DYW Sector LMI 2024 Tourism

DYW Sector LMI 2024 Tourism

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Lawrence D I'm gonna I'm G to take about 10 minutes just to to paint a picture really of the the important role that um tourism Hospitality has in Scotland in terms of its economic contribution but also its employment um uh and um try not to buy with too much uh data um and then Focus really on the on the skills um challenges uh that the the sector faces um at the moment but also the opportunities that the sector can provide to to all people young people and old in terms of careers and opportunities um so um in terms of the economic output of Tourism hugely important sector in Scotland um and it is is um as you can see a growing sector and it's going to continue to grow it's not going to go anywhere and even with covid even with the impact of covid um between 2013 and 2023 it saw a year onye about 2. uh 8% growth in terms of its contribution to the economy gva um so hugely significant and that's going to continue um yes there are uncertainties um in terms of uh the world stage and um economic hits Etc but it's a sector that continues to be resilient and to grow I think that's a really important message um to to send about the sector um how many people are employed in the sector well it depends on your definition of the sector and we're not going to get tied up with that and Carolina and Amanda will know there are different um definitions of the sector some people call it visitor economy some people call it tourism others call it tourism Hospitality but the Scottish government definition is what I'm using here um and that's saying nearly 176,000 people work in the sector in Scotland so hugely important um and that's gone down a little bit over the last 10 years almost uh entirely due to the impact again of covid which you you'll see on that particular graph but um over the next three years it's expected the number of people employed in the sector is expected to increase by about 5.4% and over uh through to 2033 it's going to increase by about um 2.8% so these are projections they are subject to to to change but broadly speaking uh they tend to be accurate and that's what we're expecting to see growth in the sector um it's also really important to say tourism is important everywhere in Scotland so there are some some sectors of course that have a particular footprint geographically oil and gas in the Northeast um some aspects of creative Industries in very particular areas tourism is everywhere as you all know um the main in terms of numbers not surprisingly the big numbers are in Glasgow um region Edinburgh Eastern myloan almost equal about 32,000 just over 32,000 and of course Highlands and Islands um hugely significant but the map on the right shows you just how important it is in in other areas so for example in Perth and kin Ross um nearly 10 just over 10% of people working in Perth and can Ros work in tourism similarly our G and but 10.5% Sterling

High as well and it's the same everywhere so it's a really important sector across the country um how many people are going to be needed um just to illustrate the growth um just over the next three years the industry is going to have to find 39,380 people into it and I'm aware of time so I'll hasten through that um everybody on the call will be aware of of the the challenges I'm sure that that the whole economy faces but tourism and Hospitality in particular facing many challenges particularly around recruitment uh of people and that's not going to go away this slide highlight some of the big challenges over the next 10 years at least and Beyond probably but demographic changes so the shrinking working age population in Scotland and the increasing number of people who are dependent on the state rather than than working and contributing uh is going to have a major impact on the available uh on labor availability so shrinking population brexit um also had an impact particularly hitting the sector um where where a large number of EU migrants worked in the sector particularly in rural areas so that's had a knock-on effect um there continues to be change in the sector like every sector um digital um AI um Net Zero um the importance of of becoming more more green and sustainable all of these are having um a disruptive impact in terms of of people working in the sector and having to learn more skills um and you know job vacancies have been at record levels and unemployment at record uh um record low that's softening a little bit but the industry has has faced a lot of uh pressures there's no doubt about that um and in particular within tourism Hospitality there are a range of other challenges um making sure that managers and leaders in in the sector uh are well equipped with management skills particularly people management skills um Fair work becoming increasingly important within the sector so we are we've seen a big increase in wages we're seeing more and more employers really thinking about how they um how they employ their staff how they look after their staff um the hours that they expect staff to to work split shifts so a lot of the things that traditionally have given the uh the sector a slightly negative perception in terms of working in it are changing and they are changing fast and that's that's certainly my experience and that's being backed up by a lot of research that's been done by fairwork convention and others um I've mentioned digital um big focus on on upscaling around digital and Net Zero and also a really big focus on um equality and diversity in the sector um encouraging more older people into the sector um people with disabilities ethnic minorities to work in the sector to make the workforce more diverse so these are all big challenges that the sector is facing so I just want to finish off um with uh um highlighting that there's a Bas National tourism strategy Scotland Outlook 2030 um which aims for Scotland to be the world leader not a world leader the world leader in 21st century tourism by 2030 um and within that um there's a mission for Scotland uh to have proud and valued people working for Scotland big emphasis on the workforce again which I think is really important and I just as somebody who worked for 10 years in the industry just to say um and I'm sure Manda and Carolina back us up what a great um sector it is to work in huge variety of opportunities um there's Hospitality there's Adventure tourism there's Marine tourism there's tour guiding there's visitor attractions so many different um parts of the sector to work in um and it's a great sector if you if you if you're prepared to work hard and you enjoy working with people it's a great sector to progress quickly within um and just to finish off as well um it's fun and exciting um probably some of the best years of my working life apart from of course working for SDS um I need to say we're working in tourism and Hospitality it's a a brilliant career so I've tried to paint a very broad picture very very quickly uh but I hope it was useful and I'm now going to hand over I think to Amanda thank you Lawrence um I'm just going to share my slides as well thank you so much um for this opport opportunity to talk to you about careers in hospitality and tourism I work for a company called springboard and we promote careers within hospitality and tourism so you may well have came across us before and perhaps at one of our schools events or you've maybe heard of some of our um Key Programs like future chef and today I just want to kind of go over a wee bit um of that kind of activity that we currently do um with schools and show you how can support you as um careers advisers and uh teachers to be able to kind of get that message home within the classroom so I've got a video to show you which I'm hoping um you can let me know Lawrence that you can hear this I have shared it properly so I'm hoping you'll be able to hear [Music] it there's energy there's noise we work hard but we also have a good time doing it it's exciting fantastic absolutely steams Mo fire back to [Music] okay it's World in Hospitality for you like a dream come true right all good pH is pH is all good my choose Hospitality because it is truly the best job in the world I challenge you to think of something that you want to do that you couldn't do in Hospitality bet you [Applause] [Music] can't so um just to go back to my slides sorry excuse me guys um what what I was wanting to get across with that is the kind of diverse um job opportunities within Hospitality which is a massive sector within tourism um and the tourism sector in general so there is lots of really exciting opportunities for young people um there's lots of um Roots into the industry and I wanted to just go through how we can help and support you um with that so we have a um a website that you might have came across you might not have and called career career scope sorry it's your kind of onstop shop for all things um Hospitality Leisure and tourism and we kind of help various um people through that um website and we have a teachers and CS advisor Hub where you'll be able to access free resources lesson P plans things like recipes to use in the classroom if you're going to be doing some work with um home economics um we also have a portal where you can go and request support from an ambassador or a chef Ambassador so these are people who work within the industry who are really passionate about the industry and want to get into schools and want to come and help and support you with your curriculum um and want to get that careers message across um so there's an opportunity there to request an ambassador um you can also sign up um your classes you can sign up your schools to any of our springboard programs that are happening locally um things like future chef and takeover days and for students students can also make their own profile where they can access all of those things that we talked about lesson plans recipes but they can also get onetoone support with careers advice and guidance they can also get help building their CV getting some interview advice and exploring our jobs board so we've got over 30,000 live jobs any one time and we also have a real focus on apprenticeships and we have apprentiship opportunities there as well and another arm of what we do um is helping job SE so anybody who's looking for work um and we're able to give them Care's advice and guidance and also free skills in training um and been able to kind of help them get on that that ladder um back into employment in terms of our CES and education programs the things we do within schools there a few key things that we do so we do our future Chef program you might have heard of it it's the I guess it's something akin to a Junior Master Chef and we run future Chef right across the UK we've had over the last year about 25,000 young people take part so it's a fantastic program it's a yearround program and there's a competition element to it there's also some activities for younger um students to get involved in S1 S2 and before they get into the competition element we have a careers um aspect to it so at the moment we're running our culinary career sessions and we have about um 16 chefs over four weeks coming on um to a live webinar session where they're talking about their career they're talking about how to get into the industry career um progression all kinds of really exciting things um and young people are able to sign up to that schools are able to sign up to that and get involved and be able to ask those real key questions about careers within the industry we also run another competition called future host which is like focusing on front of house skills within hospitality and we also have po and tourism takeover days which we run usually from September um to November time um one of the ones that we ran last year took the form of a trail so it was a tourism Trail around Dundee um where we got schools together over 100 pupils over two days to come and do a trail around the city center of Dundee um some of the key new um tourism highlights and go into those places and take part in work work shops and was a real Hands-On day very exciting and very high energy schools loved it and so these are the type of things that we do sometimes we take over um a hotel sometimes we get local businesses together from right across the tourism sector within um a college environment and bring cluster schools in so there's lots of these activities that you you can access through our career scope website um and send your sign your schools up to them we also have career hubs which are digital and that this is more more helpful for I guess more rural schools um we were able to reach kind of further geographically and also um we're able to kind of get more people onto those calls and again that's really about bringing to life careers within our industry we usually run them around February March time um just before young people are getting ready to leave school or are thinking about their kind of career choices and we um have those kind of live across the UK as well we also run a summer school so through June and July time um and that's really about taking those School levers who have maybe not got a positive destination they're not sure what they want to do when they leave school giving them skills to be able to get them ready um for employment and then putting them on um some placements to be able to bring that to life so there's a week's pre-employment training and then we have a week on placement and that is all with a view to getting that young person into a job or a an apprenticeship opportunity and those run like we say June and July time so there will be some happening in Scotland so a ceros scope um platform is very easy to navigate um when you sign up you'll see a sign up page like the the one on the left hand side and then you'll see a landing page and you'll be able to see by the landing page there's quite a lot of information on it the key things to know are there's lots of resources that you can access down the the left hand side in the drop-down menu and on the right hand side you'll see things like the apprenticeship Hub the um careers advisor Hub and upcoming events right across the middle of your screen so if you live in or here working in Glasgow all of your um activity will be Glasgow and the Glasgow surrounding areas that will come up there um we have a huge lot of resources for for teachers and C advisors um through our resource center and one of them that I'm just going to show you just now is our future Chef resources so future Chef as I said is our Flagship program and you can access that through the left hand side of the the menu you'll see when you do that that we've got the future shf programs we've got also got resources for ASN students and ASN schools we have three lesson plans so um they can just be picked up and used within the classroom they're linked to the curriculum so they should be relevant and um engaging for young people we have lots of free recipes and um video content so we have videos from chefs we have skills and techniques videos and all of this can just be accessed and used quite freely um we also have uh these just some of the examples of the lesson plans that we have there so introduction to bread chicken and poultry fish and seafood um the video content like we say it's all around the kitchen but there are some on things like food Pro provenance and time management and preparation Etc and our programs are all there so the future Chef Juniors incorporates our Bake Off competition for S1 S2 um future Chef for um S3 onwards future host Etc so they can all be accessed there and this is a real key one um that schools love so we have um an ambassador Network um of several hundred ambassadors over a thousand ambassadors in fact who have volunteered their time um with us and want to make real strong links with schools and education and if you have something coming up within School environment like a careers event or you know that your the teachers within the schools would like kind of support with the curriculum um whatever it might be across um hospitality subjects you can request an ambassador on the right hand side here and we will do our best to match you up um to get ambassador to come into the school and there's some ideas on that page as well when you sign up as to what what the types of things that ambassadors can support with within the school environment we also have lots kind of like I mentioned earlier bespoke um program information so when you look at the clear scope platform you will see see all the upcoming events in front of you and they will be local to you you'll also notice that on the right hand side there will be local colleges as well and they will all be local um so all the information should be relevant to where you're at and you can access our events upcoming events on the left hand side that you can see the arrow pointing to it and that will take you to this page where you can see whatever's coming up in your area and you're able to sign your school up to get involved in those uh programs and dates that are happening so um there's also an explanation of what each of them are so you can click on to Future Chef future host summer school it'll give you a little bit of information what year group is relevant to and a really quick sign up sheet to be able to make that kind of happen um within your Diaries and we also have another um aspect to the to the site so obviously we have the CER advisors and teachers Hub we have a student Hub but they can be linked so say you're within the class and you're wanting to set some homework for your students go away and look at a video on Creuse within Hospitality in tourism you can set that um for your students through this through this Hub and you can check that they've done that through there as well so you can check the activity log and it's very easy to to sign up just through the QR code so a teacher will sign up cre advisor will sign up and you'll get a special code or um you can use the the QR code code there and get your students to use that when they're signing up and it all can be linked together so you can kind of Mark their progress you can see the activity that they've been engaging in as well um a few other things just to quickly highlight um there's further support tools there's a one and within that there's a one to one kind of L chat function so for your students or for yourselves if you've got something coming up and need a bit bit more kind of bespoke one to one in information you can send us a message and we'll get back to you on that and it might be something that's coming up that you're looking for some help and support with or it might be a young person specifically asking how do I get into a job as a chef and we can help and support them and with that there um other key things to to highlight obviously are the hubs that we've got we've got lots of opportunities for apprenticeships we've got lots of kind of case studies within there and video content for young people to have a look at and see the benefits of an apprenticeship we've got a school levers Hub so any activities that kind of help School levers um will be in there and obviously the teachers and careers advisor Hub um is there as well so that's the QR code for career scope um feel free to take a a screenshot or these these slides will be sent through to you as well um and please do sign up there's lots of great activity that you can get your schools involved in lots of lovely free materials to be able to use within the classrooms as well um and we would love to be able to help and support you and get you involved in the activity that we've got running to be able to bring to life um our fantastic industry and showcase to these young people that there are opportunities for everybody within hospitality and tourism So yeah thank you so much for your time I'm going to pass on to Caroline now and um happy to take any questions the the very end if you have any thank you hi there everybody hopefully you can see uh my presentation uh thanks very much for this opportunity um I feel honored to have such a prestigious audience um I'm speaking to you from Bonnie Ford Augustus um I've been here for 19 years um I started the hotel when I was 25 in 2005 um so I've got a 29 bedroom hotel um it's called the lover and then we also have the restaurant which is Station Road um a three rosette restaurant so kind of just to Echo really what Lawrence has said you know I'm incredibly fortunate to be involved in this fantastic industry which I feel is ever evolving it's with progression it offers exciting opportun opportunity for our youngsters um with exposure to different cultures experiences and importantly you know a lot of fun um so in terms of my perspective you know what I've kind of seen change I have been involved in dyw um West Highland um and we were involved in a lot of different initiatives which prompted some additional kind of collaboration with the local school here in Ford Augustus um and I do feel that there's been a ramping up of activity over the past few months with varied emphasis whether it is uh preparing the students for leaving school um interviewing techniques um life after school opportunity that are available in the local area and with a real Keen push for apprenticeships um so I'll kind of come on to that in a second because I I am speaking to with two different hats so we do have quite a bit of uh local school interaction I've got one of my uh bartenders who's going to the school tomorrow to actually do a presentation on Mixology um we've also been involved in the SDS kind of social media campaigns and I do feel that this is a really important kind of connection that we can have with the younger generation um just to really highlight kind of what Amanda's done as well just to show that that there is um opportunity and fun within our industry we're actually very fortunate in Fort Augustus to have funding for apprenticeships uh which actually opens up the opportunity for youngsters to stay in the area uh there is support for the businesses and also support for the apprentices who uh can learn how to drive and be sponsored um uh with funding for that and then also books travel can also be um funded for them so that that's a really great opportunity for them over the course of the years we've really struggled in connecting with the young Workforce um for whatever reason that that has been but over the past two years we've seen a massive shift and it's really exciting to see that there's more young people looking for employment so last year we employed um a 15-year-old in the garden and we have had 16 and 17 year olds who are currently working with us which is really really exciting uh one of the local boys who's um who came to us when he was 16 he has joined um an apprenticeship scheme and then we've actually just taken on another professional cookery Apprentice as well which is really great to see so I mentioned to you that I've got two hats on so I do have the hotel I've got that kind of connection to the industry and then I'm also involved in um apprenticeship in Hospitality Scotland and this apprenticeship um was was born about 10 years ago and the idea was it was to bring likeminded businesses together to create an apprenticeship that was like no other that was world class and gave exposure to apprentices um to different um workshops master classes learning Journeys that they wouldn't normally have if they were just working in a hotel um doing a a normal job so to speak so it was to take them outside of their normal environment and give them exposure to things that are were completely different and and a little bit abnormal but in a really extraordinary way so we have got partner hotels as part of apprentiship and Hospitality Scotland this is um a handful of them um and we do also have more coming on board so the idea is is that if you take um the Kings Mills Hotel for example which are in in vaness they will recruit an apprentice which will then go on to this apprenticeship in Hospitality program um it's a 2-year program um it's divided into into two it originally started with um Hospitality Services svq level five and then over the past kind of three years we introduced a professional cookery uh apprenticeship as well which has been a really great addition to the apprenticeship that we offer because we suddenly realized that there was a uh there was a demand for it so we've got the two apprenticeships available so these um are then um conducted with the partner hotels that we have so basically what's different about this apprenticeship is as I mentioned we we we take the apprentices outside of the box out of the normal working environment we take them on learning Journeys they get to go and stay in different hotels they'll maybe go down to London or go to Edinburgh they'll go and work at Hamden they'll go and experience what it's like within Hospitality in a very um in a in a very different way to what they may be normally used to within the environment that they're currently working in we'll offer master classes some of these will be soft skills some of these will be um uh regarding uh resilience or sustainability um to again kind of give them um an interest and a connection to something else outside of um their normal job uh we do have an alumni so any of the apprentices who've graduated will then be there um to support the other apprentices going forward we are also setting up a mentoring scheme so that our apprentices have got um mentors that they can they can speak to on their Journey throughout their career um and then you know there there's obviously a huge amount of support um and we also have sponsors for the apprenticeship so um one of the sponsors actually sponsors the uniform which the apprentices um get fitted for at each induction so we actually have an induction um once a year um so the next one is actually going to be on the 26th of June um and we have partnered with the city of Glo College who are conducting the apprenticeship um going forward so if you have any young people who are interested in an apprenticeship in Hospitality then this is where they would go to um we've got our website we've also got um information for anybody who does have um learning requirements and and learning needs you can have a look on the um the city of Glasgow College website for a little bit more information and then if anybody is actually wanting to apply then you would apply through the email AHS at city of Glasgow college um. ac.uk so the college will facilitate all of the applications um they will conduct all of the checks to make sure that the and they're eligible for funding which again is funding through SDS so so thank you for that um and then once they've got the green light then the information on that young person will then be pushed out to all the partners um unless obviously the um the applicant is specifically wanting to work with a specific partner Hotel so that gives you a little bit of an overview of apprenti in Hospitality Scotland it's a really great opportunity um for youngsters to kind of get involved um within the industry so they can earn they can learn and they can also uh travel um and um and and get to know the hospitality industry as as as we know it um so if you've got any further questions please um please feel free to ask thank you okay thanks very much to our speakers uh there's a really good summary of what's going on in the War has provided a kind of narrative of where the the growth in the sector is just now and H for future opportunities Amanda Illustrated some of the great resources that you can use at school level to draw in and carine's given her kind of insight into you know employers and the connections that been built with young people and particular they kind of apprenticeship offer as it stands just now so I think that's been a really good summon thanks to you all for for taking the time to take us through that lawen Amanda car your timeing really good inputs to all today thank you everyone for coming on the call cheers everyone

2024-06-08 07:29

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