Disneyland Trip- Day 1

Disneyland Trip- Day 1

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Don't say want to put my foot. I can't. That's, time. Well. This. Day one. -. Yeah. We, have a great view to us her view I'm, all, gorgeous. So, it's. Yes. Okay. We're. Gonna keep. This. I didn't. Feel. There's. Gotta be something. Yeah. No. You can. That. But. We gotta say. I. What. Like. His picture. 9:23. Comfor, at a time. Erlendur, time. Well. Yeah. I hope, you get through something. Yeah. So we've made it Maddy. Hailey we've made it to the hotel, yeah. We made in noon hours. Oh. No. I. Don't know wait. Okay. Yeah. They do like every hotel okay wait were you supposed to go I. Do. Have them in this way this. Is just straight I, mean -. Yeah. This we're gonna shake oh yeah it was kind of a fart walk we have to go all through disease I mean I'm. Downtown. It's. Great okay let's, stop for a minute figure we're going. Okay. I keep plugging in dissing Springs we're. Not. Doesn't. Ma'am, which, we probably who, do need we don't know this place I know downtown, this right here it's pretty easy, you. Just yeah you okay that's what we entered it was like by the frozen to shop there's a lot of people. People. Into. Your friends. Is. Me lay in the leg do you want when I'm going to do later I. Do. Want, the traditional experience, we. Are going in through, the main entrance mer, just so you are aware okay. Good because I really want to go through management focus makes yeah. Hopi. Every new its, bori. Yeah. We're walking this way. I, like, topiary, that's why I like flowering garden. That's. A little crazy is, that where we're going no. Recited. Ah. Okay. That's. Good Phil you, think it's all these it's, only crippled, that. Time you know. They're. All yellow. It. Did. Appreciate that ballad with a dick on the - looks like an eraser. Machine, has a little hair like the little point, of my hair. Again. Another, stick. Though. They still have the void with. Just in. It's. Like that cool reality, Stowers, thing I, did. But like I read, about yeah, I don't know. Yeah. They do. Okay. No. Literally. Me and you. We. Are we're. Look. At the green alien. They're. Really something there. Was. Silly. Because. You can never have too much. Interesting. Wow. It's. So weird how these are like on stuff I don't I feel about having a rule. I. Don't. Know if they blast me I go to herself, okay cool I remember that they was here and there so which one was which can you have any Liam that's, California Adventure. So. We just keep marquee treat you guys will be ready yeah those are tickets. We. Don't have to wait for. Also. Yeah. Do. You think I can. Treat you so what do we want to do, oh. It, is. It, will. That's. My go-to, person in, the morning, keep, in mind what time is it. Okay. No. That's. What you think it's a magic hour. Okay. We. Made it it's, been so long. Amazing. Also. I really want to go on that bus. Ran. In the choo-choo train oh it's, okay it's right there.

I. Want. To take those. It. Feels so far away. It. Looks so close but it's look so close but it's actually so far away with, it that's that's. Who let alone. Who. This is Nick hewer and has all of the steps that we have to go by. My. Car, so cute so, yeah, okay. Look. At that line Ely, I know, and, it's, all the way to like almost too general. Right. Now. And. This if I see in, the oh my god coaster. Side. You. Want to do that you will do that yes okay so iam and even onyx credit coaster earlier that's a good goodbye you're going on Goofy's sky school yes. Keep. Spinning, okay let's do it let's go. Literally. Get. This thing is a look at you the. Grape soda, I just. Want if I can't get in. Visited. Your staffing busy road. My. Accomplish my goal is really big house where space retreat where. Did. You see the key. I. Wanted. Trailing ones I'm not Nick. And. We're gonna ride those we're gonna ride the Simone. The. Remembrance, of the, worst. Many. Ic-cap America, America. Slow-moving cab over. We. Definitely should walk down that way. Yeah, we don't be more, severe we do we do it was I'm getting dizzy yes we do. Wiser. This. Is the last bits of super, level. Neither. Did I just. Do video. He's. Eating this is this with cubes master ever just to be honest, that one right the other one that has a monster, in his mouth. He's, there. Wait, what, no. I'm talking about who's in there there's a character there there. So. Where. We going on, monsters. Day yeah, we're going to take this maybe a day today. I feel like repeats the games to read. Another. Thing. I. Never. Look at this building. Okay. That. Is okay. Face. It little. Strike don't come into the monster. Maddie. This is. Hilux future chase. I don't. Think it might be over there more. Head. Oh. There's, believe that I don't, know her name is let's finish oh there he is look, at him in. The back with the kitty coil. All. Of the bugs that you okay. Let's keep walking you can go although. Now. Just next. I'm. Going to close it we're, going now. Yeah. Are. Haley. Yeah. Quoting, her they better be really good at. The test-drive. Yes. Right. So Disney World. Yes. Okay. Babe, 3:28. I have a snapchat and Colleen Bob awesome well Colleen Papa. There's. A banner do you think he has a name. So. It's that. I'm. Super campy yeah I was super scared I'm super scared okay, so. All. Right let's go to say my. Question is is this Fastpass, return. Yeah. It is it's not a bad line. We. Have a while so if there's more than one drop on them we, ready I'm, ready today. We're. Gonna get wet. They're having problems. I. Got. Problems too. Now. They have to wait for like they sit down to, go. Have fun, how, are you I am. We. Went under the river on a many so. I. Got. Like a head injury and a back injury memory I have a swimming pool for a foot good. I'm, all good. Other. Than like a couple what's a day if you didn't even go on the road yeah Matt. Looks like she went on in a swimming pool ice cream away too much I did. This. Way yeah we're gonna go through. We're. Going through. 0. This. Is pity it's look this, this, screams coordinates, lines anyone. Else say hey. I'm. Saying Wilderness Lodge or. Pull. The video look at this blind I didn't, okay cool, hands. Feet, wet, in the pool, we. Don't need to I already went oh my. Gosh. It, just made up I just wanna make no noise. Let's, go. That. This. Would be the knighthood, unless, what I love. Walk. Out here telling you were there, oh look. At the mosaic, everything. Yeah. And the door. This. Way. We're, not gonna dump this news. Yeah. This we're, gonna say. That. Was already Disney that's why now many downs in Disney which I keep pointing doozies I can't see so my starter like start to my life do the cow, never. Thought were to let the park you know how, to save the, world are fancy elevator. Later because no people. Either elevator, no fun there. Are some people other people who know elevators, see. Look the, Oh will show I'll show you later there's a sitting area in. 29. Oh. It's. So oh my gosh. Look. So fancy. It's. Beautiful, I'm gonna do taking this my, camera's not work Mady depressing. Ready maybe. We'll get a few no. We guess the interview right, pretty. Sure I'm. Pretty sure we're gonna get a view of. There. That's, you okay. Ready. So. Manny wants the cows. Yeah. We're. Getting a basic, view of the this is a room now.

Well. That's. Look. At the pool though. Look. How many cars are in that parking lot, Wow. Oh. It's. So cute. Let's. Go for, it. So. It's gonna teach you how to do your bed that's. Your bed. Folks. It's. Her bed wait, I'll go look at the bathroom. This. Is the bathroom hey leak into your bathroom. Look. At all this - oh. My god oh my god, okay. That's. A shower. She's our closet gorgeous. There's. A coffee machine go. Pee. There's. The refrigerator, you. Want, to put this stuff in the fridge rater. There's. A few look, look look you seem kinda close to go yeah, sorry okay so here we go we're gonna have to show everyone the crazy crazy. Thing. That we like to call, the. Elevator so here you are gone, so you hit okay and we're going to floor. Zero. Come. Over here let's go over here to, this. One so. We're gonna hit lower. Level right here I, mean. And then it tells you which one you go to so. Then you go to any and age ready for that's coming we can be ready for us to, go into super. Crazy super. Weird, not. With not a different, lab look, at all god this is so cute what look, out oh. My, god little. Son over there and a little slide, that's. Crazy. This, is so cute it's, like like bleep oh that's cute, yeah display sign in our fury but. That's. Life, here. You are, it. Says going, down to level out, also, there is no buttons. In this elevator so if you say just nothing I want, to go to do a little. High. Behave anything gets dark. Yeah. And then we're going to Disneyland and I got a. That's. Right I. Was. In the fourth grade. That. Make it look like it's nighttime ah. That's. The Train I. Know. Look you know, so. Cute okay. Let's. Not let's, not muck use people. Claim. At this park tomorrow after, we take a long sleep, because we're are is awesome okay. We're, in Department it's lady. Look. At the Minnie Mouse I. Really. Giving them hey but I'm not. Really. Scary oh my. God no no no. No. That's, where castle look, out underwhelming, I am it, is so so, stinkin tiny it is so stinkin sighted it is so tiny. I've, been to Disney, World and I've been to Shanghai Disney, Shanghai, Disney has the biggest castle all the hearts, it's. So, look, how tiny it is. I'm. Sorry. Good. That's why we can get one thing. Pickle. Car. Most. Important, thing. See. Like where you can look at your like cut it out of you know what about like, the silhouettes, but it's not cuz I'm not in Florida the, walls down there choice, on there yeah. Okyou. I'm. Taking video I love it what. Are these old shots is that ice cream please, sir ice cream place is there and not there I'm. Like I. Don't. Know I feel so flipped around in, my life, do. You, I feel. So plenty, I mean. Yeah. My. Whole life just feels like I walked. Into an alternate reality which, is Disneyland. It, I love, their Castle I it's. A beautiful, castle I'm not gonna live, at. This beautiful castle but. It's like a mini studio and like you do nothing, when you walk in might, be you have a Maddy how excited, are you for the tribe. She's. So excited like she's freaking out. Let. Me live that was an amazing. Move. Your life I think fertilized. Experience. I. Hate. A solar. So. That you can't have it from top layer. Okay. So thanks you, go underneath. Beautiful. Okay, so when I went to Disneyland the first time, it. Was the Halloween time and the. Haunted, Mansion was, named. Her for Christmas theme, and, I thought I thought. It was just always like that I felt. Sort of us and it's not. It's. So good. Yeah. I've done feel a hair I've been here the last I was here it was during, Halloween. Time so it was a night before Christmas they were so cute. Just. Look how pretty you do. -. It. Was a lot smaller than to zero it does it is. Oh get, your nails are welcome back. We're. Gonna. Lose. Corner. Is. It open. It's. So cute, okay. We're you guys some Tigger tails oh. Okay. So much. Perfect.

We're Gonna get some tape that's the meaning the people acted like a player yeah oh. My. God. It's, so big I don't think I'm ever gonna sleep and that it's horrible, because I, really, need that.

2018-10-04 02:22

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