Disney Pin Collection 2018

Disney Pin Collection 2018

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Hi. Everyone Chris, with Disney World Adventures here thank, you so much for stopping by and checking out this video it really means a lot. Welcome. To our first ever pin collection, video, I've. Been wanting to do this video for a little while now I need to do it soon because our pin board is filling up quick I, think. The next time we do a pin collection, video we'll be doing separate videos. We. Have been collecting, trading. For a little under a year now, and loving every minute of it. We. Stick around to the end of this video for something a little exception, --all. Don't. Forget to Like comment and subscribe and. Without. Further ado. Let's. Get started. Have. Mine, over here. There's. No white. Bell reading, we're. Actually gonna be having dinner at be our guest on our next adventure in the Magic Kingdom. Looking. Forward to that have, you ever been to be our guest I've heard, mixed reviews so, I'd love to hear your experience, in the comments, below. Mary. Poppins. Cinderella. Jasmine. Tigger. Pouncing, on Pooh. The. Story book series. Reluctant. Dragon hinge, pin. Opens. Up to the dragon, playing the flute. Le. 1100. I love, that pen love that movie, one. Of the few movies waltz, in it himself. It. Was made to be a behind, the scenes of how the animation, process works, it's pretty cool. Moana. My. First ever pen haunted. Mansion bat pen with, the wallpaper print. Love. That ride. Glad, I was able to get one of these we, want the redhead. We, want the redhead from. The Pirates of the Caribbean. Have. Any pirates fans out there have you seen the new scene or. Scenes, I mean, I just didn't change the auction, scenes. What. Do you think let us know in the comments, below I, won't. Spoil it for anybody, but I like it overall. Animatronic. Is awesome, and. Out in Disneyland, you can actually meet red now so hopefully she'll be coming to Disney World soon. Our. 2018. Year. To BV has been a. Couple. Of American, flag pins they were handing, out at the parks last. July 4th, that. Was actually my first time, back to Disney World since I was a kid. Knows. The kids first time. These. Things we. Have since become pass, holders, and have been packed four times. A couple. Jacks from a Nightmare, Before Christmas mystery. Box collection. Actually. Did an unboxing video, on, that I'll leave a link above if you want to check that out. The. Flower and Gardens Festival. Limited. Edition, fresh. Picked, got. Mickey and Pluto that. Was, our first ever festival, it's pretty amazing, a. Couple. Rock and roller coaster, pins, Mickey. Rocks. Mickey. With the drumstick. Love. That ride. These. Are from an adventures, is out there, mystery, box collection. Uh Pinocchio. Jiminy. Cricket. Grumpy. And his Christmas, sweater ho ho no. Mickey. Is the DJ hipster, Mickey. Star. Wars emblem, which. Stands for the. Confederacy, of Independent, Systems. Whatever. That means I. Gotta. Be honest I'm more of an old-school Star, Wars fan I'm not too up on the new movies, if, you know what that is let, us know in the comments, below. Have. A grumpy, 10. These. Are from Seven, Dwarfs Mine Train mystery. Box collection, got, grumpy. Sneezy. This, is from that 3-pin series, they had last Christmas, on shop Disney. They. Do it many one. Other I can't remember. Ramon. Putting the star on the tree Feliz, Navidad. And, a few of my traders, Mickey, Mouse. Woody's. Hat. Bean. Boat Willie's hat. Hidden. Mickey, lanyard. Series, pinky. Bowling. Pin Hidden Mickey series gorilla deville I love. This dug in love, dug Hidden. Mickey character. Sidekick, series. This. Awesome. Tinkerbell with the pirate, hat this. Is actually, part of a five-pin series. Three. Other pins have notches around. The sides and then. The center pin has bones that stick out and fit, into those notches. Not. Sure the other pins but the center pin is stitch I believe. This. Awesome, Jose pin. You. Got if he stayed at Coronado, Springs while. It was under construction. Which. I guess it still is because I just saw Ryan over. A Disney, pins blog get another set. Because. You could also get, Pacino. And Donald. See. How he's holding this off. So. Yeah if you want to set I guess go book a room over at Coronado.

The. Castable. Pin you. Got if he took a diversity. Class. Or. Diversity. Training, class, somebody. Did I didn't. Hidden. Mickey attractions, pin journey. Into the imagination, with pigment. Tinkerbell. Advan pen. Couple. From a haunted mansion mystery. Box collection. Cameo. Series. This. Is Jack the Ripper. This. Guy is December. From. A portrait called miss April, December. Miss. April being a portrait. Of a beautiful girl. December. Here's the ghostly, version, of her. Kind. Of like the portrait gallery in the lightning flashes, and they changed the Madhu sir and all that's the same idea, these. Actually have, backlight. Responsive. Elements. To them so they glow a little. These. Two are also included. In that. Nightmare, Before Christmas, unboxing. It's, awesome Mickey as a, pirate. Is, Disney's. Pen vlog. Fifth. Anniversary pin. Le. Love it no, le, 100. If. You haven't checked out Ryan and I'm over at Disney pins blog and you're into Disney's pins I suggest, you do so. All. The releases, and news that, you need is over there they have a little store weekly, podcast, as their car. Anything. You need to know regarding. Disney. Pins you, can find over there. These. Are from that target, love Mickey. Promotion. They got going on now. Three. Sets each. Sets in a row. And, not technically, Disney, pins. They're. Junk food. Enamel. Pins. Nice. Pins they got some weight to him I had. To get him. And is our. Current. Park maps. Current. As of April. Hasn't. Been back to the park since April. We'll. Be going back the first week of August for. A week. And. The. Lanyard, I'm using now is, this reversible. Lion King. Red. On one side and, green on the other I, think. That Simba. Everyone's. Probably laughing at me now but I'm not sure who that is if, you know let me know in the comments, below, I. Like. The side by side action I think. It shows the pins off better. And. I just have a. Pocahontas. And the Mickey face and, key chain. With. The Epcot. 35, pouch. For. The pass holder, card. Etc. So. Yeah that's mine. As. Well keep this going move. On to Brianna's. She. Has this awesome copper. Hinged, pin. With. The castle, on front. It. Opens, up to Walt and the quote. The. Quote is it's kind of fun to do the impossible. Love. That pin and. A. Little mermaid. Palace. Pin. This. Awesome, 3d. Up. House, pin with, the. Bees. Is the balloons that. Jack, Sparrow, with the ship wheel. Stitch. Dressed, up as Elvis. Chippendales. Happy. Hanukkah holiday. Pin. In. Jack's, face. Jack. Spelled out. Zero. The. Sally Hidden Mickey, candy. Corn pen. This. Is a Mickey, toontown's. Pinwheel. Series. Got. The clown. Couple. Rainbow. Mickey. Finn's got. The jeweled one. Disney's. Weddings. Cinderella's. Coach. This. Is actually, a Magic, Band series, this. Is Mickey. Piglets. Face. This. Is Bernard, from, the rescuers. Down under. Cool. Characters. Daisy. Cheshire. Cat as the t-shirt. Tinkerbell. Cut out. They, did Mickey, Alice. In Wonderland. Suit. Series. Alice. In the heart. Donald. Zum-zum I believe. Hop. Low. This. Is the Disney's, dog, bones got, Pluto. Ahead. And Mickey Mickey Finn. And. These. Are from. Family. With hats and pets with hat series, I believe, they're two separate series. If. That's wrong let me know in the comments, below but. You got the bird. With. The hat and, I believe that's dad with. The hat. This. Is from a Winnie the Pooh silhouette. Series. Kanga. And Roo. Owl. It's. A Alice in Wonderland. White. Rabbit. Emoji. Collection. This. One's worried. Hit. A Mickey fruit, collection, got, the lemon I. Believe. This is from. Phineas. And Ferb starter, set. That's. Phineas. Now. We got the villain, smiles. Ursula. Maleficent. Ursula. Captain. Hook. And. Speaking, of villains. That's. Actually, the Viet Minh. Lanyard. She's using. One. Of these Fat Boy reversible. I. Like. This one this is nice. She's. Got a a walk down here zooms. In pouch the, pass holder card and then just a little. Mickey. Zoom. Zoom. Yeah. That's. My daughter's. Okay. Last, but not least, you. Got Brady's. He's. Got marshmallow. From. Frozen. Stitch. Sorry. Not sorry. Stitch. Up dressed, up as Elvis. Tim. And Pumbaa, hula style. Chip. And Dale Happy, Hanukkah, holiday, pin. It's. Inside, out today. I'm feeling it's. Got a slider action. Anger. Joy. You. Got the rest of them. This. Zoom zoom Star. Wars mystery. Collection. C-3po. Assume. Some cute. Collection. Star. Wars, Han. Solo. R2d2. Chewbacca. An. Ewok. Got. My Rhys a. Stormtrooper. And bb-8, these, are actually from his very first. Lanyard. Starter, set I. Had. Two others to. Get. Two others - ray. And Poe. Dogs. Be traded those away. And. This is from that Magic, Kingdom, parking. Lot sign series. Hook. Of. Be my villain teen series. Zorg. That's. Actually, Ellie. 340. That's. This sketchbook, Nader. And. Donald. Is a toddler with his anchor.

Growing. Up Donald. And. This rabbit, is. This. Rabbit, is actually from a Midway, mania, prize. Collection. You. Got a whole bunch of animals. Deers. Rabbits. Turtles. Bears. This. Is Duffy's, hat series, he's. Dressed up as the dream finder, here. Pluto. And his spacesuit. This. Awesome, sandals, collection. He's. Got stitching. Lilo. Wall-e. And Eve so, far. That's. Sally in the Mickey head. Carl. And Ellie by. The mailbox, got. The slider heart. Love. That pin. That. Door. And. A couple sugar, skull, pins. Pluto, and goofy. This. Vinylmation. Cheshire Cat. The. Donut Cheshire Cat. This. Star Wars emblem. I believe. It stands for the Galactic, Galactic. Empire. If. That's wrong let me know in the comments, below a. Couple. More of these cutout, pins at, the Mickey head. It's. The full Mickey. Hidden. Mickey attractions. In Seven. Dwarfs Mine Train. Tim. And Pumbaa. I. Love. These wreck-it, Ralph pixelated. Pins. That. Fix-it, Felix and Ralph, a. Park. Map that he wanted to hang on to. And. A couple traders, down here. Orange. Bird, Mickey, flag and the Walt Disney pennant. And. The lanyard, he's using, now and. The. Lanyard he's using, now this. Fat boy. Lilo. And stitch reversible. Green. On one side and red on the other. Stitches. Nice. Star. Wars card. R2d2. Keychain. Star. Wars pouch with a pass, holder card. And. This medallion. With. The gang on it. Chip. And Dale on the bottom, Pluto. Mickey. Minnie, Donald and, Goofy. That's, us on Space Mountain. Our. First ride. Ever. Is pass holders. Okay. Who's. Ready to see the exceptional, part, of our pin collection. Everybody. I want. To show her hands, I. Need. To see all the hands raised. Okay. That looks like everybody, I won't keep you waiting any longer. Pluto. Is an egg I, love. This pin. Extravaganza. Exceptional. Pass holder. Limited. Release. Got. The pass holder, logo down there. With. This green collar, and, Pluto. On the license. This. Is our first-ever pass holder pin. It's. Awesome. Okay. I think. That's gonna do it for our first-ever pin collection, video. Which. Pins or pins, are your favorite, let. Us know in the comments, below. Do. You collect Disney, pins, do. You collect a certain and type were you all over the place like we are at the moment. Although. I would like to continue all my mystery. Box collections. And definitely. Anything, haunted, mansion. I. Know. Brianna is all about the villains and will we continue when. Nightmare. Before Christmas, pinned. And. Bradys. All about Cheshire Cat, and. It's. Going to be working on the sandals, and the sugar skull collection. If. You liked this video please, give it a huge thumbs up. Hit. That subscribe button. Bring. That notification, bill, will. Be having disney videos, come out regularly. I'm, not sure of a schedule, yet but. They'll. Be coming out. You. Can follow me over at twitter, at. Chris loves disney. And. Until. Next time have a magical, day.

2018-07-15 09:26

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