Elevating Emotional Intelligence, Self-Care, and Support in the Hospitality Industry

Elevating Emotional Intelligence, Self-Care, and Support in the Hospitality Industry

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now our webinar today will focus on evaluating emotional intelligence self-care and support in the hospitality industry Hospitality workers face immense pressure to satisfy customers co-workers and supervisors with many recording reporting sorry increased stress from their work service hospitalities are webinar this webinar is here to touch on the essentials of these three important topics now as you join us today we we will explore the profound impact of emotional intelligence on our lives fostering self-awareness and Transforming Our relationships and decision making now discovering the art of self-care learning practical strategies to prioritize your mental emotional and physical health and lastly we'll discuss resources and supports available to address life challenges empowering you with the knowledge and tools to support you and your psychological well-being now let me take this opportunity to introduce Our Guest um our facilitator today she is shakyra dick now shakyra is a safety advisor at service hospitality as a safety advisor she works with Employers in Saskatchewan hospitality and community service sectors to build Safety Management Systems provide risk Based training conduct safety evaluations and offer consultation now in 2020 Shakara became a certified psychological health and SA safety advisor through the Canadian mil Mental Health Association Saskatchewan division this certification allows her to help employers update their Safety Management Systems to align with the CSA standards for psychological health and safety in the workplace and in 2023 she completed the occupational health and safety certificate program with the University of New Brunswick and recently obtain the designation of a certified agronomics specialist now welcome um Shakira and Shakira we're happy to have you to help us to understand how is it that we're able to evaluate emotional intelligence self-care and support in the hospitality industry it's over to you shakiro thank you so much tamaa and welcome everyone um again my name is Shakara dick and I'm a safety adviser with service hospitality um so I'm just going to share my screen here bear with me it's been some time since I've been on Zoom um so I'm just gonna pop it up here okay T can you give me okay that you can see that yes okay wonderful all right okay so our topic today evaluating emot emotional intelligence self-care and support in our growing hospitality industry um again my name is Shakara dick safety adviser with service hospitality but who we are and how do we help you as organizations I just want to touch with on that just a little bit before we jump into our topic today so for anyone unfamiliar with service hospitality we are a nonprofit organization funded by our Employers in the hotel restaurant laundry and community service Industries and we're committed to providing consult ation Education Services for our Employers in our Industries um so how do we do this we do this through a broad range of resources uh from our website through virtual training in-person training conferences public seminars or sessions like ones that we're here for today again before we get started I want to give a big thank you to tourism sukatan for giving us the opportunity to present to our groups today uh it's an important topic for our industry um I'm somebody who spent 10 years in the hospitality industry within the hotel sector before um you know jumping into occupational health and safety so I do understand the topic very well and how it relates to our employers so if you do have questions I do encourage you to pop them into the Q&A and we'll save time for at the end for that um we're going to explore how profound the impact of emotional intelligence intelligence is on our lives we're going to learn how to Foster our self-awareness and transform forming our relationships and decision-making skills um let's we're going to discover the art of self-care learning practical strategies to prioritize our mental and emotional and physical health and then lastly we're going to discuss some resources and supports that are available to address life's challenges with empowering you with knowledge and tools supporting your psychological health and safety and well-being um there was an email that was sent out ahead of time there is a handout accompanying the information I'm going to provide to you today um this handout is for you to work through uh it's got some good resources in there that you can continue your learning on from today if you don't have a handout let T know we can get that handed out to you afterwards um and you can always go back and watch the recording and plug in the activities as we talk about them today it's mostly just a tool for you to use uh through self reflection as we're going through the content today okay so first things first I want to talk about we have a wonderful course so parts of what I'm teaching you today comes from a course that's called psychological health and safety for Hospitality level one Frontline workers and level two supervisors and managers so these topics are just a smaller portion of a very much larger presentation so topics that affect our industry such as anxiety depression discrimination harassment and abuse it is stories that are shared by members within the tourism and hospitality industry with personal Reflections on how individuals have suffered from and have overcome challenges that are all too common the psychological health and safety for Hospitality course is a full day course and I'm going to share again just bits and pieces of from that course on emotional intelligence self-care self-awareness and support so let's just jump right in okay so the first topic here evaluating our emotional intelligence but what is emotional intelligence emotional intelligence or what most terminology is called like they just shorten it down to EI so your emotionally intelligence is the ability to manage both your own emotions and understand the emotions of the people around you to understand use and manage your own emotions in a positive way to relieve stress communicate effectively emphasize with others sorry empathize with others overcome challenges and diffuse conflict emotional intelligence helps you bring stronger relationships succeed at work achieve your career and personal goals it can also help you connect with your own internal feelings and turn those into action into informed decisions and what matters most to you emotional intelligence can be a very critical skill setet for anyone working in our hospitality industry by developing your EI you can build stronger relationships not only with your co-workers but also with your guests helping provide exceptional uh customer service and Achieve those greater working career aspirations and goals individuals with high EI skills tend to be excellent communicators team players and problem solvers but why is emotional intelligence so important specifically in our hospitality industry hospitality is an industry that all is all about people whether you're working in a hotel within a restaurant restaurant um or in any other Hospitality related business you are in the business of providing exceptional service to your guests when you possess High eii skills you can connect with your guests on a deeper level you can help anticipate their needs and provide personalized service that exceeds their expectations it can help you navigate challenging interpersonal situations working collaborating with your co-workers and managing your stress more effectively okay so how can we improve our emotional intelligence now that we've talked about what it is how do we improve on that the good news is that our emotional intelligence is a skill that is developed and improved over time so I'm going to talk about a couple quick pieces that will help you build on your emotional intelligence so the first one is going to be to practice self-awareness so take time to reflect on your own emotions your thoughts and your behaviors this will help you better understand yourself and how you might interact with others you're also going to want to try and manage your emotions so learning to manage your emotions is a healthy and productive way this can include being able to regulate your own emotions as well as uh recognizing and responding to the emotions of others so you also want to develop empathy so empathy is the ability to understand and share feeling the feelings of others the skill is critical in Hospitality it enables you to connect with your guests and provide that exceptional service you're going to want to build strong relationships so relationships are the heart of the hospitality industry focus on building strong relationships with your guests your co-workers and your supervisors communicate effectively communication as we know is key in any industry but exceptionally key in the hospitality industry work on veloping your communication skills including active listening clear speaking sorry sorry clear speaking and this will help you develop your emotional intelligence skills over time so taking the time to invest in yourself and within your emotional intelligence there are many wonderful training courses out there that can help you develop those skills I wanted to touch quickly on what those are we're not going to go into all of those skill building activities um as again there are more training courses out there that will help you um develop them but what I want you to do is to pay attention to your emotions inside how are you feeling we need to listen to our bodies and we can find our warning signs and that's what I want to talk to you more about today is your warning signs as and have you ever felt like you're about to get angry or upset and maybe your um blood pressure Rises and you can feel how your body might get hot that's a warning sign so maybe when we hit these warning signs and we learn what they are within our body we can enact some self-calming tools and techniques one of the things that I want to talk about first is getting caught in our thinking traps um so a thinking trap is a pattern of thought that is often negative and leads to anxiety stress and it's going to prevent us from seeing the situation for how it truly is everyone falls into an unbalanced thinking trap from time to time you're most likely going uh going to distort or interpret interpretate things to be how you feel that they might be and not how they actually really are um you're going to get caught in moments where you're going to feel sad angry anxious depressed or stressed you're also more vulnerable to thinking traps when you're not taking good care of yourself so if you're not getting enough sleep or you're not having a healthy balanced diet so some of the thinking traps that I know and lots of people get guilty and caught in is the All or Nothing thinking trap if it doesn't go perfect it's a considered a failure that's a thinking trap I want you to notice so next time you know when you're getting caught in something and you're feeling your anxiety rising and you're feeling your blood pressure Rising you know notify yourself that it's a thinking trap it's an all or nothing that is not accurate that is how you're perceiving the situation another one is going to be catastrophizing so assuming the worst case scenario is going to happen and then you internally blow things out of proportion another one's going to be is personalization so you're going to blame yourself for something that wasn't even entirely your fault or assuming people's reactions are because of you another one that people get caught in all the time is always being right so believing that your way is the only way and that's not again that's a thinking trap that other people you know they can be right too um another one is going to be mind reading assuming you know what people are thinking and you know if you've ever had those moments where you play a whole scenario out in your head before you've even had the conversation with another person that's considered to be a mind reading thinking trap and then finally it's going to be that negative brain filter only a paying attention to the negative things so this is one that I've personally developed while working in the hospitality industry was um getting caught in thinking trap that that you know when you're booking a conference or you're um running a conference or you're working the Banquets or you're checking a group into the hotel that if it doesn't go completely perfect that you automatically get panicked and fear that the convenor is going to be upset or mad um and or if something didn't go perfectly right in their whole St that the guest is going to be completely upset that's catastrophizing the entire situation so having distorted thinking and becoming stuck in those thinking traps can actually uh make you become stressed and overwhelmed and it's going to lead to the breakdown of our emotional intelligence so I want everyone to pull out the handout that I had mentioned at the beginning of the session there is a thinking trap uh line in there so think of a scenario and I'm we're gonna just go through the handout I want you to do this as an activity after today's section because if I stopped for everyone and gave five minutes we'd be here all day so I want you to think of a scenario you are worried about and write it down what are the Poss possible outcome so what is the best case scenario that is going to happen and then what is the worst case scenario that's going to happen and then what is most likely going to happen and if you plan for the worst case scenario and it actually does happen now you have a plan to help you deal with it so thinking chops are one of the first indicators that maybe we are becoming unbalanced with our emotional intelligence so I want to get back to what I was quickly talking about about warning signs and how we all have them this is when our emotions escalate although they are not all the same and each of us are going to experience warning signs differently understanding them is what's going to help us build on that emotional intelligence so again back to your hand out there are BL SP spaces in there for you to review and reflect on your feelings and behaviors so what are some of your warning signs so take again that minute to reflect and write down what you think are some warning signs again some maybe some of them are going to be those negative thoughts know she treats me like a kid they never let me serve that section of the restaurant you know I'm an idiot I can't handle this those are all very negative thoughts that we often you know filter in the back of our brains that's a warning sign another one is going to be uh difficult feelings so I'm going to get angry I feel frustrated I feel hurt I feel jealous I feel anxious impatient unappreciated neglected or abandoned or you know again having our physical body signs like I said you know you can feel your blood pressure or what people say blood pressure is rising they get hot or maybe they get tight muscles or they feel it in their neck or their back or their jaw or they clench their teeth or they get the upset stomach flushed face or their heart races you know they feel short of breath those again all physical signs um that you know your emotional intelligence is becoming unbalanced oh sorry I'm losing my microphone here um body oh sorry actions that's the last one here raising of the voice you know when we get mad sometimes we raise our voice sometimes we use negative language avoiding someone or something maybe we just don't go you know I know how it's going to be I'm you know I'm just going to get frustrated and we just shut down you know again that's an action when you recognize all of these red flags within yourself and you take the time out that you need to help with your self-calming thoughts and techniques but what are self-calming thoughts and how do we enact those within ourselves so self-calming thoughts are things that you think about yourself to help build yourself up and to help calm yourself down so knowing that even if I'm feeling anxious right now it's going to pass even if things feel uncomfortable right now that will come to an end soon I can cope I have been through difficult situations before I am more than my anxiety it is a state that will pass these are all ways that we can help build ourselves up so when we start to feel our warning signs coming to the surface we're going to want to start to enact our self-calming thoughts and when you feel yourself getting upset angry or frustrated or you start to use a negative behavior such as yelling name calling put Downs or anything physical take the time out to comfort yourself emotionally this is always easier said than done but we have to start to recognize what our warning signs are so that we know when we need to enact those self-calming thoughts so again moving back to our handout this is another section I do want you to reflect on and think about so take again a moment to write down three things that you will try to help yourself be calm and some examples that you might want to put here or I can provide to you today is I'm not going to let this get to me I can stay calm stop let it go I'm not going to take uh I'm sorry I'm going to take a timeout now just removing yourself from the situation that is the strength within our emotional intelligence to know that you need to hit pause now step away stay calm I can talk calmly about this I can handle this I can talk without yelling those are all areas that we can work on you can also think about positive things that make you feel better so something that maybe you're looking forward to or something that relaxes you a place that you enjoy you know maybe you can picture it in your mind an image that calms you and makes you feel positive self-calming thoughts are one way that's going to help us in our skill set to elevate our emotional intelligence oh that's too many e-word together another way to support our emotional intelligence is going to be be building on our self-awareness and self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your own thoughts again your own feelings and emotions it's a key part of emotional intelligence knowing yourself so we got to do a lot of self-reflecting we got to dig deep in there uh your main relationship is going to be with yourself but it's going to also help you build relationships and build trust and improve Communications at a range of other softer skills with other individuals allows us to tune into what we feel what we need and how we can best care for ourselves leading us to better understand of what what gaps do we need to focus on to support oursel through self-care and our mental well-being these are critical in our profession they are critical in every profession but Hospitality does have a high rate of burnout you know so it's no exception for us as well in this industry encouraging open communication and creating support systems in our industry can help our employees cope with stress and then prevent that burnout within the workplace so when we talk a lot about self-calming thoughts and we talk about self-awareness we also want to get into what's called self-care so what does it mean to have self-care and I'm sure we've all heard this term before and most people probably think you know meditation hot baths journaling yes those are all forms of self-care however there are many more ways that we can help ourselves and de-stress so self-care uh is an action we do to better our physical spiritual mental and emotional health and by practicing self-care we are able to live healthier more balanced lives a more Balanced Life leads to less stress and overall well-being understanding what we need to do to balance our life and learning how we need to what area we may be at a balance in and a great way to understand how to get back into balance is to know first what Gap you're missing what area do I need to focus on to help get me back in balance and a great way to understand when you're on balance is through what's called a medicine wheel and I don't know if anyone here has seen this before but it's a great tool it was cre created by indigenous peoples and represents the interconnection of all aspects within oneself so it is believed to be the circle of self-awareness or The Circle of Knowledge which illustrates the power we have over our own lives so there's four areas as you can see on the screen of our wheel that's going to include our physical health our spiritual health our mental health and our emotional health so physical wellness includes the function of the bodies and ability to maintain health and quality of life so that's going to be your routine uh checkups you know your nutrition your exercise your overall physical health of your body and your spiritual Wellness is going to include our purpose and the meaning of our lives so our beliefs our ethics and our morals and this is part that's going to include our self-awareness check-ins our mental Wellness is going to include the development of knowledge our skills our creativity and learning new things and our emotional well uh Wellness is going to include the recognition recognition of our feelings towards ourselves and towards others and it's going to include managing your emotions your empathy your motivation and your risk taking as well so finding a balance through these four elements will help us know where and when we might need extra support so again in your handout there are spaces for you to work through of what is the negative and positive aspects of your medicine wheel you know when you look at the positive areas of your wheel what do I do to support my physical health well maybe I go for an evening walk and what is my spiritual I meditate my mental I read a book my emotional I Journal but we also want to look at the negative side of where we may have gaps you know an example of a physical one is maybe I'm a smoker and that negatively affects my health um with spiritual maybe I don't spend enough time Outdoors or my mental health I'm very much guilty of this one scrolling too much on our phones and going through social media and emotional you know working too much and you don't get to see enough of your friends and family as as important it as is to identify the positive you need to also identify the negative side of your wheel as well that is the only way that you're going to know where you're out of balance and how to get back into balance and then finally you're going to want to write down one thing you can do to improve each area of your life so again maybe with physical you're going to bed earlier maybe with spiritual you're going to watch a sunset you know with mental health maybe I am going to limit my phone use or my emotional I am going to connect with a family member or a friend so think of three of your personal strengths that will help make you help you make positive changes and then write them down and on the emotional side of our wheel we're gonna we might see a pattern of negative behaviors and if this starts to become a pattern for you we need to identify what our negative behaviors are and why they might be coming to the surface so when it leads into negative uh behaviors within ourselves we start to see and identify the gaps and we're going to start to identify when we begin to use negative behaviors and some negative behaviors can be denying it could be justifying it could be blaming it could be shouting and it could be unreasonable unreasonable demands um it could be disrespectful or abusive behavior and another negative behavior we might Overlook is just our own negative selft talk so we have conversations sometimes with ourselves more often than not and we may not even realize that we do it and we're Our Own Worst critics and we're our own worst enemies so we need to figure out when do I use this behavior and why do I use this Behavior what do I hope to achieve from this Behavior what is this new behavior that I'm going to use and what can I say to myself that'll help me use a new behavior and what personal strengths of mine can I use to help me succeed through my negative selft talk so negative selft talk is one of the the one that we're all most guilty of there is no switch to turn it off there's no switch that turns off our inner critic however we can learn to manage it and from experience from time to time we can learn to change our own narratives and to build our own self-confidence and turn our negative selft talk into positive selft talk so again negative selft talk comes in many forms and it can sound grounded like I'm not going to be good at this I should just avoid attempting it for my own personal safety you know um it's downright mean I'm not going to do anything right we're we're so negative on ourselves that we don't even think about it sometimes we're just our own worst critics like I said but you have to ask yourself is what I'm saying to myself true and most likely it's not 99.9% of the time your negative selft talk is not a true reflection of who you are so then you need to stop and take a check-in with yourself so there's a few steps that you can do to mitigate your selft talk your negative selft talk so one is going to be listen to yourself what what am I saying to myself and then you want to ask yourself is what I'm saying to myself true is it actually realistic is it as bad as I think it is and is my thinking helping me or is it making it worse and then you want to if you know what you're then identifying yourself for and you've asked those questions to yourself you want to take the third step here and you're going to change it so if what you're saying is not true and it's not realistic or maybe it's being exaggerated look at the situation again and change it into something more realistic and then if you decide what you're saying is to yourself is true or parts of it are true well you don't have control over the problem you have control over how you think about it and how you react to the situation so we have talked about our negative thoughts and we've talked about our negative behaviors and when it comes to our negative selft talk like I said it can be hard to change it doesn't magically change overnight it's something we have to practice time and time again and we have to learn to restructure it and this is what's called cognitive restructuring so through cognitive restructuring you can help yourself identify stressful thoughts and replace them with more prod Pro proactive and productive ones cognitive restructuring is a technique that has been Su successfully used to help people change the way they think when used for Stress Management the goal is to replace stress sorry stress producing Thoughts with more balanced thoughts that do not produce those stress uh the technique first involves identifying the situation that's going to lead us to a stressful moment the thoughts and the feelings that arise from that situation then you're going to want to examine your thoughts determining what is true about them and what is not true about them finally developing an alternative and more balanced thought and determining how you will feel adopting your own new outcome so again some of the ways that we're going to do this is through just start by identifying what is my negative thought or unhelpful thought this thought makes me feel dot dot dot how does that make you feel am I basing this on fact or am I B basing this on a feeling you know what are the chances this thought will affect you in one week one month or one year that is a very very big one you know when we get really caught up in ourselves and we're really catastrophizing the situation just think about it how is this going to affect you in one month from today one year from today most likely in one week you still might remember it but in one year that negative talk that you focused so heavily on that maybe it stopped you from you know trying over for a new um or applying for a new position or you know reaching out to a new client or securing some new business you maybe you you were too scared to take that leap of faith and in one year from now you're going to look back and be like I should have just done it you can change your brain we as humans are complex creatures but yet we still grow and change and you can physically change your brain every time you have a new experience or you learn a new skill your brain grows new neural connections and they're called neuroplasticity so when you first start using a new skill or Behavior new nerve connections grow like branches of a tree at first they're going to be small and they're going to be very thin and they can break easy and we can get back into our old habits but the more we use these new behaviors they're going to grow thicker and stronger making these behaviors easier and easier to do so again when we're reing our brain we're going to learn gaining our new information and understanding how it works we're going to plan we're going to figure out how and when to use our new skilled behaviors and then we're going to practice it nothing we do in regard to self-care or changing our negative behavior would be possible if it's not for our support systems so we develop all these new skills and they take time and we practice them but we also need to have other support areas within our own selves and within our lives as well so support for ourselves support from our community support from family and from our workplace so the last section I want to touch base on with you today is going to be the supports what supports are out there it is essential to have support throughout our life both from yourself and for others starting with identifying we need support but what kind of support can help us this is something that can um you can provide for yourself even you know maybe it's not always external supports you're looking for maybe we need to start with internally maybe we need to practice some of our self-calming thoughts some some calming techniques or if there's a larger issue going on maybe I do need to reach out for support do I need support from my supervisor do I need support from my manager is it support I need from my family is it support I need from a health care provider um or maybe if from a support group starting with ourselves you know looking internally how do we calm our nervous system there's multiple different ways out there and I'm going to share with you a couple of our favorite techniques that we like to share with people to try so the first one's going to be calming your nervous system there's a few different ones here and again take what works for you leave the rest not everything works for everyone you know you may have to try a few different things to figure out what works best for you so finding a healthy and proactive way to calm your nervous system you know again it could be through taking a deep breath you know practicing breathing techniques exercising listening to music dancing it out drawing coloring journaling meditating yoga or even a sensory activity perhaps it's just getting outside doing an activ activities such as walking running biking touching grass with your bare feet sitting near a tree it could be soothing yourself with a hot bed Bridge um tea warm milk you know putting attention on the core Center of your body again this is not an exhaustive list this is just some examples uh that you can start with that can calm the nervous system um but again you need to find what works for you I personally struggle to journal I struggle to write things down um that's not that works for me very well I do find music very calming That's my kind of go-to is the first time I'm starting to feel stress I pop in the headphones and just listen to a good song or a playlist and it just brings me down it grounds me um I'm a big color drawer those adult coloring books those work really great for me um seduko where my brain has to function and stare and think about something else um it's a good way to pull yourself out of the moment and just try and focus on something else you know finding that right playlist to match your mood is the feeling that just hits just right sometimes find what works for you as I mentioned breathing techniques um several times throughout this training session today and I of course I want to leave you with those techniques I've been talking about them but I don't want to just not leave you with them so the first one here is called box breathing um box breathing is breathing in for four seconds holding it for 4 seconds breathing out for 4 seconds and then holding it again for four seconds so again just picture it like a box um if it's hard for you to picture a box or if it's hard for you to hold it for four seconds um or maybe you're trying to do it with a a child and a child is very sometimes they can't picture the box and my my fellow cooworker does a wonderful one with her daughter and I just love it and it's kind of what I've adapted now myself is smell the flowers blow out the the candles smell the flowers blow out the candles any way that you can just engage your senses and to focus your breathing will help center you another really great one here is going to be engaging your five senses so I don't know if anyone's everever done this one before but uh during stressful moments to relieve yourself it could literally be at the tip of your nose so engaging your five senses is a great way to practice being in the moment so what are five things that you can you know the wall your computer coffee mug a pen maybe it's a family photo what are four things you can feel maybe you have um fuzzy pants on maybe you can feel fleece blind PL pants or it's your keyboard keys or maybe it's even internally your heartbeating or um your mouse maybe it's got texture on the side of it what are three things you can hear um I can hear my computer fan sometimes every once in a while my cat will walk by and meow I'll hear her um or the furn will kick in and blow air around you know what are two things that you can smell you know maybe it's coffee or an air diffuser um and then what's one thing that you can CH taste maybe it's gum maybe it's lip chat taking the moment to actually go through your five senses is a very great way of grounding yourself it encourages you again to take a break from those negative thoughts that maybe be causing you those stress or anx anxiety moments and to calm down another one is going to be just to Simply understand what is in my control and what is not in my control this is going to be essential to recognize that we cannot control every aspect of our lives so back to your hand out there's a section there that'll help you inside of the blue circle what is within your control what do you actually have control over and then inside of the orange circle what is outside of my control for example I can control my emotions I cannot control other people's emotions so just keeping that in mind what is within your control and what is outside of your control and understanding how to balance those and then another great technique here is called the rain technique so recognizing what is happening in your body you know what is happening in the moment how am I feeling where am I feeling it in my body is it in my heart is it in my stomach is it in my like am I sweating is my Palms all sweaty so how am I feeling you know allow life to be as it is my thoughts and feelings are here even if you don't like them so engage with them you know investigate with kindness why do I feel this way again are these thoughts true and then finally the non-identification just because I have this thought or feeling does not mean that I am this thought or feeling that's a big one it's really hard for us to do that a circle of support develop this you know looking at ourselves and looking at our you know who can we lean on you know sometimes we do need to go outside of ourselves and we need to build that so this is going to look differently for everyone so who in your work do you have a really close coworker do you have a really good relationship with your supervisor or your manager are they a part of your circle of support who in your family is it your brother your sister your mother your grandmother your cousin um um do you have a really good friend that you can rely on and then also who in your community and then ultimately if it ever did come down to an emergency who is your emergency who do you contact so another one here is going to be um a whole list of other supports so this is a part of the recording that you will be able to come back and to be able to scan that if you don't have a chance to today I also did put it in your handout that QR code is a live QR code and it does um take you to our website where you can um look into other supports or reach out to us directly but always if you're in danger contact 911 immediately there's also crisis Service Canada or Suicide Prevention or supports there crisis um suicide helplines um there's child abuse lines there's mobile crisis Services there's problem gambling hel lines um there's Pregnancy Crisis helplines there's um Saskatchewan health line is a really great one so there's a full list I believe it's all in your hand out there um but if you ever do want us to talk about support for your workplace uh you can always contact service hospitality and we can provide you uh contacts or um a full list of resources that you can reach out to or connect you with a member of the community if you do want to expand on the knowledge that I've given you here today I want to wrap up here today uh by going through a quick touch base again on our psychological health and safety for Hospitality course so again this course is going to cover those testimon and case studies from Individual in the hospitality industry it's going to go through communication or coping mechanisms how to notice and acknowledge and support mental health and it's going to have activities based on those testimonials as well so reach out anytime if you ever interested in taking their full course we do offer a wide variety of online uh free virtual sessions so just again go on to our website and we can provide that for you so again before we end our session today take the time to use your handout it's going to be a use for you I did put Journal prompts at the very end for those of you who do like to journal for selfcare um but ultimately just reach out we're here to help again my name is shakar Dick a service advisor safety adviser with service hospitality the QR code there again will take you to our website so back over to you Tama do we have any questions from the group no I I'm I'm just no questions now but if you do have your questions please post those questions in the chat and let's get H yes there is says thank you for your time um and for the presentation but there is one question that I'd like to ask you did mention about warning signs are they the same as triggers they can be so um warning signs and triggers they're almost the they're very similar so sometimes we are morning sides come first so sometimes we we'll notice it in our body first we'll start to again feel that blood pressure Rising but triggers will set off a certain Behavior so something has Pro clearly happened before that now we feel triggered by a situation so they are they do come out to the same thing you are going to still feel it the same in your body but warning size is what we want to try to get to but first before we get triggered by a situation does that make sense yes yes okay and then there is one last one that I'd like to um to ask you did mention the fact that um you know sometimes uh based on the way that we think um we remember it distorts our emotional intelligence now um how does this affect our relationships oh that's a good one well when we distort our emotional intelligence that's where again we're going it's going to disrupt our relationships it's going to disrupt our personal ones with work and at home because again when we're not in check with our emotional intelligence we're going to have those moments where we have outbursts of anger or um displeasure or frustration and then when we develop and harness in on our emotional intelligence skills that's what we want to focus on so we want to notice when we're about to have an opers or when we are going to get frustrated and that's the techniques that we're going need to learn to dialog back in to help us remain calm so that we can foster those healthy relationships and it's really hard sometimes because other people may not have the same level of emotional intelligence that you do and sometimes their out birth will cause you to react in a certain way as well so it's it's a fine line between managing your own and trying to help manage others as well so okay we do have another question in the chat um it says how do you stop reacting to triggers as they seem almost automatic uh it's it's going to really come down to a lot of self-awareness so if you know when we do have a triggered moment we need to self-reflect afterwards we really need to dial in on again why did that trigger happen is it a certain situation is it a certain person is it a certain story that was told um you know there's a reason that we reacted and we kind of have to get to the root cause of why we reacted in that sense and from there that's when we get into how can I start to you know re uh do that cognitive restructuring and looking at our brain and trying to develop ways it's not going to be a perfect method it's not going to change immediately overnight you know maybe it'll be six seven months and you won't have that trigger and then something comes along and it triggers us again so it's constantly with our mental health and our mental well-being it's something we always have to practice and we have to work on it's the same with our physical health you go to the gym build muscles you stop going to the gym you're going to lose your muscles it's the same with our brain and the way we react with our emotions youve got to constantly practice it as well as you mentioned emot emotions there is just one more question it says how do you recognize someone else's emotional responses if they are different from yours and if they aren't obvious oh that's a tricky one because everyone reacts to situations very differently um some people may be very it reads on their face you know when they're upset you know when they're mad um so then you have a better understanding but um there's always a side if somebody is you know having um emotional triggers towards you so if you've upset them or you fustrated at them there will be a sign even being quiet or straight-faced is a sign that they are displeased so you know if they are practicing really high level of emotional intelligence as well where they're not going to react to you or give you that one that's maybe when you need to take a break come back to the table afterwards and you know talk about it and hash it out in a more calm and rational way as well um It's Tricky though managing emotions it's it's a daily practice it's very hard um especially when you don't know how other people are going to react okay all right um thank you are there any other questions that you'd like to throw at uh Shak so sorry I think I've been mispronouncing your name all this time no it's fine sorry there's just one more in the chat here okay uh the question is I end up take I end up taking anti- Panic medication to control my reaction due to triggers is there another way to control these panic attacks due to guest um aggressiveness honestly if you're taking medication you've identified that you need additional supports um and to be honest I I'm not I'm not in I'm not a psychologist or a psychiatrist so I'm not going to um Touch Too Much on when uh there's a involved however again you can you can see triggers happening in guests I remember working in a hotel and you can hear like the clicking even on like deaths when they're you know getting frustrated or tapping their key card or being like well H this this just isn't right like you can see them getting agitated and frustrated so maybe it's just knowing when you need to step away or know when you need to take a like a a step back from them um unfortunately again aggressive guests in our industry and hospitality uh in restaurants bars hotels they I would i' love to say in a perfect world everyone can manage their own emotions and that nobody's going to have Outburst but it's kind of like road rage you never know when somebody's going to get mad at you on the road as well but just knowing that you can only control how you react to a situation and not how somebody else is going to react but it doesn't make it all right for them to treat you like that so that's when we need to have good support systems from our managers and our supervisors and creating a safety plan that if we do get put into these situations and we do need to step away that our managers and supervisors are there to support us our full course Dives a little bit more deeper into um kind of more abusive situations in that sense so I do encourage you if you have the time it's a great course thank you so much thank you so much and I know that someone was asking about the worksheet um if you have not gotten the worksheet please do send us an email at training tourism sas.com and will be able to furnish you with the um the work document so that you can um actually do the go through the resource and then do the follow-up activities as well as just to let you know that the this webinar is recorded and it will be posted I'm just stopping the record

2023-12-10 19:42

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