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Hi! Hello! Carol here... Karla here... Christmas market is now open in Edinburgh... Let's go check it out! Let's go! I don't know now... We have to choose from these german sausages I think...

Okay Let's go. I'm hungry. Let's go. Is it good? Easy to eat. We're going to try Mac 'n' Cheese... It's posh mac we're going to order. Let's see...

Very cheesy... Look, It's smoking... We're here... Oh! Another one. Crepes and waffles here... We'll try their waffles...

We will try that. Okay It's cold. We'll be in the queue here then... Queue, queue, queue... I can have the dark chocolate as well.. Look! Oh! It's a lot there to choose from...

You want with belgian white or...? Oh I'll just have the caramel sauce... So what are you going to have, really? Caramel sauce.

There... Come on... Again, again... Wow... Wow... Again, again...

Wow... Crepe with bananas and... ...and chocolate. What now? We'll just show you the other... what's that? Okay. The other side of the market... no! It's another place.

Okay. This is like the Princes Street... but there's another one in George Street. So, what do you want? Okay, let's go to the other place then. Okay, bye.

Okay. Hey mum! Hi! We're going to... Santa Land! So... we're here now on the west end of Princes Street. One location of Edinburgh's Christmas Market. There are three locations...

The one earlier is East... Princes Street. Help me mother... Yes. And then, now it's West.

Then later, we'll go to George Street. If we can... Well here, I think mostly are rides... The other one earlier is mostly like... ...food and stuff for Christmas. Something like that.

But we'll see... Maybe there's also food and lights... we'll show you. We'll see... We'll check it out.

So just follow us. Okay? Let's go inside! Let's go, Let's go... I can smell food... Oh my God! I can smell food again.

I want to eat another sausage. I think I want to have... hot chocolate. Okay, then... Do you want to eat? Or should we proceed to George Street? George Street? Okay, let's go.

We could eat there... Okay, let's see what's in there. Okay. Alright.

Bye! Bye for now... It's raining... come on, it's raining. You look so tired already... Oh, so it's up to there. Yeah.

Alright. Let's go up... Will you go up? Okay. I'll go up. You stay there, okay? Okay. So... we're now here in George Street.

For those who want to... Do ice skating... Yeah. This is the smallest... ...compared to the two locations we went to earlier. But this is the only one who has... (ice skating rink)

Oh! Someone gave this chocolate... Merry Christmas! Oh! By the way, since this place is not that big... ....so there's not much food shops. And mama wants to eat sausage...

...and I also want to have a hot chocolate. So we're going back to the biggest location, where we went to first. Also to show you how it looks like at night. Because when we went there earlier, it's still bright. There are no lights yet. So... that's it!

Looking forward for my sausage there. Bye! So this is how it looks like... ...at night. There! So what do you want to eat mum? Let's try another shop.

Okay. What are you having mama? Grilled sausage... ...with onions. So we don't know anymore if... ...this is 'mukbang' or what. All we did was eat. After this, we'll have pizza.

While eating, we're already thinking of what to eat next. Amazing! So, that's it! We'll go back inside again. And... eat pizza. It's queue... Look! Have a jolly, jolly christmas...

La, la, la, la, la, la... I don't know the lyrics. The queue for pizza is very long... ...so we're going to have waffle instead. And hot chocolate! We're going home... Home, home, home...

We're going home now. So, that's it! We went to all the locations of Edinburgh Christmas Market. We are tired now... ...so we are now going home. We hope you enjoyed. As much as we enjoyed. See you on our next videos! Bye!!!

2021-11-28 11:44

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