can't the state of Louisiana New Orleans metropolitan area cannot deal with all the things that come with hurricanes deaths flooding Storm surges excessive rain wind damage emergency stress on Emergency Services etc etc that's why you have a national government right same thing is true in Southwest Florida that was just in and everybody I talked to all day ask what's what effects of the latest storm and said I had water in my house they had to get back up and running and Southwest Florida is not sufficient to take care of its own business when you have a disaster of this level that just like we have in the forest bars in Los Angeles well it would be ridiculous to live in a country and say well I'm just going to let California deal with it but California's whole system is Str every available firefight is just viably there every dollar and resources is going to try to protect these people's homes to get them rebuilt that's why you have a United States of America that's the exact reason that we founded this country that there were certain things that we need and I I would say that emergency preparedness and emergency relief is very part of the rationale of having a country and anybody that's in we all live in a disaster zone of one of one kind and another you hurricanes tornadoes earthquakes natural any kind of disaster you can think of flooding for sure and that that's just and more this is going to come about just understand this is not stopping you're just GNA go up exponentially well it's going to get worse because of climate change which is something that Trump has denied and Trump Administration is not embracing whatsoever very quickly before I gotta let you go James you know Steve Bandon famously said that they're just going to flood the Zone with ish I'll use that word before I get um edited I sayal m I think IAL matter okay there we're on the same page so and listen I get it and I love the idea of bobbing and weaving because I agree that I think that we kind of stay on our toes and and if and we prepare for it but this guy has been installed in office for four years and that's a long time to be bobbing and weaving where are the Achilles heels in your opinion right now that we could actually take immediate action to do again I understand we're resigned to four years but where the Achilles heels we can do immediate action and immediate harm we got elections coming up recruiting is very important and if we show the potential candidates that we're very effective at doing this we're not going to control the executive branch of government that's that's a given but understand they have a one or TW vote majority in the house we can easily do that we have an objective to work for them to years like I'm as distraught as you are anybody watching this network right now about the results of where we are in the country but you know you you you you can say in the Marine cor you can wish in one hand and spit another actually don't say spit because it's a family Network we'll say spit another and see which one fills up to fastest and you know we where where we're faced with and I I do think that we need a a rope of dope we need to be clever we don't have power but there are a lot of things at our disposal as we get closer to the election it it it'll continue but we need to just keep bringing this up bringing this up they got a lot of tough votes to make uh uh speak Lita jeers of leita schuma look look they want to do something to advance American people we willing to they want do something to advance interest of oligarchs we not everything they do is going to advance the interest of oligarch you don't have to worry about that it's all coming right now Donald Trump is in California meeting with officials after looking at the Wildfire Devastation uh Trump was greeted on the tarmac by the state's Democratic governor Gavin Nome who he has blamed for the Wildfire response standing next to Nome Trump told reporters quote are going to take care of things which is a very different tone than he had just earlier today when he's talking about punishing California while visiting areas affected by Hurricane Helen in North Carolina which voted for Trump uh which obviously makes a big difference in his mind Trump floated the idea of withholding aid from California in the midst of the most expensive natural disaster of all time if they did not Implement voter ID he also said he wants to get rid of or overhaul the Federal Emergency management agency better known as FEMA of course that's the federal agency responsible for coordinating with state and local agencies after natural disasters Congressman Robert Garcia is a Democrat who represents parts of Los Angeles County and he joins me now um I want to play for you uh what he said about FEMA because I think a lot of people obviously disaster relief is difficult people have had all kinds of run the range of experiences with FEMA and often they're interfacing with FEMA at the most difficult moment of their lives so there could be frustration um but whether you think this is a good idea take a listen I'll also be signed an executive order to begin the process of fundamentally reforming and overhauling FEMA or maybe getting rid of FEMA I think frankly FEMA is not good um obviously the president can't unilaterally get rid of FEMA it's it's congressionally constituted what do you think of that I mean look I it's hard to know what to think of um of the president's visit today I'm I'm here back home in California the fires have been completely devastating I'm glad that the governor was able to greet him in a way um that looks like there could be some partnership um but we shouldn't trust Donald Trump he has been very clear that he wants to condition Aid Mike Johnson and the Republicans in the house have said the exact same thing and just hours before his visit he's putting conditions on what he's gonna essentially ask for from our state and so we should have conditions and absolutely what we should not be doing is eliminating FEMA this is an agency with Incredible people men and women who have worked to rescue literally rescue people's lives their livelihoods and help people rebuild in emergencies these are some of the best Emergency Management people in the world work for femal and and he just wants to just eliminate it just uh with the stroke of a pen and so I I I'm glad the president is there clearly we we need that support um but I'm not sure which Donald Trump we're going to get in the next hour or the next day what we need is an un conditional support and declaration that we're going to get our disaster Aid with no conditions and of course that's exactly what happened in mired disasters including uh just last year uh for the the victims of hurricane Helen oh there was no conditions put on it there was no Democrats asking for that it was not thinkable I want to note that the FEMA reform or privatization or abolition uh like many of the things that have come up in the first week of the Trump Administration does uh is echoed in Project 2025 which he said he' never read had nothing to do with um they talk about the opportunity to include privatizing FEMA reforming it or shift the majority of prepar response calls to States and localities instead of the federal government which of course is what he's talking about I'm sure it's just a coincidence it it aligns there uh one one thing that's sort of I don't want to get too in the weeds of of some of his more absurd delusions but my understanding of the condition of Aid as I heard it discussed by your colleagues who are Republicans is that at least they were plot posibly connecting it to some policy around how fires are dealt with but today he says voter ID like it has nothing to do with oh we're going to condition a if you do this about like your land use he wants voter ID for California because as he told Dr Phil if Jesus counted the votes he would have won California and and by the way you need an ID you need to have actual identification to vote in California to register to vote that's a b that's very basic so I'm not sure the president or the Republicans in the house know what they're talking about and yes Chris you're absolutely right in Project 25 it literally says to eliminate FEMA and to essentially give those funds to the States President Trump repeated that today and so project 2025 is here and to and to think that we're going to implement take away federal aid move it to the states in times of major disaster um is not acceptable and I think Democrats in in the house and Congress have been pretty clear this is a non start we will not support conditioning Aid certainly not to um some bizarre way of treating fires which um is is not really realistic um but but obviously not to policy and to state law back in the state of California and so U look I hope I hope the president has a good visit I think the governor is doing a great job we need our disaster Aid and we absolutely should not be eliminating FEMA for disasters across the country which are likely to happen again in the future Fel quickly the president has some very strange f ations and I think false ideas about California hydrology uh where water comes from I think he's confused a a set of beefs that the Central Valley Farmers have about California Water Management from the sieras with the way that Los Angeles gets water and now he he's talking about opening up is there some Secret store of water that's not open that if you open would solve Southern California's fires a absolutely not and I know he's just signing some executive order right now that's uh somehow opening up uh water supplies from the north I I mean unfortunately that is um a a bizarre fairy tale that he's living in that just does not exist we have a water supply the cause of these fires let's be Crystal Clear have been historic winds that have come through and moved fires across the LA region and across Southern California we are seeing the climate crisis is here in California we are seeing these winds that are uh moving these fires at quick speeds that has been the main cause it has not been a water issue and yes there are infrastructure Investments that need to be made as it need to be made across the country um what we really need is that commitment on disaster relief and so I I think this executive order and his fixation on this water issue is um is bizarre let's bring in NBC's Aaron mcglaughlin in Newark New Jersey our Priscilla Thompson is in El Paso Texas also with us NBC News Homeland Security correspondent Julia anley and MSNBC legal correspondent Lisa Rubin Aon what do we know about what unfolded there in Newark hey there Anna we're still working to piece together what exactly happened here in Newark New Jersey yesterday we spoke to a number of members of this community and they tell us they are too afraid to speak out according to Media reports there was an ice raid at the seafood Depot that you see behind me but the mayor's office at this point not willing to even confirm that what we know from the mayor in the form of a statement uh that they issued late last night that ice arrived at a local business unannounced without a warrant and detained a number of individuals including undocumented resid as well as a US citizen the mayor talking specifically about a military veteran that he says was detained his military documents questioned now it's unclear from the mayor's release if any arrests were made ice has issued a statement responding to the reports of this raid saying quote us Immigration and Customs Enforcement May encounter US citizens while conducting field work and may request identification to a sta Lish an individual's identity as was the case during a targeted enforcement operation at a work site today in nework New Jersey this is an active investigation and per ice policy we cannot discuss ongoing investigations we have heard from the New Jersey attorney general in a statement uh today say that local and state officials were not involved in this raid remember New York is considered to be a sanctuary City we are expecting a press conference from local offical officials in the next hour or so and hopefully we'll get more details then Aaron thank you for bringing us the latest so Julia we now have these disparate reports of ice agents at businesses in not only New Jersey but also New York and Massachusetts but do we know if these are new operations or part of isis's usual enforcement because there's the political Optics and reality so give us that reality check well three things have changed in the way is has started doing business in the last 24 hours on a one or workplace raids that's something the previous Trump Administration did but the Biden Administration did not do workplace raids instead if an employer was found to have hired undocumented immigrants they would try to go after the employer rather than the immigrants and they would try to arrest immigrants in places like their homes and have warrants to go in and and arrest them in those cases the other thing that has changed of course is those military planes not only were they deploying the military to the Border but they deported some migrants yesterday on Military deportation is not you not different the fact that they're flying them not different the planes are different the other thing is just the sheer numbers we understand that they deported over 500 migrants just yesterday on average in September they were that's the latest month we have public data available from ice from the Biden Administration those were about 282 a day and we know in the first 24 hours of the Trump Administration they deported roughly 300 so the numbers are getting bigger the tactics are getting more aggressive and the way they deporting them using the military that is all changed other than that a lot of targets could have already been on this list in order for them to do investigations and figure out who might be a public safety threat who they want to go out and Target a lot of that work was actually done under the previous administration on it it's not new for ice to be arresting immigrants and it's not new for them to be going after Public Safety threats Lisa the mayor there in New York said this was a warrantless raid is ice allowed to go into workplaces without warrant yes for the most part ice can enter the public spaces of a workplace so for example they can go into a building's Lobby they can go into a supermarket or a restaurant or a retail store what they can't do without a warrant Onna is obviously they can't enter a home without a warrant but they also can't enter what are known as like the private spaces of a workplace think about what's behind the door for example at a restaurant or what might be in the basement those are private spaces ice does need a warrant there the particulars of this race will need to be sorted out over the next few days but even the city of New York in its guidance to people about ice raids will say yes ice can enter your public workplace and you need to know that Lisa we also just have the first Court block of an executive order issued by President Trump on immigration specifically his order to end Birthright citizenship what did this federal judge say and what's next federal judge said that this is and Julia anley had our wonderful reporting yesterday where she reported that he said this is blatantly unconstitutional that the federal government could not even articulate a valid basis for this during the hearing yesterday he has essentially put the executive order on hold for 14 days allowing the Trump Administration to appeal of course on there are also four other cases that are progressing simultaneously some brought by other states some brought by civil liberties groups some brought by immigrants themselves and those will play out over the next few days and as we know from Julia's reporting also this is not scheduled to take effect until mid-February so this is really just putting on pause something that isn't yet ready to be implemented but we can expect this to escalate through our appeals courts and through other federal district courts the trial courts pretty quickly yeah judge kunow saying this is a blatantly unconstitutional order took him no time to reach that conclusion Priscilla you were there at the border where my understanding is the first troops have now arrived under this new deployment what do we know about their assignment there in Texas Yeah Anna it is detection and monitoring not immigration enforcement that they are going to be doing and I'll just give you a sense of what's happening on the ground here we were actually out reporting yesterday when we saw these military planes in the sky and we immediately made our way over to the Big's uh Army Air strip where we are now and we captured those planes actually uh Landing here troops getting off of them and confirmed with the spokesperson at Fort Bliss that those were some of the troops that had been deployed as a part of this us Southern border mission that they expected to receive about 1,500 uh Army and Marine troops in the coming days to help assist in this Mission and we have seen this morning those military transport vehicles moving around so there is activity here and we've also been talking to residents here about how they're feeling about all this we spoke with a student who is um afro Latina she is Cuban and Mexican about how she is feeling and I want to play a little bit of that conversation it's terrifying I I mean I get scared cuz of my parents they're immigrants and I don't want to be constantly like be on the watch out had to be scared what's going to happen like I just want to live a Carefree life I have a friend whose dad uh he ended up getting deported and it's just it's honestly really sad cuz he wasn't even able to go to her graduation and as Julian mentioned this is the first time that we're seeing these military aircraft being used for these uh missions we did see one of them taking off yesterday and a person familiar tells us that that aircraft was bound for Guatemala now as for what these troops who have just arrived are going to be doing uh today and in the coming weeks and months for however long they're here we're told that it could look like building border barriers putting up Constantine wire that kind of thing and also assisting with some of the flights that may be uh leaving from here but again not specifically immigration uh enforcement and we are also and so we're keeping an eye here because there could be more planes landing with additional troops and we're also keeping an eye out in the case that there are more planes uh leaving with migrants on them Anna all right Priscilla thank you for that reporting go get warm looks cold there Julia you have some new reporting as well that migrants at the southern border are now being just turned away just even before they are able to go to the ports of entry and make a lawful Asylum claim what more do you have on this well this is something Priscilla and her crew have been helpful in reporting as well we are getting reports across the border in fact it may be border wide where migrants are not even allowed to approach a Port of Entry to make an asylum claim what that means Anna is in effect the Asylum system has come to a complete Halt and the right for anyone to claim Asylum at the southern border is now totally taken away because that was the last place Trump did away with cvp1 that allowed migrants to make appointments for asylum on a phone app and wait in northern Mexico until they could come to that appointment the Biden Administration made it nearly impossible for anyone to claim Asylum if they were crossing the border illegally and stopped by border patrol these last places are supposed to be legal ports of Entry where migrants can show up with their documents make a claim that they have a reasonable fear of persecution if they return to their home country now we're told that they haven't even been allowed to get that far physically they've been turned back around before they can go in and make that claim this could end up in a law there's already a lawsuit from the ACLU pending right here in federal court and DC that sued the Biden Administration for restricting asylum in June they added cbp1 to that lawsuit on Monday night when Trump made that executive order ending cbp1 now we could probably expect that they're going to bring this new way of blocking Asylum into that lawsuit and tell the judge look there is absolutely no way and this is inv violation of us agreement with International Norms that people need to be able to claim Asylum and fashion Anna right so to be clear Julia right now as it stands is there any lawful means of getting into this country not that I know of honestly I mean we have to keep reporting this we're we're reporting it on a case-by casee basis we know multiple places where people have been turned away I don't know of any place at this moment where someone can make an asylum claim at the border and get it for
2025-01-29 12:55