Don't Eat This in Bali

Don't Eat This in Bali

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hello there from Bali, Indonesia. Right now I'm in a little town called Lovina. it's a north shore town.   I came up here yesterday and  yeah, I think I'm the only tourist in this town. Today we're just gonna get out and go  for a little walk, we're gonna go along the coast.

There's a dolphin statue that I want to show you guys and I want to check out.   I'm right up here, this is about  a minute walk from my place. much different from Balian, well it's actually pretty choppy right now but I think it's high tide. 

It is definitely high tide because yesterday i  was up here and I was able to walk down there   but the plan is to walk down the coast  here all the way to the dolphin statue.   we'll see if we make it we'll see if we make it now this place looks incredible. got  yourselves a private gym right there.  we got, look at that pool, a nice white sandy beach up here, beautiful pool, outdoor seating, a huge swing   but there ain't nobody there nobody  there. I wonder how much that would be   the place I'm staying at is only 12  a night and I'm the only one there look at the view you would have too sure hope we can go this way. the beach kind of ran out on me there. hope this is no one's property check out this bridge that looks sturdy. okay i think we can keep going this way and here i found a lovely little warung on the beach. looks like you can come here, 

play some volleyball. i'll be playing  by myself because there's nobody here boys out here flying some kites oh got it up here just kind of looks like a local village. maybe see a lot more locals hanging around probably all fishermen. whoa check out  that boat out there I guarantee you can't see it on this camera but there's an American flag on the back of it. come pick me up! it is just extremely quiet around  here, too quiet, eerily quiet   and all along this street right  here is just closed up shops you can really tell northern Bali has been  hit pretty hard by the pandemic.   this is from what i understand the main beach up here. they got the Lovina sign over here.

and you can just imagine pre-covid, all these places in here would have been open. good sir just walking, um okay thank you   it's okay it's okay, and being the only foreigner out here the only tourist i'm an easy target. isn't that nice man this is just sad all these shops in  here they all have different names to   the chantiq shop tommy shop the sugaka  shop. all closed up. gotta be tough   but this is what i wanted to come show you  guys and i want to come check out. yeah

my wow look at this, Lovina is known for his  calm beaches the dolphin tour the snorkeling   and they have right up here the dolphin statue i would love to see this place pre-covid people were around all the stalls are open   but it's been hit pretty hard up here  obviously. but i love these temples   like i said yesterday these are all  hand carved, and the black that you see in there is form the black sand from the beach they mix in with the cement it's beautiful okay so from here though, we're gonna  take the main road and we're gonna go grab some lunch   because uh i need to eat, i'm hungry so of course in America we have Kentucky  fried chicken here in Bali you have Jaya fried chicken. and uh i've seen this place a few times and i've wanted to try it out so let's do it   the Kentucky fried chicken of Bali. oh they  got hamburgers. can i eat here? right there okay

two one two two yeah how many oh just one yeah and burger chicken uh that's it, it comes with a  drink, drink is included milo, okay sure 41 all right so uh let's take a look at what  we got here. this is the apparently the Pa Mil 2 i got a piece of chicken and this is actually the rice They just serve it in this little wrapper  right here. okay let's try the chicken no, that ain't that bad that'll give kfc a run for its money that's for sure mm-hmm and they give me this kind of drink, it's called a milo, i'm guessing it's some kind of cocoa drink yup chocolate drink that's pretty good too all right now let's see what their hamburger  and their chicken burgers like. i thought it'd be tiny   but it's actually, it's not that bad for  10 000 rupiah, which is like 70 cents, yeah okay this is the hamburger, if that's meat i  don't know what the hell that is okay lots of ketchup, lots of ketchup, all right let's just, you paid for you got to eat it cucumbers! wow, they could definitely lighten up on the sauce that's for sure there's no no need for that much ketchup and mayonnaise all right, this looks nothing like the picture,  absolutely nothing, wow okay, that's enough of that one i think they gave me the same  thing. i wanted the chicken

this is the same, same thing oh my gosh, it's not very good okay round two i wasn't gonna give up because they had a terrible hamburger so i went ahead and got some more chicken. got the combo this time, a couple pieces of chicken some fries, and some delicious ketchup.  they like their ketchup here, mayonnaise and some chili sauce okay can't go wrong with that.  that chicken ain't that bad

all right so final verdict on some Jaya fried  chicken, chicken is good, hamburger's terrible   do not get those hamburgers. i tried telling  that lady, i was like yo, if any Americans come,  take it easy on the ketchup, you don't need  that much ketchup and mayonnaise on a hamburger.   okay let's get back to my place. wow, check  that out, that's a beautiful mural right there. the island of nice Bali. let me show  you guys where i've been. oh cool, it's all made of shells too so right now, i'm way up there to Lovina, it's kind of hard to make  out, the airport is somewhere down here   i was staying here for a while in Balian i think is somewhere over here but i'm just gonna keep going this way around the island and uh make my way all the way around, that's the plan at least   one thing i love are these real red bulls check it out, i found a liquor store and  a money exchange all in the same place perfect looks like i found myself a little local market. hello, lot of fruits, see what they got in here hey hey what are you doing? that's right.  are you a Youtuber? Really? what is your Youtube channel?  

hold on one second, tada, oh this is  the name? that's the name, on the back you can uh   oh what are you making? for this one. for the offerings? yeah yeah. okay. Want to see?sure wow that's beautiful how many can you make in one day? can you show me how you do? yeah a small yeah? one sure small one what is this made of?   oh what is this? you want  to see? it's like this. what plant is it? so easy. what is this from? a coconut tree. okay it's like flower. and you poke through, yeah yeah more easy but i love this. i would eat a stapler

sure oh flowers smells so good oh my god yellow one oh yeah, finally there it is. amazing! you're  so talented, this is Loviani from Lovina yeah   are you from Lovina? your english is so good. oh thank  you. so good how old are you nick?   i'm an old man. uh you want to see the big  tree? oh is there a big... you want to see?   Loviani is going to take us right over here. wow, look at that oh my god, wow that's incredible look at that. what kind of tree? i don't know just a big tree, it's the big tree. it is massive

that is crazy. does it have a name? or do you know how old it is or anything? no no can i touch? it has all these like small shrines  all around it too. this one right? yeah   yes that's me. and i guess before  corona this was all open huh what do they sell here in the morning?  5 a.m what what did they sell? ah uh   this one will be like rice. okay. so this eggs.  produce. yeah vegetable and meat, fish, shrimp. chicken. local market huh? yeah very cool  

i'm gonna walk around but i'll buy some bananas from you okay. you have an instagram account right?   see ya asking you have a girlfriend.  i don't have a girlfriend. oh what is this? this is...

that's right. don't forget to like subscribe  and share. that's right listen to her do   Do you know BlackPink? i do know Black Pink, i've heard of BlackPink. i'm Jennie you're Jennie. yeah i'm Jennie from Blackpink. i'll have to look that up later, i don't know  what she's talking about, i know Blackpink, but i don't know the members. oh i know,  i'm out of the loop, i'm out of the loop   it's so big huh, sorry. i like  bananas, can i have some bananas? okay  

you want to take this? oh can i? no problem. i'll be back that's enough. okay thank you Loviani just a couple days. yeah thank  you so much, you're a sweetheart   bye thank you bye, don't forget  subscribe, thank you all right bye-bye okay i got my bananas i got my bananas   all right so i had a Boss burger in Jakarta  let's get some Boss coffee in Lovina. let's do uh caramel macchiato no uh hey thank you, no change she was a cutie that's for sure also would somebody like to tell me what  that's all about, You see a lot of elephant style buddhas everywhere, that huge statue that  i showed you yesterday in the previous video   huge elephant and you see  those all over the place so   if you don't mind tell me, obviously it's some sort of god i would imagine, that they worship   and they pray to, but you just see them all  over. is that something you just see in Lovina?   something you just see in Bali? this area? i don't know, somebody please fill me in.  

but i've just about made it back to my place. we did one huge loop around, starting on the ocean   made it all the way down to Lovina Beach and then took the main road back.   we uh had some lunch, had some Java, Jaya fried chicken. we uh we met Loviani   beautiful lady working at the fruit market.  thank you for showing us around, and uh we got sine coffee that was super sweet. man that was, everything here they put a ton of sugar in   but i've just about made it back to my place  and i'm gonna end the video here, thank you for joining me on this little stroll and uh i'll see you in the next one, take it easy later. hey hey

and this is where i'm staying. and they  have a shop. oh you have a shop in here   yeah, oh wow, beautiful dresses oh  this look this look good for me? NO a lot of shirts, oh they're nice, well i'll  look around later, i'll look around there. okay you can come in from here. yeah  okay thank you thank you but for real though, take a look at all  these bananas, damn one two three four   five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve  thirteen fourteen fifteen fifteen bananas wow   that was thirty thousand which  is two dollars and ten cents for   fifteen bananas, that ain't bad let's  see how they taste. that's a good banana almost a little bit of orange in there almost that's good stuff

2021-08-07 18:32

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