EHANG Stock: BETTER BUY THAN NIO? | Full Details

EHANG Stock: BETTER BUY THAN NIO? | Full Details

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some of you are upset with me because  i'm recommending stocks other than   baba i appreciate that sentiment in your loyalty  the baba stock guys the good news is i have not   sold my baba stock i am holding on to it as i keep  saying i'm bullish long term on barber but a lot   of you have asked for other alternatives and i  am also very interested in other chinese stocks   so let's look at another alternative  there are stocks that have a lot less   overhang from regulatory issues and here is  another one this is my number two tip so really   it is well before we get to that guys as always  remember this is not financial advice this is for   entertainment only otherwise just say that and  do subscribe to our channel we are increasing   by we are doubling our subscription every nine  days our community is massively expanding uh which   is really wonderful and i really appreciate that  guys i appreciate your support and your likes and   your comments now we're going to look at seven  quick things here first of all what are these   drones that e h is selling because that's what  we're talking about we're talking about e-hang   secondly we're talking looking at who they make  them with thirdly a very brief overview of the   product we're not gonna go into the text much i  think we're gonna look at numbers and earnings   which brings me to my number four we're gonna  look at the earnings and then number five we're   going to look at a quick very quick div dive into  what is a regulatory framework around the world   and especially here in china because there is some  big big big news for drones and then number six   i'm gonna tell you very briefly uh but three  trial piled pilot programs that are in operation   are present in china and then lastly is it a good  time to buy what's my price target have i bought   already or am i about to i will get through all  of that and we'll do it really as quickly as you   possibly can with as much information density as  people can absorb so let's get straight into it   i'm going to show you some sources because i think  it's always clear for everybody if you know what   it is that i'm looking at what you're looking at  so let's have a quick look here basically they are   making drones they're making taxis drones delivery  drones and survey drones and who are they doing   it with well they have a joint venture since 2018  with an austrian company and this austrian company   is probably one most people haven't heard of it  is called facc now they are one of the leading   makers of sort of light and well-shaped bits of  aeroplanes and i am no aero uh aerospace engineers   you can tell from that description but who they're  doing it for well have a quick look at this guys   as you a bit in here can you see and you recommend  recognize some of these companies airbus boeing   bombardier so basically every single plane  in the air gulf stream helicopters etc every   single plane that is in the sky that you see and  they're not many nowadays but usually the alerts   they're saying an aircraft with facc technology on  board takes off every second so they develop and   manufacture lightweight systems for the aerospace  industry and they collaborate with every single   aircraft manufacturer in the world so ehang has a  very good good partnership here i think that is a   solid joint venture that they have there now ehan  manufacture their own craft their own drones if   you want to call them like unmanned aerial drones  or unmanned aircraft but they do take components   just like airbus does or boeing does from uh the  facc this austrian giant that company is listed   in austria if you want to look at that and they  have a market cap of something like 750 million um   euros i think it is if i'm not mistaken on that  i don't correct you might want to correct me on   that let's have a quick look here what is it they  employ 3 400 people actually they have 750 million   euros in revenue so it is a pretty sizable company  that most people have never heard of now let's   have a quick look at what are the actual products  that they're making well they have essentially a   number of drones so here these are logistic  drones and they basically just vary in size   and how much they can carry how far they can  go this ehang 216 here is the biggest one it   can carry 200 200 kg and i'm going to tell you  why that's important and then they've got some   smaller ones which can carry 5 kg or even just  0.45 kg which are both designed for deliveries   there's also a a a a manned drone helicopter i'm  going to find a picture for you guys in a second   don't worry uh where basically two people can  sit in it and that is also being tested and it's   an operation now they have some interesting uh  partnerships one with young hue group which is   a grocery so the supermarket company and  they are delivering fresh food within a   um five kilometer perimeter from that depot  uh that's in in in in the works that's a   pilot program and then with dhl they also have a  pilot program in donghuan and guangdong province   which is the province here bordering china  bordering hong kong um and they are delivering   dhl packages which is very interesting so  again a very very big international powerful   brand hook up there i mean it doesn't get  much bigger than the dhl brand in logistics   however rather than looking at how pretty these  drones look let's look at the numbers because   we are investors and that also tells us a little  bit more about the products so this is the last   earnings highlight the next one is coming  out very shortly so i'll be covering that   for sure and i'll be covering that call as well  with you guys you can see here in the picture this   is the um taxi sort of uh type drone the eh-216  passenger great one they have two of these um   there is this one down here which i think is  a firefighting one if not if i'm not mistaken   and then uh they are sold here they  sold 21 units in q3 of 2020 of the   passenger one two people considering that  as a sort of taxi uh what are they really   being used to at the moment taxis not quite yet  because regulation hasn't quite caught up yet   but they are using them for some tourism and i'm  gonna get into that in just a second and then   they're also working on uh firefighting solutions  and that's an interesting business because really   okay i know some uh helicopter pilots here in hong  kong and what are all the hong kong helicopters   used for well ninety percent of basically  their usage time is to fly along power lines   and survey them sounds like a strange thing  but you know we have a lot of storms on that   kind of thing sort of forest and countryside  here and that is a thing around the world that   helicopters are used to fly along power  lines which of course is incredibly expensive   drones can do that much much cheaper there's  a survey function there and then any kind   of construction surveying from a government or  engineering point of view that's a big big issue   delivery of course is one for that sort of last  mile or for things that have to be very urgent uh   we saw there was a pilot in the u.s by by eh  to deliver um organs that have been donated uh   to the uh recipient that obviously has to happen  very very quickly and you know you can use a very   small drone for that very very quickly and then  taxis is a little bit the future at the moment   that is more of a um sort of tourist application  really but let's look at this very quickly here so   the intelligent aerial firefighting solution  so they've taken the passenger drone   and that can carry 200 kg so that can carry  a lot of water or some sort of water type   suppressant foam 150 liters of that and they've  got six extinguishers put onto that why is that   important well china is a very high rise country  it is basically like manhattan but you know much   bigger uh there are in 2019 we had almost 7 000  high-rise fires in china an increase of 10 percent   and it is of course difficult to get to high  floors for the firefighters and it also takes time   to get there because of the intense congestion um  ladders can generally go only 120 meters high up   which isn't terribly high if you look at buildings  and this drone can go 600 meters high up and it   can respond instantly very very very quickly  and there's a sort of platform commander control   center with a cluster management and it is so it's  operated remotely can carry 150 liters of foam   which i'm told is actually quite a lot it is a  lot more powerful to use so these sort of chemical   foams to fight fire then rather than water there  are in china 347 000 high-rise buildings over 24   meters and then perhaps even more importantly 6  000 buildings over 100 meters so we basically have   6 000 proper skyscrapers um and there are seven  thousand urban fire stations uh uh and almost ten   thousand suburban so possibly you could argue that  a good proportion of these urban fire stations   could be equipped with one of these just like they  have trucks and and other equipment so there is a   decent market there for those and of course also a  decent maintenance contract which comes with that   then we are looking at a the the same drone  technology as eh2160 but as a heavy lifter so guys   we're going to run through this fairly briefly and  we're going to get on to the numbers so just bear   with me for it for a minute here because it's good  i think to just see a little bit what the product   is what it can do where we are with the tech at  this point so again that can carry 200 kg it's uh   you know relatively clean energy because  it's electricity you can use it for what   large parcels aquaculture offshore oil rigs again  a very very large user of helicopters offshore oil   rigs and helicopters incredibly expensive to run  aerial emergencies a disaster relief so again a a   government potential there as well as just moving  fairly heavy stuff just not too heavy but fairly   heavy and they believe the global logistic market  uh could be 446 billion by 2023 and china is   predicted to be the largest regional market in the  world accounting for 45 of the global logistics   uh uh unmanned aerial market here you see um their  production facilities so for those of you who like   companies to manufacture things you know we're  beating near without stick quite often here on   this channel i am not but a lot of commentators  are they do make everything themselves uh they're   expanding uh the the guangzhou facility they have  an r d facility training center etc there and   um this expired facility they're going to start  producing there within the first half of this year   and they'll have an initial annual capacity  of 600 units of passenger grade aavs these   are these large drones we've just been seeing  government very supportive on this one again   the chinese government likes not just evs but they  like drones they want to be the world leader on   this uh and here they get six million us dollars  from the local government in support which is very   nice of them and they get preferential policies  and treatments by the local government who have   also helped them to get these trials off off the  ground which we're going to talk about in just a   minute now they got their first permit for flight  operations of passenger ovs in north america   and canada it is a special flight operations  certificate and that allows them to do trial   flights of this ea 216 um over quebec province  canada and um there are some showcases on that   my feeling is that generally speaking  of these trials are being done over   fairly um uninhabited areas and canada has quite  a lot of those so it's a good place to do that   and then there is a joint international project  or development air ambulance they're working on   that and they're basically been selected as the  manufacturer for that by this ambula project which   is supported by the international civilian  aviation organization and um they basically   want to create a rapid response essentially  helicopter if you will so you know one person   i guess a a paramedic could be in it and then  you can pick somebody up very very quickly and   they will basically survive the hardware and the  r d of the power component and again it would make   helicopters much much cheaper because  you have no idea how expensive it is to   fly in helicopters if you don't do so uh try  booking a flight for half an hour um we were   doing that actually we were gonna go to quote  here for something like i think it's about   eight and a half thousand us dollars for a  30 minute journey so fairly expensive stuff let's look at some numbers we're investors and  numbers that's what we should be looking at what   are their revenues these are remnant b figures you  have to multiply it by 0.15 to get to us dollars   so their revenue in q3 2019 was 34 million uh and  then in q3 2020 it was basically double that up   104 just under 71 million not huge numbers right i  mean look on that about 71 million in u.s dollars that is just 10 and a half million us  dollars so you know relatively young   company but this is a very very early stage  industry still because we haven't got a   proper regulation in place yet for this their  gross profit is uh it went from 45 to just on a 60   margin which is which is fairly decent on the  gross profit point of view remember this is gross   not net uh and then the actual gross profit went  up to 42 million so pretty pretty decent margin   there i i would say um we are looking then here  the operational expenditure is is negative i mean   guys this is a young startup company they  are spending money investing money they're   not really making it the adjusted operating uh  profit is actually there is a little bit of an   operating profit figure here in q3 uh just 4.5  million rmb and their net income that this is it  

adjusted uh 5.2 percent and interesting really  i think more interesting rather than the   the net income because i don't really care at  this stage whether their company makes any money   i wouldn't expect them to but look at the  net margin it is gone from minus 29 to minus   1.5 percent and they if they adjusted up to  7.4 so that's a very very positive movement   from one year to the next that they are sort  of getting to that near a break-even point   and let's look at a couple of items here on the  balance sheet uh i love balance sheets that tell   you a great deal one interesting item i think  uh i i saw it immediately was that cash and cash   equivalents last year were 321 million they said  157 million so they are burning through their cash   pile fairly rapidly and they will need to raise  some funds somewhere somehow they are listed   obviously on the nasdaq but they are going to have  to do some sort of capital race in my view they do   have fairly substantial accounts receivable here  of 137 million that's going up almost 100 million   so that makes it look a little bit better they're  actually selling things they just haven't got paid   for them yet also the inventory is up 30 000  30 million rather and um so you know overall   current assets are actually up slightly but  uh in in my view there there is quite a bit of   um quite a bit of cash burn there they call it  short-term investment but what does that really   mean i mean that's a good question really um in  terms of assets non-current assets there's a bit   of property equipment there at 12 million rmb uh  and um some long-term loans receivable 14 million   um short-term bank loans they've gone up  there from five to fifteen that's sort of a   more sort of a rolling credit facility day-to-day  uh and then the accounts payable also gone up uh   to have doubled you would probably expect  that given the the growth of that business   so yeah i mean obviously these are not massive  numbers and they're not really telling us much   of a story here let's have a bit more of a look  at a consolidated statement up to essentially   this last column here is um let me see if i can  highlight that for you guys this last column here   is basically um 20 20 uh cues one two three and  um what are we seeing here well revenue is 125   million the cost of revenue 51 million is is much  better than previously so we do see an improvement   there on margin we have a gross profit which  is up quite nicely almost doubled to operating   expenses while you would expect that to increase  so the operating loss is slightly smaller than the   previous year which is quite a good indication  given that revenues have doubled so they are   they have fairly sound financial management here  i i would think because a lot of these very early   companies they're just burning cash as quickly as  they can they don't seem to be do that they'll be   doing that and obviously we have losses um that is  probably a lot less interesting um so let's move   on a little bit uh what what is the excitement  about it well they're saying the world's first   and only public to trade a mobility company so  it attracts a lot of money people are making   the parallel to tesla there really was no way  you could invest in evs outside of tesla for a   very very long time and eh are kind of in that  position they're seeing that advantage which   also gives them access to being able to raise  capital and invest more and grow faster there is   i think a very positive long-term market here but  we need to get to to regulations and we're going   to get to that in just a minute there are industry  disruptive regulatory breakthroughs yes there   is some positive some of their compelling high  growth margin business ecosystem enabler global   partnership network so they could also become in  r d and sort of part supplier for other brands and   they have a good management role okay  fine so thank you well thank you very much   let's have a little bit of a look here this is a  very interesting story and that takes us to item   number five guys so we are almost at a wrap  here this the china's first national standard   for express delivery service by unmanned aerial  aircraft comes into place effectively from first   of january 2021 that's a big step forward  for actual drone delivery on a mass scale   let's have a quick look at that who was that  developed with well actually they talked to three   players they talked to ehang jd and zto express  which is the logistics company here so there are   other avenues of investing into um drones i'm just  going to call them drones because calling them   unmanned aerial or whatever aircraft it's just too  long uh but ehang is the most sort of clear one jd   of course has lots of e-commerce stuff attached to  it and zto express is also a logistic company so   it's a relatively small part of that business um  so they basically been talking to the government   so they are very close to the government the  government listens to them and this is a standard   for basically last mile delivery service and it  gives us safety standards and that's really what   we need what does it say well what is permitted a  maximum empty aircraft weight of 160 kg a maximum   takeoff weight of 150 kg so that means 34 kg  is all you are allowed to carry at this point   whereas e-hangs can carry a lot more as we just  seen at 200 kg and the airspeed can be no greater   than 100 kilometers an hour well i don't think  that's much of an issue uh in terms of speed and   again gives you know um basically standards uh  and it's essentially aimed at postal express   companies to arrange delivery services and it then  talks about ehang has that proprietary developed   complete suite of intelligent aerial logistics  solution including this eht-16 a heavy lift aav   which can you know carry quite a lot so that's  adding an advantage and that is why they're   partnering with dhl and you can kind of see  here how that looks like a dhl has basically   built at least one of these sort of quite sizable  boxes there is a chap at the bottom i'll show you   it's another picture here you can see what that  looks like it looks like a toy but it is a bit   bigger than a toy and uh the delivery guys put the  parcels in there and then there is an intelligent   system that talks to the drone which tells it  what parcel to pick up and where to bring it so   i think it's a clever service it basically at  the moment um covers eight kilometers distance   from dhl service center in in dongguan and  guangdong province here don juan is formerly   a very industrial manufacturing place sort  of the factory of the world it was called   but it's changing very rapidly and it  is obviously a logistics hub as well   and what is it what's the advantage of it well it  reduces one-way delivery time from 40 minutes to   only eight minutes and can save costs of up to 80  per delivery with reduced energy consumption and   carbon footprint compared to road transportation  so you don't need to have a van you don't need   to be stuck in traffic you don't need to employ  somebody to actually get it out of the van and go   and ring a bell and get it signed that takes  a lot of time very very inefficient of how   things are being delivered at present this can do  it much much faster now if you live in apartment   building for example there are challenges  right like how do you get into it where does   it get delivered all that stuff that needs to be  addressed but certainly from a business point of   view in this area in don juan i've been there many  many times they are all fairly low rise factories   are typically three four-story buildings and there  is lots of space between the factory buildings big   car parks and that kind of thing very very easy  for a drone to land and drop something off and uh   you know make some sort of sound and alert one of  the security guys and again all of these factories   typically have somebody sitting at the gate uh who  lets you in and and checks people's credentials   so very easy for them to actually do that in that  kind of sector and i think this is where where   the beginning of delivery will will will start um  from it from a you know commercial point of view   and at the moment that can carry up to 5kg of  cargo per flight and they can tuck off and land   the top intelligent cabinets that was particularly  developed for the um the loading and offloading   of the shipments um so quite an exciting business  model i i think i think this is the future i mean   i'd love to be able to fly out of my my living  room window and and fly somewhere with it with an   aerial taxi i think that is a little bit further  down the road because that regulation isn't quite   there yet yes we have pilots in austria in in  norway uh in in canada there are pilots that iang   are doing so they're already at the forefront of  shaping that regulation as they are doing in china   but i think really unmanned deliveries um and  emergency response is i think where i see drones   much more quickly i think if you look talk to fire  brigades in places like like new york for example   uh where you have very very tall buildings or any  city with you know sort of skyscraper responds   firefighters they'd be rather excited by that  if they could have a couple of those and they   could you know go going through a window very  easily and and potentially actually also rescue   people i mean that isn't quite there yet but you  could you could see how that could be an option   for fires and high-rise buildings and and there  have been some some great tragedies with high-res   buildings in the last couple of years around the  world now let's have a look lastly at the actual   chart let's have a look at some technicals and i'm  going to tell you whether i think in my view this   is a good time to get in on this if you are not  already and i must admit a great failing on my   part i had written down i looked it up today in  my notebook at i think around 29th of december   and do full eh research and buy question mark  and then i got carried away with baba and all   the madness that's been going on and i haven't and  i'm kicking myself under the table uh quite hard   why because at that point it's at 21 and i'll be  at 48.76 uh overall you know it was listed at uh  

eight just over 8.8 58.70 or so uh so very very  very strong growth trajectory now where are we now   is it good to get time to get in on this or is it  just too expensive at present well let's have a   quick look at some indicators here you obviously  see a very very strong growth curve especially   as of late people are getting very excited about  this this flying tesla you know perhaps it'll fly   higher than tesla and look at the rsi and i like  to look at the rsi for fast moving stocks because   it is just a very very quick indicator what's  happening down here i'm going to highlight a   few things here for you and are also magnified for  those of you guys on small screens we saw a nice   rally here from the 50 point line which i'll put  in for you because it's important to look at the   midpoint of rsi to get a clear trend basically  when you're crossing from below all the way   up like that you get a very clear buy signal  if you are just bobbing about above or below   the line like we did here or like we did here and  again as i'll magnify that for you guys here so   you know this is not really much of a signal if  it's just bobbing about and if it crosses through   it it very much is again here no much of a signal  and now it's crossed up much much more severely   so when you are above the uh this sort of pinkish  area up here we are overbought and then if we are   down here where we want second of december we are  oversold that's the theory of this now as always   if you do follow me a lot you will know i'm a fan  of looking at a couple of indicators together and   getting a more clear indication where things are  heading i think one on their own doesn't really   doesn't really tell you the whole story uh  and that's what what i used to do when i   was at an as an investment banker here in  hong kong for a little while so we have a   we are in that overbought territory we had a very  nice little trend up here and now we are coming   down a bit and then up again and then sort of  fizzling out again a little bit so we are still   on a sort of positive momentum here but it's a  potential that we could go down a little bit if   we are up here and i haven't bought in yet  i would personally wait for us not just to   cross the 50-point line here but i'd like to see a  return up through it and i would then possibly buy   at that point now remember guys as always this  is not financial advice this is entertainment   only i'm obliged to say that so let's look at  a couple of other indicators see if we can get   a little bit more in there i think bollinger  bands we don't need to look at we'll know what   they say we are above the moving average uh we  can look at some momentum here up down here too   and that shows generally speaking a pretty  positive momentum story again i'm magnified   for you guys on smaller screens you know momentum  is growing quite nicely but are we going to see   what we saw previously when we had those dips  look at when we were at relatively high momentum   levels we were at that sort of eight level here  and then we did see shortly afterwards these   sell-offs here and again um this little one  here followed actually by a broader seller   that continued there so is that where we are  because we are bobbing along that very very   high momentum line or is this going to keep going  up well i would be quite cautious on this because   you are seeing that line going down pretty  quickly and i know the markets are open and um we're not seeing much negative sell-offs there as  yet but i would be cautious i i think that this is   potentially part of a little bit of a correction  and that's what we see with with growth stocks   we go down to the next little assistance level  over the one below that and then that becomes   sorry support level and then that becomes  a stronger support and actually helps the   longer term rally on this so let's have another  look at another one here let's have a look at   volume and and i'll have to zoom in on that  for you otherwise you won't be able to see   anything at all here so we had some very  very strong buy and see in green you can see   and then it fizzles out a little bit  so volumes are actually very very low   i guess a lot of people are just just watching  and and waiting to see where this is going so for me from that point of view  okay we are on a very positive   uh trajectory here in in terms of you know where  we are growing to you know we really are going up   almost horizontally if you if you're looking at  this uh that is a very very strong uh fan sort of   as strong as you can get really but are we about  to see a short-term correction i think there's   a fairly decent chance of that and i'm not just  saying because i want to buy the stock which i do   and i want to want to get a little bit of a better  in price on this but my personal view would be i   think there is a good chance we're going to see  a little bit of this happening and then perhaps a   a recovery but we could see a bit of a correction  because we had seen that we were at 43 97 or so um   you know short while ago and let me just change  the time zone down here for you guys so because   we are looking at a hong kong time zone and  that is a little bit confusing as this is   trading in in the us minus six um did i put that  right guys is it minus six or is it minus five   it's minus five there we go so this makes a little  bit more sense now in terms of timing um that   you know we are here on the uh  on the fifth of of january and um   you know we are sort of moving moving down just a  little bit here really um and yesterday we had a   we had a very very nice rally um and and that's  why the the market open is a bit odd because we   did have a buy-in in pre-market which is very  positive that's why it's up ten percent at the   moment we are seeing a little bit of a flattening  of that and look guys we are just seeing here some   negative volume you're seeing a little bit of a  sell-off there nothing substantial but uh we are   seeing a little sell-off here and it's almost as  big as the sell-offs we saw previously so i think   there is a chance that we might see a a sell-off  that reflects this and then perhaps uh 43-68   might be a good resistance point for that um i'm  just going to put that in for you guys here also   that's probably a a good resistance point and then  i would say um let me move that up um well that's   that's probably a stronger one here 37. i i'm not  going to draw a retracement in here yet because   we're not really seeing a severe downturn but we  are seeing a bit of that see the stock price in   in new york now life has gone from 10 up to  just seven and a half percent up so it is the   the excitement pre-market is wearing off a little  bit as some people are taking profits and why is   that well we are near near uh we wear this morning  certainly it's an all-time high of just under 50   and and that is a psychological uh barrier there  to get about 50 so we're gonna i think we're going   to retrace here a little bit i'm going to keep an  eye on this guys i'm going to keep telling and i   will tell you exactly when i buy in and why i'm  doing it i i am very excited about this i'm not   going to put 50 of my portfolio into this it is a  relatively small company but it is the only listed   exposure you can have to this kind of technology  and i do think it is the future i think uh roads   are so congested and yes we are all excited about  evs and all of that and all the ai numbers driving   it'll help but people are just buying more more  cars uh and that just makes congestion worse and   there are certain logistics applications i think  where speed is of the essence not just for food   delivery but they're actually emergency issues i  think governments will will take this up i think   police will actually like this a lot i think  from a sort of overview survey security point   of view i think these drones are quite important  also i think firefighting is a very very clever   fairly niche application but there are a lot  of high-rise buildings in china as we just saw   and then longer term the taxi thing i think  that's quite a few years away really but the   the deliveries i mean you see that in the us you  see you know amazon drone deliveries and these   kind of things uh and and there is a big potential  that but imagine if you live in a country   where basically everybody uh with with relatively  high income lives in very very high density cities   and that's what china is that is ideal for these  drones because the distance they can fly is still   relatively limited with with the load in china  they don't need to go very fast as long as they're   like we'll go a couple of miles they can be seeing  that trial and dog one they can go eight miles so   for me this is a very exciting story i do think  the stock is relatively expensive at the moment   there's a lot of momentum in this uh and just hot  cash i mean you know look what central banks are   doing there's a lot of cash just flowing into the  markets so it is a pretty high price point there   i'm gonna see if i can get this at a little bit  more of a of a discount and i will then get in on   this and i will definitely post the video and  let you guys know so thanks guys if you enjoy   these videos hit the subscribe and like button  our subscript subscriber base our community is   growing it's doubling every nine days that's  the kind of compounded growth we'd like to see   in equities as well so thank you all for that  support do hit the like button and turn on new   alerts we also do lives pretty much every single  day and certainly whenever there is something   really exciting happening i'm here live from hong  kong so guys that's the wrap from me thanks very   much for tuning in let me know what you think on  eh below in the comments and and do share this   with your friends and investment community  and let's grow this community we have here

2021-01-22 17:22

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