Does everything we touch need to be washed now?

Does everything we touch need to be washed now?

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hi everyone a travel addict a guy here i'm here  once again with mikko the cat man how you doing   today mikko okay plexus breaking down oh no oh my  lord and we moved into a new hotel guys and it is   hotel cervantes and i'm loving this place this  place used to be an old house it is unbelievable   guys wait till you see it it is so so beautiful  they have paintings throughout this hotel   and it is easy to get lost in here we had to go  around to a quarter so it's quite interesting   inside there's a patio with a big orange tree  there so fabulous place guys i'm going to show you   the hotel i'm going to show you the room here is  the room the bathroom is kind of small in this one one of the smallest this is the smallest  bathroom we've dealt with so far   here is the room mika what are you  doing stacking up some liquor there here's the room guys quite  comfortable some decorations as well   and i like this guys i like this there's a  nice chair and you have this nice patio here look at this guy very nice and we are in the  old town and once again we're back in the old   town guys we're very close to satas now once  again we move back to the costco antigua we're   all over the place here in sevilla guys  what do they have there chariots chariots   oh and the pictures yes i guess they are chariots  good either catman yes the chariot coffee time   coffee time crazy for coffee guys i'm crazy  for it even in 45 degree heat we got to go   get our coffee what do you think cat man it's  gonna be what is that it's gonna be 45 today   it was uh about the same yesterday  i think it was a little bit cooler   because it was a little bit cloudy but today  we're going to get the full heat of the sun guys   and we can test if we are made of sugar and  we melt and the coffee shops the good ones all   close around one or almost all of them actually  beside the tapas bar so we have to get there soon   it's around 12 30. and it was nice that we could  check into our hotel early that was nice here   let us do that and another tip for you guys  even if you can't check into your hotel early   you can usually leave the bags there so go  to the hotel for sure even if your check-in   time is say like three and it's one instead of  just waiting around somewhere go to the hotel   and ask if you can leave the bags there and  they'll they'll let you do that nine out of   ten guys they'll lock them in a room normally  and they'll give you like a like one of those   tags like an airport tag almost and when  you go back to check in you get your luggage   yeah this is um like a maze miko was just saying  it's like a maze going through these streets   pretty much pretty much a big machine  i'm trying to learn the logic here   in this neighborhood right green  gringo i haven't seen nanowild gringo wow am i back in chile am i back in south america   gringo here if you're a foreigner  they call you a geary what is that oh yeah check that out old school like the  russian oh yeah he's got the side car oh   maybe we can get a ride in it let's ask him  yeah or just jump in there he doesn't know   he can barely fit through there guys look at  this he's gonna try to fit through the street wow he barely fits through look at that guys  he barely got through there everybody's looking wow that was crazy guys very cool so once again  back in the old town the costco antique wall bienchine what does that mean bien chine let me  know guys in the comments if you're from sevilla   what is bien chine i haven't heard that one a car  behind me again wow guys a lot of cars out today   i guess it's early you gotta really  be careful walking around here a wild place he's going somewhere fast mikko to  work where's he going to work maybe ah someone likes gumballs allah yeah because  usually they only have this whiskey okay i   think we had that the other day didn't we have  the gumballs yeah we had that one tapas bar   remember we had the gambas oh yeah we had the  gammas with the chipperones you don't remember   that we had the chipperones and the gumbas a heel  and they had something else with it too so we're   back in our favorite coffee spot or mine anyway  virgin and she's making us some more coffees today that guys so we're gonna have our coffees and  we're gonna do some more expiration i guess today   guys i'm gonna show you that hotel later i'm gonna  make sure i'm gonna do that so we're back in the   plaza mayor guys and we're under the seitas and  mikko said looks like there's no one living here   is that what you said mikko it seems like really  like all the windows seem to be closed and stuff   like this right like no life here in the hotels  well they're probably very touristic properties   and we don't have so many tourists this year  and once again guys there's this beautiful satas   so this is a really nice place to come have coffee  at the virgin virgin coffee and then to sit under   this beautiful structure here well you always  find a way to take me down the weird places mikko   you always find a way to take me down the weird  street walmart exclusive like shortcuts yeah   yeah it is a bit um cooler here guys for  sure tiny street here mikko likes to go   down those tiny streets just like a cat  would this looks like a new painting there city of london city londres look at this building it's a cool building there   there's a place here that  is uh definitely closed down neck and neck neck and neck has  no more neck no more necks mikko and one here close down too and this is liquidation guys it looks like  that one's closed too i don't see anything   in there i don't think it's been liquidated  yeah that's been completely liquidated in there oh check out these flamenco dresses these are cool  look at those guys for the ladies for the ladies   check those out wow well i missed that guys the  days of the feria when all the beautiful spanish   girls would walk around with these dresses  and there's the earrings that go with it such good times with the horses and as  of now that is all on hold so mikko went   into this place guys because he has his um  frames with his glasses they actually broke   and he's been gluing them with the super  glue so every time we've gone somewhere   they brought him like another frame that he  doesn't like that's all they have because to   they have to cut down the the glass lenses  i guess but anyway they had a rack they had   like a big rack there guys with these sunglasses  were 50 off so i mean you couldn't really see the   brand you couldn't see the price or anything  so i was picking them up i was trying them on   and i was looking at them you know and the guy  comes over he's like no no no no every time you   touch them or he's like every time you wear them  i have to clean now so i was like okay that makes   sense then i just touch it and look at it he  goes no no if you touch it i have to clean it   so i don't know guys this world has just seemed  to go crazy to me you can't even touch something   to have to clean it so are we that dangerous i  mean our own bodies have become that dangerous   and if we just touch something it's got to be  like uh clean now disinfected i mean what does   this freaking world come to guys i mean think  about it your server he's touching the plate   he's touching your your glass and there's no issue  there do we have to clean everything in the world   now i don't know guys what do you think cat man  yeah it's the highest amount of stupidity in   the world in human history i think yeah it's gone  over the top guys we've lived with viruses for our   millions of years or how long  the human race has existed   and now everybody's gone crazy but absolutely not  so we're walking toward the center of town now and this is that uh place i had uh tapas  on me go here sierpe's on my birthday   see if you guys in there no  it looks like a different guy so back into the center of  town plaza de san francisco the hottest part of the year guys we're in sevilla and i better not touch anything oh my god mikko that guy touch your glasses you  should uh clean them oh yeah he catched him but   he didn't clean them so he was breaking the rules  yeah he didn't clean him after he touched them   and we've been here around two weeks  now guys we've been here quite a while   if we're here much longer maybe thomas  will come we're into my buddy thomas so we're in the plaza nueva the new plaza and last time i was here there was um  all kind of people selling things here that was in around january december when i was  here and there was all kind of shops here and   it was like they were selling all kind of  things so it was like a market basically   and they were selling all handmade goods and  things like that it's really beautiful here even the the ground is just gorgeous look at that  the way they laid it out and you have this huge   statue here as a centerpiece and look at that  look how impressive that is it's very very tall and they don't want you on there they've got the   chains you can't go on that one keep  those graffiti artists off that one and not too many people out because of the heat we're willing to brave the heat guys and  we gotta do it we have to do it today   nothing we can do so far not too bad  though maybe i'm getting used to the heat   your body is just and here it's nice  and cool you hear the birds here there they are in the trees you have  a little bit of a breeze so here it's   not bad guys it's not that hot here and  here's the cat man how you're doing cat man   yeah meditating so you said you were here a few  months ago what were they doing in this plaza   oh yeah it was all fenced out and there  were these security guards in every uh   entrance here and they would check your  temperature and [ __ ] like this so   yeah you couldn't enter there without some  hassle so yeah now it's a bit more free but   yeah i think the cognitive dissonance is really  high so they don't have to do it because people   are not doing anything anyway so mikko's got  this sabadell bank guys here in spain and you   were telling me that some of the atms don't work  or they don't have money right is that what you're   saying yeah most like pretty much half of them  i think like they don't work they don't give   out cash really yeah that's what i've seen like  in malaga there are three in the center and one   of them is usually working at the time and same  thing in sevilla too like they have you which are   working and it's randomly day by day some days the  other one work and someday the other one bought so   it's just like uh kind of like a lottery  like if you can find a working altima   so complain for sabadell get your  act together guys you're watching okay so he's showing you right here guys  it doesn't work operation not performed   please try another atm or establishment  and you said this atm always does that   uh most of the times few times  i've got some in the plasma   and that's a side about you have a side about  cars what the hell yeah sabadel that's weird man   so weird yeah and it's a spanish bank account  yeah it's spanish and it used to be that the   only banking uh you could get an account as  a foreigner right and now they even made the   restrictions stronger so now you cannot even  have a new account if you're a foreigner so   in spain you're kind of like screwed  unless you'll get this identification and   [ __ ] yeah and check this out here guys i see  consular agency of the united states of america should i go visit my american compatriots i think it's probably closed today  anyway but the good thing there is   another survival around the corner and that's  usually what that one works very weird guys   hotel ingletera so the england hotel gosh there's  people out today with the mass on guys i just saw   those people there coming out of their hotel with  the mass all messed up in 45 degree celsius heat   how do you do it how do you do it guys wow  if you're that scared just stay in the hotel   i don't get it spain is a country with one of the  highest vaccination rates in the world they said   especially in europe and people are still scared  like that and here's another sarda bell or sabadel zaragoza street any success great success   okay so this won't work guys yeah it's unlike  it's like a lottery machine but the good thing   if you succeed to find that money one then  you get you get your own money you'll get some   cash out it's like you'll win or you got to  work to get your own money guys out of sub adele okay oh wow thank you thank you catman all  righty well as success guys success with   the sabado great success success today  with these guys let me see who they are oh mother mia oh my gosh criminals here guys whoa   oh criminals oh narco trafficante this is  bachelor's party ah bachelor party okay very cool   hey how you doing oh wow you're a good looking  girl there hey baby can i get you a sangria so how are you doing what's your name okay okay  congratulations where are you guys from portugal   portugal okay okay man congratulations on your uh  wedding okay very cool guys what time what part   of portugal queen where you from uh i'm from  america united states yeah my name is carrie   nice to meet you i got a youtube channel  nice to meet you you have to put this girl   on the youtube channel yeah for sure for sure i  will and so you want to say hi to your new wife   uh uh she knows where i am she knows where you  are okay we won't let her know more or less oh   very cool thank you guys so nice friendly guys  here from portugal and wow i thought they were   convicts at first but it happens they were a  bachelor party so very fun guys i like that   very cool and there goes the tram guys there it  is the tram that goes through the center of town bye have bye nice trip so this is all closed off here too  mikko what was this before do you know no required though does it not  doesn't remember it says yo tambien so yo is i tambien also quiero want to here go  ah extra madura to extra medura so i want to go   or i also want to go to extra madura  and here are some of the places guys via franca de las barrios a swaga well i'd love  to go to some of these places guys friggin now   i've never even heard of these mia hadas look at  all these places trujillo i've heard of that one   look at that wow those are all on the list for  places i want to explore in the future guys   cannot wait to do that and we just met those  guys from portugal they seemed really nice   but there it is they were saying you need the  pcr test that's the issue with portugal right now   hey this is the movie star guys carrie grant  that's the guy was named after it's a story   my mother told she said she'd like this guy this  movie star old movie star his name was cary grant   and she named me after him look at that guys  very cool i've never seen him anywhere in europe   and they got some cary grant style glasses look  at that wow maybe i should get those cat man my   namesake and you have they have this one so  you can twist yeah those are kind of cool too   all of our peoples yeah nice to carry around  with you very for sure very good affordable so   we're in some kind of souvenir shop now we got the  bullhead there and we're looking at some t-shirts oh and there's the uh guys from semana santa you  put the incense in there there's the little ones tell everybody you love travel at a guy out there  travelling guy man follow him let's drive to him

2021-09-10 18:08

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