DRIVE the coast of HAINES, ALASKA – 4K (Ultra HD) Driving Tour

DRIVE the coast of HAINES, ALASKA – 4K (Ultra HD) Driving Tour

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To the left lie the Takhinsha mountains which extend east to west. South of the Takhinsha mountains is the Chilkat mountain range. The corner where they merge is the backdrop to Haines, Alaska which you will see shortly. Haines, the Adventure Capital of Alaska, was once a buzzing military hub, Fort William H. Seward. Famous for heli-skiing, rafting, fishing, hiking and let’s not forget the wildlife! While logging used to be Haines’ biggest industry, commercial fishing, tourism, and gold mining are now popular. Haines can be reached via the 159-mile Haines Highway by car, by Ferry via the Alaska Marine Highway system, or by air or bus.

The population of Haines is 2,056 with 1/3 of the population leaving during the winter months. It offers a small, quaint feeling and is one friendly town! Originally inhabited by the Chilkat (Tlingit) Indians (who called the area Dei Shu, meaning “End of the Trail”). It received this name because they could portage (carry) their canoes from the trail they used to trade with the interior ... Which began at the outlet of the Chilkat River, to Dtehshuh and save 20 miles (32 km) of rowing around the Chilkat Peninsula. A destination for weddings, memorials, yoga retreats, board retreats, or spiritual retreats and hoe-downs.

Did you know? Haines is the only town in Southeast Alaska to have been named after a woman (Francina E. Haines). Haines is known as “The Valley of the Eagles.” Year-round resident eagles total approximately 400.

The population rises to over 3,500 in the months of October through December when a late run of chum salmon in the Chilkat River occurs. Established as a result of a border dispute with Canada, and for providing policing presence for miners moving into the gold mining areas in the Alaskan interior. From 1925 to 1940, Fort William H. Seward was the only active Army post in Alaska. The fort was formally deactivated in 1945, and sold to the Port Chilkoot Company. The property has been developed as an art colony; it includes housing and art galleries, accommodations for tourists and the Chilkat center. 45 minutes of breathtaking views! On December 2, 2020, record-breaking rainfall triggered a landslide killing 2 people, washing through houses, and destroying buildings.

Recovery is still underway. A house use to be here, 2 bodies have never been found. Between 2010 and 2012, an average of 30,000 cruise ship passengers visited annually. NCL - Brilliance of the Seas arriving! The library saw itself on the pages of Library Journal as the "Best Small Library in America" for 2005 Let the adventures begin! Surf Scoters or locally known as the “poor man’s puffin” as there are no puffins in the area. Landsclide on the side of Mt. Riley. Surf Scoters is a medium-sized sea duck with sturdy neck, rather large head, and heavy, broad bill that rest on the water’s surface and dive for their prey.

Flocks of thousands can be seen in migration along ocean coasts. Overlooking Lutak Inlet which is frequented by numerous sea lions, seals, and orcas. Raft of Sea Lions. It’s time for the Great Hooligan Run! The Hooligan (Eulachon, Candlefish), is a small anadromous species of smelt that is up to 10 inches in total length. Anadromous meaning they spend most of their adult life in the ocean, but return to freshwater to breed.

The silvery fish, provide bountiful food for birds, bears, and people and signify that spring is here. In early May each year, tons of hooligan or eulachon swim into the Chilkoot River to spawn. Tens of thousands of gulls, scores of sea lions and seals, and even orcas and humpback whales crowd into this estuary, creating the Chilkat Valley’s grandest wildlife spectacle. In the Chilkoot River, the hooligan run was estimated at 300,000 in 2015 but >1.8 million in 2016. Hooligan are generally blue-silver in color in salt water, turning to gray-brown and green when moving into fresh water at spawning time.

Hooligan spawn in fresh water streams after which the majority of hooligan die. Eggs are "broadcast" over sandy gravel bottoms, once fertilized a sticky substance allows them to attach to sand particles. Their adhesive eggs, about 30,000 per female, attach to sand or pebbles. The eggs hatch in freshwater in 21 to 40 days, depending on the water temperature.

After emerging from the eggs, young hooligan migrate downstream to salt water to grow to maturity in the sea. After three to six years at sea, they return as adults to spawn. A perfect spot for bear viewing later in the year during the salmon run. The lake is a popular location for Kayaking and salmon fishing. The Chilkoot Lake's commercial fishing of Sockeye salmon is worth about $1 million annually.

Time for a lesson!

2023-08-28 12:35

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