Dubai is NOT What You Think! Here's Why

Dubai is NOT What You Think! Here's Why

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we're owed 3 months of salary they're not giving us any of this we don't have a room to stay in they've broken down our rooms and told us now go back to your country but we're not going back Dubai is a city that defies expectations at every turn while it's known for its opulent skyscrapers and luxurious lifestyle there's much more to the city than meets the eye I cannot think of a country that can replace a 10 million barrels the problem is shareholders of the OC's and some countries are banding the the Investments they should not blame it on us Beyond The Glitz and glamour lies a dynamic Metropolis teeming with cultural diversity Innovation and Rich Heritage those who've seen it from up close say that Dubai is not what you think here's why number 20 disappearing oil money Dubai's economic trajectory has been historically intertwined with oil revenues today the nation has come a long way in diversifying its economy however some forecast Doom for the Emirate amid the world's shift away from oil oil catalyzed the economic boom that transformed the United Arab Emirates however Dubai's leaders foresaw the looming threat of oil depletion and strategically allocated oil generated revenues across various sectors this foresight paved the way for Dubai's Evolution into a multifaceted economic Powerhouse presently Dubai bags billions of dollars from tourism real estate business ventures and Investments this diversification sh Shields the Emirate from the volatility of oil markets ensuring sustained economic growth however oil still accounts for a large fraction of the country's Revenue the UAE can produce an impressive 4.5 Olympic swimming pools worth of oil daily totaling around 50,000 barrels the oil boom of the mid 20th century catapulted it into economic prosperity and Global prominence this surge in oil production coupled with strategic Investments has facilitated the rapid modernization of the nation furthermore the uae's substantial increases in oil reserves and production capacities have positioned it as a key player in the global energy landscape actively participating in the OPEC plus Alliance the nation collaborates with other oil producing countries to stabilize Global oil markets but this stream of Revenue is about to run dry number 19 gold ATMs Yes you heard that right Dubai has its gold ATMs these remarkable machines can be found in prestigious locations such as high-end hotels and shopping centers patrons can use them to withdraw 24 karat gold bars imagine strolling through a luxurious hotel lobby or browsing through a Chic shopping mall and suddenly you come across a gleaming gold ATM it's a sight to behold whether you're a tourist seeking a distinctive souvenir or a local looking to indulge in a touch of extravagance these gold dispensing ATM M cater to all these ATMs offer gold in various forms and sizes accommodating different budgets and preferences whether you're looking for a small gold coin as a Keepsake or a larger bar for investment purposes these machines have you covered plus each transaction is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity while these gold ATMs may seem extravagant and impractical in many parts of the world due to security concerns Dubai's unique combination of opulence and safety makes it an exception the city's stringent security measures coupled with its reputation for Innovation and technological advancements provide a safe and secure environment for such indulgences number 18 exploitation of Migrant workers renowned as a Haven for opulent living and unparalleled shopping experiences Dubai boasts Wonders that seem too good to be true emirati Lifestyles often feature indulgences like Ferraris and multiple household Maids yet Beyond its glitzy facade lies a stark reality unbeknownst to many the thousands of skyscrapers you see dotting Dubai's Skyline are built on the backs of Migrant laborers Dubai's Allure is undeniable with its lavish hotels Gourmet dining and unparalleled shopping options creating an enchanting Oasis amidst the desert however beneath the veneer of luxury lies a darker story you won't find this in your tourist brochures exp Patriots from countries like Bangladesh and India flock to Dubai in pursuit of a better life enticed by Promises of higher incomes and opportunities yet upon arrival they are ens snared in a web of exploitation forced to toil for meager wages enduring grueling 12-hour work dayss 6 days a week migrant workers face exorbitant Visa fees and passport confiscation rendering them powerless and trapped these workers usually find themselves living in squalid condition in overcrowded accommodations devoid of basic amenities with limited access to clean water and rampant pest infestations their health and well-being are often jeopardized but there's more Dubai's labor regulations allow employers to exploit migrant workers with impunity workers endure harsh working conditions including scorching temperatures exceeding 50° C without respit while tourist attractions are closed down during extreme heat laborers are forced to to on all of this piles on quickly this has led to escalating self harm and depression among Dubai's migrant workers as the city basks in its opulence the silent suffering of its migrant Workforce casts a shadow over its glittering Skyline number 17 lose pounds win gold on a more positive note Dubai's Innovative approach to weight loss has captured Global attention with its unique your weight in gold campaign this groundbreaking initiative incentivized people to shed excess pounds by offering them a reward of 2 g of gold for every kilogram lost along with valuable prizes the campaign's debut in 2013 marked the beginning of a revolutionary approach to promoting healthier Lifestyles the following year the program expanded its reach to include families with overweight children to further incentivize participation an additional reward was introduced if all family members were overweight the prize for weight loss would be doubled the campaign garnered significant interest with approximately 7,000 people joining annually the success stories speak volumes about the effectiveness of this Initiative for instance Ahmed al- Shake remarkably shed 26 kg in just 3 months setting a record for weight loss in the contest this campaign not only addresses health concerns but also underscores Dubai's forward-thinking approach to promoting well-being among its resid by combining Health incentives with valuable rewards Dubai has set a precedent for Creative Solutions to societal challenges number 16 rising sea levels beneath the glittering exterior of the city lies a harsh reality the looming threat of rising sea levels the environment agency Abu Dhabi warns of catastrophic consequences projections indicate that vast swaths of Dubai including its iconic Palm Islands will sink the irony is palpable a city with unparalleled wealth choosing to build on fragile coral reefs risking Annihilation for the sake of extravagant Suburban developments why not construct Inland sparing delicate ecosystems and ensuring sustainability as a city with a substantial portion of its territory situated along the coastline Dubai faces the imminent risk of coastal erosion flooding and saltwater intrusion into freshwater sources these impacts not only jeopardize the city's I IC Waterfront areas but also undermine its efforts to ensure water security and maintain critical infrastructure rising sea levels threaten not just the city's infrastructure but also its tourism trade and real estate sectors Coastal properties including luxury beachfront developments and Commercial establishments are at risk of inundation and erosion Coastal communities also face the prospect of displacement due to land loss and increased vulnerability to Coastal hazards exac ating social inequalities and straining local resources furthermore the degradation of coastal ecosystems such as mangroves and coral reefs undermines their vital role in mitigating climate impacts it's not even hypothetical on April 16th 2024 unprecedented heavy rainfall wreaked havoc across the United Arab Emirates particularly impacting Dubai and Shara This Disaster is the most severe that the region has faced in 7 5 years these rain showers caused widespread flooding inundating streets homes and infrastructure the unprecedented downpour underscored the urgent need for robust disaster preparedness measures number 15 robot camel racing camel racing is a long-standing tradition in the region dating back to the 7th Century however it is undergone a remarkable transformation in Dubai since 2002 the UAE has replaced human jockeys with robots these robot jockeys can be operated via remote control they ensure the welfare of the camels and maintain the excitement and competitiveness of the races owners Drive alongside the racetrack in their SUVs controlling the robotic jockeys from a distance the camel racing season in Dubai lasts from September to April offering Spectators a thrilling and unique experience for centuries the Arabs have revered camels as vital assets for transportation trade and Leisure in the desert landscape as a result camel racing emerged as a cherished tradition deeply ingrained in emirati culture symbolizing Prestige Heritage and social status Beyond its cultural significance camel racing also serves as a form of entertainment and Recreation for locals and tourists alike however traditionally young children often from impoverished backgrounds were employed as jockeys this practice raised ethical concerns regarding child labor and safety thus the robotic jockeys these sophisticated devices ensure Fair competition and compliance with Animal Welfare standards moreover robot jockeys have contributed to the professionalization of camel racing attracting increased investment sponsorship and international recognition number 14 safety assured one of the most remarkable attributes of dubba is its exceptionally low crime rates despite its bustling Cosmopolitan nature Dubai continues to boast a decreasing crime rate year after year this trend reflects the collective mindset of its diverse residents from ambitious entrepreneurs to hardworking laborers everyone in Dubai values the opportunities afforded by the city's Dynamic economy in Dubai the consequences of committing a crime are severe and far-reaching Beyond the prospect of imprisonment offenders risk losing their visas and consequently their livelihoods this Zero Tolerance approach underscores Dubai's unwavering commitment to upholding Justice and maintaining order in the community the stringent enforcement of laws is deeply rooted in the cultural fabric of the Emirates a predominantly Muslim country where Justice holds Paramount importance residents are acutely aware of the potential ramifications of criminal behavior on their careers and businesses this has fostered a culture of compliance and respect for the law for visitors flocking to the city safety concerns are virtually non-existent whether strolling through the vibrant streets or enjoying the city's nightlife tourists can rest assured that Dubai offers a secure and welcoming environment for all number 13 shocking population statistics the City's population Dynamics are truly unique setting it apart on the global stage at the heart of this uniqueness lies the Stag in proportion of foreigners the locals only make up a mere 15% of the city's inhabitants a striking 85% of the city's residents are exp Patriots this makes Dubai a genuine Melting Pot where an array of cultures traditions and backgrounds intersect a remarkable 71% of Dubai's residents hail from Asia within this diverse Asian Community the Indian population stands out constituting over half of this significant percentage the city also boasts a substantial population from various corners of the globe adding layers of richness and diversity to its social fabric this Cosmopolitan atmosphere creates a dynamic and vibrant environment where people from diverse backgrounds come together contributing to the city's prosperity and vitality Dubai's status also reflects the power of diversity fostering Innovation creativity and mutual understanding individuals from all walks of life converge bringing with with them their unique perspectives and experiences enriching the city's cultural landscape and shaping its identity as a beacon of inclusivity and opportunity in the modern world number 12 a booming real estate market foreign investors who buy real estate in Dubai pay no taxes on their profits countless investors pour money into Dubai's real estate sector every year but amidst the glittering skyscrapers and booming economy Dubai's citizens are witnessing skyrocketing rental rates and sometimes facing illegal eviction to accommodate higher paying tenants the launch of the Dubai 2040 Urban master plan exemplifies the Emirates commitment to sustainable development and inclusive urbanization with goals to develop new Urban centers enhance housing standards and expand green spaces Dubai aims to create a vibrant livable City for its resid Central to Dubai's real estate success is the establishment of Freehold rights for foreign Nationals allowing them to purchase property moreover Dubai's tax-friendly environment with no capital gains or income taxes on real estate transactions makes it an attractive destination for investors worldwide however Dubai's real estate boom has not been without challenges the rapid increase in property prices particularly in the luxury segment has raised concerns about a potential bubble experts argue that Dubai's real estate market remains competitive in the long term and that average prices are still favorable compared to other Global cities looking ahead Dubai's real estate sector is poised for continued growth and Innovation with a focus on sustainability inclusivity and economic diversification Dubai aims to maintain its position as a global real estate Powerhouse number 11 abandoned luxury cars abandoned luxury cars in Dubai May initially perplex observers given the city's reputation for opulence and affluence however a closer examination reveals it instead speaks to the extraordinary levels of prosperity enjoyed by some of its residents in Dubai some people are so financially well off that they can afford to abandon their high-end sports cars without feeling the need to sell them while this might appear extravagant it is often a pragmatic decision sometimes accidents render the cars irreparable and unsellable in such cases attempting to repair and sell a damaged l luxury vehicle like a Lamborghini is often deemed financially feudal moreover the stringent legal framework in the Emirates adds another layer to this phenomenon bankruptcy or non-payment of debts can lead to severe legal consequences including imprisonment faced with such circumstances some people may choose to abandon their assets including expensive cars and run away to avoid legal repercussions these abandoned luxury cars can be found scatter scattered across the outskirts of the city in landfills and even in close proximity to hotels in some instances the owners even leave the ignition keys in the cabin number 10 Dubai has its own Disneyland Dubai's ambitious Spirit knows no bounds as evidenced by its grandiose project to create its very own version of Disneyland or as they call it Dubai land when negotiations with Disney fell through Dubai didn't simply abandon the dream of having a world class amusement park instead it embraced the challenge with characteristic determination Dubai land promises to be a colossal Endeavor dwarfing even the largest Disneyland parks in existence with an estimated cost reaching a staggering 64.3 billion dollar this project is not just ambitious it's Monumental spanning twice the size of any existing Disneyland Dubai land aims to redefine the concept of family entertainment on a global scale the vision for Dubai land extends far beyond mere amusement rides it aspires to offer a diverse array of attractions to cater to every taste and preference from thrilling roller coasters to enchanting themed lands Dubai land seeks to create an immersive experience that will Captivate visitors of all ages by investing in Dubai land the Emirate is making a bold statement to the world Dubai is not just a city it's a destination with its Relentless pursuit of excellence and Innovation Dubai is is poised to solidify its position as a prominent player in the global tourism industry for now all we can do is wait for Dubai land to open its doors to all number nine largest man-made Islands yes that's right Dubai has made islands with sand the city's artificial Islands stand as a testament to the city's penchant for extravagance and Innovation catering to the desires of the afluent with unparalleled opulence and creativity at the Forefront of these remarkable feats of engineering are the Palm Islands a trio of man-made archipelagos nestled in the waters near Dubai named palm jera palm Jebel Ali and palm Dera these islands boast a distinctive palm tree shape with a combined area exceeding 60 square km the Palm Islands epitomize Grandeur on an unprecedented scale adjacent to the Palm Islands lies another awe inspiring project known as the world comprising around 300 small Islands the world mimics a map of the world when viewed from above spanning an area of 55 Square km this meticulously designed archipelago offers a luxurious Retreat like no other however access to these exclusive Islands comes at a premium the smallest and most remote islands are priced at around $7 million while the largest commands a staggering price tag of $2 billion moreover developers extend exclusive sales offers only to the wealthiest ensuring that ownership Remains the domain of a select few number eight the world's largest aquarium Dubai also boasts an aquatic wonder that surpasses all expectations the Dubai Mall aquarium and underwater Zoo recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records this Marvel is the world's largest indoor aquarium holding an astonishing 10 million lers of water home to over 33,000 aquatic creatures spanning 200 different species the Dubai Mall aquarium is a vibrant underwater Paradise from Majestic shark Rays to a collidoscope of colorful sea life visitors are treated to an immersive experience unlike any other but the adventure doesn't stop there the aquarium's underwater Zoo situated on the center's second floor beckons visitors to delve deeper into the mysteries of the sea staffed by Marine experts and featuring interactive exhibits the underwater Zoo offers a treasure trove of knowledge and entertainment for visitors of all ages from its cuttingedge design to its unparalleled scale the aquarium stands as a testament to Dubai's unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of possibility for visitors to Dubai a journey through the depths of the Dubai Mall aquarium is a memory for Life number seven Burge Khalifa soaring to a staggering height of 828 M the Burge Khalifa is a modern wonder of the world construction of this Monumental structure began in September 2004 and was completed in January 2010 it was named Burge Khalifa during the opening ceremony in honor of Khalifa bin zad al- Nan the former president of the United Arab Emirates the sheer scale of the Burge Khalifa is awe inspiring its surface area is equivalent to 17 football fields and its weight is comparable to that of 100,000 elephants the construction team also used special concrete to mitigate heat absorption from the Sun at a breathtaking height of 555 m above ground the skyscraper boasts the world's highest observation deck offering visitors a panoramic view of the city however maintaining the pristine exterior of this towering structure is no small feat requiring a dedicated team and 3 months to thoroughly clean the entire building the construction of the Burge Khalifa came with a hefty price tag of approximately 1 5 billion today the skyscraper houses luxury apartments the prestigious Armani Hotel 900 residential units offices gyms a restaurant and the aforementioned Observatory number six gold trade Bonanza the gold trade scene in Dubai is staggering in 2013 Dubai emerged as a Powerhouse in global gold transactions commanding a jaw-dropping 40% share of the total gold traded worldwide for context the volume of gold trade traded in Dubai during that year exceeded a whopping 2,250 tons that's equivalent to more than 354 elephants Dubai's dominance in the international gold market is undeniable its strategic location worldclass infrastructure and business-friendly environment have made it a preferred hub for gold trading on a global scale whether it's bullion coins or jewelry Dubai's gold market offers unparalleled opportunities for investors Traders and enthus iasts alike with its Relentless pursuit of excellence and Innovation Dubai continues to reinforce its position as a leading player in the global economy the city's remarkable success in the gold trade serves as a testament to its unwavering commitment to Excellence number five no addresses until recently navigating Dubai was a one-of-a-kind experience instead of numbered streets and familiar addresses residents and visitors relied on landmarks business names or desp RVE directions to find their way around the city however in recent years Dubai has implemented a coordinate based approach to addressing under this system each building or entrance is assigned a unique code which is prominently displayed on plaques near the structure this makes it easier for delivery services postal workers and even emergency responders to find specific locations introduced in 2015 Dubai's very own navigation app further enhances navigation by providing users with real-time information and directions available for both Android and iOS devices this app has streamlined the process for taxis postal services and individuals navigating the city interestingly before the implementation of this system many residents relied on their workplace to serve as both their professional Hub and personal mailbox mail would be collected within the organization sorted and then delivered directly to recipients Deb s or placed in personal post boxes while this unconventional system was fairly efficient it sometimes led to confusion especially due to naming conventions in Arabic culture where the second name often represents the father's name resulting in mixups during male sorting in response to the need for a more modern and standardized Postal System the Emirates post group has introduced a range of personalized pickup and delivery services these Services include Thrice weekly deliveries to Reg registered home addresses Courier Services parcel insurance and mail tracking number four illegal Wildlife pets there was a time when Dubai was overrun with illegal Wildlife pets exotic animals like lions tigers and monkeys became status symbols for some residents leading to a thriving Underground Market however the government took decisive action to combat this issue by implementing a ban on illegal Wildlife pets but back in the day wealthy individuals and collectors sought to Showcase their affluence and Status by owning exotic pets ranging from big cats like lions and tigers to primates reptiles and exotic birds the accessibility of these animals coupled with lax regulations and enforcement contributed to the proliferation of the exotic pet trade in Dubai however this trend was not without its controversies and notable accidents incidents involving exotic pets occasionally made headlines highlighting the risks and ethical concerns associated with keeping such animals in private settings one particularly Infamous incident occurred in 2014 when a pet lion escaped from a villa in Dubai and roamed the streets before being captured by authorities another incident involved a pet tiger attacking its owner in 2019 resulting in serious injuries and raising questions about the suitability of exotic animals as pets these incidents along with growing awareness of Animal Welfare issues contributed to a shift in attitudes towards exotic pets recognizing these grave concerns the Dubai government enacted legislation to ban The Possession trade and import of illegal Wildlife pets number three Miracle Garden Dubai's Miracle Garden reflects the city's capacity for awe inspiring Beauty and Innovation nestled in the heart of the desert this Botanical Marvel has been captivating visitors since 2013 spanning an impressive 72,000 square meters the garden is a mesmerizing Oasis adorned with a staggering 50 million flowers what sets the miracle Garden apart is not just the sheer number of blooms but also the Artistry with which they are arranged the flowers aren't simply planted in beds instead they are meticulously crafted into various compositions that create vibrant alleys and captivating installations throughout the park visitors are treated to a sensory Feast as they stroll through this floral Wonderland encountering Larger than Life displays such as a meticulously detailed floral replica of an Airbus A380 plane and beloved Disney characters brought to life in stunning floral form moreover each year new displays and arrangements are introduced ensuring that no two visits are ever the same this Dynamic approach invites visitors to turn time and again knowing that they will always discover something fresh with each visit however the miracle Garden is a seasonal attraction closing its Gates during the scorching summer months when Dubai experiences extreme heat despite this the garden continues to draw crowds throughout the cooler months offering a welcome respit and a burst of color amidst the desert landscape additionally the garden boasts two official Guinness World Records the floor floral Airbus A380 model holds the title of the largest floral installation while a towering Mickey Mouse sculpture claims the Accolade of the world's largest topiary number two Dubai Mall the Dubai Mall isn't just a shopping center it's a vibrant City within a city offering an unparalleled Fusion of Commerce and entertainment spanning a colossal area of 1 million square met across four expansive floors this retail Mecca is a Testament to Dubai's status as a Global Hub of luxury and Leisure with over 1,200 stores the Dubai Mall is a Shoppers Paradise boasting an extensive range of products from local Treasures to International Brands but it's aure extends far beyond mere retail therapy visitors can immerse themselves in a world of entertainment and excitement for Thrill Seekers the mall houses a thrilling theme park offering adrenaline pumping rides and attractions families can Bond at the Children's Entertainment and educational center where fun and learning go hand inand and for movie Buffs state-of-the-art Cinemas offer the latest cinematic experiences but perhaps the Crown Jewel of the Dubai Mall is its mesmerizing aquarium one of the largest in the world with over 10 million lers of water and a stunning array of marine life including 33,000 fish and animals it's a breathtaking spectacle that captivates visitors vors of all ages the Dubai Mall is a destination where boredom is banished and every visit promises Unforgettable memories from worldclass shopping to immersive entertainment the Dubai Mall epitomizes the city's unwavering commitment to offering Unforgettable experiences number one zero income tax Dubai's zero income tax policy sets it apart as an exceptionally attractive destination for both individuals and businesses residents enjoy the privilege of not having to pay any personal taxes on their income in a world where taxes can significantly impact one's Financial well-being Dubai stands out as a beacon of Financial Freedom and opportunity no income tax means that they can retain a larger portion of their earnings providing a significant incentive for professionals seeking to maximize their income and savings this policy has made Dubai one of the most convenient cities globally for individuals looking to grow their wealth and secure their financial future moreover by eliminating personal income taxes Dubai creates an environment where businesses can attract and retain top talent without the burden of Taxation this Fosters a business-friendly climate that encourages entrepreneurship Innovation and investment ultimately driving economic growth and prosperity however it's important to note that while individuals may enjoy tax-free incomes corporate entities operating in Du Dubai may still be subject to corporate taxes at the federal level despite this the overall tax structure in Dubai remains highly favorable striking a balance between promoting economic growth and ensuring fiscal sustainability Dubai is one of the most tax-friendly jurisdictions globally this tax advantage has spurred the relocation of businesses across various sectors to Dubai Industries such as Finance technology Logistics hospitality and tourism have flourished in the Emirate attracted by the prospect of maximizing profits without the burden of Hefty tax obligations the financial sector in particular has seen significant growth with multinational corporations investment firms and fintech startups establishing a presence in Dubai's bustling business districts Additionally the city's strategic location worldclass infrastructure and pro bus policies further complement its tax advantages making it an ideal destination for companies looking to expand their operations Dubai's tax policies are part of a broader strategy aimed at attracting International Talent fostering Innovation and creating a dynamic business environment with such policies the city continues to position itself as a global hub for Commerce finance and Innovation well that's it for now thanks for watching don't miss this video you see on your screen right now it's truly unbelievable oh

2024-05-10 19:42

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