DiTTAM - Virtual Tourism Expo - Gamelan Grant

DiTTAM - Virtual Tourism Expo - Gamelan Grant

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okay and more people are joining us as well okay slight check sound check all good emcee hello mine all clear all good all right i also like to thank man as our majesty our community okay uh this will be our agenda for today uh virtual tourism expo 2021 exhibitor briefings as well as application focus on this particular activity i believe last week presidential had done a very detailed explanation to whoever has attended overall organelle and run application but today we're just going to zoom in how does it run application able to help you to participate in virtual trusome expo 2021 okay so we have some introduction of the thumb uh and with your drive expo then we go to dummy line and how you are gonna submit the application all right so i will just take you quickly a minute about the time again maybe somebody attended last week and many of you just joined us today so ditam is our vision to catalyst of digital transformation advancing militia tourism economic sector our focus is actually to build the tourism industry of digital digitalization of the reserve industry and this will be our main three pillar okay to develop transformation in digital onboarding so virtual traffic expo is one of our activities for digital onboarding drive innovation and where we're going to work with all many i.t companies to drive more innovation for tourism industry and as well as development of human capital for digital tourism in malaysia we are very lagged on these resources and you are many of you are well aware many of us still rely on on foreign technology and also mainly using a lot many indian developer so we have to admit we are very low in term of skill set for this digital tourism okay so we want to develop a resilient tech savvy tourism ecosystem that will serve the evolving needs of tourism industry now what we're trying to do what we wanted to achieve over the next few months is to get back into the consumer market on thing tourism we want them to continue to think of tourism doesn't matter what's happening today uh and you all can see many have been very negative but determined to take you to move forward and be more positive how can we sell how can we catch a market how can we market ourselves because we never know what will happen during this uh enemy or when he gonna uh be back to normal as we are well aware very difficult at the moment to predict and many of us have attended many many webinars including me almost every week about tourism forecast when the tourism will be activated again and to be honest with you no one can give us an exact answer when this will happen government have just announced the tourism activity we only opened in november and there are many of us crying for because we can't wait until then and i believe that we're going to push further so that it will be open earlier and with note if some of you watch euro 2020 which is a tournament the stadium now are full pack with no mask okay uh recently there are so many golf tournament us open and major tournament thousands of people at the golf course with no mask i mean uh volleyball i'm sorry i've just watched sports i did not watch many others what it tell us is the world are accepting to live with this enemy and we have to move forward so let us be ready so how we're going to make people think tourism always put tourism back in their mind i think the word thing tourism is not new we have been doing zingy for many years so uh we have attended many webinars some with negative energy positive somebody give us hope all right but for the thumb we have organ we will organize many more other webinar but more focus on digitalization of tourism industry how we can move into digital marketing more we will expert to help us with this all of you and again hackers securities issue gamification virtuality big data iot blockchain cryptocurrency e-payment obe robotics stack solutions workshop and many more so now is focusing on digital marketing or many small issues we move you forward with the bigger ideas that will take you a few years to get into it but we have to start somewhere now for you if you would like to join to know more about our future webinar please join our network and our link in which uh we share with you should be now you should able to see the link to join our network in our website okay always visit our website uh whenever you can now thanks so this example webinar we just had uh last week even though we are newly formed about not more than not even two months we were able to have done a webinar attended by almost 200 people but what's next okay today we're going to talk about virtual 3d expo 2020 why i've emphasized on the word 3d you'll see many exhibition look like 3d but it is not 3d okay so y2d is important to give some immersive ideas and engaging feel uh imaging feeling to our customers when they come to the booth now with your 3d expo of course we can do for travel expo we can do for state travel ex-tourism expo just hotel focus even homestay even career fair health tourism and many more theme that we can actually look into focus on each activity again if we can have this list of 12 line up in the next six 12 6 months or 12 months i believe be able to put in back in mind or people about team tourism i know many have told me that a client can't wait to travel or many can't wait to go and visit the hotels or take a break with the family with the current condition they can't but i'm sure they're just waiting for the border to be open so just give you a glimpse of what is virtual 3d that we were talking about not 2d not 3d but this picture but real 3d [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well i do expect some clap but you know over zoom you can't hear anything all right so sorry you do not hear the sound just now vice okay we'll share this video in the group later don't worry so virtual tourism expo 2020 which focuses on all activities in one exhibition uh we'll be in on august six to eight uh last week when we breathed we thought during the end of july but looking at the current situation we have moved it to early august uh so that we have more time to prepare as well as waiting for the announcement on the mco it will be online both from 10 am to 10 pm and offline both 24 hours so if you really want to work 24 hours up to you but yeah people can always communicate with you and drop message over the chat yeah now so i will put it this way it is time to move from physical to digital for now and for tomorrow and all of you will be it will agree with me will be time for before we have our real physical fare but eventually consumers now are more digital savvy everybody has started moving towards it so we need to prepare somewhere it's time to explore alternative to the travel and tourism okay and the new neon digital technology is part of everyone's life okay so experience a new dimension of tribal and tourism exposition in treaty so we with your tourism expo 2021 will offer you immersive and engaging experience for you and your visitors right so let's just what the halls and booth for this exhibition so if you enter just now we show you the webinar if you go to auditorium there's uh this one what you will see the webinar but then if there's an expo hall here if you click you can go to expo and before that when you click you can actually see a hall so we have multiple hall from state hall hotels activities like diving golf water sport so all this what we hope any of the associations that champion any activities can come forward and work with us so that we can have a specific theme in uh every hall yeah now there'll be 10 booth per hall okay this one example one booth here we're not going to talk about sponsor uh sponsor will be a different briefing for whatever want to like to want to sponsor the event yeah this is more on exhibitors so what happened here at your booth will be branding so you have force to put your branding or your logo okay you can see all the size of predetermined because the system are easy you can just upload yourself you can design this booth uh yourself yeah promotion there'll be two standy we all can see the green color 10 image pop-up all right four youtube video points you can put four ten brochures okay a maximum of two megabyte profile and eight banner that you can actually put to decorate your booth okay so next before i uh forgot that you can actually ask questions in the chat group as well you know so now next one will be communication so we have uh branding promotion communication in communications you have you can put 10 business card on the when people click on the vcard you can have 10 business card the word add to briefcase a customer all sent to email when the customer comes to your booth they can actually add to their brilliance every consumer will come to the booth they will have their own login and own briefcase or they can just send to their email you can have up to five chat account so of course if you want to have more you can take two booths at the moment we do have some exhibitors actually take to booth and three both and you can also send info and query okay we need to say you just don't need to have urgent communication people can just send you any query so you can call them back so here i said you can also work 24 hours yeah next of course many people asked last week you know the return on investment yes we would do our best to make you have a good return of investment but for this round that is trying to work together and i appreciate that everybody who take risks to go to work with us and of course we will give you priority in the next exhibition exhibition and please understand this is expression by virtual we can move this exhibition worldwide too okay so first of course point of sale you can have chat you can share your contact numbers your website address and all that second you can also have two we will have a link to your website where you can have your sales if you have website that doing already doing the payment gateway sales and all that you can also uh together and as well as vte booking page we also will have a virtual tourism expo booking page if you don't have a website that will booking and you prefer to participate in the booking page we'll have that too so you can actually sell your package there and to note payment what we working experiment will direct to you the thumb would not do any collection of payment which is actually for us as number one as an association is also wrong number two as a tourism act is also wrong because we don't have license even some people noted the idea that we should do what lazada and shopi does they are companies and uh they are not following the real act tourism act as for us we will follow the tourism act accordingly but we will still have a better way of addressing it and i do believe that all of you prefer the payment will go to you if you go to association if you do reconcile and make an investment to you it probably will take time maybe a week or four or five days which i know most of you will not like that next all right so i have covered more on virtual tourism expo and the thumb also a quick brief on gamelan for virtual tourism expo 2021 okay so uh i would like to emphasize number one is that you can only claim 50 is claimable okay maximum 10 000 ringgit per expediter per event and maximum 3 000 bring 300 000 ringgit per company throughout all the claim yeah so that is what been briefed last week i will just summarize from all the slides given number two who can apply eligible eligible applicants uh one tourism association a traffic agent just submit your motec and ssm license accommodation restart rating with motec registered with ssm custom or local authority shopping okay shopping association or club so some of you like uh diving club golf through mga through msda through mgta you know there's so many other associations that's why you can submit it through not something true must have the certification from the association uh commit community-based tourism theme parks and product owners register at the license and local authority and uh government link company are not allowed now so uh behind that particular requirement there are details of other grant which is i covered so that we just focus on the online i mentioned earlier online travel fair roadshow and sales mission maximum ceiling is 10 000 okay so requirement is itinerary of the program in which i will show you later a booking slip confirmation or participation submission must be done before the program so i hope once this thing done all of you start submitting the grant application first because we take time for researcher to get it approved must submit with registered license you must achieve entity more than a year okay and not jlc and not sponsored or subsidized by third party yeah now again we have to use a militia officer with us today as well we would like to thank them for being here with us so that they can also help to respond to some of the question over the chat so when you want to like when you submit okay online in fact i was informed uh by choosing malaysia this online was just recently been introduced it was not here the grant was not here before so please take advantage of this one and we don't know how long it lasts and i believe it's all based on how many finance budget left so you must send the certification of the company email from organizer uh as a participant internet or the program booking and form c3 you don't need the same forms you want again all this i will put it together and we will send it to you in the whatsapp group uh the gaming group afterwards yeah which i already said with you earlier but we will do it again and you can only claim participation fee you cannot claim uh any others all right so i know this is a bit more textual but uh to take you through a proper way of submission so that we do not make mistake uh so you can ignore all other slides you just print this slide for your reference in future so step number one book vte through our website again we will share with you uh now okay determine the org slash bte-2021 and once you do that you receive a confirmed email confirmation for booking slip you can download invitation letter and program details from the email for submission no payment to determine until gamelan application is approved so we know some of you only based on the term approval with gamilan approval before you participate but i do wish you participate either way yeah get garment grind approval hard copy submission you must send hard copy so by tomorrow put in an envelope make sure you send it over your company together with number one just now your company registration company certification uh as mentioned earlier and form c3 a very simple form i think resume i make it so simple for us to apply for this run uh and again please take advantage uh on this all right so datum documentation as number one okay once that's approved okay once you get approved and you confirm to participate okay you must make full payment to determine because then the time will will issue you with the receipt confirmation for you to submit later for your reimbursement booth is confirmed on first-come first-served basis as of today we have exceeded 50 booth and we are living and we are limited to a hundred booth at the moment only okay so every time we add more will be very cost for us to open more booth but at the end of the day uh we are limiting to 100 both for now as of now and after the event okay after the event you must admit the claim to tourism malaysia uh okay you might register sorry sign up at myfacevendor.gov.org is for payment purpose government will make payment to you via online but the submission they must still have to claim uh might be submitted in hardcopy right within 14 days and submit together proof of payment invoice proofs of participation okay and a screenshot of the booth online report of the event or screenshot of the booth yeah right so this is sample form of c3 all right i will not go into details but i'm sure you all can um all right so it's very simple i can see so you can put trouble fair road show participation fee only if you take two booths you can put that to both uh uh and you know you'll be the fee of total of two both now this is what you will receive all right on the right there's a booking form when you register we will you will get this notification whoever have registered we will resend to you uh with all this okay so you will get an email uh a booking form with the details of who registered and and which company names and number of booths uh we put their number of word at rm 2005 i don't get the booth yeah so we submit to gamelan you better put how many booths that you actually applied for because they'll be there as well if you need us to change inform us we will uh what we will just inform us and then we will email to you again just in case you decided from two to one or one to two we were able to do or two to four will be able to be sent to you again the booking form and then from that email you can download your program and invitation letter for submission so we'll try to make it as auto as we can yeah so that's a lot faster now because of participation i signed up last week participation for 3d booth in 2005 per booth so if you're eligible for gaming grant the tourism will invest you one two five zero but i also vitamin also will offer you a what is called cloud marketing participation once you participate and if you have your artworks or use our artwork that promote and link back to the uh to the to the domain of the virtual travel expo if you have more than 500 likes combined from your uh all your social media facebook insta whatever we were we were invest back to you 500 indeed yeah so this is how i believe that then i we pay uh all these social media companies uh for advertisement best of your invest back to you because i do believe that you also have a lot and a lot of connection within uh your organization as well so help us to promote and eventually when we have more exhibitors and a good database for future activities as well so all right so let me just move this here if you have any further question we can also email to us at hello or with facebook and others communication as well as these uh other committee that involved in [Music] this particular project yeah and also we have a gamelan whatsapp group if you would like to to discuss but sometimes please respect in the asset group we do have official computers of nation and ask the right question okay so that we do not fill the communication with uh non-relevant information all right with that i thank you everyone for attending this uh short briefing okay i hope it's relevant i hope it's uh good for you and after this i would like to quickly invite faisal to show to you as exhibitor how easy you can actually manage your own booth and design on your own all right okay faisal you can take over from now thank you very much good morning so today i'll be sharing with you on uh how easy is it to to make changes or to even start making a book to how much is um demo to you guys earlier but first let me share the screen with you so basically once you're registered you'll be given a set of username and password in which it will take you to this particular page and this page is the page that will modify everything that you see or public for public to see from your booth later so we can start with the logo so the first things first the for placement of logo then series i'm showed earlier this is the page that you modified with with a specific size that has been provided and the colors that you can change the color of the booth so once you make the changes once you upload it you can click on submit then preview stall and this will be taken into for example right now i have a blue primary color i can change that to let's say i prefer to for it to be red then i click submit and i click preview store now my booth is ready to color so there's unlimited color to this oops okay okay so moving on besides that you can enter your social media credential your website for people to click on when people visit your store i'll give you a quick example so when you approach a stall and click on info you can actually visit that particular company's website directly from here for example right now we have it on virtual travel fair this is where george i mentioned earlier if you don't have your own website to host your own packages this will be the site that will assist you in posting your hosting your packages online and you can sell it directly to customer now we're moving on to query this is where you enter your own email address for people to send inquiry or inquiry for latest purpose for more info and then we go to brochure as mentioned earlier you can upload up to 10 brochure so right now we have two brochure uploaded i'll show you guys how is that function in the booth so you approach the brochure stand click on brochure and the multiple brochure will be shown here in a list and finally you have the brochure shown right here and through this you can send the copy to your email or add to your briefcase your briefcase will serve as the purpose of what you've collected in throughout the whole expo so for example you click you add it to your briefcase here and you can find it later when you log into the expo there'll be a little briefcase tab moving on for the image pop-up so throughout all these banners that you see we have b1 up to b6 b8 that is the banner that you see all around your boot so that can be served as a purpose to show your brochure as well your products or services pricing or who to contact for example right here detail is showing what they are what their strengths are and what the time is all about throughout this booth an image pop up earlier you can find it in this tab click on images and it'll be shown i'll find it this is very useful if you want to show more products and services in your booth okay moving on so besides that we can have at least four video points in your booth so besides picture you can also have videos i'll show you right now so once you approach the video well tv stand you can just click on a video to play [Music] okay and lastly you can see here that right before you enter the booth earlier you see this standard this yellow color stand so this two stand can be uploaded in the last tab here i find this is very important because this will determine the attraction when people are visiting your booth or not and uh these are the simple steps that gets you going gets you started with your boo easy just with a few clicks and uh this 3d booth is also very immersive me making real life experience i say it's a new way to surf serve the web shopping you can use this immersive experience and um i will pass on to insane look man i am done for now thank you all for listening for tuning in and have a great day goodbye uh no no yeah i think we have completed the presentation and uh there are questions coming in the chat box uh you can continue to type in the chat box for any other questions on the exhibit exhibition and what you need to do is as presented by fisa just now and also on gum gamilan grant is there any additional questions you can also post it in the chat box i find there's a question about the booth earlier can put the logo with four different design okay so i'm going to answer that for vivanta langkawi tracy lee tracy actually the four different designs are not permitted you'll need something one design for four different placements and that should answer your question okay let me add to that yeah so basically uh per booth you only have a company meaning to say one company uh logo but you can also have a lot of other banners attached to it yeah there are a few other questions here that i would like to address as well how many days or duration of the expo will be three days yeah friday saturday and sunday on that date what we do is that we also would like to replicate how uh the real physical fair uh being run number one but also it's the three days of you really going through a lot of promotion uh yourself okay other than that you can also promote your website but this is something that we work together the different is when you promote your website only you promote your website but we have this expo we all together promote uh the expo this is a first step of collaboration among us uh that we help each other you know you may not get sales you know if your products or promotion is not good but you help in term of getting your friends to get sales but what we do is we are together uh in trying to get more uh but uh consumer to participate yeah how does the booking page work uh okay by jenny jenny the booking page um when you click the booking page is we will take you through a one page like a web itself where all the packages are there all right if you would like to see it you can actually visit our portal uh and there is actually a virtual travel fair uh running now we already have it running but we're still getting more participants to put their packages there so we will link it back directly to that particular packages that you have okay so that's what we are working now and payment game as i always each uh discuss the payment is always uh issue or collection data will not take the payment but what we're working on now is to integrate with actually we already integrated with a certain payment gateway but certain payment gateway that we integrate has very strict way of approving for your participation but we are working with another payment that you can actually just sign up and payment will be bank direct to you example like paypal and so we try our best to embed more payment option so that you can have uh you can actually do have more option to receive your payment i hope that answered if not you can continue asking a question can you show us the exhibition packages promotion material can you show us the exhibition package from what promo materials included all right let me try to address that this way before that there's one more question about more information details of dharmelan i already posted uh family and sop uh gauranga mainland and yuga presentation that done by teresa mitchell last week in our whatsapp group already already posted yeah okay uh chief money are you referring to exhibition package a promo material included the is that the booth that you're looking at that one faisal had more earlier can you acknowledge that or you want to know others and next one is the question will be understand it more on to ta or company for vte it is a few tourist guide how can we participate because we depend on work together with a traffic agent okay no actually it's not just for traffic agent the hoteliers can participate themselves uh homestay even handicraft products they actually fall under tourism tourism is a huge scope uh industry that's why or more tech stand for tourism arts and culture okay four to this guy at the moment uh again according to act you must work with traffic agent either you offer yourself to work with traffic agent or you have to amend a travel agent both but you must be licensed to participate unless you're gonna have a booth on your own but you're not selling any packages but to promote you as a tourist guide meaning you have your video i think last week i saw a very nice a good zoom uh webinar uh on view to this guy and how what did they do yeah so but my advice would be work with one or two domestic heavy agent that you can be part of it okay how do you plan okay understand market how do you plan to max traffic this to this event promotion plan and you get okay thus tm and motec will have to promote yes uh we working with tourism nation and we really hope presidential ever to help us to do this promotion because a lot of it is promoting uh domestic and i'm very sure tourism is here also want to see this project uh successful but then we're gonna have uh in the future just to let you all know we will bring this booth to different countries german france we are here but we can bring to a multiple country so this is very important for us to prove to tourism malaysia it works and also prove that collaboration with reserve measure is key to success but i also would like to emphasize that today the word of crowd marketing crowdfunding uh you know is key to success of the industry in digital industry so if you can just promote to 500 likes and we have hundred booth uh so we had only have 500 uh you know uh 50 000 100 000 visitors to the booth okay it'll be very meaningful for us and of course uh the time will do our own best to promote in uh many many other media but the success is not just for us the reason the reason why we try to reduce the cost of this because we don't want to charge even marketing costs to you because at this spending time i think the key to work is to work together rather than just depends yeah i hope okay can i one company share with other ground operator like hotel david agent and the same booth okay it actually depends if you license underground uh as a travel agent normally ground operator you also have a traffic agent license yes but under one company you are you are the only one who responsible to take payment there is very issue about different multiple booths of issue of collecting payment one main reason one both one ownership but in there you can partner with others to promote for example to promote all the products the partners and all that but eventually you'll be the one who collect the payment all right lesson meaning tourist guide lesson by motek uh um yes if you listened to my brief earlier or you referred to the slide earlier uh nature to this guy association if you're registered with mtgc make sure to start tradition you can also claim uh that okay maybe tourism amnesia can also respond to that in the group yeah because in the in a slide i saw that if you but if you under the ntgc you can okay is there any more question everybody free to ask uh we have another five to ten minutes more all right yeah yes yeah daniel yep okay i have a question in regards to the logo just now let's surprise all this now uh the main logo is going to be one of the travel agents and then they have hotels participating together any possibility that that banners can also have the hotel logos and features and promotion of the property so in one booth we have the banners with all the hotels but the main logo on the front would be the actual travel agent yes basically from the time perspective the traffic that traffic agent sign up for the exhibition yeah any payment is actually done we deal only with that particular agent is like uh so the hotel who participate together with uh that company but you have to understand this application of gamelan the hotel participate under the booth can apply only the company that registered to participate can apply okay thank you thank you okay um so next is license meaning to get our rnc answer that okay any more question so um again in the oh all right let me quickly take you just a short one all right live how does it look like for some you have not seen it just one minute okay so let me just click that first when you enter all right this is the lobby all right again what do you want to sponsor there's a lot of sponsor opportunity and okay i'm pretty i'm mute so then you go to auditorium so over here we may open for whoever want to do a presentation sorry but normally we give it to the sponsor this is the event that we actually go live that day and all that to unders yeah now this recording are still there you can actually still watch it out in our facebook page and also a link in the website so we can go to exhibition hall this is what the president showed earlier it was blue earlier then i just changed to rate it's all changed to right now yeah so again this navigation if you want to know whether you participate in 2d but look 3d or real 3d see whether you can do this or not okay but again it may not be important for us for us we just want to sell but it may be important for visitors to see how serious we are bringing a new uh dimension and technology to them yeah so over here you can actually go you can check yep all right you can add your business card this now all right okay all right so all the function that i mentioned uh earlier yeah even the video all right again i will share this video in the group as well if you really would like to watch it okay any more question either from radion this picture both look pro and seems easy to update and the details and information i know how offline and online works what it is actually may i know how offline and online works okay i try to answer this question uh basically is for you to um communicate oh of like 24 hours just now all right i think and understand what it meant online mean within 10 to 10 all the chat are live meaning to say if you assign five people in your booth people can actually chat with all the five people i mean they choose one that you chat with so you can reply to them communicate with them take their numbers uh you know uh whatever okay now s1 so offline what we're working now is seeing there was an actually was a request last week so we are currently talking to facebook to get if facebook sorry whatsapp sp fbi all right so once we get the whatsapp api we will embed the whatsapp fpi api default sorry maybe the technical language uh will be put on the booth itself so when you shut down your chat chat meaning people expect you to reply you are there okay but after the booth close they can actually still visit your booth download your brochure check your banner check your video and all that and after that if they want to know more they can actually click a button what's up they will i will send what's up to you that's one option number two option is to send query to you this button query just now so that query will go to your account and you can actually reply tomorrow or whatever that's what we meant by uh 24 hours yeah okay do you have a telegram or whatsapp group for this event on update uh yes vimala we do have uh the us and uh zarina can share with you the link to our whatsapp group for this one okay and you can invite others to join uh for this at the moment we are whatsapp is limited to 245 but we still have room for others to join okay any more question that i miss uh cheat lockman there are more questions starting now mr razam yes can i have the question yes please from quantum yes i posed a question earlier about uh what what sort of promotion plan for this event because uh for for when an online event to be successful you gotta have a lot of visitors going to the website so is there any specific promotion planned by the time or specific plan by tourism nation since the resume is in there in the group today yeah thank you okay um i can respond on behalf of trojan malaysia belief resignation officer here more to reply on the game line i've already spoken to those in last year to promote this event because all these are domestic entrances you have no issue to promote i believe resume itself 500 of thousands uh consumer connectivity with them yeah i think yes resume is the key as our partner and we'll bring it to you uh on that basis also uh tourism malaysia will be situated giving grant we also put preservation as one of the uh participating partners in here upon their approval okay we are not able to discuss that yet because we have just came out with this whole thing in the last one month uh but today i think presentation has given us very positive response uh to work together on this test number one the time itself all right through all the virtual fare we not 3d booth the current virtual fair we have we already have almost 30 000 uh visitors that we will promote to them as well yeah so i do believe to reach any about 100 000 visitors is not an issue but again i also ask everybody help everyone help to also promote this event okay so i will target at least 30 to 50 000 visitors to the event okay and we will come up with our promotion banners soon yeah watching banners soon uh again probably after another week time we start sharing all our promotional material as well yeah okay i have a question okay after all of this is over when the dynamic is slowed down i noticed well as the time objective is for industry digitalization we will remain digital but what we do we find we improve it by better technology and all that but i do believe at the moment because we all focus on domestic and in future we can also do actually not in the future when this is done if uh everybody agree all right we probably can have uh this exhibition in for german market for france market all right so that's why i encourage the first the group first group exhibitor of course we will give you a priority to participate because you support rest take this together with us now because we actually i can't promise you sales but i can promise you we bring you uh something new and um so if you think france we take the german we take to australia we take to everybody else i mean because tourism nature also have office overseas all right and we promote inbound under the tuesday malaysia banner okay and uh once the outbound market are ready we will have virtual tesla expo international international mean from malaysia people want to go outbound okay but at the moment let helps tourism list here that help all the tourism industry locally to revive by promoting domestic and the next step is inbound okay just to explain some of you may not understand domestic and inbound i thought generally we all know but i will not take that as uh everybody know about this domestic is all the domestic travelers in country itself and inbound is where other people come to the country so what i see is once the market is open the border is open government allowed people to come in even in november we can run the if government really confirm in november then in october we can do one in other country as well even in saudi even in india where we think that the main market will be ready so what we'll do is for that basis i will discuss with tourism malaysia which are the main market that we want them to come in first right or indonesia and so forth so think think about it back this participation is not just for this vitae this participation for you to experience and learn because once we move to other country either you can speak french yourself or you want to get someone to help you to man your booth in in french in german or whatever that's something that we want to explore in the next step we have to get through one first step first so to answer back to your question no we will remain uh digital let others uh there's so many other associations uh to do the physical one and we prefer not to compete uh with any of this association all right how about security the payment uh to the client of the exhibitor all right as i mentioned earlier all the payment will be integrated through spx or to paypal or to razor through all the endorsed payment gateway so you choose yourself and the payment will go direct to you so again the time does not involve in any of this transaction uh free for consumer yes at this stage we will allow them to come in for free maybe later yes we have to change it a bit to make some money for the association but as women we want to encourage them to come and uh visit the whole idea is to get them to know you to see that we are survived to see that we are still there for them okay our survival spirit even the tourism industry has been halted for almost two years now we are always there and here are the company that still alive and kicking okay to promote and to capture the tourism business yeah so the whole idea now is uh we give them free first for them to come in and let the experience and we will come up with activities like lucky draw and all that as well so while you are applying for gamelan we'll be busy working on our marketing materials and the the in exhibition participation and in fact i appreciate i mean i'll be much appreciated if any of the exhibitors here can offer to give vouchers a promotion uh we have some golf courses together with us today right expensive of courses too yeah so if you can give us some of this and i believe it will attract uh more people to come so please help us you know we have msda maybe the diving association can help us to give a few diving packages or diving lesson offer all right golf courses uh even the eco tourism association okay please help us to come up with some of these packages for promotion okay all right there's one more question security free how did attract visitors what about ar and vr i would like to put stack for easier visitors for which we joined this what about okay the question is what about ar and dr augmented reality and virtual reality will you all put this back for easier visitors for virtually join us exhibition okay is that a site is it what the question ar and and we ask them for augmented reality and virtuality okay if augmented reality and maturity at the moment we already started with the virtual 3d booth i think this start okay ar and vr will come soon uh but you have to understand the more high tech we put probably the heavier the booth is for this one we have tested up to 140 booth and is still able to run uh smoothly that's why we want to limit to 100 booth for now okay there are two things sometime the visitors what's not about the booth it was not about the domain but actually more uh because of the your home in connectivity itself is low even the zoo meeting now how many of you have been ticked out and coming in right okay so please understand that some people said uh it's slow it's not really that because we have tested 140 booths already uh but for that some of you have to make them aware majority of us are having connectivity problem especially now okay so even as simple as zoom meeting like this uh we still have we are struggle even to share stream even to run some of the video okay so i hope i answered that okay so um almost completed almost 35 questions um i would say um just uh let me end the all this question now uh if possible let's just say that we would like to see this experience expo to take all of us to move forward think positive and be prepared and i do believe even we do it in august all right in fact a few other state government already requested us to do in end of august early september we need to say they are confident that the market will be open very very soon so hopefully um we all work together on this and fine tune from here and we always open for any suggestion or start and in fact if you look at it back the cost is actually very small you don't have to fix a physical booth you don't have to pay contractor to build your booth and generally when you participate in physical fare you end up paying not just the booth all right five to ten thousand minimum for one booth and you have to amend the booth you have to be there uh tiring and all that so beside the physical affair and people now are moving to digital so i hope uh i will also share the information later and if you on one need to know more we have the whatsapp group however not in the uh whatsapp group please let us know and we will put you in the group so that you can have any more questions because usernames are also there if you need to know more all right can we uh i will pass it back to chairman okay thank you very much there is a note by translate your facebook link does not work uh can someone verify that it's working now it's live on me yeah probably you can retry and then i think we missed so there's one follow-up question by ancient munir follow up questions would like to clarify that question please i just want to take a look hi i just want to take a look at the slide that was shown by rohit about the the package offered to exhibitor we have a list of no name card brochures you know oh we want to rerun the game we run one particular to see what we can we can alright hold on look at that side first i think this is a very good initiative that determined that github is taking the effort to bring tourism to [Music] yes sounds very good oh sorry you want to see my slide yeah the crosswind is right this one and the next one do this one then is it this one yeah okay so these are the the the the business card you know when you say 10 business card every different different business card if you have 10 stuff you put all 10 of them there you can or you have a group of 10 companies you can put that kind of each put their their name okay under the exhibitor yeah again i repeat uh only one company responsible for that particular booth yeah yeah but would is it a problem if the name cut for different companies for the symbol uh no i no well we have no problem but er as mentioned earlier by daniel there'll be one traffic agent but under then it'll be one hotel there'll be one others right so as long as the payment and responsibility only by one traffic agent we are fine with that okay even trace guide just now want to participate under your booth why not give that opportunity uh i work with many to this guy and i think there is a superb way of of that storytelling of the country all right okay is that one yeah yes i just want one one more question the the payment how how does it work when you say the the will collect payment so there is a oh yeah a shopping cart for oh you mean the payment when you buy package yeah when visitors come in they want to buy products all right if you're okay first of all if you already have uh first of all you can check with the client right if you are really not savvy you don't want to use website you don't do anything all right so you can take this offline with the client all right so but just be professional you have to send the invoice or whatever that you want yeah so because i know not all of us are technical savvy and not always online saving all of us are ready for all this okay now number two okay if you have a website that already transactional we call it transactional meaning people can go to your website and and buy okay so we can pop up this page on your booth reason being is sometimes you have 30 40 packages i cannot put in the booth because you're going to be too cluttered so it will pop up on your booth so people can actually click the page i'm in the package and pay you okay subject that you have your [Music] payment ready now if you don't have a website and you don't have your own payment gateway all right we will have this page for you for example this is your company these are packages we will put it this way and then they click here all right uh sorry i did not capture the the payment page when they click here they will pop up a payment page and pay you that's it right so if we integrate example this example all right [Music] with paypal then you or i pay so you just need to open uh account with them yeah so then the payment will go direct to you all right okay so so the the the the channel on the on the left is uh exhibited need to need to list their product with the term in order to to get the transition done okay on and blah blah blah okay or you just rather to focus on the two packages you just want to use this a simple one okay so you see this is a huge scope of your product but if you only have two products or less than five i suggest that you actually use what we offer it'll be much easier for you to sell yeah okay okay got it thank you and also to a quick addition now some of you prefer to go to your website because you may have a better negotiation negotiation negotiated rate with the bank that's number one yeah uh all what they call the mdr payment the investment so all this is your choice so what we did now is what we have is choice for you to choose uh what kind of payment that you would like to uh to use all right okay got it thank you yes okay this uh this virtual uh fair that we are running on digital i will be running 24 hours or you have a time frame that for the clients to cook or they can just actually do at two o'clock in the morning or three o'clock in the morning yeah the beauty of online is 24 hours isn't it yes but not beauty is we cannot work 34 hours isn't it correct unless you have alternate staff that willing to take over you know uh six hours six hours six hours really up to you so it's actually very flexible how you want uh to do it yeah so you want to be online meaning ready to go with them chat all right or but the web all the packages on the web on the pop-up web it can be accessed 24 hours okay so what exp what visitors need to see to understand is at night i'll be very quiet okay there's nobody to to be with you but if you really want to be on your booth 24 hours it's also up to you you don't stop but there's a function for you to offer your chat this function for you on your chat you want to open tomorrow morning 8 o'clock also up to you you can open your chat you can also offer a check if you want to what my point is if the client is to book say two o'clock or that's sometimes a free time for them to do it um when it's off the the boot is not meant by somebody well it appears till tomorrow morning at nine o'clock when uh when they open back the boat they can draw a message for you all right you can contact them again all right thank you does the charge any fee payment deducted from our sale no the payment will go direct to you our concept is we association we cannot take involved in any of the collection of payment yeah so we still want to follow the acta doesn't matter what people say uh lazada doing it should be doing it but to be honest with you soon uh actually i involved in it there will be a digital act we've been working for the past few years and one of the person actually with us today also our committee is professor dr zaki yeah we also looking into the digital act and how all these things are not supposed to be allowed simply okay just quickly do you know like example shopping you can go and buy medical product and the company would sell without license even in lazada is that right or wrong it's wrong isn't it yeah and you know if you go to shopping there's a lot of software that's not licensed you can download and pay for two ringgit so again uh this is something that has been happening and i have actually launched many of this report to mcmc uh but i don't think we want to follow that step of not uh it's not right yeah uh from jenny last question i speak a lot to sell other than travel products buggies t-shirt yes we welcome you to sell a lot more stuff to make it more exciting this is where i said we have a diving hall we have a diving hall we have golf hall we have a golf hall if you have enough booth so jenny please get more people from dive center to participate i'm actually very excited to see how you all able to sell you know uh other products okay all right so uh i mentioned to apply for gamilan you used to mention two packages yes yep you have to understand that as well but at the moment i think all of us will sell local products yeah domestic product and it's good timing to start now okay um look ma i think there's no more uh question okay um oh yeah um let me check yeah yeah uh how i determine this from shima from tuesday amnesia how does the thumb going to attract the visitors to visit this platform i mentioned earlier uh at the moment we ourselves through the program that we did virtually we already have more than 30 000 uh database that we're gonna blast and invite them to participate okay but of course with pdp act we cannot share all this information but they have sign up that they can actually uh willing to receive information from us okay and number two i really hope one shima we can work together and uh promoting this because at the moment uh virtual travel expo is mainly uh domestic and as i mentioned also earlier in future i hope we can work with our reservation office around the world to promote virtual tourism expo inbound to malaysia okay i will communicate with your dg and others as well i think we are in communication actually except i need everybody help to say that well many participate that will motivate your dg to to give us more uh support isn't it it's all based on number check up check up sagittarius i think waste his time a waste reservation time okay so thank you funshima all right so um i think we all we can thank you uh terrorism uh thank you comments by jerezwan and mr anthony leopold and uh yeah uh the registration uh how will you enter the virtual terrible tourism expo is already posted in the chat box and presented by rohitham earlier also the grant application is like if approved then you get 50 off from there and then the crowd marketing uh effort that you do with uh 500 likes on your social media channel combiner will give you further reduction of 500 ringgit so that would be net of 750 per booth yeah and all these come with the facilities if you want to actually use uh the the facility to execute the payment to your own account all this part of the uh fees that uh net if you are successful to get the everything is only seven five zero so it is a big deal it is um what you've got the way forward as mentioned and uh there have been no other questions time now is 11 29 we started about 10 15 earlier and then i would like to thank again uh zero izam and tim from tourism nation led by one shima for being here thank you for the presentation for answering the questions and thank you also to the term committee and all of you who have participated uh again or for the first time today i wish you all the best uh take care stay safe follow sop and we look forward for you joining us by registering your interest and we'll come back with uh the follow-up email to you so thank you very much see you again everyone assalamu alaikum foreign thank you mentee thank you all the best thank you you're most welcome if you do not receive the link to join the group uh before it yeah okay okay well dude thanks rohit thank you look man thank you hi we might include bye we have our president uh mr tanga value as well okay thank you tanga for attending and thank you all right hey thank you my good friend patricia [Music] thank you for joining us [Music] hey [Music] [Music] 360 thank you aziz from falcon travel chess arizona one side maniaga fascilina trevor linda johan no rahayu either osman fatilla radiant reading group norissa so thanks everyone again that was that thank you miss tracy lee from vivanta langkawi all right uh all of us i'll create new link please join in a new link we have uh the chats on the zoom is there a way to export you want me to capture it yes please okay then don't don't end the meeting yet okay you

2021-07-05 01:55

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