East Thailand's Nature is Stunning

East Thailand's Nature is Stunning

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that's the entrance to the nature trail oh wow I don't know why but I'm always so impressed  when I see [Applause] waterfalls all right all   right guys welcome to another video I'm still  here in chabur East Thailand and uh I'm on my   way to the namok fleo National Park uh it's a  little bit cloudy today not too hot as well and   I'm a bit off on a late start uh that's because  I was just yeah a little bit lazy just hanging   out in my room and chilling you know uh sometimes  you need some chilling as well not always out and   about so but I'm a little bit late it's almost  2:00 and the national park closes at 4:30 so I   hope I can make it uh and enjoy my time a little  bit there because there's lots of waterfalls uh   and you can swim even there so that's kind of  my plan even though it's not super hot today but   for a Belgian like me it's hot enough it's like a  summer day in Belgium almost so let's [Applause] go so guys first I thought it was just cloudy  but it seems to be um maybe from The Burning   Season so I know in the north of Thailand  they have the Burning Season and maybe   here a little bit as well I saw actually a  wildfire yesterday just one but maybe more   farmers are burning the crops and that's  the result it's very cloudy overcast and   I don't think it's fog actually it's could be  smoke honestly I'm really not sure but look at this now it doesn't really smell like smoke  but um I don't know there's just something   weird about it it doesn't feel like fog  only maybe it's like a mix of fog and   smoke or I I really don't know but it's  I don't have any difficulties breeding   or or such things but still it feels a  bit weird to me let's get back on the road so I just passed the sign welcome to namto  pleo National Park so we're officially in the   national park and look what we have ahead of  us so gorgeous wow these mountains look so stunning look what we have here it's like all the   buildings are built in um Temple style  I would say oh I can smell the nature already okay I didn't realize it was such a  tourist spot uh as soon as you see these kind   of STS you know you're in a tourist spth and uh  yeah we are apparently but it's all good it's all   good oh I smell durian I smell nature I smell all  kinds of things actually we have Buddha here as   well I wonder where I can park a bike and also  where I do I pay my entrance because uh it's a   200 bu entrance fee apparently for foreigners  local should be 40 let's see let's see I think   this is the official entrance let's see what we  can do here let's see let's see you are here so   we will pay our ticket first there's a checkpoint  we'll walk all the way up H we can take a nature   trail I'm definitely going to do that so I have  to cross the first bridge take the nature trail   nature trail and then we end up at the waterfall  that's exactly what I'm going to do let's go fle   waterfall so the waterall it's only 500 M but I'm  thinking the long way for once usually I take the   shortcuts but not today today we're taking  the nature trail let's see how much it is here hello uh one person please  200 uh 200 yeah okay uh what time   does the park close huh what uh what is  the closing time uh 4:00 4:00 okay okay   come C okay we have our tickets 200 B for  foreigners and I think 40 it was for the locals thank you thank you  okay where's that nature trail for once I'm not taking the shortcut  I'm taking the nature trail so if I remember   correctly we have to cross a bridge on the left  side over the River that is running right here   across that bridge and then we will be on a  nature trail and that will be the Long Way to   the waterfall but I have to hurry a little bit  because it's now 2:40 and the park closes at 4:   I mean I don't think they will throw me out  but I don't know how long that nature trail   is so uh worst case I won't even make it  to the waterfall that's why I'm in a hurry oh and here you can take a dip  this is for swimming let's have   a quick look oh yeah wow so many  fishes here it's insane I'm sure   they feed the fishes that's why they  come but damn look at this look at the size wow these fishes are huge hello  wow hello wow and these people are   just swimming with them the fishes are  really not shy that's for sure okay let's   find that nature trail now maybe go for  a dip at the waterfall oh I should have   come earlier I'm so bad at time management  typical me typical me always late always late that's the entrance to the nature trail  and that's the path that we're taking this one   I guess this one this one this one this one  this one this one this one all around until   we reach probably some kind of Temple and we  will pass on top of the waterfall so how long   does it take oh it's only 1.2 km takes about 45  minutes tips before tracking study the course as   much as possible ask for information from Trav  service center well you know what I will do I   will take a picture so if I have any doubts  I'll have my picture to save myself okay so   there's some bamboo herbal plants krabach which is  a hisa tree Watering Hole number four that sounds   interesting number four Watering Hole termites  wow so there's termites as well then we have   decomposers here not sure what I mean with that  Fus fruit a Viewpoint number eight yeah that's   one that one will be nice Viewpoint over the  waterfall I guess um yeah and then some other   stuff River or of Life the River of Life okay  I'm ready let's go first we start to cross the river oh wow nice nice nice you can  see people are chilling everywhere   and there's so many fish in this River so  that means the water is really clear look at this yeah the water is really really clear you  can see it looks very beautiful you can   see also how clean it is wow well obviously  it's a national park but I've been in other   countries even in national parks that  it's not as clean as this you know uh   okay now I need to find a way of course I  guess it's up here oh no it's there nature trail honestly I'm guessing that not  a lot of people do this nature   trail it doesn't look like a lot of people pass here but that's what I love the most if  I have the trail off for myself that's a win wow beware of falling branches and  look at that that's a whole tree that's   not even a branch that's a whole tree  okay well this is the way that we have to go this is not going to take  45 minutes well maybe if I go   have to go back for my camera all the time then it will my camera got stuck there there's so many little lizards  here really that's the only Wildlife   I saw so far like lots of lizards  but there might be more but I'm   not expecting to see uh any elephants  here look at this how cool the tree is [ __ ] hell full of V ah oh they're biting I think so so I'm here at the waterfall viewpoint but  it's a little bit tricky to see so let's see   if I can um get a better angle because as you  can see the waterfall is on that side which is yeah I thought I would have a clear view here  but it's pretty hard to see also so uh I guess   we have to go down to have a good view on the  waterfall let's do that because um there's also   a waterfall here dripping from my face it's a  short Trail but it's so hot and humid here w so Chulas chot chedy what you see right  here was built in 1976 by King Rama V 5   in commemoration uh because he came here with his  Queen sunanta Kumar and they were so impressed by   the beautifulness of this place that they build  this um yeah I think it's a stoa it looks like   a stoa but um it's gorgeous and the waterfall  is actually behind it so let's go and have a look wow wow wow wow wow and we made it  to the waterfall look at this I don't   know why but I'm always so impressed when  I see waterfalls especially this one is   a pretty large one and it seems like  there's a little pool in front where   we can take a dip because um I'm sweating  buckets here I need some refreshment let's go beautiful waterfall beautiful I saw them arriving they were like wow  wow same reaction as I had it is gorgeous indeed wow I actually love that it's a bit of a cloudy  day it gives like a mystical atmosphere here to   this whole area because of it's also covered  with trees so it makes it extra dark you know   and I kind of like this Vibe it's uh more jungle  Vibe you know there's a nice little Bridge here wow okay fleo pool and the fleo waterfall and it's  like a double Cascade it starts all the way up   there even on this side a little bit and then the  other part is here down here and it ends up in a   pool I think they made this maybe little Dam here  so you can swim not sure how deep it is but I will   definitely take a dip but uh it seems like there's  nobody else taking dips here well these guys a   little bit but uh the question is can I take my  t-shirt off because I know in some countries they   don't I'm sorry do you speak English ah is it  okay to swim here swimming is allowed no no 10   me oh but here is okay here swim oh there's the  line here oh so here but not there okay okay okay   cofin C okay so swimming is allowed that's all I  need to know okay let's go for a quick dip because   it feels like it's about to rain look at this  dark gray maybe my t-shirt will be able to dry   a little bit let's see but um I'll go for a quick  dip wow there's so many fish here wow all this   fish in this water here it's really um I guess a  very healthy water you can see here so many fish   I'm kind of worried what are they going to do  to me I'll go on this side where the fish are enough there really too many fish  here it's really weird to swim here w as you can see the waterfall starts actually  behind the trees there so I wish I could show   you that but uh I'm not allowed to go there and  I don't know it feels very weird to swim in this   water with all these fish they constantly  are like trying to touch me and uh it's   not so comfortable and in the meanwhile I'm not  alone anymore as well look at this like a whole   crowd here so it's kind of awkward to be the  only one without a t-shirt here I mean I don't   want to flex my sixpack too much you know if  you know what I mean well guys it's actually   starting to rain so it's time to get a move  on uh everybody has an umbrella here but not me hi hi well maybe let's see what is up here first look  they even have a a rescue boy here how you call this wow the waterfall is actually  impressive it's really cool the only   thing I don't like is these  fishes I really don't like [Applause] that close already okay okay thank you okay  I thought I could maybe have a hot tea   but uh it's closed already it's almost  4:00 I think the whole park closes at   4 um so yeah I might not be able to get that hot tea [Applause] that was it for the national park now uh I could  really use some hot soup or something something   hot uh because with this weather it's actually  kind of cold even it's still Belgian summer   weather I would say but I don't know I've been  for a while in Asia already so I'm not used to   this cold weather anymore probably still about  25° but with the rain and a little bit of wind   it makes it much colder and I feel like most  stalls here are even closed already so I don't   think there's any chance that we can get something  here but maybe there's like a restaurant somewhere   there let's have a look let's have a look so I  think I can grab some food somewhere here Sika is the restaurant open rest oh it smells  good here already okay thank you oh it's   cold here oh can I can I sit outside  it's too too cold here cold cold cold   I go outside the yeah sorry the AC is a bit  too high here okay thank you thank [Music] you yeah I mean I like AC but when it's  already cold outside and I'm completely   soaking wet I don't want more cold  you know and here I have a beautiful   view look at this wow do you have any  specialty uh the specialty from here maybe do you have something uh soup with  soup soup yum oh Tom Yum because it's   cold I want some soup maybe Tom Yum which  one tom yum this one hot and stour spicy [Music] chicken yeah maybe I'll go for the tomyum  guy B uh I can do a l large one uh 200 okay for   one person spicy uh medium little spicy little  little little spicy yeah yeah uh let's see also   some uh water please water water I H okay okay  okay yeah so it seems I'm having Tom Yum again   but this one it's a tom yum guy something so it's  Tom Yum with chicken I'm having too much Tom Yum   here in Thailand but uh it's cold weather right  now and I needed a soup and honestly the thing is   I don't have any idea what to order and they they  offered me like Tom Yum I'm like okay I'll do tom yum I'm the only guest here uh of course  it's not really dinner time I'm having a   late lunch early dinner it's like 4:00 right  now so um that's why nobody's here I guess   and also when it rains nobody will come here  because it's too remote um yeah people stay   in their homes I guess and it's also a  Friday it's not weekend in the weekend   I'm sure it's more busy here as well but  I'm looking very forward to my [Music] soup so guys my food has arrived and honestly it  looks so good and it smells delicious honestly   look at this crap fried rice so we have the  crab on top then a fried rice with some egg   carrots spring onions oh looks so good then of  course some spicy chili oil then some normal   chilies I guess and then here we have the  Tom Yum ooh hm with what should I start now   honestly I think I will start with a tom yum  cuz I'm in a soupy mood now I'm probably I can   even mix the rice and the tomyum so let's  do that okay let's get some of that Tom yum oh they added Tomatoes even I think  it's the first time I see tomatoes in the Tomo that's with chicken oh it's  chicken with bone though so it's   um a little bit different than the chicken tomyum   that I had before it's chicken on the bone  not my favorite but it's all good it's all good but uh let's give this a try ooh nice and sour or like that M yeah the only thing I don't really like the   chicken on the bone I'm really not a  big fan of that should I even eat this like it's so tricky to eat you  know you really need your hands for that it's really annoying crab fried fries M oh yeah so nice now the ultimate  tust rice with a little bit of f that's the best com little bit  of rice dip it in the tomon so good yeah if it keeps raining like this I think  this might be the end of the video soon because   uh didn't stop raining for the time that I've been  sitting here look at this still Still Still Still raining okay thank you time to go okay thank you thank you back into the  rain wiggle but uh yeah maybe if I make my   way to chanta B which is about 30 minutes  driving maybe just maybe it's not raining   there let's see let's see but it's highly  unlikely I would say and the price was 300 B okay guys made it back to my humble aboard  finally because the rain was really painful   you know that feeling when you're on a scooter  or on a bike really fast and the rain is like   hitting you right in the face even in my eyes  on my arms and it was actually cold also um I   didn't expect to have cold here in Thailand but  it is actually cold like I'm completely drenched   you know completely wet luckily I'm wearing a  swim short but I'm completely drenched so I'm   going to get my shoes off here so they can dry a  bit and then uh I'll give you a quick tour of my   place here let's first uh turn on some light okay  so yeah I've been here for a few days so uh it's   not that clean anymore or I mean it's pretty clean  but it's not as organized anymore so we have a   little table here KingSize bed which I really love  TV smart TV so I can watch YouTube and everything   it's really cool um there's a refrigerator also  here some honey that I bought here in the local   supermarket I've been here for a few days now  some coffee yeah obviously instant coffee and   then my clothing here another little table I even  have a balcony I didn't use it yet actually but   I really love it though it's really cool and  look in the backyard I'm really surrounded by   Greenery here I love it yeah I love um that's  kind of the reason that I chose this place uh   it's like 10 minutes from chanbury but I have  a bike so that's no problem and um yeah it's so   quiet here like I sleep so good here honestly  like from the last almost two years that I've   been traveling I think this is the place that  I sleep the best the reason for that is it's   so quiet here at night and the other reason is  also the AC you can put it on quiet and I know   that's a functionality that exists on many AC's  but you know it's so quiet here at night uh the   AC is right there and I put it on quiet mode  also and it's so perfect it's really good and   then here we have the toilet and the bathroom  shower I did my dishes here as you can see bathroom so yeah uh and the price is I think  it's about $15 per night which honestly is a   really good deal like actually I could live here  if there would be a kitchen so if there would be   a kitchen somewhere a small kitchen it would be  perfect to live here even with two people because   you have like a balcony you have one little table  here table there it's really perfect here but uh   yeah it's time to take a hot shower because I  honestly oh I'm freezing I'm not even kidding   like look at my skin I'm freezing Goosebumps so  I need a hot shower and uh yeah but um I want to   thank you all for watching and you already know  if you're still watching you're a legend legend

2024-05-31 23:46

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