so I'll wait till four minutes okay okay guard sit here all day that's what I'm doing no way [Music] uh you go out through it I can see you guys no no so you don't mess up the uh gotcha thank you this way hey what's up all right oh we found it I just have a little step way okay thank you [Music] okay I'm getting it out of the way no okay [Music] who wants this day [Music] thank you foreign yes we've had bad experience with triple stack stuff here oh yeah probably everywhere it's a hot one boys say that every day foreign yeah and then I need a 90 this I needed this yeah this one just to keep it consistent for how we've been rolling thank you what's right here for now [Music] I don't need that at all I just gotta grab one thing out of it and it's all you today holy dude dmca dmca bro oh you're good I'm in my zone over here [Music] and where's your Center let me move these Center yeah wake up looks pretty good to me thank you [Applause] foreign all right [Music] there [Music] put you on the downstairs Edge let's see okay [Music] um [Music] oh yeah [Music] oh yeah foreign thank you all right what's going on all right [Music] okay thank you it's a triangle foreign that's insane I can't believe I just did that that's all on camera thank you [Music] [Music] every time so what do you need power wires over there I'm good man yep just just doing my thing open it up High over there I listened to his newest album the other day and I was like dude um [Music] man just let's do them a thing appreciate it though hybrid Matt said appreciate it man foreign investment s what's up so here you go but it makes it look nice I am good foreign four hours correct yeah let's go thank you thank you brother thank you [Music] it's going to be in the way of the pedals no we'll move them forward it'll be fine [Music] you might have to pull some of them so Hey where's the end of your thing at [Music] okay thank you and also uh West yeah [Music] thank you here you don't need a snack over there all right Sid you want to give me a hand real quick just lift it over this cable I'm gonna go right next to that monitor board right there all right you drop it you're dead over that one then we're gonna 90 it this way thank you foreign [Music] oh all right somewhere there's white with him there it is I use the M82 on my kick out at home hey you know I just like 52 is a piece of yeah it's okay I tell people all the time it's a beta 57 stuck in a shell charge you an extra 100 bucks way so much your balls I hate that yeah but you know what I found the perfect kick from stand up and some of the worst company you can ever think of Yorkville I've never even heard of that Yorkville is with the Canadian version of TV gotcha I might have to move it real quick yeah while I change this you want me to take it off yeah if you don't mind just if you just take the mic out of there I'll be good whatever he's with soilwork you know the funny thing is I did I forgot all about the show years it's like I have this trigger mechanism because I guess my autism and I see one little thing something to happen everything just comes back in about that whole night yeah there's that night suck that was the night my PA decided to go south because my my uh I keep explaining to them protect the whole time because it was like getting hammered so he probably actually gave you some money I bought some empires of course why is it always wrong it's the same thing that happens because something went wrong with the computer dies halfway through they probably buys the computer new one but it doesn't get here till after the whole thing's over with but I have this badass new Batman Pro rack mount two terabytes thirteen thousand dollars I might have to take these off hey sorry I have to seat the head how about just the pole is that all right I'm gonna I'm gonna put it down and I'm gonna push on it so I'm gonna a brand new head on there yeah I'm gonna take it off the stand I got stretched a little bit hard if I don't do it I'm gonna think about how I didn't do it all day and then you'll hear it please yes probably won't know but she'll know if anything sounds wrong I'm like 20 things it did do something all right all right try not to say it in front of my Rob he's the headlighting guy for Metallica I always like yeah and I put up like Metallica she'll start like defend him I said dude I said nobody in Metallica has my that's my feed so I don't know why you're worried so much all right how are we looking uh getting there um I just got to get power to my that big case is there somewhere I can plug in over there I think it's it's line check is scheduled for two thank you [Music] it's real low I'm gonna go a little bit higher I'm talking an eight I can tell the the note is different than normal I'm going the thing about these diecast tubes is like the smallest turn huge difference yeah thank you [Music] that's the thing about diecast soups as well is they stay oh on the Toms too yeah okay yeah yeah they're so easy to do [Music] [Music] um thank you very much [Music] [Music] oh let's not put the coffee station by off computers wait brother thank you sir hello orange man a lot of you guys know all right make sure you have power looks like we do all right cool lights on thank you man yeah I forgot oh yeah oh geez yeah is it getting worse what from what I know [Music] fire fire foreign radio check [Music] s all right so let's be our dirty boy Polish Polish finish if we need I might need to get a a damp rag but we'll see I'm gonna try a new method out with this group juice foreign like slightly off level and all the drawers oh that's how that one is too that's why it's all got those locks on them this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay you ready George [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] all right don't worry I'm gonna take this I have Spike dude if you need it yeah foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh yeah it is it's warm it's like Gatorade tea that'll keep you good [Music] explain [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh no foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] emotionally yeah [Music] hey Sid let me lift this over this real quick there's that that name again I know that guy and then this one as well she's gonna go in front of the drum Riser with both of these copy that was okay cool yeah you want to put those yeah throw those in here biggest to smallest yeah yeah ride this guy and you'll figure it out 19. this guy this guy goes and then this copy oh it's wet is it let me grab a towel real quick we'll wipe it down probably sweat just wipe it down before you throw it in there that's all all right foreign [Music] thank you nah just get it snug you don't have to tighten it too hard all right I should be good from here man I appreciate the help dude for real foreign [Music] oh yeah [Music] gotcha if it's not it's good to shut down all right there's that in all right [Music] for anything foreign foreign all right D1 is ready to go thank you not right now but uh bro these are the hardest thing to put away in the world we've got it bro I nailed it the other night I'm gonna head down right now um great shows and to you guys cleaning up and picking up all the pieces thank you so much for everything you're the best drum Tech in the world yeah sure
2023-09-15 11:22