Dodgy Burgers And Gopnik Dogs In Ukraine

Dodgy Burgers And Gopnik Dogs In Ukraine

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you may remember some of you that last winter when  i was in ukraine we went to visit a space church   about two hours outside of kiev the church was  closed i came back story of my life anyway i   thought it's summertime the church is bound to  be open so let's jump on a metro and a marshrutka   and go back and check it out maybe not set off  any alarms this time and back by popular demand   too much popular demand to be honest  i'm a little bit jealous here's johnny johnny are you ready to visit the space church of  ukraine yes i mean we got these cool outfits do   you like our outfits just for ukraine space today  we're not gotnicks we are carplex in space okay   let's do it goblins did you hear my ukrainian ticket johnny i've got the receipt  can i have the ticket please   johnny's nick my ticket any publishers down  there start trying to get in the way of the   film i want you to preempt their attack and  drive them off so i can continue filming just   a strong arm okay in their face right then we need  to go to chennai of sky miata estancia and that is   on the right cheney gibson let's go it must be  said that i think the metro publishers of ukraine   are no longer a thing to be feared because two  publishers saw me filming they didn't say anything   so maybe um i don't know maybe those days are over  maybe i can finally sleep easy at night not having   nightmares about the metro publishers which is  a good thing our metro train is coming i hear it i've gotta be honest with you guys there's a  little bit too much positivity in the comments   section about old johnny last time when we  made our video from kataze john was so funny   oh johnny's so cool oh johnny's so strong how do  you feel about your newfound popularity on youtube   i feel like you should just go  to the gym take your partner you can get strong too have you not  seen these british beefcake muscles check this out johnny here at old square  look at this the yellow tile kind of   faded the yellow tiles of chinegebska touch  them please touch them stroke them lovingly   generally there are tiles that's it now what do  you think about that i feel like there's tiles   he's not a soviet aficionado  like us is he get out of here   what's the story behind these titles  they're soviet johnny what more do you want where i did tell johnny we've got to travel an hour  and a half on a bus it's the middle of nowhere   i don't remember where it is anyway this is  ukraine in the summertime look at it it's lovely   you've got flower shops you've got kebab houses   you've got people selling all kinds of  lovely products like babushka's underwear i'm not going to sit in a marsh for an hour  and a half you do as you're told if you want   to be popular on youtube you've got to  suffer we've got all these things we've   got gold coffee we've got a lovely magazine  interesting back to school are you going back i'm no longer a school kid and so yes this is  lovely kiev the capital of the great country   of ukraine in the summertime look at it  the sun's out people getting in your way   it's beautiful but we've got to look for a  bus down to the town that i can't remember   the name of premeshil or something what is it  i've got my phone i generally can't remember that's 50 miles yes god he's a whinger   geez if you want to see a space church  you've got to be willing to travel but i'm going to pretend i didn't understand  so i'm only speaking ukraine language you see me just talk talk did  you trip in the background   johnny tripped i hope i got down film right  perez love oh what the bloody hell's up oh hello this is uh this is like i forgot what  it means what does super mean um this is johnny are you comfy down there johnny's in a comfy seat down  the front well there's probably   not comfort of a person sitting  next to him big old shoulders foreign a lady's gotten off the bus so i'm sitting  next to johnny he's been asleep the whole time   yeah not content creating like i  told him to johnny i learned some um   ukrainian and talking about what you do i've  learned how to say how are you in ukrainian oh is foreign wow she said come to our village buy some  land and i said well i find a wife there and   she said oh there's lots of girls there  for you to find johnny shall we buy yes before at last welcome to ancient and soviet  periuslav wow that car wow oh look there's an old english telephone  box i don't think it's original but we'll   check it out closer wow maybe they made  this after my last visit in my honor   so i feel at home let's make a  phone call we can't but okay oh now i feel like i'm in prison are you  waiting for a burger from burger city   maybe i'll get you maybe you have  the remains of mine so i presume   burger city burgers aren't the greatest 120 that's  more than mcdonald's that's a double so yeah that   nasty looking thing you know even the photos  will look good you didn't cheeseburger menu pizza menu menu the cheeseburger menu i didn't get a better at circuit city   and now see fun electronic store  in the u.s let's see let's see let's tuck into this bag of delights we've got our portion of city burger fries a bit thin and kind of like soggyish  crispy on the outside soggy in the middle   and then the piece the resistance we've got my well we've got my cucumber we've got that looks  terrible it is awful oh god the waitress was   standing there behind you just listening  to me say how terrible city votes lovely   anyway let's tuck into a city burger burger oh did i order chicken no no i ordered a  burger why are they giving me a squishy squadgy   chicken burger that is just congealed bits  of probably chicken [ __ ] and eyelids   oh i'll eat the chips never come to city  burger if you happen to be in periscope   unless you're johnny like a crappy  fish person this one's delicious the wall of city burger the burger  of city burger it's exactly the same oh i was gonna say where's the dog oh the dog's  over there let's see if he wants city burger i'm actually i'm actually surprised he ate it right johnny before we get to the old um space  church and to wash down the old chicken burger   i think we should get ourselves some kind of like  energy drink okay some ukrainian energy drink give   me some energy it's a long old walk to the space  church they still count things for them abacus we bought non-stop original which is the energy  drink of choice the energy drink of choice   in ukraine but there's no alcohol in it and  johnny said we could also buy some alcohol   and we'll add it like real cockneys that's what  we're gonna do come on then oh i'm mixing my mouth you heathen you heather it's not bad it's pretty good in here pour some in   there you go there we go that's how you make  an alcoholic energy drink here in ukraine what is that vodka [ __ ] help what is that vodka  that is the worst vodka it's called hillbilly da   yeah really dark it's the drink of choice  for hillbillies of you crapping heck oh it's our city burger dog he followed us  this entire time yes look all the way from   up there city burger dog we're the only people  who've ever fed he loved the city burger so much   come on then let's go to the space church  you want to come to the space church   we should buy him some sausages since he's the  world's greatest dog but he can't come in there's   literally a sign and it looks just like him you  have to stay there he's literally a picture of him hmm oh mate it's your lucky day it is your lucky day   let's check it here here here  here here up here oh look there's my rabies well come on man let's continue in our last film ball picks up a  used syringe off the floor with his   bare hands and then wiped my face and  today he's french kissing a stray dog look johnny's complaining non-stop that i'm only  paying him seven dollars a video to appear as   my bodyguard but here we found a job as a driver  for twenty thousand grifner how much is that 750   750 in paris love you be the richest man you  get yourself an apartment for 10 grand you find   yourself a local hottie you get a job for 700 and  it's way safer than going to these gopheric cities   with you i think i'm moving to periscope and  getting myself a job the youtube videos are over   i'm going to become a driver in paris yeah but  what are you going to be transporting drugs top me up with some bloody whatever it was  called hillbilly your way something gets better come along littlest hobo come  along follow us on an adventure   maybe tomorrow i'll wanna settle down  until tomorrow i'll just keep moving on johnny uh-huh are you thirsty yeah actually  there's some water my water is almost gone   in that case the village will await oh look at that do you think it's okay  to drink it's perfectly fine to drink   i uh if i'm out of action with diarrhoea once  again for a few months you'll understand why okay oh so what you're thinking so far to the  little ukrainian adventure in alperiuslav   i really like it like this really  feels like a real ukrainian to us   let's do it this is better than  khatuzeh a million times better   and much safer and larger alert sorry we  just interrupt this film for one second i like that people are driving by on bicycles   like you don't see that in hotels everyone had  their bike school stolen that's true no bicycle's   left and hot is it yeah and it's like and you know  what the fact that we're wearing these outfits   and not a single person has even noticed a comment  no oh come on it's the normal attire in old perius   last yeah this is what real ukrainian dudes  wear should we continue to church let's go yeah hello goodbye this is so idyllic just walking down a street  in a little village on the edge of periuslav what a lovely way of life  these ukrainians have out here   nice and chill none of the problems  that you have in the big city raise some chickens eat some eggs what would  you want in life let's pick a flower for   some beautiful babushka that is gonna be  we're gonna meet what a wonderful idea cheers this could be for you three percent female  viewers hey stop trying to steal my three percent   who will be the lucky babashiker to get my flower   i wonder the next babushka that comes  around the corner is getting serenaded ah we've almost made it check it out the  historical museum of periosteum finally   let's go and see the church okay that's the most excitement has  ever been in perry's lab i think check out this well johnny's vomiting well  johnny's vomiting in the background check   out this lovely ukrainian village house that  some babushka would once have lived in wow   look at here what a lovely piece of the world  old ukraine is check it out could you live in   a house like this johnny you and your ukrainian  wife oh my god just growing stuff together and   fruit and stuff and making compote i'd  be happy actually eating chicken caves   she's beautiful yeah yeah i  think we should find you a house well finally look what's in front of us a place  we haven't seen for six months the space church   of ukraine let's go and check it out finally look  at some statues of yuri and stuff are you excited   johnny i am really excited we've been walking two  or three hours it's been a hot day but here we is this the back uh no it's the front oh god um didn't you travel all the way here six months ago   is it closed but it said on google maps it closes  at five o'clock on saturdays yeah it's like 5 30. you know whose fault this is city but you know what i did find  my jerusha to give this to ah space church i'll be back this time hopefully it'll be open and there goes romantic johnny leaving  behind his space girl and his flower and that's the end of today's daily bold   just remember guys it's about the journey not  the destination until next time david jacqueline oh

2021-08-26 06:17

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