DMV: Moto-Camping in Québec

DMV: Moto-Camping in Québec

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After a   relatively painless border crossing in Maine  I headed into the Canadian province of Quebec the inhabitants of this area  have diligently hung onto their   French roots and little English is  spoken outside of the major cities my first objective was finding a place to  obtain Canadian currency so that I could   then acquire gas and replenish  my supply of rotisserie chicken additionally I needed to plug into a Wi-Fi   connection for long enough  to download maps of the area as I headed north heavy pellets of rain began to  hammer the road the bike and the rider Desperate for a spot to throw up my tarp and  make Camp I made the poor decision   to follow a steep muddy Logging  Road downhill for several miles I really don't know what compelled me  to take this road under these conditions   especially fully loaded up and furthermore why  I continued to follow the road to the bottom there was nowhere decent at all to make camp and  the only way back was up the Steep muddy Hill riding down here fully loaded  had been a mistake and I was   putting a serious amount of strain on  my clutch to keep from sliding around when I reached the top of the hill all  of a sudden I had no slack in my clutch   lever and after making an adjustment I  crossed my fingers and rode on for about the next two hours I  searched high and low for a spot with more rain on the weather  forecast anywhere I stayed had   to be somewhere I could get in  and out of in case of flooding eventually I noticed a level spot between some  trees just big enough to squeeze my bike through for the next two days it rained without pause  luckily I could squeeze my bike into this   little Cove I think I halfway burned out my clutch  yesterday on those uh steep muddy roads so nothing   but solid rain coming my way so I'm almost out  of water all right so I have to be a little bit   careful about conserving water and I noticed that  water has a tendency of pooling on this tarp so if   I can I'll go ahead and do it and in fact I could  probably set this tarp up so I could collect a   more significant amount of rain water but anyway  I might do that later if it comes down to it ah kind of a Canadian institution this is Tim Hortons  if you've ever seen shows like the Trailer Park   Boys you've probably seen Tim Hortons so this  is my first time I'm excited let's go check it out it's good I must look an absolute mess  I've been uh stuck in the woods wet   cold miserable after the last two  days so here I am so anyway damn man this river is overflowing I was  really meticulous about finding a place   that didn't look like it would get too flooded  so hopefully this Rain's Gonna Die down and I   can head to Quebec City next week they're calling  for like 87 degree days so that's just crazy uh   weather for you these uh quebecois grocery stores  are a little different than the ones in the United   States that is a very attractive strawberry  display with an exchange rate of about 80 US   cents to one Canadian dollar the country is a  cost-effective option for Americans wanting to   travel abroad other than that I mean it's a lot  similar to a lot of grocery stores in the United   States you got your produce section uh etc etc  but it's just little details and obviously this   is what I'm after which is a rotisserie chicken  what they call in French Poulet or barbecue chicken that's a Portuguese chicken I don't know what  uh the difference is but it's more expensive so   I'm not getting that all kinds of delicious  looking pre-made meals and stuff like that which means it's ready I'm still learning  French but this is what I'm after because   uh I noticed the other day when I was in  the grocery store a lot of the homage here   is a hell of a lot cheaper than it is in  the United States for good quality cheese that looks good that's not bad having lived like a dirty motorcycle Vagabond  for the past couple days I used the break-in   weather to find a gem in which the lift weights  and shower and then set out to explore the town the Sun was shining the next morning as  I packed up and headed to Quebec City before heading into the city the first order  of business would be finding suitable lodgings   for the night I rode my bike part way down a  snowmobiling route and began exploring on foot all right well looks like I got a good  spot right here I kind of cleared out   some of the under growth and everything  else probably put my bike right there   that way I can access my Tour pack and saddlebags  but this is pretty [ __ ] remote and yet also   pretty close to Quebec City so now that I've  gotten this kind of squared away and figured out   my lodgings for the night I'm gonna go head over  to Quebec City and see what's going on over there at first glance that really looks real it represents the 4 seasons.... one of the oldest European settlements  in North America Quebec City is a UNESCO   world heritage site and as such is in a  Perpetual state of repair it's one of the   most beautiful cities of the world and a hell  of a lot cheaper than most places in the U.S   it is quite frankly one of the coolest places I've  been in a really long time there are people from   all over the world out here you hear all kinds  of different accents and languages being spoken boy oh boy this place will kill you that looks like fun gotta wait for the snow on that one so I'm just walking around not  really any purpose in mind this is uh   a really cool City it's a place  that I knew I was gonna like and   a lot cheaper than a lot of big  cities in the U.S that's for sure having lived almost exclusively on rotisserie  chickens for the past couple months and lost a   couple of two or three pant sizes it was  high time to try some local specialties here I had the traditional french  onion soup with a piece of bread   on top and grated cheese and  it was like a taste of France   I also tried the Canadian specialty poutine  which is fresh cut fries pork belly and cheese   curds smothered in gravy if I can uh feel myself  getting fatter by the second but uh you know I   guess that's how they stay warm up here uh you got  to stay well insulated you know so When in Rome   as they say wow that is cool looks like somebody  carved a Ski-Doo out of a solid chunk of granite that's going to be kind of an interesting concept   I guess you know you get a couple of people oh  it's got pedals there's another Creative Rock   sculpture I'm guessing probably done  by the same guy that did the Ski-Doo of course that's kind of taking the  easy way out just find a boulder   let's take some handlebars and some wheels on it there's the town of Levis kind of where we just  came from and the place where I was camping is   way over there about a 30 minute ride to get here  I'm just getting the most out of it today will   probably be the only day that I'm here just  kind of hanging out and doing some filming this is an experience you only get  really from being in the cities uh   you just find a nice Shady spot and  just relax and watch what's going on this uh inside there is the Citadel man I wouldn't want to have to mow the side of  that bank right there I mean one misstep and   you're in trouble but apparently you can pay money  you can actually drive your car in there I think   they've got like parking spaces and stuff Quebec  City looks like it was pretty heavily fortified there's the very tip top of that crazy  house but look at all these windows up there   and you think about the whole thing  that Place must have hundreds of rooms that is worth the picture right there got my cozy little Camp back in here got the  thermacell rocking that thing works great only   downside is it takes about 15 minutes to really  start to be effective so I usually get a mosquito   coil going first so I got this uh lasagna at the  grocery store some Kalamata olive bread uh a piece   of carrot cake and some of my Canadian maple syrup  that I picked up somewhere so I'm going to try the   maple syrup on the carrot cake which I don't see  why that wouldn't be good A little bit of water   so really I don't know if it gets any better  than this man cannot live on rotisserie   chickens alone and every once in a while  for my own sanity I have to mix it up and   eat some of the food that I really like not that  there's anything wrong with rotisserie chickens   I mean it's been really effective at taking the  weight off I'll tell you that I mean it's it's   essentially kind of a carnivore diet I don't know  exactly how much weight I've lost but I'm almost   at the point where I'm going to need to make  another hole in my belt so I'd say it's pretty   effective well I tried that maple syrup on the  carrot cake and really couldn't taste it so   you know really I think the best way to  uh capture the nuances of the flavor is   just to do it straight you know I mean  just just straight out of the bottle you need to drink maple syrup if you  come to Quebec or Canada because you   need to have the blood of the earth running through your veins as you ride   you know the roads you need to have the blood  of the trees and everything else so why not the knowledge that I was still a  good 2,000 miles away from Sturgis   wasn't lost on me and with a few  weeks left before starting work   I took advantage of the good weather  to put down as many miles as possible just on the edge of the Ontario border I found  a town park which allowed free tent camping   for a maximum stay of three days nothing like  free tent camping my allergies are going crazy   I've been riding all day ever  since early this morning so   I'm uh not ready to sit down  read a book get ready to pass out for the next couple days I  rested up and explored the town being as it was right next to Ontario most  of the folks here were speaking in English all right so just hanging out under my little  spot under the what would you call it an elm   tree based on the leaves but this has been  uh a pretty good spot this guy just came out   and I saw him come in I'm like he can't be Moto  camping but he is you know and and what's your   name hi my name is Etienne where are you from Quebec City  Quebec City oh I just came from Quebec City really   it was a long ride yeah and so you did you  leave today I live this morning yeah this   is okay that's a pretty good ride yeah if  it's 500 kilometers yeah 500 kilometers so   that's like 320 miles something like that yeah  yeah so that's but trust me it was a long ride   yeah I was my butt is sore oh my God yeah you know  day before yesterday I was out there exploring   the town and taking videos of uh the what is it  Chateau Frontenac that is crazy man I looked it up it's   like 600 and something rooms it's an expensive uh  yeah I looked that up too it's like 400 a night   so I'm like it's much cheaper uh to Camp here  absolutely absolutely this place is totally free   for tents yeah so so which bike is this yeah  that's a KTM Duke 790 right it's a 2019. okay   so it's uh out of the uh mati gulfin and Austria plant okay so it's a genuine Austrian   bike genuine Austrian KTM right yeah I've been  riding it since uh 2020 and now I'm about   20 three 2300 kilometers on it so you  know it's been a long okay so yeah I'm driving   yeah got it broken in pretty well yeah yeah  yeah cool I like it no problems at all some   minor leakage but well that's normal yeah if it's  like seepage you mean like from yeah from the head   okay yeah that's that's normal stuff as long as  there's not like a pool of oil under your bike no   and you're not killing the grass and everything  dies you know it's a great bike cool cool it's   not a touring bag I see that yeah yeah well hey  you're you're preaching to the choir well as your   I'm learning French oh pretty good that's about  all I know how to say unfortunately even though   I have been studying I know the numbers you know  I do but no so I just had a good time in Quebec   City because I would just in the city itself  most people speak English but I would always   try to speak French with everybody yeah people  be stupid and they yeah they just I made so many   friends there man just from trying to speak the  language and butchering it like I would say it   I know this is totally wrong but they're like  thank you so much for trying right that's right   so where are you heading uh where are you going  on a bit modern uh a bit more okay okay that's a   it's about the I would say  400 kilometers an hour wow   okay okay I gotta check the headings before I go again so yeah I'm trying to   you know visit this region because I never  been so then I'll just go back home slowly   you know yeah okay in time for work okay okay  so that's the plan okay by Monday so you got   two couple hours plus two days yeah right yeah  I got a cool little setup is that a tent or   what yeah it's uh well you know I'm a hiker long  distance hiker oh that's another thing I do what's American made okay yeah from a company called  zpax in Florida so they make uh ultra light tent   any other stuff for hikers so Z packs you know  they're starting to make some stuff like this   with the the fabric is it it's not nylon it's a  different type of they called it Dynamics oh wow   okay yeah so it's uh well very resistant for its  weight yeah yeah and uh completely waterproof it   almost looks like a sheepskin or something yeah  it's like animal it's a weird I'm feeling plastic   feeling I guess yeah plasticky and so this is your  whole setup this you just throw this down and put   your air pad underneath yeah that's it and I got  a quilt uh you know okay a quilt is nice yeah I   usually carry sleeping bags but if I had my choice  I would go with the quilt yeah I like my setup   I mean it makes sense to invest because  it's not cheap but yeah so you hike a   lot do you see a lot of bears Yes just cubs uh-huh but it was back when it was   uh 10 years old yeah that's that's dangerous  because you can't get in the way of the cubs   I guess I've seen a lot of moose and those are even more dangerous than Bears right  well they can't yeah it's they are unpredictable   yes right so you better stay away but we were  pretty close but nothing happens wow it's got bad   sight you know but it's got a very good okay smell  smell they finished the smell us because we were   stinking I work the motorcycle rally in Sturgis  South Dakota that's coming up in about I need to   be there and a few weeks but I go really slow I  take my time and you know what's the that's what's   the big deal yeah it's a hurry yeah you gotta  enjoy his life yeah yeah it's why Davey right yeah   yeah that's right I'm sure you knew about it but  some doesn't go according to plan yeah but it's   it's yeah absolutely that's  you know that's part of   the fun I guess the adventure yeah yeah for sure  and sometimes you have that night some [ __ ]   with an RV parked 10 feet away from me at 3 30 a.m  eventually I got back to sleep and when I woke the   next morning I found Etienne getting packed and  ready to ride further north into Quebec province I packed up my camp and headed west into  the province of Ontario the wildfires had   been exceptionally bad out there this year and it  sounded like I was in for one hell of an adventure what's up this is Joe I hope you enjoyed that  video of uh exploring the province of Quebec   uh just a quick reminder if you enjoyed this  video please hit like And subscribe and as   usual I've included an optional donate Link  in the Dropbox for anybody that might like to   contribute to this project otherwise thanks  for watching and we'll see you on the road

2023-07-15 14:11

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