Discovery Cove trip 2004 Orlando, Florida part 1

Discovery Cove trip 2004 Orlando, Florida part 1

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For. Thousands, of years we, have searched for a bridge between two, worlds. Our, own, world and the, world of an amazing, creature, with. Them we. Feel an ancient, bond. Stories. And legends, come from all corners of the earth how. They have swam with us helped. Us even. Rescued, us at sea. Come, with us an explorer realm where the stories become true where. Legends, meet reality, swim. Into the experience, of a lifetime at. Discovery. Cove. Hi. I'm Julie scar Dina welcome. To our tour of Discovery, Cove, if you've, already visited us we'll take you back to what are probably some of your most memorable, experiences. Ever and if you haven't visited yet, get, ready for some splashy surprises. Because Discovery. Cove is a place like no other here. Everything, is 100% up close and personal with dolphins and other, animals too. Hi. Andy what do you have here hi Julie, this is star she's one of our resident animals at Discovery Cove she's, a two toed sloth. She's. Not a monkey but she does live in the rainforests, of Central and South America, where monkeys also live she, seems so slow and lazy is she tired oh no that's just the way they are they live high up in the trees well they live life at a very slow pace just hanging out usually. Upside down well they don't sleep upside down do they they do up to 18 hours every day and they even eat upside down you, see the way her hair curves, like in the opposite, direction of most animals, hair from, our belly to her back. They're. Made for upside down living, are, you folks just arriving for your day at Discovery Cove yes we're, so excited hi I'm Dave hi Dave I'm Susan and this is Jennifer and Kevin we can't wait to get into the water and, meet the dolphins, all right then we'd better get going come on follow me. So. Let's all meet at the seahorse Cabana in two, hours to begin your dolphin interaction, experience, okay okay. You. Know before, Discovery, Cove only, a privileged, few ever experienced, the joy of interacting. And swimming with dolphins and, other marine life so. How did this wonderful, opportunity come, about for you and do, the Dolphins really like all that attention what's. It like to interact with dolphins every, single day at, work let's. Ask the people who know dolphins best the Discovery, Cove training, staff.

We're. Here to basically physically, stimulate, the dolphins have a good time with them basically what that means maybe they're part of working adults is getting, to know their personalities, establishing. A relationship, with a dolphin is such an amazing, experience training, them building relationships with them even, when I go on my days off I'm constantly thinking about them I really, think I spend more time with dolphins than I do in people I spend, five, days a week forty hours a week, Dana life the trainer for me is getting up in the morning just like everybody, else does driving. To work make. Your way out to the pools and from that point on it's, just a day like no other every day is different we get all the fish prepared for the Dolphins each. Dolphin, gets a certain amount of fish depending on their size and their age and then, we do something that's called to relate where we just hang out with the dolphins we rub them down we. Feed them we just kind of hang out and get to know them. We do what are called playtime's. We. Throw in both bumpers buoys. They like to bite them and sink them to the bottom or, kick, them with their tail flutes and send them flying. We. Also do a husbandry, and that's when you do mouth exam, you, might do a blowhole, exam, or something we call a flute person. We. Start doing training, sessions, we might do dolphin, interaction, each dolphin, has an individual, personality, just like people do when you, first encounter a dolphin I'm sure they all look pretty much the same 28, dolphin, swim around how, in the world can you tell them the difference apart which one's out which ones that but as you spend time with them you notice that they have different markings and, they have different colorations, some are larger some are smaller some have stripes some, have little spots on them all the doors defense will have different not just in different locations, but they also have their own neat, way of doing things the way they hold their head the, way they swim by you the way they gaze into your eye their. Throne dislikes, their own like sometimes. They and they tell you what those dislikes and lakes are some. People are high-strung some people are really relaxed, and the Dolphins did the same exact way but they have their own different ways of liking to be rubbed down they, like different, toys. To play with dolphins. Definitely, have their favourite trainers, they do tend to discriminate, sometimes, and work better with certain trainers than others you spend time with them you get to know their preferences, you get to know their mannerisms, and they, are all such, individuals. Soon, they become totally, different - you look like totally different people one of the things that it's probably amazed me the most is, dolphins, and Kennedy. Ability, to figure. Out a problem and when you ask them for certain behaviors here, and watch them work together and, work towards, accomplishing a, goal you. Can see how they can be very much like humans, in that way that can be very team-oriented, they, like learning new things they, like interacting, with us they're like people. Just being silly in the water with them one of the questions that we always get as trainers is do, dolphins actually enjoy. Interacting, with, the guests and I, would have to say honestly yes I really think the Dolphins do like the interactions, if you look at our pools they're very large, and the Dolphins have the choice of being down with the guest or, over in what we call a dolphin, area and the really cool thing that we're seeing as the Dolphins are actually staying with us the full time that we're down there in the pool they, are making a choice to spend that time with you their, choice it's their decision, you're not gonna force a 600-pound, animal to, be with you you can't pull them back you can say okay you're gonna stay here it's all on their own it's that relationship that you have with them a lot of times people think that they're food motivated but, actually a lot of times they show us that they're not sometimes they'll take their fish and they'll toss in the air and they'll just run with it and sometimes we tell the guests you know what I chose you right there that it's not just food motivation, that they want to be with us they want to have fun with us. The most incredible thing about working with dolphins for me is that I get to spend time with these dolphins just, playing with them and. Just, building that relationship with them once, the animal starts recognizing, your face, step, up to the animal and they're looking at you and whether, they they're just like hey there Scott that's, man it's time to play let's have fun the.

Biggest Challenge of working with the Dolphins is trying to stay one step ahead the. Way that we do that is by always coming up with something new for them something challenging, for them to learn otherwise. You start getting boring and boring is the last thing a trainer wants to do if the dolphin starts to predict what you're about to do it's no fun anymore, you. Have to communicate with each other over where, they dolphins are at and what they're doing and, also, about what the Dolphins seem to really dig what they get into, you. Know when people get the opportunity to interact with these amazing animals it, really, gives them a totally different feeling of the open ocean the. Environment, and everything else around them, do. You realize after a while they, want to be with you and they're gonna stay with you no matter what. There's, such beautiful animals and to be able to spend time with them in and out of the water throughout the day and introduce, them to people that never even touched it often before is such. An experience, you can't even put it into words eyes light up the big smiles on their face it's the first time for a lot of people they've never actually seen a dolphin up close in person like, that so. Not only do I get to work with dolphins all day but I get to interact with people and make them smile and that's what keeps that adrenaline, flowing throughout the whole day and. You know by the end of the day the you know the dolphins are like hey come back we're, not done with you yet you go home at the end of the day knowing that you've created, something, so, amazing for somebody else. Hi. Jennifer how'd you like your swim on the reef it. Was really cool especially the barracuda and the shark. They. Can't bite you though they're, in another part of the pool. The. Other fish all come around and you can feed them they really, like the snacks. I thought. Lots of fish that I've never seen before. Shiny. Fish. Rainbow. Colors, fish. That clean like jewel. Just, watching them swim made, me feel so calm and happy I didn't, want to stop. Kevin. Felt the same way about the Rays gentle. Animals which seemed to inspire a sense of peace and fascination. And people, who make contact, with them. I. Had. Fun with a brace. I. Got. Feed on. I got, to snorkel, with them. I can't. Believe razor this awesome. Morning. It's. A white-cheeked irako just. Found it over over in Africa take a tough one. Okay. I want you to hold any hand just like I do. We. Have four different types of Toronto's fan in the a be right. Up. There in the tree we have a lady Ross tobacco, beautiful. That's. A great go away bird he's. Kind of like this bird but, they're all great this bird is a white jelly go away cuz he has the white belly. Here. These. Birds down here a vulture in guinea fowl there's, seven of these birds found in the aviary here. This. Is a tawny frogmouth. His name is Virgil they're. Found in Australia, I'm gonna hand you a worm I want. You to hold it up above his beak and, then just drop it in Leo just open there. You go see. That big wide date for having the beach that's where they get their names frogmouth, and Pawnee, because of that Pawnee coloration, have sender blending the tree that they sit in it's called cryptic, coloration. Sometimes. When I come here to feed them they're kind of hard to find they blend in so well let. They eat rodents and insects a lot, of people think they're on our but are not African how they are nocturnal but, they they're. More closely related to a bird called the whippoorwill. We. Have seven of them. This. Is Stella Stella is a muntjac deer they're, found in Asia, doctor. Called the Chinese barking, deer she, weighs about 20 25 pounds. Seals, full-grown, we also have another baby deer in here her name is Luna she only weighs about 12 pounds so, get to get to be this size so. I likes, to be touched and rubbed under the chin here. Wow. This is fun great, I'm glad you enjoying yourself. Hey. Did you guys get to meet a whole bunch of me birds, how. Much Stellaluna the bug Jack. You. Know what it's almost time for dolphin swim school so we're gonna need to get going okay thanks. A lot. So. What do you guys think awesome amazing, run thank you so, I guess you had fun yeah. Well. It's been an unforgettable, day for them and all of our guests here at Discovery Cove. Oh. Hi. I hope you've been doing your visit to one of the most special places on earth don't, back and see us again soon. To. Cherish for years to come. There. We go.

2019-01-03 15:48

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