Discovering Fun At Kallang | Challenge Accepted Episode 5

Discovering Fun At Kallang | Challenge Accepted Episode 5

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[Music] [Music] the smart local [Music] hello everyone i'm xenia welcome back to another episode of challenge accepted where we prove to you that there are many places in singapore to rediscover and also share some singer holiday ideas with you in this episode we will be exploring carlang we've planned a refreshing two day one night adventure here at tsl's hoot our office is right upstairs and we are very excited to venture out to show you our favorite food around here and also try out some new activities we didn't know about and as usual there are challenges to complete and here's the list of challenges learn pottery and create a gift for someone in tsl find a hidden dragon of sims drive climb an angled boulder if i fail to complete all three challenges the forfeit is spa with julian in a boxing gym oh my goodness did you know that julian used to be a mme fighter no i just like the train box thing okay there's this saying third time's a charm that's for other people for zinnia four times the charm because i've lost three times in a row but it's okay i'm going to break cut slice my losing string today i am going in for the kill by checking off my first challenge where i'll be making my first ever pottery gift for someone special in tsl here at terra and ember there are a few for three classes in singapore but this place is known for their very personal and intimate session so you can focus on injecting meaning to your pieces and for beginners like me you won't be intimidated for today you'll be joining us in our wheelchairing experience which which is an experiential workshop that we offer to everyone it's for potter's beginner novice amateurs anyone can join us for this experience so you'll be making a very simple podcast from red raw clay i want to make something from bouncy but the thing is he's very he's someone with very critical options so i feel like i give him a lot of complaints you know maybe yes okay okay yes [Music] okay then poker okay so first step we have to seal the clay down to make sure it doesn't slide around yeah okay so put one in that smoother eight index finger on top by applying the correct pressure you should be able to feel the clay start filling up your right hand touch the center and then slowly move across the side okay so this is the part where you have to control zero strength zero strength really just cognitively okay so it's all about using your hands to sleep for you [Music] yay so after 5 678 years we are finally done with my first meow so i'll leave all my eight cats to you guys okay and i'll collect it thank you for helping me to clear one challenge today and also have such an intimate and personal session thank you so much so we are here at manson this is the temple where the hidden dragon is but the thing is i don't know much about this place so let's see if we can find someone to help us so the very interesting thing is uncle yap has been around this temple since he was a baby until now so i was very happy that he could bring me around because he's the best person you know to explain to me okay how do i pray in front of certain deities even though i do pray at home it's a different experience and it's very relatable to me because my parents and i when we go overseas right we would hit different temples and it's just funny that i don't do it in singapore so today is a refreshing experience and and i always love coming to temple because it's always very inclusive even if you're not of this religion it's okay you can just come and take a look be open right outside where we are standing now is so the whole time i didn't know i i kept thinking oh we need to go level two to see the dragon the hidden dragon he's right here hello the history and the culture is is quite extensive and it's very easy to to understand for someone who is not involved in all of these it's almost like a mini museum right beside the temple so you know after you do your prayers you can come here and just take a look wow this episode i really came on okay i cleared two challenges at the start of the day so now i can comfortably have lunch at dim sum house which is a place that julian and i are super excited to share with you guys because we had dinner right after first episode of challenges after and we ordered a lot and i even talk about some home we eat until we cannot stand up straight while walking and the cool thing about this place is their menu is extensive we still did not learn our lesson we still ordered a lot because we couldn't resist so let me introduce you to some of their special dishes we have crispy shrimp and mango roll this reminds me of goreng pisang there's so many layers it's like sweet mango very fresh shrimp and on the outside it's so crispy and it's topped with mango sauce this is a combination i've never seen before and we've never tried another staple to order when you're at a dim sum restaurant is prawn or chauchi so we also ordered that but this is a bujier version okay they have shrimp wrapped in vietnamese rice net fried i've never seen this anywhere else before after i eat this i don't want to eat the normal crunchy junk fun maybe then next we have japanese dumplings so this is a spin off from the classic chili oil dumplings [Music] the sauce is so good but it doesn't steal the show of the filling inside what's in the sauce may i ask sorry i can't tell you but it is good you have to come down and try it for yourself my crew is very eager to eat to the point where they are a little bit rude really yeah when i'm hosting they are staring at me so you can continue okay cut we can eat now [Music] i am going to complete my third challenge and that is to climb an angled boulder and that's why we are here at boulder class with gordon who's gonna jorgen rally chocolate gordon jorgen oh my god sorry jorgen is gonna teach me how to complete this challenge correct yeah yes which one is the lowest level the lowest lowest the white towels so small they don't lie before 12 seconds later wow i want to cry already because i got no i got no strength right and i don't get to jump that's the worst feeling ever it's like the uh i think dom sorry for condensing i think a new climb god damn yeah you reach for already yes you're so close there you just wish you were finished ready [Music] wholesome words [Applause] okay one last try one last try okay okay if you if you can do this whole course right you don't have to go through that angle anymore [Music] [Music] okay sorry [Music] [Music] [Applause] after all the work i think we deserve a scrumptious dinner and that's why we are here at the refinery this place is perfect for all occasions from a nice dinner day to midday coffee break and tg i am with your friends our dinner tonight is a lot there are snacks there are main causes and a lot of drinks let's be strategic about this okay so what we have here is a perfectly round ice ball made up of several espresso shots and here we have warm milk and what you're supposed to do is pour it over whoa well i was a bit intimidated when i when i got to know that this is made up of not just one but a few espresso shots but it's very well balanced it is not too bitter either oh i really love this we are moving on to snacks we're starting off with salted egg yolk onion rings and this is the dish that made this place popular the crunch to be honest you know whenever you have western food you can choose your sides i'm someone who will never choose onion rings cause to me it's like doesn't have much taste and it's just crispy nothing but this is extremely flavorful wow you can keep going on and on and on another snack you have to order to share with your friends is nuggets and what's really special is it is accompanied by homemade curry sauce wow way spicier it has a nice cake and it's not like a plain taste there are many many layers i get why it's so popular now i'm not sharing this you can have all of this so please enjoy we're ending our night here at hotellian this hotel was actually built from a warehouse and that's why they have a very rustic and industrial chic attitude and what's really special about this place is that every little element that you see here has a meaning so for example the word yen it means yens which signifies travelers flying and exploring from one place to another and also if you take a look at the lights it's designed to look like a nest [Music] wow i really like how this place is so cozy and private it has all the necessities you need for a romantic night and actually my favorite part about this room is the curtains because it's those kind that can block off all the light because let's be honest equals recharge equal sleep and i'm sure we'll all have a good sleep tonight and that's the end of day one i am so happy we got to rediscover khalang all the places we've been today i swear we've passed by before it's just that we didn't know and i think this is the true definition of a hidden gem i would say my favorite activity today is learning pottery at tara and ember and when you step into the studio is like a whole new world it's so cozy and private it's almost like sarah and ellen show us to their house and nowadays i really really appreciate intermittent sessions because you don't just go there and okay i do want pottery piece and then bye bye but instead we got to like talk to them we got to understand like how they started this business and also their passion my favorite place would be oh it's so hard but i think it would be the refinery because this restaurant has nice ambiance and everything your greedy stomach wants the food is surprisingly affordable you know there are some restaurants that you will only go during special occasions because it will burn your wallet but this is the kind of place i'll go back to again and again and after that i don't need to eat grass for two weeks and i just want to add on that i'm very proud of all of us who tried bouldering today i think it's a very intriguing and highly addictive sport it not only trains your physical strength but also your mental strength and i'm just so happy because i completed all the challenges today i know that julian gave chance but i'll take it and i think it's time to give our bodies a break and we'll see you tomorrow good night other people will be high on coffee in the morning but we are going to be high on gm this morning i love all things fitness and we are trying julian's favorite sport and it is boxing at refuel academy are you ready that's definitely not boxing so you're gonna go with me practical so i want you to move defend yourself yeah yeah so we're gonna play a sort of catcher one touches only second rule is for safety reason you touch the shoulder thumb up or the knee only you can run but you can run from me okay i'm a professional runner you know i run every single day away from my problems sorry sorry are you okay [Music] [Music] [Music] i think that the second round i was able to apply what you taught me a little bit more instead of just like whoa i'm sure i'm not a competitor for you and also i finished all three challenges yesterday so uh we actually sent our own team wow how app is that to fight with you and our tsl representative is julian let's do it reverse cause i got all the challenges yesterday so i challenge you to fight with him i'm scared round one [Applause] yeah okay go first don't show your weakness you can do this there's a lot of illegal stuff there he ran for my face two three four five punches out of the rules i'm out of here and calling at 28 37 08 singapore [Laughter] we've reached our last stop of our two-day one-night adventure at kalang and we are bringing it back home here at vandamir food center this place is very special for all the tsl people because we always come here to tap our lunch back to office so i'm gonna have the crew share their favorite food my favorite chili dumplings carrot cake julienne indonesian curry rice i wasn't even trying before and for mine is mala okay this mala store is different okay you know usually when you eat mala alone it costs a lot this is by portion and it's fixed price for one pegs it can go as low as six dollars [Music] so that's the end of our adventure here in kalang woohoo this activity driven itinerary is really right up our alley i really love getting all pumped up trying out new activities and also enjoying quality food at affordable prices most importantly i love enjoying my off days chillaxing with a steaky that is private yet situated in a convenient location thank you for watching another episode of challenge accepted let us know other locations you would like us to rediscover in singapore and don't forget to like share subscribe bring our notification bell and watch our other videos over there i'll see you soon bye

2021-02-26 07:05

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