Don't believe the rumours...Solo travelling El Salvador

Don't believe the rumours...Solo travelling El Salvador

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welcome to El Salvador a lot of talk about this country in the last few years for being incredibly safe After experiencing massive danger because of gangs travel became almost impossible but now it seems like it's open I just stopped at a cafe for breakfast at 7:30 in the morning I want to get started because it's very hot and I'm also a little bit nervous to walk around gas okay all right we got fresh toast some beans cheese I guess this is I don't know Plains eggs and a fresh orange juice let's dig in first impressions of the city a little grungy but you can't blame them reminds me honestly of San Jose Costa Rica but everyone's so nice I don't feel unsafe um yeah this is such a nice park look at these Vibes I am about to go on a walking tour which I do in every city I am currently at par K katlan to meet the guide and we are going to explore this squirrel is pissing and looks a bit rabid K not only wants us to get into culture but also into sports into galleries into getting into the museums you know since safety has been restored in this uh country there's now lots of open art galleries exhibitions and just general like Community engagement check this stuff out right in the Park check out these built-in yoga pads these yoga [Music] platforms it is the the hospital the hospital Rosales look the material it is it is metal it's still it's hot as a matter of fact hello hello who show you where I was born but the building has been demolished and they are building a brand new maternity hospital wow slogan is this one the public has to be better than the private and you will see it that we go on including this Hospital what is it now we have another oh no joke this is the hospital District cuz there's they're everywhere I know there's a hospital for everyone that's crazy what what did you doing just touring touring the city my first day first day in El Salvador first time in Salvador see first time first day yeah I wake up this morning first day yeah I I needed Pro my English but I don't know I understood in your language because it's incredible and I like it what's your name H my name is Axel aler Axel Axel a okay give me give me a moment no a x e o very cool it's a Spanish name and this is your store this is my job I am I am working here I I I prepare tacos and milkshake okay do you have Sandia Sandia no I can't see what's a good only only is a picture but I don't can I have what's the best Hugo sin Le soloa what's the the best your [Music] favorite it's difficult for me but know for other person espanol is difficult for me no cuz in English it's the [Music] I don't know but the first we got and the ice the yellow is okay it's from the water here or it's from a yellow with water perfecto [Music] English is very is very bad or very good very good gust AEL Theory this guy made me a delicious juice sack orange and pineapple oh that's good just bought this it's supposed to be a quesadilla but it's got cheese in it yeah only mag and then I've got a few as well nice I want to get like soccer jerseys that's kind of cool right all right we are in the marato [Applause] [Music] now look at this this is the the biggest Market that you can see in s we're talking about eight blocks approxim all the clothing the green one looks mysterious what is that oh this is another fruit we have it's like a pear but it is a beit so would you like to try something else I'll come back maybe later and try when you come back to yeah [Music] [Music] wow when we come to we got yes I heard this Z why because this is a very heart of downtown s the city was built in 183 beforeit City before been to not let me tell you that here at one of the main squares and there is a uh a Bitcoin station right behind me here where you can withdraw Bitcoin into cash for like no fees we were giving at the very beginning $30 everybody it's called [Music] Choo which means cool cool K right across is the National Theater the first building built with all the money from coffee exportation so this priest was basically murdered or even assassinated during the Civil War in El Salvador because he was preaching sort of against the government or at least against violence he was shot in church while giving communion that's what this red ball signifies with the cross pictures the national EMP from this Plaza under renovation why that's the library looks brand new I'm in the main square right now behind is the National Palace and there is the name of the church El Salvador the library newly [Music] built basically everything in the city is becoming rejuvenated for practical use there's art spaces communal spaces and just overall engagement which is a complete contrary to what was happening not to uh not too far before now where people couldn't even leave their houses because it was so dangerous because of gang violence but now it's a hot spot for Life culture and tourism this is the new library which was donated by China and it's open 247 can you believe that a 24-hour Library sponsored by the Chinese you can see the flag right there in the middle of San Salvador El Salvador wow and it was built to the design representing the waves of the country of waves because of the ocean and the two sides representing volcanoes pretty cool stuff that was built really quickly along with many other new projects here in the downtown core let's go inside this Library [Music] top floor of this brand new library in El Salvador donated by China wow got a gaming station here yo this is [Music] crazy air conditioning and this is open 20 24 hours a day let's check this view real [Music] [Music] quick [Music] wow pretty sweet views here the building always constructing things building these are the trees that they're planting downtown they're similar to cherry blossoms but they're not all right and this epic Plaza here where El Salvador finally got its independence from [Applause] Spain it's pretty crazy tour so far are very very in depth so far it's been great there's lots to do in the city lots of like Community projects that's why there's so much construction they're not joking around here they are taking this uh revitalization very seriously so come check it out for yourself [Music] so this saint had a mission which Virgin Mary appears to be Vision holding grocery which is the major application of this church designed in the brutalist movement of architecture 1950s steel concrete stained glass inside this church there's some religious art guess metal is the vibe Robo [Music] Jesus all right cool feels so nice take this like this yeah no you can just bite it like that [Music] [Music] that's different do you like it mm I like it you like it like this one is probably pretty nice yeah it's ice cream or fuit juice shake [Music] yeah and it would be why what is the difference all right still here in San Salvador Salvador just want to show you the new stadium they're building it's still under construction and it's going to be massive and it's a huge project for the country you can see construction workers are still inside it's still very much under renovation but this is going to be a huge project for S Salvador check this out this is one of the main Banks look at this beautiful [Music] building okay Mosa all right we are now in the Sona Rosa District which apparently is the not the party area but where all the bars might be first stop will probably be this Brewery which I think is sort of their unofficial National Beer which is called cadejo and this is the brewery right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no let's give this a try I got this uh like a [Music] logger a really good I [Music] all right how cool little Brew reaction here so for those of you who are beer lovers you can uh come check out the local beer in El Salvador there's a winery maybe it's just called the winery who knows if it actually is a winery BR this isn't an Irish Club I don't know what it is Yo they got all the bars and restaurants here all right they're here I think that's a shopping mall it looks pretty uh new little product sale here got some cafes here something called bold coffee looks pretty uh Boutique for the coffee lovers but let's get a closer look at this mall all right it is a shopping mall let's give this a quick look okay yeah this is a contemporary Mall a fresh Mall in El Salvador look at these nice designs it's an American institution I'm going to leave here and go instead to a papusa district where all the papusa vendors are apparently this is the mecca papusas so I'll try some super fancy area it's like a golf resort and and another Mall wow don't sleep on El Salvador look at this church wera de Elma it's like a fancy Resort I'm still in this fancy area and look another Mall what is going on here it's got a Chuck-E-Cheese city is rejuvenating so fast I am not making this up there is another mall across from the last Mall look at this this is the mall I just passed and here's another mall right here what is going on I can't believe this it's a mall epidemic this mall is called Las cascaras God this mall looks brand new this is wild Maul Mecca San Salvador definitely not the safest I felt I could use a sidewalk here but uh it is what it is literally walking on a highway bridge I'm a real camando now well here's my exit and welcome to to Antigua cast cuscatlan what a cute little is that a Marilyn Monroe thing wow this is nice so this is where the papusa district is I can't wait to get there look at the artwork here it's the Monopoly man little Sports Action finally got some sidewalk and it's paved nicely okay [Music] see graas oh yeah that is um this is corn juice all right now we are into action there's a little Courtyard here and a bunch of vendors so let's see here this is the vibe right here cocktails all right this is the first place we're going to check out recommended is [Music] [Music] okay see po salsa pante all right that took a while but let's try this out it's hot as hell you can see inside corn tortilla I like vegetables n see is n oh yes oh Char [Music] W it's com manana wow say a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] shoot more see [Music] wow very interesting [Applause] taste [Music] see see in here jeez interesting oh wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] bit of an awkward situation just yeah I don't know what to say about that let's move on [Music] okay all right don't know what this is the hell are these oh my God it's fish this is absolutely disgusting this is the most disgusting ever in my life fried fish pieces on top of some gross oh my God I had to get this to go like that was the most disgusting thing I ever had all right so far I highly recommend this area I got some nice treats some interesting meals definitely a Vibe here if you're ever in San Salvador all right I'm at the bus station here in San Salvador to go to Santa Ana s graci that's we made it [Applause] letosa that was a bit of a challenge but made it it's a Santa Anna looking for my airb right now [Music] all right so far it's been nice I was flooded with hospitality by my Airbnb host he walking around the town let's see if we can get a [Music] haircut okay well gra much all right got the fresh cut a little pricier than I usually pay here for Latin America charge me8 us even though on a sign it said four but I guess it meant four for the top four for the bottom still much better than Canada so cost like $40 little bit of Judaism in Santa Anna Salvador check this out there's another sort of Jewish clue here Temple bethl I'm not sure if that means Temple of Bethlehem or not is there a booming Jewish Community here I need to look into this check out this abandoned building here I don't know what this is okay inter no ah [Music] ah no fun hopefully I can translate what he said there I have no idea what it was but he gave me a [Music] name interesting all the birds in the cage there are prostitution houses here these are all these aren't hooker bars I don't know what it [Music] is yo this barbecue has been on fire for like 20 minutes it was here when I first turned around this block oh no this thing has been on fire the whole time I don't think she's actually cooking is she anyway all right welcome to the Central Square of Santa Anna the theatro de Santa Ana there is the cathedral oh I wonder if there's a show Happening Here For the Love of theater [Music] [Applause] okay are you in pela or are you in okay okay gracias okay here we go I have no idea what I just bought maybe a ticket to a show maybe a ticket just to come inside and look around but let's go in the main entrance here don't what it is [Music] BU oh my God wizard of for so I walked into the Wizard of Oz that was hilarious really cool building though old school bathrooms are old school back into the center area goal is food but see some of these historic landmarks reminds me of the dwo in Milan Gothic architecture look at this there's Romero again for those who remember from uh San Salvador guy who got shot during the Civil War in church crazy nice breeze cencio no trumpet and donces so looks like this church was definitely renovated can see the mix of architecture wonder what happened there I'm looking for [Music] babo okay get a little bit of air all right so you saw the lady hammering down some dough for papusas so you know what we're getting all right so I ordered three papusas as you can see see they initial it here this is MOA which I've never tried before it's a vegetable chorizo and poo and this is the sauce you have to have with them got a little lemonada too and that's hot oh my God it smells like pancakes very fresh sauce on here than oh listen there too maybe what's happening now I didn't like the Moa the vegetable um yeah it was kind of weird although I got it with beans maybe that's the problem let's check out some City Lights here at night that's not annoying at all keep these city lights right here [Music] [Music] everything is the same hot dogs and hamburgers food drinks and wellness this is the quietest it has ever been for me so far here look at this beautiful building and they have a little church should we go in and see looks like an old Harbor building or something modeled after some sort of Ivy League school cool look at this this is like an art Foundation or something you know there's many wealthy countries in Latin America that don't have Arts programms the fact that there's something like that here is pretty special I'm going to look more into that after see solo see wow all right it's 7:30 in the morning in Santa Ana El Salvador and I'm about to climb this volcano got a little papoa breakfast and now we're going to get the bus let's do it [Music] okay it's a party at 7:30 in the morning in this little terminal W all right old school cheese Meg in action definitely made for children but all good all right I check my bag I don't know what they're looking for maybe alcohol all right we just started his hike so far so good so far a lot the instructions are in Spanish so difficult but uh just got to hike the damn thing how hard it going to beave W it's like Jurassic Park sweet to film a Apocalypse movie here who okay this is it can we go inside and swim or what whoa If This Were Canada there would be no way I'd be allowed this close to the edge Smokey up here this definitely should not be allowed oh my God this should totally not be allowed holy crap all Smokey but there's the uh what do you call it I'm not going to lie that's a invasive uh element in the air sulfur is strong all right that was the Santa Anna volcano pretty cool very busy with foot traffic lots of people but it was a fairly easy hike so maybe that's why bit of uh tequila or mes cloud with this agave plant right here huh huh stay here oh wow by have you done the hike before yeah yeah do you hike a lot I do sometimes yeah yeah

2024-07-11 14:08

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