Disabled & Adrift Off Tahiti‘s Coast - Thula Sailing Episode 57

Disabled & Adrift Off Tahiti‘s Coast - Thula Sailing Episode 57

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[Music] so we have a problem with our steering system the cable which runs from the wheel to the rudder you can see it's nearly broken down here doesn't look pretty good so what we're gonna do i'm gonna i'm gonna take out this one and this one and then try to replace the cable unfortunately we don't have any any hydraulic press for pressing the cable but i will do it with this little little frocks like i did here before so we were super lucky that it didn't broke somewhere inside the pass so i have the new cable here and this is where it has to go to to attach it and then it should be all right again so and this is how it looks like in the end so that's the one um it's not perfectly made normally i need like one of these ones like a pressing what i'm gonna try is [Music] get a wire press when we're in tahiti um so this is like the temporary fixing so yeah and this is our steering steering from behind and it's new the new wire down there [Music] so we're leaving apataki through the north pass and as you can see we have a little bit current against the wind so it's one hour before slack tight and the current goes into the pass still for one hour but it's not too bad uh we are doing like two and a half knots over ground and about yeah five and a half through water so it's still all right and we're gonna sail this time through the past because the wind is uh it's good and then we go over our park bow to tahiti [Music] [Music] you can follow [Music] mega bloks [Music] now we know why the guestimator is called guesstimator because he's not always right it's meant to be slack water in half an hour and it doesn't look like this at all yeah so i think we're gonna do it still the old school calculating the tide better we just left uppataki through the north pass and we are heading for tahiti it's 225 miles to the venus and venus anchorage is is called as named by james cook who anchored there long time ago and saw the venus passed by a moon or something so that's why the name venus anchorage [Music] [Music] where the waves will get a little bit better big city life and yeah well i don't know what happened actually um because i replaced this cable when we left when we left so i think i didn't check if it goes probably through one of the rolls so it just snaps in the middle and we um yeah didn't notice it our midway was uh doing angles of 90 degrees back and forth and it has never done that before now we are already behind the safe side of the island so there's some shelter and the waves are not that big and over here you can see the wire that has come across and we have no idea how long it is like this [Music] so while let's see the drawer crashed out hit this side over here and as you can see the whole thing just flew apart six o'clock no sleep all night long and now comes our second second problem so now you can see what has happened to either maybe you can explain a little bit further yeah i don't know what happened um maybe i put the tension a little bit too too much on the cable or it was not properly connected because this is the one the new one i replaced actually so it just broke down there um so probably i didn't check if it goes proper through one of the one of the rolls maybe um i don't know but anyway i'm gonna replace it again and then the first thing i'm gonna do ashore is have a nice burger today you're not gonna sleep really no i'm a sailing machine [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] kettle and what do salty long-term sailors do first once having tied their lines up in a city marina after felt ages right go stroll around the city in search of burgers fries fresh salad and ice cream a beer or two not to be missed ending up in bora bora lounge in company of the french polynesian hinano girl and our besties asher and danny and what should i say the later the hour the better the guests so they could throw the fire overboard and they've gotten out of control and they had this big big wave and a big knockdown and it ripped the galley off so suddenly they had this massive hole in the neck of the ship [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] wow uh we are here at the immigration office in tahiti airport so we did already a pre-check in nukuhiba on the marquises island we arrived and now we have to get our passport stand and all the official things done so yeah first time we enter an airport just walking through the doors to the local area so we were just at the airport here in tahiti in papiti and successfully checked into french polynesia after already being here for um about one and a half months and now i'm heading over to the eco-car um today we're gonna go have a nice little um island tour with danny and asher our first stop was in the southern part of papiti where we had a date in the middle of a shopping complex with the only u.s agent in french polynesia whom we had contacted to have other possibilities of heading back to the atlantic ocean other than via south america our initial goal new zealand also serving as a safe haven during the upcoming cyclone season had kept its borders for sailors close unless you were willing to spend around fifty thousand dollars for boat repairs in a yard inside the country we also hadn't got any replies from chilean authorities concerning covet measures and so heading back to the american continent via hawaii was an idea the only problem was there was no u.s embassy in french polynesia to issue visas if there were any issues at all during corona the closest u.s embassy and the one to turn to for all pacific islanders was in fiji 1825 nautical miles 3430 kilometers away and the region frequently hit by cyclones during the season we had a friendly chat with the us agent and finally started our touristy tahiti tour with a supposedly helping telephone contact in hawaii in our pocket smile smile [Music] um [Applause] yeah yeah stick your head in there no you're supposed to look at me and not like a dog now be beautiful [Music] so [Music] it just needs protection from all directions and to have good holdings so that you know yeah exactly you put out 70 meters of chain and have a big enough swinging circle [Music] peace [Music] spot here in tahiti you can only see the reef back there very vaguely and this is like the tahitian pondon to jaws in hawaii i think so these are the names of all the winners of the tahiti pro teopu uh billabong um surf pro championships um um [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] we hope you enjoyed our episode filled with challenging passage surprises and big island tahiti vibes and scenes join us next time on our second part of our road trip around tahiti nui's north coast and a visit in a museum with beautiful french polynesian artifacts on display that made their way through oceania after that we head off to the taina anchorage below landing airplanes almost touching our mast here we have spectacular views on our next destination to support our filming activities sharing our adventures with you please consider supporting us via our patreon account morodu for our supporting patreon so far nana [Applause]

2021-03-21 08:11

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